Chapter 8: The blade of Arther
It was night time at Clover Town and we see Berserker standing near of town awaiting for Kageyama with the flute and soon he arrives with the magic car. Once he park it he leaps out and Berserker walks up to him and asked him.
Berserker: You still have it?
Kageyama: Y-Yeah. But they will catch up soon.
Berserker: Right. I'll hold them off while you do your job.
???: Actually I wanna face them myself.
Berserker and Kageyama turn to see Storous stepping out of the forest and walks over to the two and tells Berserker.
Storous: You'll go with him and make sure the plan is successful while I'll face the riders.
Berserker: We all due respect, I wanna take revenge on them and-
Storous: And you will but I think you have enough fights with them for now. I think I should take over.
Berserker looks down but nods and he and Kageyama rushes off while Storous watch them leave before Storous smirks to himself and walks off to face with the riders and their guild friends.
We see Y/n, Dillon, Andrew, Michael, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray and Erza arrive at Clover Town and see veryrone in town is alright.
Y/n: Looks like we made it just in time.
Nastu: Looks like it. Can't believe Kageyama would betray us like that.
Happy: Yeah he was nearly about to die if we didn't help him.
Andrew: True he may have trick us all but we must stop him before it's too late.
Michael: Agree we need to move and quickly.
Lucy: (smile) Well look at thr bright side, at least there is nothing that ain't gonna block us now.
Storous: I rather not say those words.
Then Storous step out in front of them and looks at them while he close his book and puts it away.
Lucy: Me and my big mouth.
Dillon: (shocked) No way. It can't be.
Y/n: Who is he?
Dillon: That's Storous. The leader of the Megid and one of the most powerful monster around.
Erza: Why have you come here?!
Storous: (smirk) I've heard that a new rider joined your guild and the Sword of logos and you must be that rider...saber.
He then points at Y/n but Y/n stay silent while Storous smirks once more and tells him.
Storous: (smirk) You know. I've seen your Swordsmen who join the Sword of Logos and I got to admit, they were cute trying to be brave and try to be a hero that they dream to be. But bad news kid......this ain't a fairy tale book.
He then turned into a Megid which scared Lucy a bit to see and sense his power ad he laughs in a evil way.
Storous: You all are fools to try to ruin our plan. Once Lullaby is used on yoru guild masters, the world will fall into our hands.
Dillon: Not in our watch!
Seiken Swordriver: Kori Battou!
Dillon: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Kaiser Fenrir!
Gram charge at Storous and try to slash at him but he grabs the blade with only his hand and then he created a blast that sent Gram flying and crashed into a tree and hit hard onto the ground.
Erza: (shocked) Gram!
Gray: (shocked) You okay?!
Lucy: (shocked) Wow that was fast.
Gram: Yeah I'm okay.
Storous: (Evil chuckle) No way you can't stop us.
Michael: We'll see about that. Ready?
Andrew: Yeah let's do this!
Y/n: Right! Here we go!
Brave dragon!
Storm Eagle!
Lion Senki!
Peter Fantasia!
Lamp do Alangina!
Tri Cerbrus!
Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Y/n: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Tatsumaki Dragon Eagle! Rekka Nisatsu! Araburu sora no yokuryuu ga gokuen wo matoi, arayurumono wo yakitsukusu!
Seiken Swordriver: Nagare Battou!
Andrew: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Kagayaku Lion Fantasista~! Nagare Nisatsu! Gao! Kirakira! Genso no tsume ga ima soki kenshi no sonomi ni yadoru!
Seiken Swordriver: Ikazuchi Battou!
Michael: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Mittsumata Lamp do cerberus! Ikazuchi Nisatsu Majin to banken ga orinasu, jigoku no dengeki ga kuruizaku!
Saber, Blades and Espada get into a battle stand while Storous just chuckle a little and he too get a battle stand. Saber turns to Natsu and the rest and tells then.
Saber: You all go and stop Kageyama while we hold him off.
Lucy: You sure you three can handle this?
Blades: We be fine. We'll defend you all as long as we can.
Espada: Now go before it's too late.
They agree and rushes off with Gram go with them in case they get jumped while Storous watch them leave and turns to the three riders.
