Chapter 5: Meeting the red hair knight and the ice swordsmen

It was another day at Magnolia as we see Y/n at Lucy's apartment house as we see Y/n brushing his teeth in Lucy's bathroom and spitting it into the sink. He looks at himself in the mirror as he thinks about his times being a member of Fairy Tail and the sword of Logos even since he joined.

He pulls out his brave dragon wonder ride book from his pocket and looks at it as he remembered how all this started because of this wounder ride book and that he's glad for it.

After he finish his teeth he head out of the bathroom and see Lucy sat down on her task writing up her story. Y/n smiles a bit as he walks over to her and asked.

Y/n: How is your story going on Lucy?

Lucy: Oh pretty good, hey thanks for staying over night with me last night.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Lucy, we have a great time together with books and other reading stuff.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah it was great.

Y/n: So you got a name of the story?

Lucy: (smile) Yep but I'm not gonna tell you what it's called. It's gonna be a surprise.

Y/n: (chuckle) Guess you may have a point. Ready to head to the guild?

Lucy: (smile) Sure, let's go.

Lucy put her pen down as the two head out and head to the guild Hall. We see she has closed the story that Lucy is writing and we see the title is called "Dragonic Knight".



We see them at the guild as we also see Y/n sat down Reading a book he bring while drinking his coffee as Ave and Andrew walks over to Y/n's table.

Andrew: (smile) Hey Y/n how is things?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good, what about yous?

Ave: (smile) Same as usual. I heard what happened to on that job with Michael. Never know there is a dark rider there.

Y/n: Yeah sams thing. Have yous ever faced a dark rider before?

Ave and Andrew sat down as Andrew start off saying.

Andrew: Actually no, this is the first ever dark rider we ever heard about. Who ever this dark rider is, he was at the battle of Crimson stone.

Y/n: Was he a swordmen like yous?

Andrew: He wasn't even a member but he knows about the battle which concerned us. It's who knows what his plans are.

Y/n: It's scary.

Ave: (smile) Yeah but we can handle it, we handle many threats over the months, I'm sure one singal dark rider is a cake walk. By away Natsu and Happy told me you stay with Lucy's place for the night, what's up with that?

Y/n: Oh it's something I can't tell you. Lucy's is kinda a bit nervous to tell yous if I said.

Ave: (smirk) Is it something to do with evolution romance? Because if so I wanna join in the romance fun, if you know what I mean?

Y/n: (blush) No No No it's not like that at all!

Andrew: (sigh) Apologies for my sister here, she sometimes act like a child most of the time.

Ave: (smile) You sounded like it's a bad thing. You like your little sister childlike.

Andrew: (smile) True, you have a point.

Y/n chuckles a little as they see Loki run off running from Lucy. Y/n stands up including Andrew and Ave as they walk over to Lucy, Mirajane, Natsu, Gray and Happy as once there Y/n points at were Loki run off and asked.

Y/n: What happened there?

Lucy: Well Loki find out I'm a celestial wizard and just ran off.

Y/n: That's weird, why is that?

Andrew: We believe he has some bad relationships with celestial wizards so he may try to get decent from them.

Ave: Hey wherever Makarov?

Mirajane: He's having a meeting with the other guild masters at Clover Town.

Y/n: Do they have meetings like that?

Mirajane: Yep, they talk there while discuss stuff.

Y/n: Must be very important.

Mirajane: Indeed, there is some guild master that are close to Makarov knows about the sword of logos while some doesn't know.

Andrew: We sometimes work along side with their guilds to battle Megid and even dark guilds.

Y/n: That's very cool.

Natsu: (anger) What about you say that to my face!

Gray: (anger) I teach you not to mess with me!

They turn to see Gray and Natsu arguing once again as everyone laughs.

Ave: There they go at it again.

Andrew: Yep things never changed between them.

Y/n: Yeah same.

Then suddenly the guilds doors burst open as Loki came back with fear in his face.

Loki: We got a problem!

Everything stare at Loki for a while until Loki said.

Loki: It's Erza and Gram......their back!

Everyone in the guild start to panic while Andrew shake his head how they are acting as Y/n knows a little about Erza but not Gram so he asked.

Y/n: So I know a bit about Erza but Gram is kinda new to me.

