Chapter 7: Wind vs twin flames

Lucy, Happy and Saber rush through the halls of Oshibana train station to catch up with Desast and try to stop him before he will escape this station. The trio turn the corner and just see him exiting out of the station.

Lucy: There he is!

The three try to catch up to him and Desast turn to them and chuckles before he give them a signal salute and suddenly a large wind blocks them that cost the trio to stop and look at the string wind.

Saber: What is this?

Saber try to rush through but he gets sent back and fell onto the floor and dehenshined and slowly sat up while Lucy and Happy rush over to him.

Lucy: You okay?

Y/n: I'm fine but I think what ever Desast did block us in.

Happy: I think that's wind Magic. Erigor must have cast a wind spell to seal us in.

Lucy: (shocked) So this was a trap this whole time?!

Y/n: I think so.

He slowly stand up and said.

Y/n: Come on, we need to find the rest and we if we can make a plan to kill out of here.

They nod in agreement ane they turn to find the rest. We then cut to the other side and see Desast chuckles a little before he turns and walks off before he says.

Desast: See you around kamen riders. (Evil laughter)



Buster and Beresker break through the walls of the train station and they rolled onto the ground once before they stomp their foots onto the ground and looks up at each other. Berserk stood up and charge at Buster and swing his massive sword at him but he blocks it with his own whidh cost a crack on the floor below him and he hold it before Buster kicks Berserk back.

Berserk stumbled back and crahs into a few boxes while Buster stood tall. Berserk stood up and use his blade to stand himself up and once up he chuckle a little ane then said.

Berserk: You think you'll the hero's of Earthland? You think what your doing is right? No. You and Fairy Tail are monsters that must be destroyed. I question why the magic council never thought of shutting down the guild after what happened at Crimson Stone.

Buster: We were helping the innocent of people from the Megid. How do youn know about that battle?

Berserk: Because I was there, i was there when Megid sent their army to slaughter all of us, i was there when everything I've loved is gone!

Berserk rush towards Buster and swing his sword at him but Buster leaps back ane lands onto his feet. He looks up and Berserk rush at him once more and rise his sword inro the air ane swings it down and slash at Buster that cost him to stumble back and fell on one knee.

Berserk: When one or your guild friends use take over magic in order to "save" us, he attack us! And he killed he people I cared for all my life! It was his fault I lost everything and if I ever see him again, I will kill them!

Buster: So this is why you join the Megid? To get revenge on the guild that took away everything?

Berserk: Not just fairy Tail, Him and his sister. They are the freaks, they are the mosnsters AND THEY SHALL DIE!

Rampageing demon! Dogon! Gekido Randokugeki! Dogon!

Berserk swing his sword back and throws I downward towards Buster but Buster reach out two of his hands and grabs the blade and holds it which shocks Berserk while Buster chuckles and says.

Buster: You may have the power of Rampage ane revenge. But mine is straight and brute force!

He lift Berserk blade up into the air and he grab his own blade and chargeat Berserk ane he slash at him which cost him to be sent flying and crash into a wall. Dust covers the wall as Buster slams his blade onto the floor and rest his shoulder onto the hilt and he said.

Buster: And that's why they call me Kamen rider Buster!

At the other side we see Berserk slowly standing up ane grind his teeth in anger but he looks out of the window to see Erigor managed to trap the station with his tornado spell which pleased him. He slowly stand up and walks off to disappear into the darkness.


Lucy, Y/n and Happy manage to find the rest as they ruwh up the steps to see them with one of the Eisewald guild member named Kageyama.

Y/n: Guys I think this was a trap!

Michael: We know that.

Andrew: Turns out they lower us so we won't get in their way of their main objective.

Lucy: And what's their true objective?

Gray: Their gonna use Lullaby to kill all the guild masters Guild meeting hall.

Lucy: (shocked) Oh no!

Natsu: (anger) Tell us! How can we get out of here?!

Kageyama: (smirk) You won't get out. Even there is a way out, I won't tell you.

Dillon: Tell us or you'll probably endup in a bad "cold" day.

Kageyama gets scared how Dillon spoke it that way while Dillon said.

Dillon: Hey "chill" out. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just giving you a "chilly" choice.

Erza: (sigh) Really Dillon?

Dillon: (chuckle) Yep.

Lucy: (scared) Y-Yeah I can't tell he is making some jokes or being creepy.

Happy: Aye.