Storous: I gonna say I am impressed. You three will stand together and fight till the end. How adorable, but that will end with your deaths.
He fired a line of dark lightning at them but they move out of the way and Espada teleported in front of Storous and swings his blade at him but he grabs Espada's blade but a hook raps around his hand by Blades as he tugs it towards him and Storous arm swings to the left but he pulls it back and Blades was sent flying towards Storous.
Storous kicks Espada back and then turn and punches Blades that sent him flying. Then Saber appearance behind about to try to strike at him bit Storous quickly turns and summon his sword and blocks Sabers strike and the two clash blades at each other while Storous start to mock him as they get into a blade lock.
Storous: I can sense your desire to save those that needed help and honor your father's sacrifice. I must say it is brave of you to do that but you'll end up just like your father.
He then slash Saber that made Saber stumble back bit he lands on his feet and tells Storous.
Saber: My father died to protect everyone and I'll follow his path as a member of the Sword of logos!
Storous chuckles and that's when Espada and Blades try to strike at him from behind but Storous disappeared and once the two riders land on the floor, they stood up and look around for him.
Then Saber sees Storous behind them and he charge up his dark powers and launch it at them.
Saber: Look out!
Saber rushes over and pushes Blades and Espada away and then he gets hit by the dark power and dark electricity appear around Sabers body as he screams in pain.
Blades: Saber!
Espada: No!
Storous was surprised by Sabers sacrifice but smirks as Saber dehenshin and fell onto the ground. Y/n slowly stand up and try to pull out his sword but realised he can't.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! Why can I transform?!
Storous: Because I've token your ability to transform. Now your nothing but a useless human.
Blades and Espada can't believe this so they stood up and rush at Storous and they clash blades at him while Y/n try his best to transform but nothing is working.
Blades: Your gonna pay for this Storous!
Espada: Yeah big time!
Storous: Wanna bet.
He then swings his blade and the two riders were sent flying while Storous turns to Y/n and said.
Storous: Time to meet your father.
He then charge at Y/n while Y/n try to transform but nothing is working and he looks back to see Storous right in front of him and he was about to slash at him but then.
Sai Kaiji!
Then Storous blade was blocked by another and then Storous was kicked and he stumble back. Y/n reopen his eyes and looks to see a blade rider with a spear rather a sword standing in front of him and saved his life.
Blades: (surprised) Durendal!
Espada: (surprised) About time!
Durendal stare at Storous and then turn his head to Y/n.
Durendal: Are you alright comrade?
Y/n: Yeah thanks, where did you come from?
Durendal: I will appear, when help is needed.
Storous: I shouldn't known you be here.
???: Don't forget about me.
Then smoke came and the smoke surrounded Storous and he can't see anyone but feels like someone is within and soon he get attacked by the bugs before a blade made him stumble out and he looks up to see the smoke clear up and a female rider appear our of the smoke.
Blades: (surprised) And Sabela as well!
Sabela and Durendal stand side by side and get into battle stand while Storous fills angry by this but then they see a flash of dark magic in the distance near the guild meeting hall and soon they hear a loud roar.
Storous: It seems that Kageyama didn't go through with the plan.
Durendal: What have you down!
Storous: Have you not know. Lullaby isn't just a flute. It's actually a creature that once awaken, it will spread chaos the death to the world.
Durendal: You evil monster!
Sabela: You won't get away from this.
Storous: Try your best riders but you cannot stop it once it has been awaken. I must go now, we will meet again.
Then Storous fates away as they turn back to where the roars is coming from and soon they see Lullaby as a large creature in the distance roaring and costing chaos.
Durendal: This can't be good.
Blades and Espada rushes up to Y/n and soon Durendal and Sabela walks over to them.
Durendal: We must act fast before the monster will kill many people.
Blades: But Y/n can't transform.
Durendal: Then he must sit aside while we deal with the beast.
Y/n: No! I wanna help and fight!
Durendal: But you can't transform.
Y/n: But there has to be the way!
Sabela:......There is one way.
Durendal: You mean.
Sabela: Brother we have no choice.
Durendal: (sigh) Very well.
Then Durendal reach out his spear and a portal opens and then he turns to Y/n.