Ave: Oh Gram is known as the ice Swordsman and one of the most powerful Swordsman ever. He shattered an army Shimi by himself with a signal swing. He is one of the toughest Swordsman around.

Y/n: (thought) He's the ice Swordsman huh. Wait, if I'm fire and his ice, this maybe a bad relationship since he's ice and it's unknown what he is like. Just hope he doesn't notice.

Then loud footsteps is heard outside as everyone turns to the door. The footsteps gets closer and closer and Lucy and Y/n can feel the cold as two figures walk into the guild. As a female girl with red hair slams what looks like a horn with decorations on it as she said.

Erza: We have returned, where is the master?

Y/n: (thought) Wow they look pretty strong.

Mirajane: Hello you two, the master is away right now so he won't be back for a while.

Erza: I see.

Andrew: It's good to see you back Erza and Gram. I see you got something along your journey.

Erza: Indeed, it is a horn that we have slayen. The village thank us by decorating with jewellery.

Ave: (surprised) Looks awesome.

Erza nods while Gram turns to Y/n as he glares at him. Y/n gets all scared as Gram slowly walks over to him as everyone turns to Gram stareing at Y/n.

Y/n: (thought) OK I think this guy find out I'm a fire Swordsman. Well.....I'm dead.

Gram continues to stare at Y/n for a second until he said.

Gram: Chill.......

Y/n: Huh?

Lucy: Huh?

Gram: Chill man, I'm "cool" to see you here.


Then Gram start to laugh as he slap his leg as he laughs before he dehenshin while he continues to laughs until he said.

Dillon: (smile) I'm sorry man, that was just a friendly joke, no harm done here. Names Dillom aka the ice Swordsman, aka Kamen rider Gram, how is you?

Y/n: Um great. Names Y/n also known as Fire Swordsman or saber.

Dillon: (smile) I know that when we first walked in. I guess you feel a "chill" up your spine?

Y/n: Um Kinda?

Erza: My apologies for my friend here, he likes to make ice jokes on missions which is annoying.

Dillon: Hey, why so "cold" Erza, I'm just being funny.

Erza: Or annoying most of the time.

Dillon: (whisper) Party pooper I'm I right?

A few members chuckle of his puns as Y/n smiles a bit and then turns to Erza. She turns to Y/n and asked.

Erza: You must be Saber. I have some words about a swords who calls himself saber.

Y/n: Yep, names Y/n L/n. It's very nice to meet.

Erza: (surprised) Your THE Y/n L/n, the great author of many books?

Y/n: Yeah, you read my books?

Erza: Yes they were very interesting and I must say it is a honour meeting you in person.

Y/n smiles as Erza can't help but blush a little as her heart skip a beat a bit cause how cute Y/n is. She shakes it off and said.

Erza: Listening up, while I was away I heard a few things. Word is Fairy Tail is costing trouble, the master seem  not to care but I do. We need to be our best behaviour as possible. But, beside the point I needed some help to deal some things, Natsu, Gray, Y/n, Andrew and Michael. I need yous to help me and Dillon out on something that concerned us. We meet up at Magnolia train station about an hour, be ready.

Everyone wa surprised that Erza and Dillon needed help as Natsu and Gray looks at each other as now they have to work together now.

Y/n: Why is everyone is surprised by this?

Ave: Erza is strong but both Natsu and Gray are strong as well. And you, Michael, Andrew and Dillon are like four elements. I think this makes Erza, Natsu and Gray the guilds strongest wizards and you, Michael, Andrew and Dillon the Sword of Logos strongest swordsmen.

Happy: Yeah which is awesome as well.

Y/n was surprised by this and wounder what dose Erza and Dillon needed them on this mission.


They were at Magnolia train station as we see Y/n, Michael, Andrew and Dillon along with Lucy and Happy as they watch as Gray and Natsu have a argument while everyone stares at them.

Y/n: Looks like their not gonna have peace.

Andrew: Agree but that's just them.

Dillon: (smile) Maybe they needed a "chill" out before Erza gets here.

Michael: So Lucy, why decided to come with us?

Lucy: Oh Mira wants me to watch them in case Erza have her eyes off of the boys.

Happy: Your sure doing a good job.

Lucy: Yeah let's just pretend we don't know them.

Happy: Aye.

Y/n: So Dillon, do you and Erzago out jobs together?

