Chapter 1: Rise of the fire Swordsman
In the land of Teyvat there is legends about heroic warriors fighting to protect the land from evil and keeping the world in peace. Many warriors are born to be their own hero but what if these groups of warriors were all swordsmen with different elements and form a organisation of protecting the world.
These group are call the Sword or Logos, warriors who use the power of Seikens, powerful swords that grants the users power like they ever seen and they can even use it to become riders with a Seiken Swordriver as they battle along side each other in battle against the forces of evil.
They were well known throughout the land stopping evil throughout Teyvat and keeping the world safe. But there is a evil group within the darkness that hold the power to destroy the Sword of Logos and any others that will stand against their way. However hope is never lost as a new hero with the element of fire will be the one who will destroy evil and bring peace and joy to the world as this swordsman will be far more powerful then the rest.
This is a story of a boy who is destined to be the great author ever but also the greatest Swordsman to ever lived. This Swordsman's name is Kamen rider Saber....but his real name is Y/n.
We open to our story at a Village that is surrounded by trees as we see the Village people making their way through turn just minding their own business as they travel to one place to another while greeting to each other while they gone pass.
We then cut to a library and inside there were less people where but we forced on Y/n sitting down and reading some books that he gotten including some of them that we see piled on around him. He was forced on his reading when he hear a thud near him which annoy him a bit but he sigh and forced reading.
Then another thud from a book being falling is heard, then another, another, another, another and another. The noise start to annoy Y/n a bit as he try his best to reda but the last thud he close his book and tells the person who is keeping doing it like he knows him.
Y/n: Do you mind stopping doing that!
???: Oh come on this places boring. I don't know why you humans ever wanna come here at this stupid and lame place and read books all day.
Then coming around a corner was Desast who is Y/n companion who have been following him for a while, ever since Y/n start his adventure.
Y/n: Then why can you not just stay at the hotel? I told you that you don't have to come.
Desast: And you said that there will be some food after this? And it's been like an hour and I'm hungry.
Y/n: We onky been here for ten minutes.
Desast: To me it feels like hours so can we please leave so i won't start seeing food everywhere.
Y/n: Look this place ain't that bad if you read these books.
He looks away from Desast and to the book he is reading as he turn to the front cover as he gose on to say.
Y/n: (smile) These books tell the tale of a life time of adventure and awesome quest a hero must go through in order to complete his goal. It has some great endings and one day I wanna be the greatest author ever in thus world. Just you what Desast, I'll be the greatest author I have ever li-
When he turn back to him he sews him gone which he drop his book and then burst out of the library doors and searches around for Desast as he runs through the village.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it Desast! Why can you not just enjoy something else rather then food for once. I swear if he try something to get us in trouble I'm gonna kill him.
We then cut to Desast at the park as he peaks his head out of the bushes and scans the area for some food. There were no one carrying food around which sucks for him as he start to feel hungry even more while he poke his head down and sat down by a tree and sighs.
Desast: Stupid hero's with no food around. Thsi placeis a park, so where is a picnic so I can steal some food. Damn it, I'm gonna die with hungry.
Then he hears something move in the bushes as he looks over and he was suspected Y/n but instead it was a small female like fairy as she burst through the bushes and the two stare each other for a bit.
Desast:......Hmmm well, that will do.
He grabs her and she try to eat her while he cries and panics as she try to break free when Y/n comes over and hits Desast on the head which made him let go of the fairy.
Desast: Ow! What was that for!?
Y/n: You were trying to eat someone?!
Desast: Hey my survival hungry kicked in, I need spfood to survive you know!
Y/n: I can get you food! You don't have to wounder off like that!
Desast: And listen to your boring talk about the love of books. Well if you loves books so much, why not you marry one!
Y/n: (sigh) This is what I get for being you along to my journey.
Desast: Technically I followed you for a bit until you agree for me to tag you along.
He just sigh while he turn to the small girl and tells her.
Y/n: Sorry about my friend here, he can't stop himself when ever he is hungry.
???: Oh it's okay. Paimon is glad that you saves me just in time.
Y/n: Painmon? Is that your name?
Paimon: (smile) Yep. Nice to meet you and to your monster friend.
Desast: The correct way is "person." As well.
Y/n: (whisper) Desast be nice.
???: Paimon! Paimon where are you!?
Then a boy burst out of the bushes as he was breathing heavily and looks up and was going to say.