Durendal: There is one way to return to your transformation. A wonder ride book that only those who shown true honor with a blade can use it. If you succeed, not only you can gang it's form but allow you to transform once more.
Y/n: Okay.
Sabela: I will assist him.
Durendal: Very well. Good luck young Swordsmen, and be safe.
He nodes and he and Sabela jump through the portal and once closed Durendal and the rest head off and soon they see Gram and the rest fighting Lullaby.
Erza: (surprised) Durendal?! What brings you here?
Durendal: We are here for your aid.
Natsu: (smirk) Awesome! Where is your sister?
Lucy: And Y/n?
Durendal: Unfortunately Y/n lost his ability to transform so he is off with my sister to help him on his quest to get the wonder ride book.
Lucy: (shocked) He lost his ability to transform.
Blades: Yeah but now let's force on dealing with this thing.
Lullaby roars into the air and they get into their battle stand and they were ready for a fight.
We see Y/n ans Sabela in the middle of the desert and they look around.
Y/n: So what I'm i suppose to look for?
Sabela: I must be truthful with you, I do not know. This is the first time I ever come here but I heard those who come fail to complete the trail.
Y/n: I see. So you and Durendal are siblings. That's cool.
Sabela: Indeed. We were trained by Master logos himself and we became his personal guards by his side.
Y/n: (smile) That's cool. You smd your brother are really cool.
Sabela: (blush) Th-Thank you, your so kind.
Sabela: (thought) I must say talking to him in person makes me heart feel warm and calm when ever he looks at me.
Y/n looks around the desert searching for any sign not seeing the mysterious cloak figure on top of a hill. When he turns where the cloak figure was at he was gone but then appear behind him and he spoke.
???: I see you have come for the wonder ride book I'm I correct?
Y/n was jumped and turn to see him. Sabela was surprised to see someone here as he turns to Sabela and to Y/n ans stare at Y/n like he was scanning his power.
???: Ah the flame Swordsmen, that is interesting. I can sense you are very strong within you.
Y/n: Thanks.......I think?
Then a portal opens beside the cloak figure and he wave his arm to it.
???: Come. Let us chat.
Y/n looks at Sabela and she nods to him. Y/n nods back and looks at the portal and then step through with the cloak figure behind him. Y/n step into a large room and the portal behind him shuts like a book and the cloak figure appears in front of him now.
???: Now tell me young Swordsmen. What is your reason of being here?
Y/n: I wanna be able to transform again.
???: And what for?
Y/n: To save everyone. Everyone in Clover Town, the guild masters and my friends.
???: I see but why?
Y/n: Why?
???: Yes.....why?
Y/n doesn't know what he was talking about and after a long silence ne makes a fist and tells the cloak figure.
Y/n: Because I wanna honor my father and his sacrifice. He was the greatest member within the Sword of logos ans sacrifice his own life just so other people he saved will be happy. I wanna honor his death by becoming a Swordsmen not just because for power, how cool it is or anything else. I wanna help people and honor my fathers death and help people and make this world as happier then ever before.
The cloak figure looks at Y/n for a while and then he said.
???: Your heart and mind are truthful. Many Swordsmen failed this trail because they lack of honor in them. But showns of true honor and with that....I give you this.
He then took out the wonder ride book and I float towards Y/n and hovers I front of him.
Y/n was surprised by how much power it is and he reach out and grabs it and then a bright light blinds everything and he and Sabela return back to rejoin the fight.
Blades and Gray were thrown along with Gram while Espada fire lighting bolts at Lullaby but Lullaby find it pathetic and swipe Espada away and he was sent flying.
Natsu and Durendal combine their attacks and launch it at Lullaby but Lullaby slams it's large arm at them but Durendal freezes time and grabs Natsu and leaps away just before them restored and the hand slams onto the ground.
Natsu: That was close!
Durendal: This monster is stronger as I thought it would be.
Erza slashes at Lullaby but Lullaby was just too strong and swipe Erza away. She lands onto the ground hard but stood up to her knees and said.
Erza: Indeed. Berserker must have boost it's dark magic and now it's unstoppable.
Lullaby: (Evil laughter) You humans are pathetic! Now watch as I will rain death towards you all!
Then Lullaby breaths in ready to unleash it's death song to everyone near it as Makarov and the rest of the guild master watch as Lullaby was about to sing it when smoke cloaked up it's throat making him not sing.