Dillon: Most of the time. I also do solo jobs and other jobs with some guild or members of the sword of logos. So how is your time with the sword of logos including Fairy Tail.

Y/n: It's good, I met great people during my time there.

Dillon: (smile) Cool, it's great to have a fire Swordsman with us, it be kinda "cold" if it's just me.

Y/n: Um Yeah?

Erza: I'm sorry I'm late yous all.

They turn and Lucy and Y/n were surprised to see Erza carrying a large cart of suit cases.

Y/n: (surprised) That's a lot of suit cases.

Lucy: (surprised) How many do you need?!

Michael: So Erza, what is this mission we're going to?

Erza: This evolves the Megid and their plan, I explain more once we enter the train.

Natsu: Wiat just a second Erza, I have one request.

Gray: Dude what are you doing?!

Erza: Sur ewhat is it?

Natsu: After this you and I have a fight. I have been training a lot so I'm getting stronger recently so after this job, let us battle to see who is the strongest.

Erza: Hmmm you seem to get stronger and you have been training. Very well I accept your challenge.

Natsu: Alright, I'm fired up now!

Dillon: Alright now that's done, let's get into the train before it decides to leave us.

Erza: Agree.

They all enter the train and after that the train takes off. The train rides through the tracks as it goes by some forest and a open field while inside we see Natsu on the ground because of his sickness to moving vehicles as the rest were sat down as Gray sigh to himself.

Gray: First you were hyped and now your down there dieing.

Y/n: Is there anything we can do?

Erza: I can think of one, Lucy can you move please?

Lucy: Sure.

Lucy moves as Erza sat Natsu up and without a second, she punches Natsu in the stomach as Natsu fell unconscious.

Erza: There, now we got that out of the way.

Y/n: (thought) I get to feel that she gonna do that when we got on a vehicle.

Michael: So are yous gonna tell us about this mission and what's the Megid's plans are?

Dillon: we believe they are teaming up with a dark guild known as Eisenwald and they have a powerful item that can kill many people in towns or villages.

Y/n: What is it?

Erza: It's called Lullaby, it's a flute that once played can kill a whole town if someone listen to it.

Andrew: (shocked) But....I thought it was sealed away for safe keeping?

Dillon: It was but apparently Megid found it and give it to Eisenwald for them to us.

Michael: This is a problem. Who's in charge of Eisenwald?

Erza: Their leader is named Erigor also known as the grime reaper. He only goes after assassin jobs, how ever when the magic council banned that they gone rouge and now they have teamed up with Megid in order to succeed their goals.

Dillon: We over heard one of them talk about this when me and Erza were at a restaurant getting our breakfast. It seems their gonna try to use Lullaby to kill people.

Gray: So what's the plan here?

Erza: We head to their guild and take them by surprise. Once that we take the Lullaby and lock it up safe so no one will not get it.

Y/n: That's gonna be a risky challenge.

Erza: I know but we gonna do this or others will die.

Y/n: I know which is why I won't let that happen. I will make sure no one will have a sad ending by the hands of Eisenwald, their story will continue by my hands.

Erza was surprised by Y/n determination to save others and will risk his own to save others. She kinda like Y/n and her heart kinda beats a bit which she blushes a little.

Soon they stop at cafe like station as they get their food and head back into the train. Once the train moves out they sat down eat their food while they chatted.

Y/n: So why dose everyone in the guild fear you?

Erza: It's probably because how strong I am and how terminat I am to some.

Andrew: Erza is one of the greatest wizards ever and can even have a few draws with Slash.

Lucy: Is Slash some kind a strong Swordsman?

Michael: Yeah, he's one of the most wielded Swordsman around and can take out even the strongest dark wizards around.

Lucy: Wow that's cool.

Dillon: Still Erza is not that scary to us, besides her magic is very good as well.

Y/n: How so?

Happy: Her magic is one of the most beautiful things ever, so beautiful in fact it makes her enemies bleed.

Lucy: That's kinda scary.

Erza: I figured that Grays magic is pretty beautiful.

Y/n: Really, what's your magic Gray?

Gray: Here, I show you.

Gray place his fist on top of his hand and there was a cold steam before he let's go yo reveal a Fariy Tail symbol in ice.

Gray: I use ice magic.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow so we have the ice Swordsman and ice wizards and me the fire Swordsman and Natsu a fire dragon wizard, who knew.

