Chapter 9: Let's rock and roll

We see Dillon, Andrew and Michael regurn back to the Fairy Tail guild Hall after they hope the Magic council guards to arrest the rest of the Eisenwald guild members whi was involved of the attack and try to kill the guild masters.

So some reason Y/n, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, Erza and Makarov haven't return so they sat in hopes they will get some news and soon after Alzack and Bisca return after their search as Andrew asked them.

Andrew: Any luck?

Bisca: We found some tracks but they are heading to Web valley.

Dillon: Isn't that where William, Olivia and Thomas are at?

Alzack: If that is true then they will be surprised.

Dillon: Well as long they are here, they should be fine.

Mirajane: (smile) They are pretty strong so I won't worry about them getting into any trouble.

Dillon: (smirk) Guess your right. Guess we should "Chill" and wait for them to return.

Then Andrew and Michael sat on the booth with Andrew turning to Michael and ask him.

Andrew: So what are you thoughts on Y/n?

Michael: Well I think he is a good person and pretty nice.

Andrew: (smile) Same. Still hope they will be alright out there.

Michael: Don't worry I'm sure they're gonna be alright. Besides, they always get out of trouble situations in the past, I'm sure they will be fine.

Andrew agrees and they take it easy and still hope that Y/n and the rest will find their way back safe and sound.




We see Y/n, Lucy, Happy, Natsu, Erza, Gray and Makarov near at a cliff of a large canyon looking down at the bottom of nothingness. They trusted that Happy will lead them home but now they are lost.

Happy: Of course I know how to get back home. It's not the Hirst time we've going lost.

Lucy: what ever, let's try to find a way back.

They all sigh except for Y/n who was looking down at the edge and he found this place interesting and start to write it up onto his note book.

Natsu: Hey what are you doing?

Y/n: I'm waiting up this place. This might be a good place to start a possible new story. I can picture this now, a traveler arrives at this spot and found a mythical item that will start his adventure. Oh I can't wait to write it up!

Natsu: What ever man I'm hungry.

Gray: We are all. Talking about it ain't gonna help.

Natsu: (anger) I can't help that you know!

Gray: (anger) Well don't blame me for it!

Makarov: Listen up! We need food.

Natsu and Gray: Yeah! We know!

Y/n: Let's all clam down. We all maybe hungry but cheer up and think of something else that isn't food.

Natsu: Like what?

Y/n: Like a nice place to be in or somewhere that is a nice field or anything else. My dad told me if you think about something other then food, you get hungry less.

Natsu: That's kinda stupid.

Erza: Natsu be nice. He is only trying to help.

Then Happy gets existed which drawn to his attention with Natsu asking him.

Natsu: What's with you?

Happy: Down there!

They look down at the canyon to see fishes with wings which Y/n found very interesting as Happy explains.

Happy: Those are wing fish, they are rare creatures but yummy to eat!

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that is interesting.

Natsu: (smirk) And yummy to eat as well.

Gray: You think we can eat them?

Y/n: Only one way to find out.

They managed to make a fishing rod and throw down the rope down at tge canyon and waited for the fishes to eat the bate. There was forced every hard, so much so they haven't noticed someone sneaking up behind them and once close the person yell out.


They scream in fright which cost the flying fish to fly away and they turn to see William on the floor laughing like a mad man while he he slow down his laughter and tells them.

William: (chuckle) I got you guys good this time! Hahahaha  (sigh) That was good.

Natsu: (anger) The hell man!

Gray: (anger) Are you trying to give us a heart attack!

William: Oh relax you guys it's only a jump scare, ain't gonna hurt anyone I'm I right Thomas?

Then a man appear around the rock along with Olivia ad he walks over to them and Erza, Natsu and Gray were shocked to see Thomas for some reason.

Thomas: (smile) Greetings. It's been a while.

Natsu: (surprised) Thomas!

Gray: (smile) Never knew we can get to see you again.

Erza: (smile) It's been a while.

Lucy: Wait who is Thomas?

Makarov: Another member of the sword of logos and Fairy Tail. He is one of the respectful swordsman around and shown to be true respectful with his blade.

Thomas: You must be Lucy and Y/n. I do apologise for not having a chance to meet you two in the Fairy Tail guild Hall.

Lucy: (thought) He's seems pretty polite.

Y/n: (smile) That's okay, it's nice to meet you.

Thomas: (smile) Same here.

Happy: Aw so much for our lunch.