Espada: What?
Blades: What happened?
Happy: Nothing happened!
Sabela: Are you all alright?
Then Sabela and Y/n rush out of the forest and rushes over to them.
Gray: There you two are.
Natsu: (smirk) Where have you guys been?
Y/n: Just on a short quest but's time.
He walks towards Lullaby while everyone watched as Lullaby clears off the smoke off it's throat and looks down at Y/n.
Y/n: Your rain of death ends here now!
Lullaby: And who you might be?
Y/n: I am Y/n L/n and I am the Flame Swordsmen Kamen rider Saber. My father, Axel L/n died many years ago but I will honor his sacrifice and save my friends and the guild members that he is close too!
Brace dragon!
King Arthur!
Natsu: King Arthur?
Lucy: (surprised) That's one of the most famous books I've ever read as a kid!
Lullaby: You must be a fool to try to stand up against me! I am unstoppable! I CAN'T BE DEFEATED!
Y/n: I'm gonna proof you wrong!
He place the two wonder ride books in and then he pull out his blade which surprised everyone to see he is transforming inro a new form.
Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Y/n: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder rider! Dragon! Arther ou! Futatsu no zokusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisuasa reru!
Everyone was shocked to see Saber not only back bit holding the king arther blade that us given off strong power within it.
Erza: (shocked) That Arther blade is stronger then ever.
Gray: (shocked) Yeah it's something I never seen.
Natsu: (smile) Awesome! Go for it Saber!
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Lucy: (thought) You can do this Y/n. We believe I you.
Lullaby lend out a roar and try to fire it'd dark magic at him but Saber swings his Arher blade and cuts the dark magic in half.
Lullaby was shocked by this and fires dark magic balls towards Saber but then he leaps up and swings two swords and cutting all of them down while he flies over to Lullaby and slash at Lullaby in the neck so Lullaby will not sing and then strikes at Lullaby once more from behind that was powerful enough to make Lullaby stumble back.
Saber lands onto the ground and he charge up his arther sword while Lullaby rushes towards him.
Hissatsu Dokuha: King Slash!
Then Saber swings a massive attack at Lullaby that strikes at Lullaby and it leaves a large slash at it's chest which hurts.
Sword Change: Kamen rider Saber!
Then the Arther blade breaks free from Sabers hand and it transform into a large mecha which shocked everyone.
Lucy: (shocked) Holy cow!
Happy: (shocked) That is one huge king!
Then a blade appears on Sabers head which King arther grabs him and use him as a sword.
Lullaby was shocked by this as King arther charge at Lullaby and slashes at Lullaby many times which deal damage to Lullaby. Lullaby Stombled back and Lullaby try to lunch an attack at King arther but King Arther fire his own light magic and blast it at Lullaby.
Lullaby: Aaah! How can this be! This is impossible!
Saber: It is and I'll decide how this story ends!
Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuna: Brave dragon, King Arther Nisatsu Genki! F-F-Fire!
The blade on Sabers head start to glow while King arther gets into a battle stand and then he launch the Lullaby and double slash Lullaby and once that King arther was behind Lullaby as Lullaby yells out and then blows up behind King Arthur.
Everyone is shocked by this but glad that it's all over. Saber leaps out of King arthers hand and lands safely onto the ground and dehenshin just as Lucy and Erza runs up and hugs him.
Lucy: (smile) You did it!
Erza: (smile) Your father will be so proud of you.
Y/n blushes a little but smiles while everyone else smiled while Sabela was a bit shy to go and hug him while Durendal was impressed by Sabers actions.
Bob: (surprised) Whoa you have an amazing boy you have Makarov.
Goldmine: Yeah gonna say I am jealous that you have a brave kid in your guild.
Kageyama: (surprised) Wow he defeated Lullaby.
Makarov: (smirk) Indeed. He is following his father's footsteps.
Makarov looks at Y/n as the rest gather around him smiling and congrating him which makes him smile while in the distance we see Storous in his Human form and Berserker as the two see that have once more fail but they turn and disappeared into the darkness as they will promise that they will defeated Saber, Fairy Tail and the Sword of logos and complete their goal.
To be continued................
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