Dillon: Guess you can say that, we are a very "Cool" match after all.

Erza: (sigh) I wish you stop with your puns for once.

Dillon: (smile) Sorry but I can't help it.

The train arrives at another station which si their stop. They all hop off and walk through the station as Michael asked.

Michael: Do you think we have time to stop them?

Erza: Even so we have to stop them before it's too late.

Michael: Right. Natsu you all better now?

Y/n: Natsu?

They turn to see Natsu not there as they realise they forgot to pick up Natsu. They see the train taking off as they watched.

Happy: There he goes.

Erza: Damn I forgot to carry him out, he hates all movable vehicles. I am ashamed, I want one of yous to hit me for my punishment.

Lucy: That's kinda not necessary.

Y/n: Don't blame your Erza, we all forgot about Natsu. It's not too late to get him.

Andrew: he's right, Y/n take this.

Then Andrew hands him a wonder ride book as Y/n takes it.

Y/n: What is this?

Andrew: This can summon your bike. Try it.

Y/n was surprised by this as he slide it into his seiken swordriver and pulls out his sword.

Seiken swordriver: Rekka Battou! Hassha Bakusou! Taiya o hirake shinku no body ga mewosamasu! Tsurugi ga symbol hashiru moji maigou tokubetsu kasoku Diago Speedy~!

Y/n was surprised as he looks at his bike and gets on and puts on his helmet.

Y/n: Alright I get Natsu and bring him back.

Erza: Be safe, we catch up yo yous.

Y/n nods as he rides onto the tracks and follows the train as the rest head off yo try to stop the train. Michael stops and looks around as Andrew also stops and turns to Michael.

Andrew: what's wrong?

Michael: Where's Dillon?


We see Natsu sitting on a empty chair alone as he feels sick as we a man see Natsu and see the fairy tail logo on his shoulder.

???: You must be from Fairy Tail.

Then the man put his foot on Natsu's face as the man smirks and said to Natsu.

???: (smirk) I never know Fairy Tail would be in the same train as I am. Well it doesn't matter no more once I kill you and no one will not find out.

Dillon: You sure about that.

Then Dillon kicks the man back as he stumbled back. The man's looks up to see Dillon as he lower his feet to the ground and said.

Dillon: You must be the one of the Eisenwald guild member named Kageyama. See that we cross paths once again.

Kageyama: You may know my name but your guild will not face us. We will show the world what we are.

Then Shimi spawn in front of Kageyama as they point their blades at Dillon as Dillon smirks as he place his Swordriver on his waist and said.

Dillon: Alright....let's "chill" out or.....I'll make yous "Chill" out.

Kaiser Fenrir!

Once he slide his wounder ride book into his swordriver the cart start to freeze up as Kageyama and Natsu get cold until Dillon pulls out his sword.

Sekien Swordriver: Kori Battou!

Dillon: Henshin!

Sekien swordriver: Kaiser Fenrir! "One ice cube! When the noble wolf and the ice-snow sword pierce the ice, the sword of absolute zero pierces the Earth!

Kageyama was shocked to be faced to face with w Swordsman of the sword of Logos. Gram gets into a battle stand and said.

Gram: Alright, time to "chill" boys.

The Shimi charges at Gram and Gram charges at them and he start slashing his sword at them and blocking their attacks. Everyone he swing his sword the Shimi turns into ice and shattered into pieces.

Gram kicks a few back while he finish up slashing at the last few before he turns to Kageyama as he gets into a battle stand.

Gram: Your next, freeze or get frozen.

Kageyama: Bring it punk.

Gram charges at Kageyama as he swing his sword at Kageyama as Kageyama dodges Grams swings. He lands on his feet and fired his dark magic at him but Gram lands his sword at the blast and froze it up. He then kicks it back at Kageyama as it hits Kageyama setting him flying into a few carts.

Grams leaps into another cart as Kageyama slowly stands up and swing his arms around to make a dark wave towards Gram. Gram smirks underneath his helmet as he swing his sword at the dark waves as once done, they shattered into pieces. Kageyama was now mad as he now as he was about to attack more when the train suddenly made a emergency stop.

Gram stood his balance while Kageyama tell and drop a filter with a skull on it onto the ground which shocked Gram.

Gram: You have the Lullaby flute!