Thomas: Your lunch might wait Happy. There is an important mission and we think we need your help.

Makarov: What kind of mission?

William: We got word about a town being empty for some time. We are heading there to check it out and see what happened.

Natsu: Will there be food?!

William: Um maybe why, you guys hungry or something?

The grumbling sound within their stomach tell William, Thomas and Olivia so and William might regret scaring their food away.


We see them walking through the landscape with grumbles heard by Natsu and the rest except for Thomas, Olivia and William and after a while they arrive at their location. It was a small town that doesn't show anyone once they enter, not even anyone to greet them to their village.

William: I don't see anyone.

Thomas: Agree. Something isn't right.

Natsu: Yo! Is anyone here?! We're hungry and we want some food.

Thomas: Natsu be silent. This place seems to be a ghost town.

Y/n: I agree. Where is everyone?

Makarov: Must have a drinking party and got drunk and passed out.

Lucy: I think that only happens at the guild.

Makarov: We have our ways.

They stood in the middle of town in silent for a while until Natsu started to sprint off while saying.

Natsu: You guys do want ever you want, I'm gonna go and find some food!

Then Gray rushes up next to him while he tells him

Gray: Shame on you for raiding this place!

Natsu: Your just jealous of my idea!

Soon after we see Natsu knocking at a door while calling out to someone at the other side when the door suddenly open on it's own and see on the table some soup and bread on the table waiting for them to eat.

Gray: Weird. They left their food on the table.

Natsu: Who cares, it's food.

He walks up to the table and grabs a bread and take a sniff at, once that he smiled and said.

Natsu: (smile) Sweet it's still fresh, now open wide.

Then Thomas grabs Natsu's hand while he holds the bread and twist it with made a crack on Natsu's arm while Natsu let's go of the bread and Thomas catches it on time. The rest catch up while Natsu turns Thomas.

Natsu: Ow! What was that for!?

Thomas: You clearly do not understand the gravity of the situation do you?

Natsu: Kinda but explain?

Thomas: This is an abandoned village with on life being find and there is warm and fresh food on the table waiting for us to eat it. I believe something is up.

Erza: Thomas is right. What ever is going on we need to investigate it as soon as possible.

Y/n: I think that's a good idea.

Thomas: William, Olivia take Natsu, Y/n, Lucy, Happy and Gray to the forest and allow them to eat some mushrooms. While that me, Erza and Makarov will try to find out things from here.

William: Sure thing. Come on guys, let's go.

Natsu: Fine, Fine, let's go Happy.

Happy: Aye.

Y/n and Lucy: Wait....why Mushrooms?


We see them in the forest near the village and see a whole lot of mushrooms in different sizes and colour as they were amazed by how many they are.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow look how many of mushrooms is here.

Natsu: (smile) They are yummy!

Lucy: But...why mushrooms?

Y/n: Well Mushrooms are another way of food but as long we don't eat the poison once, I think we be fine.

William: Seems like Natsu and Gray are going at it.

They turn to see Natsu and Gray eating the mushrooms which William sighs to himself while the rest watch them eat the mushrooms. After a while Natsu ans Gray start to feel weird which worry Lucy and Y/n but then a mushroom pops out of their heads which shocked them.

Natsu: Man that was close.

Gray: Yeah.

Y/n: (shocked) Um...guys.....look at your heads?

Natsu and Gray: Why?

They turn to each other and see the large mushroom on their heads which they start to laugh while this caught Lucy and Y/n off until they gotten mad with Gray asking.

Gray: (anger) Hey. What are you laughing at?

Natsu: (anger) I was asking the shame thing punk.

They soon get into a fist fight while Y/n and the rest just stand there and watch this play out.


Erza, Makarov and Thomas have gone around town searching for any clues so they can find out what happened to everyone in this town and hopefully find them soon. Erza caught Makarov several times trying to cook some food which he stop.

We see Thomas standing in the middle of town and looking around until he looks down and see a long line so he follows it and after a while he arrive at a large X on the ground which he bend down and touch the X on the floor.

Thomas: (thought) This is no normal X on the floor. Something must have happened here, something not good.

Thomas stands up and stood there in silence until he took oit his sword and quickly slash his a incoming Shimi from behind.

The Shimi lands hard onto the ground and soon more come out of buildings and alleyways and they surround him as Thomas looks around him and tells them in a calm voice.

Thomas: So the Megid are involved of this are they. Very well then.

Hanselnuts to Gretel!

