Chapter 4: The Book with Secret's (part 2)
Within the sewers below Everlue mansion we see Lucy sat on a wall using these magic glasses to find something what Y/n was talking about. She doesn't know why Y/n wanted her to search through the book until she realised something that shocked her.
Lucy: (surprise) Wow this makes sense. It's no wonder Y/n find this book odd and no wonder he was suspicious about it. If this true then that means-
Then suddenly vines came out of the ground and try to strike at her but she dodges it and she looks up to see Kirigirisu appear put of the darkness as he walks over to her.
Kirigirisu: I give you a change to hand me that book or you'll be destroyed.
Lucy: Never, I figured out about everything and find out how cruel Everlue really is!
Everlue: Is that so?
Then Everlue came bursting out of the hole behind her as he grabs Lucy's arms tightly as Lucy struggled to get lose.
Lucy: Let go of me!
Everlue: You gonna tell me what you found in that book or I have my friend there do nasty things to you.
Kirigirisu chuckled as he walks over to Lucy which Lucy was in trouble.
Lucy: (thought) Damn it, please what ever you and the rest of the guys are doing, please hurry.
Saber, Espada and Natsu were their one knee as they look up to see Kamen rider Berserk as he glares at them as Espada slowly stands up and said.
Espada: He is strong, I never seen a swordsman with this kind a straight in my life.
Saber and Natsu slowly stand up as well and Saber said.
Saber: I know but we must not let him find Lucy and get that book.
Nateu: What about that Megid?
Espada: You go and find Kirigirisu while we hold this rider off.
Natsu: Right, good luck.
Then Natsu runs off as Berserk stares at the two and said.
Berserk: Your bound with Fairy Tail is strong but this will be your downfall.
Espada: Just who are you really and why are you here?
Berserk: You should know me Espada. Not what happened at the battle of crimson stone.
Saber: The Battle of Crimson Stone?
Berserk: It is one of the bloody battles between the Sword fo Logos vs the Megid, a group of Fairy Tail members were involved and the battle goes on for hours until it was over with the sword of Logos give victory but with the cost of one of their guild members.
Espada: H-How did you know all that?
Saber: (thought) His voice is suddenly turn into both shock and fear? What happened in that battle that made Espada scared?
Berserk: It doesn't matter how I know it, but what dose matter is I will seek my revenge!
Berserk charge at the two and swing his large sword at them but the two dodges it. Saber rush over to him and swing his blade at him but Berserk dodges the attacks and the two start to clash blades.
Then Saber fired seeds out of his shoulders but Berserk blocks it with his large sword and try to slam it at him. But Saber dodges it and Berserk's blade slams on the ground leaving a crack.
Saber lands near Virgo as Saber stands up and then Espada zapped over to Berserk and clash his blade at Berserk. Berserk kicks Espada and he stumbled back. Berserk took out his wonder ride book and slide it onto a slot.
Rampaging Demon! Dogon! Gekido Randokugeki! Dogon!
Berserk rais his blade to the air and then puts it down at Espada but Espada rolled to dodge it but the shock wave sent him flying and crash into a wall.
Espada slowly stands up as Berserk turn to Espada and said as he rest his blade onto his shoulder.
Berserk: After years of training I will finally take revenge on the Sword of Logos and Fairy Tail for taking everything from me.
Espada: What are you talking about? What have we done that drive you into this?
Berserk: You know what you and Fairy Tail did. I live in a peaceful life until you took everything from me. Now I will seek my revenge on those that ruin my life.
Espada slowly looks up as Berserk slowly walks towards Espada as Espada slowly stands up and he charge at Berserk and they clash blades once more.
Lucy's arms were still were getting harder and harder as Everlue squeeze them while Kirigirisu slowly walks over to her and was about to hit her until Happy came and knocks Kirigirisu back and Everlue which Lucy was free.
Lucy: (smile) Thanks Happy I own you one.
Happy: No problem Lucy.
But Happy flys over the water as he wings disappear and Happy splashes into the water and Happy came out just his head.
Kirigirisu: Damn it, what is that stupid creature doing here!
Happy: The name is Happy and I am a Cat.
Lucy: I don't think it's safe for you to be in there?