???: There you are Paimon. I've been looking for you ever-
Then he sees a boy with a monster with Paimon as they stare each other for a while and then the silence was broken by Y/n telling him.
Y/n: It ain't what it looks like.
(A while later)
We see them at the cafe as Desast was eating be meal that Y/n ordered while the rest have some tea as Y/n explain what happened.
Aether: Ohhh I see now. Well thanks for not let Paimon being eating by your friend here. By away names Aether.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n and this is Desast.
Desast: Hey.
Paimon: So is he your pet or friend?
Desast: Hey I'm no one's pet!
Y/n: Well he is a friend of mine. He did kinda help me to get us here, without him I might have been lost.
Desast: Your welcome by away.
Aether: He seems nice.
Y/n: You have no idea. So what brings you two here?
Aether: (smile) We're just here to get some supplies and then head out.
Paimon: We're going to this place called Mondstadt.
Y/n: Mondstadt? What's that?
Desast: It's this city where the Knights of Favonius hang about and I think that is where the sword of logos are as well. Still it sounded pretty nice.
Paimon: Yep and we're heading there so we can see if we can join them.
Y/n: Huh that sounds interesting and maybe there is some interesting history I can read about. Mind that we join?
Aether: (smile) Sure thing.
Paimon: (smile) Yay more friends!
Desast: Hold up there! We don't need more people tagging us.
Y/n: Really Desast. This will be great if we have more friends along.
Desast: Oh yeah. Well this ain't this cliche adventure thing where a boy who doesn't age and a yellow rat creature that shoots lighting bolts gose on a wonderful adventure with one girl who doesn't stoo company about her damage bike while the other who is basically like a rock, especially his name.
Y/n: How's about we solve this the obky way we solve things.
Desast: So it comes to this huh? Fine then, let's do it.
Then we see them outside of the gates while Desast and Y/n sat on the floor facing ecah other as they make fist and they pulls their fists up and down in front of each other three times.
Then they open their hands and they shown to have different hands like Desast for rock while Y/n paper. The Y/n hits Desast on the head and those gose on as they show different hand symbols like rock, paper, scissors and if wither of the lost they hit each other on the head like they lost a point every time they lost.
They kept doing this in front of Aether and Paimon as they watch this play out.
Paimon: (smile) Paimon doesn't know why they are hitting each other like that?
Aether: Same here Paimon. Same here.
While in the distance in the woods we see a dark figure spying on them as he laughs before he walks off back to the dark parts of the forest.
We see the four walking through the trail with Desast and Y/n walking behind Paimon and Aether as they lead the way. Desast's head felt like hell from the slaps by Y/n hurts like hell.
Desast: Damn it, why do you always lose to you with Rock, paper, scissors?
Y/n: That's maybe because you probably suck at it.
Desast: Oh shut up, one day I'll get better, you'll see.
Y/n: Well can't wait for that to happen.
Desast sighs while they exit out of thw woods and to what looked like a open feild as Aether checks the map as they gather around him.
Y/n: That is a long trip.
Aether: Agree but we might get there before it will hit dark.
Paimon: Then what are we waiting for! Let's hurry!
Paimon flies off with Aether shake his head and chasing after her while Y/n and Desast walk instead as Desast turns to Y/n and ask him.
Desast: Can we even trust these people? I mean they are kinda suspicious.
Y/n: They're nice. I don't see the reason to be suspicious of them.
Desast: Just saying that we shouldn't go with random people we come across. Just you wait, one day it will back fire really badly for us.
Y/n: (smile) Relax Desast they are fine to tag along. Besides what's the worse it can happen?
Paimon: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Desast: You were saying?
They race over to see what is going on and once they get up a hill they see a monster attacking both Aether and Paimon as Aether dose his best to push it back but the monster wasn't phase by his swings and slaps him, sending him flying and landing on the ground as the monster walks towards him.
Y/n: (shocked) What is that?!
Desast: Looks like a Golem Megid, their pretty strong but let me take care of him!
Desast pulls out us Sword and rushes towards him while Y/n rushes over to help Aether and Paimon as Desast charge up to Golem and try to slash him with his sword but Golem dodges it but Desast came back with a turn as he swing his sword and lands a hit at him. Golem stumble back but this angers him as he stump his feet as the ground beneath them start to shake that made Desast fell onto the ground.
Golem walks towards Desast to finish him when a rock was thrown at him as he slowly turn to see Y/n in front of Aether and Paimon as Golem chuckles and start to walk towards him.