Thomas: Let this battle begin.

He slam his wonder ride book into his Onjuuken Suzune and once that he pulls the trigger and his wonder ride book opens.

Hanselnuts to Gretel!

Thomas: Henshin!

Juuken Gekidan! Ju de go! Go! Ina! Ken de ikuzo! Onjuuken suzune! Suzune Gakushou! Amai Miwaku no juuken ga, okashina rhythm de beat wo kiri kizamu!

Slash gets into a battle stand as the Shimi start to charge at him and he quickly spone and slice at the Shimi behind him before he turn his arm back to block the strike and then kick them back and then turn and slash them that sent them flying.

The battle cost Erza and Makarov to hear it and even Y/n and the rest at the forest as they head there while Slash continues to slash at the Shimi ad he moves around, dodging their strikes before he blocks a few more attacks and then slice the two Shimi.

Once that he turns back to see more coming at his way and he was aboit to fight them when vines appear oit of the ground which caught the Shimi by surprised and we see Saber in his dragon Jack-to-Domeki form while Kenzan and Olivia dashes over and slice up the Shimi in quick speed.

Soon they were blown up and everyone else rushes up to Slash and once there Gray asked.

Gray: Why are the Shimi are here?

Slash: I feared they might be involved of this strange empty village.

Suddenly they hear a roar follow by the buildings moving around like jelly which shocked them.

Kenzan: (shocked) The buildings!

Lucy: (shocked) Their moving?!

Happy: (smile) Must be a house party.

Lucy: I think your missing the point!

Slash: I know of this. Everyone we must get to higher ground! I think i know what this might be!

They agree and they head to higher ground and once there they see the buildings turn into dragon like monsters and they move around roaring while they watch in shock.

Makarov: I know of this as well. What ever the village people must have done, they must have used a forbidden spell that town buildings or anything into monster's.

Lucy: (shocked) No way.

Natsu: Why would they cast that spell?

Slash: I believe the Megid must have bullying them so they try to use a spell so they can have the upper chance but it seems it must have back fired and know the Megid have gone control of it now.

Soon they hear a chuckle and they look down to see a Megid looking up at them with a army of Shimi along with the dragon like creatures behind them ad they stare up at them.

Goblin: That is right. These pathetic humans try to stop us by casting a forbidden spell but their spell backfired and now they are gone forever! Hahahahah!

Lucy: That isnone creepy Megid.

Slash: You will pay the crimes that you have committed.

Goblin: Oh did I also tell you that half of this creature might be food?

Natsu: (shocked) Food?!

Gray: Really?

Kenzan: Don't be idiots! He's just fooling you both!

Goblin: How about you all come down here and I'll proof it myself.

Soon a grumhle is heard in their stomachs and soon Natsu cry out.

Natsu: (smirk) Alright time to eat! Ready Happy!

Happy: (smile) Aye!

Gray: (smirk) Don't care it is a monster or not, I'm ready to eat!

Then Erza leaps down of the hill without a word.

Lucy: (shocked) Even Erza is gonna try to eat that thing!

Slash: Let's do this.

Saber, Kenzan and Olivia nod and they leap down and once on the ground they charge at Goblin while Goblin allow his Shimi to charge at them and the three riders battle with blades slashing at the Shimi while Goblin watched. Saber gets to Goblin first follow by Kenzan and they swing their blades at him which Goblin blocks with his double bladed sword and he continues blocking their attacks.

While Olivia and Slash continues to fight the Shimi as Olivia kicks one back and then She disappeared within the wind as quick slashes are seen slicing in the Shimi in quick speed before she appear behind them as the Shimi exploreded behind her.

Slash: Nice work Olivia.

She giggles while Slash sees more coming at his way so he took oit his wonder ride book and insert it under his blade.

Hanselnuts to Gretel! Yay! Suzune ondoku geki! Yay!

His blade get charged up as he gose into a running stand and soon he rush towards the Shimi and start to slash them while running pass them and soon stops once he gets behind them with his blade in the air as the Shiki behind him get blown up behind him.

Slash turns to Olivia which she nods and they rushes over to see Saber and Kenzan rider kick Goblin as he rolled onto the ground. Once that Slash and Tanto came up to them and soon Natsu and the rest which they have angry faces to see they did eat the creature but it wasn't nice.

Natsu: (anger) Your gonna pay for lieing to us like that!

Goblin: (laughter) I didn't suspect you stupid humans eat that creature! No matter, soon you all will be within the belly of the creature!