Kageyama: Damn it, your not supposed to see that.

Gram: Well now I have, I take that thank you very much.

Gram runs over to grab it but a blade suddenly slashes Gram as he stumbled back. He looks up to see Desast as he rest his sword onto his shoulder as he looks at Gram and to Kageyama.

Desast: Whoa, you have one job and you let Gram see the flute. How disappointing.

Kageyama: I really try my best.

Desast: But in the end, you failed.

Desast picks up the Lullaby flute off the ground and turns to Gram.

Desast: You and the sword of logos along with your friends will not stop our plans Gram. Once we use this, the world will be in our hands.

Gram: I will not allow that. Hand over the flute now.

Desast: Not a chance.

Desast swing his sword at Gram but he dodges it and they start to clshs their blade at each other. They leap up onto the roof of the cart as they continue to class their blade at each other.

Then Y/n rides up his bike over to the stopped train as he park his bike and hop off. He see Gram fighting Desast as he looks over and see Natsu stepping out feeling weak. He runs over to him and asked.

Y/n: You alright?

Natsu: Yeah, why the hell did you left me back there?

Y/n: Sorry we died mean to do that.

Natsu: That's alright. Looks like Gram needs some help.

Y/n: Right, I'll go help him. You rest up.

Natsu: Alright, good luck.

Y/n nods as he pulls out his brave dragon wounder ride book and slide it into his swordriver.

Sekien swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Y/n: Henshin!

Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~!

Saber leaps on top of the cart and blocks Desast strike before he could hit Gram as he pushes Desast back with his blade and the two clashes blades. Then Saber kicks Desast back as he stumbled back.

Gram walks up to Saber as he said.

Gram: Glad your here for a party, this man is really not "Cool".

Saber: Then let's heat up this party shall we.

Gram: Like what your thinking kid.

Desast looks up at them as Gram and Saber charge at them and they swing their blades at Desast. Desast blocks their attacks as they swing their blades at his. Saber leaps back as Gram gets some few slashes before Saber runs up and lands a few more strikes at Desast.

Desast stops back as Saber and Gram slide in their sword into their swordrivers and pull them out.

Seiken swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Kori Battou! Ice sword Issatsu Geki! Ice!

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Rekka Battou! Dragon Issatsu Geki! Fire!

Gram charges at Desast and blows a few ice strikes at Desast as he takes it and hit and he turn into ice. Then Saber charges at the now frozen Desast as he swing his sword at Desast a fre more times that shattered the ice and Desast steps back. Then Gram and Saber swing their sword upwards that slashes at Desast as he lands onto the ground as he lay there injured as Saber and Gram stand over him.

Saber: We did it!

Gram: Now that was "Cool".

The two high fived for a job well done. Then Kageyama snuck up behind and rise his hand towards them. Saber and Gram and the two were hit by Kageyama blast as the two fly off the cart and land hard on the ground.

Just as Erza, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Michael and Andrew arrive at the magic car as they stop the cra and hop out just as the train takes off. Desast and Kageyama got onti the train and managed to escape as Gram and Saber dehenshin as they stand up.

Andrew: What happened?

Dillon: One of the Eisewald guild was in that train. Along with Desast.

Andrew: (shocked) What?!

Michael: I thought that he was destroyed during the battle of Crimson Stone?

Dillon: He must have survived the battle.

Natsu: he jerks!

Then Natsu walks up to everyone else as he ask them once he got there.

Natsu: Why did yous left me like that?

Erza: It was my fault Natsu, I shouldn't have abandoning you like that. Please forgive me.

She then slams Natsu head into her armor chest which it hurts. Natsu forgives her as Dillon sighs and said.

Dillon: They also have Lullaby in there as well.

Andrew: What?

Dillon: While I was battling Kageyama, a flute came out of his pocket and that flue is Lullaby. Before I could pick it up, Desast stopped me and told me their gonna use it to kill many people.

Michael: Then we need to stop them before that happens.

Y/n: We should follow the tracks, maybe we can find out what's their next target.

Erza: Right, everyone let's hurry before it's too late.

They all nod as they hope onto the magic car and drove off. Stepping out of the tree was Storious as he smirks as he watch them head off to stop Eisewald and their plan.

Storious: Try your best riders but once you find out what Lullaby really is.....yous will be doomed.

To be continued..........

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