Desast: Crap! Guess I haveno choice.
He pulls out something as he stood up and calls out to Y/n while he throws it towards Y/n.
Desast: Here catch!
Y/n sees the object and catches it just as the Golem was about to strike at him but flames suddenly appear and attack the Golem and made the Golem to get hit a few times and stumbled back.
Y/n open the hand that he just catches and it was a small red book that is titled "Brave dragon" on it.
Y/n: Brave dragon?
Desast: Hold it up to the sky! Just do it!
He nods and holds the book up as flames shot down from the sky and onto Y/n but the flames doesn't burn him. Then the flames burst and a driver with a sword already slide into it appears on his waist.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow! Wait, why do I feel I've seen this driver before?
Desast: Never mind about when you seen it! Slide that wonder ride book in and pull the sword out.
Y/n looks at the Brave dragon wonder ride book and to the Golem as he nods to Desast and then slide it into the first slot of the driver. Then he grabs the hilt of the sword and then he pulls it out follow by the wonder ride book opening as well.
Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Y/n: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yukio no ryuu to kaenken Rekka ga majiwaru toki, shinku no tsurugi ga aku wo tsuranuku!
Aether and Paimon were shocked by Saber's transformation including Saber himself ad he look at himself and the Seiken sword he is holding.
Saber: (surprised) Wow! Now this is awesome!
The Golem can't believe this as he roars in anger and then charge at him. Saber sees Golem charging at him so he charge at him back and they battle as Saber swings his Seiken sword at Golen and delivering some strikes Golem.
The Golem was getting blows by Saber as he step back and he stomp his feet to the ground so hard rocks appear as he throws them at Saber but Saber stay calm and charge towards the throwing rocks and slice his blade at thr rocks that were in his way as the rocks were cut in half.
He leaps up yo the air and deliver and slash at Golem which sparks fly out of Golem ad he stumble back while grunting in pain. He roars in anger once more and charge at Saber but Saber dodges his swings and even using his sword to block his attacks and then strike at him within blade.
He moves out of the way of Golem's strike and kicks him as he rolled onto the floor and he slowly stand up.
Saber: Time to end this Megid.
He slide his Seiken sword into his driver and pulls the trigger and pulls out his Seiken sword as his sword lights up in flames.
Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Rekka batou dragon issatsu giri! Fire!
Saber rushes towards Golem and with one swing Golem yells out in pain while sparks fly out of him while Saber stood up straight as Golem fell onto the ground and then blow up with Saber not looking at the explosion.
Paimon: (smile) Alright!
Aether: (smile) Awesome.
Desast: Not bad, but I can do better.
Saber Dehenshin and he looks at the Brave dragon wonder ride book like he seen this before while Desast gently pushes Y/n's shoulder while he tells him.
Desast: You alright?
Y/n: Y-Yeah, Desast where did you get this?
Desast: Best I'll tell you for another time kid.
Y/n: Okay then.
The two walks up to Aether and Paimon as Ather high fives Y/n.
Aether: (smile) Nice work. Never know your goof with your blade.
Y/n: Well you can thank Desast of the sword training he made me do.
Desast: Which works by away.
Y/n: Well now we got that settled we should keep moving otherwise it will get dark.
Aether: Good idea, let's go.
The four head on until Sun was setting down as they set op camp and they have a small dinner until night sets in and we see Paimon and Aether already asleep while we see Y/n outside looking at the stars up in the sky while Desast appears beside him and pets him on the head.
Desast: Looks like now your a flame swordsman.
Y/n: Flame swordsman?
Desast: Yep. A swordsman with the element of fire. Which fire is a pretty strong element, well except it's weak to water....and maybe strong winds if possible.
Y/n: (smile) Still I couldn't have made it this far without you. Guess I thank you for keeping me safe.
Desast: Just doing my job kid. Like I have to anyways. Besides your like the only family I have, your like a pet to me.
Y/n: Or brother.
Desast: I rather think of you as a pet to me instead.
Y/n: (chuckle) Sure what ever you say Desast.
He then turn to his tent to get some sleep as he stop and turn to Desast ad he looks up at the stars as he smiled and the climb into bed and gose to sleep while Desast is alone as he watches at the stars as he thinks to himself.
Desast: (thought) I'm doing this for you. After all, I own you my life many years back so....this is the best I can do for you.
To be continued................
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