Kageyama: (scared) O-Okay fine! There is a way but I need to-

Suddenly a hand went through Kageyama that hurts Kageyama and he fell onto the ground while the rest were shocked by what they just say.

Karacke: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Then Karacke go through to the wall and Natsu punches the wall to beat him up but he was gone.

Natsu: (anger) Come out coward! How dare you hurt your guild member! He was your member and you betray him just like that!

Michael: This can't be good.

Andrew: Agree, how do we get out of here?

Gray: Our magic won't work with that tornado magic out side.

Erza: Agree. We need someone strong enough to break it through.

Buster: Somebody said strong?

They quickly turn to see Buster walking up the steps which surprised Erza, Natsu, Gray, Michael, Dillon and Andrew that they didn't know he was here.

Dillon: (surprised) Robert? What are you doing here?

Buster: I was taking a train ride back to the guild when suddenly this station gets attacked by those jerks and now i see a massive tornado trapping us in here.

Gray: Yeah but can you help us?

Erza: We need to stop Erigor before he kills the guild masters.

Buster: (surprised) Kills all the guild masters?! Then let's not waist time ane let's go!

They follow Buster through the halls until they stand down fro t of the massive tornado in front of them.

Buster: Alright, stay back.

They step back and Buster took the his wonder ride book and slide it into his Dogouken Gekido sword.

Genbu Shinwa! Dogon! Gekido Randokugeki! Dogon!

Rocks and other earth like stuff start to form around Busters sword and he rise it up into the air and then he swings I down towards the tornado wall ane there was a clash. Buster struggled to get through while the rest hopped he can get it through.

But it doesn't work and Buster was sent flying back ane he slams onto the floor and he dehenshin and stood up on one knee while Y/n and Dillon help him up.

Dillon: You okay?

Robert: I'm fine. But now way my strength cannot get through that.

Y/n: If only there is a way to get through that?

They all think of an idea and after a while Natsu realised something.

Natsu: I GOT ONE!

Y/n: What is it?

Natsu: We can use Lucy's celestial keys!

Lucy: Huh?

Natsu: Remember how Saber travel through the Celestrail world and to the sewer of Everlues mansion? What about we use that?

Y/n: Oooh that was not a fun trip me me. Thinking about it make me sick.

Dillon: Wait you travel through the celestial world?

Y/n: It's a long story.

Lucy: Yeah but not only its a risky thing to do, I need to get to the other side to do it. It's not like we can dig a hole underneath and I can just summon and spirit here ane teleport you all at the other side.

Happy: Dig a hole, hang on a minute...........AHHHH!!!!

Michael: (surprised) Jeez Happy, why did you scream?!

Happy: Lucy! I think I know one spirit that might do a job.

Then he pulls out a familiar celestial spirit key ane then Y/n pointed out.

Y/n: (surprised) Is there Virgos celestial key?!

Lucy: (shocked) Your stole that from Everlue! You know you can't steal things from people that's called robbery.

Happy: But I didn't. Virgo decided to instead work for you and hand this time me. I've been wondering what is as suppose to say during our trip here until I figured it out what.

Michael: Huh that's was lucky.

Andrew: Agree.

Y/n: This is perfect! Virgo can dig holes so we can use Virgo to dig us a hole ane get us out.

Lucy: Oh yeah that's right!

Lucy takes the key off of Happy and then summons Virgo. There was aflash of light and they look up tonsee the massive Virgo but they don't see her until they look down to see a thin Virgo staring at them.

Virgo: Have you summon me Princess.


Michael: W-Wait? Is this Virgo?

Virgo: That's right. My name is Virgo, how may I serve you?

Lucy: But you were huge the last time we saw you?!

Virgo: Oh that. I have ability to change what ever my masters pleased.

Andrew: So you can change to shape of your body to please someone?

Dillon: And your original master made you change into a large women? What is that guy you met into?

Michael: Long story.

Lucy: Anyways, Virgo can you dig us a hole and get us to the other side of this tornado?

Virgo: Of course Princess.

She immediately disappear leaving a hole for them to ho down whidh surprised them. Still they leap down and they made it to the other side and they were free. They turn to the massive tornado in front of them which was blowing them a little.

Andrew: (smile) Alright we free!

Dillon: Yeah but we're not out of the woods yet. We need to catch up with Erigor and Desast and stop them. Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Dillon: You that storm Eagle wonder ride book I've give you?

Y/n: Yeah.

Dillon: That can give you an ability to fly. Take Natsu and Happy and chase after them, we'll catch up to you and help you.

Y/n: Right.