Happy: Bit the water feels great.
Kirigirisu: Doesn't matter, I'll show you-
Then Natsu came up behind him and sucker punch him on the back of the head.
Natsu: Not in my watch jerk!
Kirigirisu stumbled forward as Lucy runs up to Natsu as Kirigirisu and Everlue turns to them.
Everlue: (anger) How dare you break into my mansion and took my book. I have yous arrested for this!
Lucy: I don't think so, unless you want me to tell them what you did to the Author who made this book.
Everlue: What?
Kirigirisu: What are you on about?
Lucy: I dig deeper into the book and sure the book is awful but this holds a secret into this. It turns out you hired a Author to wait this book all about you and you forced him to write this book.
Everlue: (smrik) Your spot on. I wanted someone to write a book all about me and I find one Author to do it. I forced him to write the book otherwise his family will never be part of society or be in any guilds.
Natsu: (anger) That's soo cruel, do you really have the power to do that?!
Everlue: (smirk) I can do anything just as long I have money by my side.
Natsu have enough and charge at Everlue but Kirigirisu got in front and grabs him by the fist and pushes him back. Natsu stumbled back a she turn back to Kirigirisu and Everlue.
Natsu: (anger) Your are sick! It's no wonder Y/n find this odd about the book.
Lucy: That's not all.
Everlue: What do you mean?
Lucy: What you didn't know is that Author you hired to do is actually a Wizard and after he finished the book he cast a spell on it.
Everlue: (shocked) What?!
Natsu: (shocked) Wow, he was a wizard.
Lucy: (smirk) That's right.
Everlue shake his fist in anger realising he was tricked all his entire Life.
Everlue: (anger) I cannot believe I was being played like a fool! I'll make yous pay for this!
Lucy: Don't this so. Open gate of the Crab, Cancer.
Then a guy wearing a blue shirt with crab like claws sticking out on his head with scissors as he appear in front of them.
Natsu: (surprised) Wow he's a crab!
Happy: (surprised) So yummy.
Lucy: Would you guys knock it off with my celestial spirits.
Everlue: (smirk) You think you are the only Celestial Spirit wizard? Open gate of the maid, Virgo!
Natsu: (shocked) He's a Celestial spirit wizard too!
Lucy: (shocked) That's not good.
Then Virgo appears behind Everlue and Kirigirisu as she said.
Virgo: What do you need master?
Everlue: Virgo I want you to-
But when they look up they were shocked to see Saber on top of her as he try to balance himself but he fell and lands on top of Kirigirisu.
Saber: Ow that hurts.
Kirigirisu: Get off me!
Kirigirisu stands up and Saber rolled over to Lucy, Natsu and Happy as they were shocked as Saber stands up and looks around to see he wasn't in the room with Espada and Berserk.
Saber: Wait how did I get here?
Natsu: (shocked) Dude how did you get here?
Saber: Well I saw Virgo standing so I try to hold her off. The nest thing I knew she grab me and now I'm here.
Lucy: (shocked) Wait, so you travelled to the Celestial worlds while riding on Virgo and to here? That's impossible!
Kirigirisu: Who cares, it's time for you to die.
Saber: Don't this so Megid. I'm the one who decides how this story ends!
(Battle music start)
Kirigirisu launch vines at Saber but Saber slice them up and charge at Kirigirisu and slash him while Natsu goss to Virgo and punches her in the face.
Lucy: Get him Cancer!
Cancer: You got it, baby.
Then Cancer charge at Everlue and swing his scissors and once that Everlues hair cut off and now he was bald now. Lucy then took out her wipe and wraps it around him and then throw him towards a wall and Everlue hits the wall hard and he fall unconscious.
Lucy: Never mess with anyone else ever again.
Cancer: You say it baby.
We then cut to Natsu fighting Virgo at the ride side of the sewer while Sabee fights Kirigirisu in the other. Saber dodges Kirigirisu's attacks and slice the vines and then slash at him.
Kirigirisu stumbled back and Sabee fired seeds out of his shoulders once more and it hits Kirigirisu and he stumbled back.
Rekka Iai! Dokugo Issen!