Soon there was a roar and the creature rose once more but this time a large light appear over by the cliff and see it was a large magic circle.

Kenzan: Look at the size of it!

Happy: So beautiful, Whoa!

Lucy: Your missing the point again! What is in your mind!

Slash: It seems we need all we can to defeat this creature.

Saber: Let me help. Andrew and Michael lend me two of their wonder ride books in case we get into trouble.

Slash: I allow it. Let's do this!

Hansel Bremen!

Saber nods and took out two wonder ride books that he was each given by Michael and Andrew.

Peter Fantasia!

Needle Hedgehog!

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Sansatsu no hon ga kasanarishi toki seinaru ken ni chikara ga minagiru! Wonder rider! Dragon! Hedgehog! Peter Fan! San zokusei no chikara o yado shita kyoujin na tsurugi ga koko ni kourin!

Slash turn his blade to gun mode and place his wonder ride book in and pulls the trigger.

Bremen no rock band! Juuken gekidan! Ken de ikuze! No! No! Ju de go! Go! Bang! Bang! Onjuuken suzune! Suzune gakushou! Amai miwaku no juuken ga, okashina rhythm de beat wo kiri kizamu!

Lucy: (surprised) Wow awesome!

Saber: Alright let's do this!


Saber: Slash? You okay?

Erza: Oh yeah. I forgot about one thing.

Saber: Huh?

Erza: When ever he uses that musical wonder ride book, he gets....a bit Hyper.

Lucy: Like how hyp-


Saber and Lucy jump back in a fright including Goblin as Slash personality was swapped now as Slash looks at Goblin and tell him.

Slash: Time for you to feel the music of my power! By music I mean ROCK AND ROLL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Lucy: (shocked) Whatnis up with him?!

Gray: He gets Hyper when it comes to music. He really like rock and roll.

Slash: Now let's make some music! Bang Bang Bang!

He fire a few shots at Goblin which the Goblin blocks while Slahs rush at Goblin and throws a kick at Goblin before fire more while laughing like a mad person while Saber just stand there confused.

Saber: I never know he as that type of personality in him.

There was a roar as Saber looks down to see the creature roar once more and that's when he sees something in the middle the circle and tells everyone.

Saber: I think I know how to end this creature and everyone who was captured.

Lucy: Alright be safe.

Saber nods and he leaps up into the air as a fairy he summons grab his hook and carry him over to the creature and once in the middle the Fairy let's go and Sabee dive down as he slide his sword into his driver and pulls it out.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Rekka Battou! Dragon! Hedgehog! Peter fan! Sansatsu Giri! F-F-F-Fire!

He turn his blade around and stab it into the middle of the magic circle as the creature roared and then start 6o disappeared which shocked everyone.

Soon after Saber looks over to see the disappeared village people on the floor as they slowly wake up and slowly stand up as Saber rushes over to them.

Saber: You all okay?

Village women: I think so. Thank you.

Saber nods before Goblin lands hard onto the ground while Slash lands on his feet and pulls out his wonder ride book and insert it underneath his blade gun twice.

Bremem no rock band! Yay-yay! Suzune ondoku Geki! Yay-yay!

Slash: Hahahahaha! Time to finish this up with a large boom!

Slash aims his blade gun at Goblin and pulls the trigger and fires a large blast that hits Goblin in the chest as Slash turns around while he pulls out two end of his fingers on each hand while screaming of joy.


Goblin exploded behind Slash as he laughs once more while yelling like a rock star while Saber and rest where glad that everything is over now and the village people are safe.


We see them walking back to Magnolia with them still hungry and we see Y/n carrying that sleeping Olivia on his back as she smiles and wrap her arms around his neck which made Y/n blush a little.

Thomas: Y/n.

Then Thomas catch up with him and asked.

Thomas: How did you know that was the monsters weak point?

Y/n: Well I knew that there have to be something powering up that creature so I take a guess the middle is it's weak point.

Thomas was impressed by this but smiled and place a hand on his shoulder and tell him.

Thomas: (smile) I am proud of your actions my young friend. I believe this will be the start of a great friendship.

Y/n smiled and nods to him with Thomas nods to him as well and they make their way back to Magnolia while not noticing a mysterious cloaked figure watching Y/n ad he has gone interested with Y/n ever since they first met after he hand him the king arthrr wonder ride bookand he wants to know more. Soon he turns and disappeared from sight.

To be continued............

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