Natsu: (smirk) Let's do this!

Happy: (smirk Aye sir!

Happy grabs Natsu and they take flight while Y/n place his Swordriver inro his waist and pull out brave dragon ane storm Eagle wonder ride books.

Brave dragon!

Storm Eagle!

He slide the two in ane pulls out his sword.

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Y/n: Henshin!

Seiken Swordriver: Tasumaki Dragon Easgle! Rekka Nisatsu! Araburu sora no yokuryuu ga gokuen wo matoi, arayurumono wo yakitsukusu!

Saber leaps up into the air and he start to fly which was amazing to him and he flies with Natsu and Happy to stop Desast ane Erigor while the rest head to their magic vehicles.

Robert: Want me to help yous?

Dillon: No need. You did a great job. Take a chill and head back to the guild.

Once they were given Robert rest his blade onto his shoulder and said.

Robert: Well time to head back then, don't wanna miss Cana and he second drink.

Then he walk off.


We see Desast and Erigor walking through the tracks heading to Clover Town to complete their main objective by Killin the guild masters.

Desast was balancing at the edge of the tracks while Erigor was floating slowly through the air and Desast gotten bored and said.

Desast: We should have taken that train and and to Clover town more faster.

Erigor: Be patiented. As soon we get there it will all be worth it.

Desast: Riiight. Tell me, why killing the guild masters gonna proof to the magic council. They are just old humans that may die soon so why are we bothering them?

Erigor: Our jobs were taking away because of the magic council. If they wanan take that away from us, then we take away the guilds own matters. No way the magic council can control tones of guild without their masters.

Desast: (chuckle) It's like slaughtering all the kids parents and leaving their grand parents to take care of them. I like the sound of that.

Then Desast stops and turn to the distance and Erigor turn ane asked.

Erigor: What is it?

Desast sees something coming towards them and after a while he gets into a battle stand and said.

Desast: Here they come.

Without a second Natsu punches Erigor in the face while Saber clash balde at Desast. Saber and Desast clash more before Desast kicks him back and he lands on his feet while Natsu and Happy leap back to him ane Erigor ane Desast stand side by side ane looking at them.

Desast: I see you manage to escape the tornado spell.

Saber: Yeah and we know your true plan ane we're not gonna a let you kill all the guild masters.

Natsu: Yeah, we'll stop you.

Erigor: (smirk) You do realise you two have no match against me, Erigor the grim reaper.

Happy: Hey I'm there as well!

Desast: Oooohhh I little kitty. Can't wait to see how you taste.

Happy: (scared) W-What? I'm no cat, I-I'm a dog!

Desast: (chuckle) Nice try.

Natsu: Let's do this Y/n.

Saber: Right. Let's go!

Erigor smirks and fired a massive wind blast that sent Natsu fly back while Desast fash over and try to swing at Sabee but he leaps up and dodges his swing and he fly up into the air ane then he dive down and tackle Erigor that cost him to stop his wind attack.

Erigor: (anger) Why you!

He fire more wind Magic at him but he dodges it and fell off the tracks but fly up into the air and circle around while Erigor try to blast him within wind blast but Saber dodges it and swop down and slash Erigor with his blade and dose it a few more times.

Desast sees this ane was about to join in when Natsu leaps up into the air and try to punch him with his iron fist but Desast dodges it ane swing his blade at him but he clap his hands together at his blade and start to melt his blade. But Desast kicks Natsu back ane he rush towards him ane slashes at him many times and then he kicked him back that sent him flying and he fell onto the floor.

Desast: (chuckle) You can't even face a megid like me? Your just pathetic.

Nateu: (anger) I show you!

Natsu launch at him with his twin fist burst into flames and he try to strike blows at Desast but Desast dodges it a few times before Erigor see this ane fired a strong wind blast that sent Natsu back and then turn to Saber as Saber was gonna strike at him but he grabs his head ane lift him up inro the air ane chucks him towards Natsu.

Saber fell next to Natsu and they stood up ane look up to see Desast and Erigor as they stare at them witha smirk.

Erigor: Give up.

Desast: No way you can beat us.

Natsu: (anger) Damn it.  Those guys are jerks!

Desast: Why do you two ever try to fight us? Your guild masters are weak fools that don't deserve to be strong wizards. It's best they just die.

Saber: NO!

Then Sabee stood up and looks up at the two and then said.

Saber: They are maybe old and they might be weak. But when one of their own children's lives or others is on the line, they will will what's necessary to protect them! I've join one of the greatest guilds, a guild that is family to me and it's a place my father was with before his death!