He then swing his flaming sword at Kirigirisu and he gets hit by it. Kirigirisu stumbled back as Saber looks over to see Natsu managed to beat Virgo and she was sent flying and crash into a wall.
Saber: Natsu let's finish this together.
Natsu: (smirk) Right!
Saber pulls out his brave dragon wonder ride book while Natsu breaths in deep ready to fire flames at Kirigirisu.
Kirigirisu: Oh no!
Brave Dragon Mm-Hm! Shuutoku Issen!
Saber swing his sword at Kirigirisu with a fire wave and hits Kirigirisu and Natsu finish it off with a iron dragon roar and that was it as Kirigirisu screams out in pain and he exploded as Saber rest his blade on his shoulder while Natsu smiled at Saber and Saber nods at him.
(Battle music ends)
Espada was thrown outside by Berserk as he rolled on the ground before he stop rolling and slowly stand up as Berserk stand at the entrance doors as he glares at him.
Espada slowly stands up and stare at Berserk as Berserk sense that Everlue and Kirigirisu have been defeated and turn back to Espada and said.
Berserk: You've won this round, but know this. Fairy Tail will pay for their crimes and soon, the sword of Logos will be no more.
Then Berserk snap his fingers and Everlues mansion start to collapse and fall apart as Berserk turn and walks off as he disappear into the smoke.
Espada: Damn it.
Espada dehenshin back as Y/n, Lucy, Natsu and Happy came out just in time and run up to Michael.
Michael: Yous alright?
Lucy: Yeah just hoped we don't get blamed for this.
Michael: Don't worry, I think that dark rider was the one that destroyed Everlues mansions.
Lucy: Dark rider?
Y/n: Long story but first.....
He then pulls out the day break book and said.
Y/n: Time to return this to it's rightful owner.
(Short while later)
They arrive back at Kaby and his wife's mansion as Y/n hands Kaby the book which Kaby was shocked as he takes it and looks at it.
Kaby: (shocked) I-I thought I told you to burn this book?
Y/n: I know but hear me out. I never understand why you wanna burned that book until I realised something. Your surname.
Kaby: My Surname?
Natsu: So itsa delicious name.
Michael: Natsu, shut up.
Natsu: What?
Y/n: It's not just that. That books Author also has your surname and I put two and two together. Your father.....was the Author of that book and your father was forced by Everlue to make it. Is that true?
There was silence as Lucy, Michael, Natsu and Happy were surprised by this. Kaby sighs and nods.
Kaby: Yes. My father was the author of this book many years ago. He was gone for 12 months until he came back. Once he did he....told me he will write another story again. The only way he can do that is by.....cutting his writing hand.
Y/n and the rest were horrified by this as Kaby looks down at the book and continues on saying.
Kaby: I never forgive my father at first until I realise this book was the cost of everything. This ruined our family and that is way I want someone to destroy it, ever it means losing all of our money.
Natsu: (anger) So you just gonna destroy what's left of your father?! How could you betray him like that!
Michael: Natsu calm down!
Natsu: (anger) But.
Y/n looks down at Kaby as he bend down to him and said.
Y/n: Your not along. I lost my father when I was a kid. He disappear for years and he never came but until I learned that he was a swordsman fighting for justice. But just because my or your father disappear for years, that doesn't mean you destroy what's left of your father.
Kaby: B-But this book....
Y/n: That book has nothing to do with you father's change or that ruining your family. In fact.....I think it's a gift to you.
Then suddenly the book opens by it self and woods came out of it and circled around the room all sparkling and beautiful.
Michael: (shocked) I don't believe it.
Happy: (surprised) Pretty.
Kaby: (shocked) Wh-What is all this?
Lucy: I can explain. Your father was actually a Wizard and during his imprisonment he cast a spell onto the book. He change the words within the book and it can only change back to were it was if it's returned to it's rightful owner.
Then once that the words enter back into the book rewriting and the title also changed. Instead of the title said "Day break" it changed to "Dear Kaby".
Kaby burst into tears as he fall onto his knees as he wife runs up and bend down to him and hugs him as Kaby cries. Y/n smiled seeing now Kaby will rest now as his cures of the book that ruined his family is now over.