Saber grabs his sword and it light up red which surprised Natsu and Happy as Saber's blade burst inro flames while Desast chuckles ane launch at him.

Desast: You'll just like the rest of them!

He rise his blade at Saber to strike at him but Sabee quickly blocks it which surprised Desast and Saber kicks Desast back and Saber said while he gets into his battle poise.

Saber: I'll decide how this story will end! And this story will not end with the guild masters deaths!

(Battle theme Start)

Saber charge at Desast and he swing his flaming blade at Desast while he try to block it but he soon realised Saber's speed is getting faster and faster and soon Sabee broke through Desast's blocks and land a few slashes at Desast and one slash cist Desast to fly back and rolled backwards onto the tracks.

Erigor sees this ane fired one or the most powerful wind blast at Saber but Saber rias his blade up into the air and swing sit down and the wind blast was cut it whidh shocks Erigor and Saber rush towards him and land a few blows at him with his blade and then kicks him back.

Erigor was sent flying back and he land onto the ground next to Desast as the two stood up and Natsu rush over to Saber with a smirk on his face while Happy realised something.

Happy: (thought) Wait a minute. If Saber gets mad and gets more stronger, maybe Natsu can as well. But what makes him mad?

Happy: Hey Natsu!

Natsu and Saber turn to Happy and Happy says.

Happy: You sink, no way you can't beat Gray and Erza.

Natsu stood there in shock while Saber was confused and asked.

Saber: Um why did you say that to-

Natsu: (anger) WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!!!!!!!

He best inro flames a lot brighter then ever while Saber steps back while saying.

Saber: Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot! So hot!

Happy: (smirk) I knew my plan of making Natsu mad would work. The mader he gets the stronger he gets.

Saber: Probably warn me before you were gonna do that!

Desast: Well shoot.

Erigor: I believe so.

Saber: Still let's end this.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Rekka Battou! Brave dragon, storm Easgle! Nistsu Giri! F-F-Fire!

Saber swings his sword while Natsu breaths in deep and Desast sees this and quickly disappear to avoid the blast.

Erigor: Don't abandoned me!

Saber: Ready natsu!

Natsu: Yeah let's go!

Saber and Natsu: Double Flame attack: Mega dragon slayer roar!!!!!!

Saber makes a large X and with a bit of string wind ane launch to towards Erigor while Natsu fire his breath and the combined of both of them creatured a large firing X with a large red ball of blast travelling towards Erigor.

Erigor was about to dodge it but it was too late as the blast hits Erigor and there was a large explosion while Natsu and Sabee turn away from the explosion while Erigor drop the Lullaby flute and he fell off the tracks and into the darkness below.

(Battle theme ends)

Saber and Natsu breath a sigh of relief ane Natsu reach out his hand for a High five and Saber smiles underneath his helmet and give Natsu a high five.

Happy: (smile) Looks like we won!

Saber: Yeah, thank goodness for that.

Soon the rest catch up in their magic vehicle and once there they leap out and rush over to them.

Dillon: (smirk) Looks like you already did your jobs before we mad it.

Saber: Yeah sorry about that.

Saber dehenshin and Erza walks over to him.

Erza: (smile) Never be sorry Y/n. You and Natsu did a great job.

Then she hugs Y/n in a warm way whidh made Y/n blush a little but hugs her back. Lucy wants to hug Y/n and gets jealous a little.

Natsu: Hey Lucy, my clothes is kinda ripped off. Mind I wear yours for a while?

Lucy: As if!

They laugh and they all think this is all over. But then the magic vehicle went by him with Kageyama driving and he grabs the Lullaby flute and make his escape while the rest were shocked on what just happened.

Natsu: (anger) Hey what gives!

Michael: He took the flute!

Dillon: And heading to Clover Town!

Y/n: Come on! We gonna stop him!

They nod and they chase after him so they can stop him from killing the guild masters. On one of the cliffs we see two riders looking down and looks at Y/n with them.

??? 1: (surprised) So he's the son of kamen rider Falchion?

??? 2: It looks like him. Come on, we gonna see we can help them.

The male rider turn to walk away while the female one stare at Y/n and it cist her heart to skip a beat and and whisper under her breath.

??? 1: (whisper) He is so cute.

??? 2: Sis, let's go.

She snap out of it and catch up with his brother to help Y/n and the rest to stop Kageyama from using the Lullaby flute before it is too late.

To be continued..........

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