Kaby: (tears) Thank you all. Thank you so much.
Y/n: (smile) Its no problem. No matter what happens either in darkness hours. Your always have what's left of your father in that book.
Kaby nods still tears in his eyes as Y/n smiled and walks over to the door and said.
Y/n: Looks like we be best eb going now.
Michael: What do you mean?
Y/n: (smile) We didn't burn the book but we did make them happy. So it's best we head back to the guild.
Kaby: Wait at least I give yous something in return.
Y/n: (smile) No need, you and your wife have a nice day and good luck with your future.
Michael and the rest couldn't help but also smile as well as they head out as well and they head off out of town and walk back to Magnolia.
(Long while later)
It was night time as we see Y/n and the rest sat down on the fire place as they were relaxing among the stars.
Lucy: (smile) It sure is a beautiful night out.
Y/n: (smile) Yep it sure is nice.
Michael: Hey Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah?
Michael: How did you know Kaby's father was the Author of that book?
Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say it's one of my quirks being a Author, you must know who's Author of which book so it may help you in the future.
Michael: (smile) Well I must say I'm impressed.
Natsu: (smile) Yeah even if we didn't complete the job, you sure did a great work.
Happy: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys, just did what's right.
Natsu: (smile) No problem, hey Lucy you remember those papers on your table. Weer you writing a story?
Lucy: (nervous) Shut it Natsu?!
Y/n: Your writing you own story?
Lucy: (blush) Y-Yeah, you see I'm....kinda a bad writer but still wanna make stories like you but I'm too embarrassed.
Y/n: (smile) there is nothing to be a shame off. If you ever needed help, I'll be gladly to help.
Lucy: (blush) Really, I don't wanna bother your work or anything.
Y/n: (smile) It's alright I like helping people and I know you'll one day be a great Author, I know it.
Lucy: (blush) Woah thanks Y/n, that's very nice of you.
Y/n nods at Lucy with a smile and Lucy's heart race even faster image her and him writing up a story before they would fall in love and kiss.
Steam came out of Lucy's ears with a massive blush on her cheek as she covee her face.
Y/n: Hey Michael, Can I ask you something?
Michael: Sure what is it?
Y/n: Berserk told us about the Battle of Crimson Stone, what happened in that battle and why is it so important.
Natsu, Michael and Happy's face change with worry as they look at each other while Lucy and Y/n were confused on why they are acting weird until Michael start to explain.
Michael: You see, it all starts several years ago before you two join the guild. We have word's of an attack at Crimson Stone a large village that housed 600 people. At first it was nothing, we thought it was usual Megid attack but.....we were wrong. It turns out it was a full on invasion with a army of Shimi's. All the sword of logos members came and take part the massive battle. Buster and Slash gotten everyone in the Village out by using the forest while me, Blades, Kenzan and Gram try to hold off the attack. There were three fairy Tail Guild members help us and the battle was hard and we thought we will lose. But one member try to use this take over magic to try to turn the tides of the battle but......he went put of control and.....killed one member of fairy tail.
Y/n and Lucy were shocked by all that. Michael looks at the fire as he continues saying.
Michael: We won the battle but with the lost of our fairy tail member and it devastated everyone within Fairy Tail guild and it change some guild members but either one of the most brutal and bloody battles ever.
Y/n: (shocked) My goodness I...I didn't know.
Michael: It's alright. You two are new and I think it's right I tell yous why. We can't change the past but we can change the future and make a brighter future for all of us.
Lucy: Yeah.
Natsu: Let's get some rest.
Happy: Aye.
Michael: Sounds good.
They lay down to get some rest but Y/n couldn't help but see Michael sad like he's not like himself. He thought that story must of hit him but he doesn't want to worry himself or the rest so he get some sleep.
(Next day)
They walk through the forest almost back at Magnolia. The woods were pretty quiet and there was no sigh of anything until Michael stops and Y/n and the rest all stop and turn to Michael.
Y/n: What's up?
There was silence for a while until Michael suddenly smirks to himself and said.
Michael: OK you two, you can come out now.
They were confused until two people came down wearing ninja outfits which surprised both Lucy and Y/n as one which was a male remove his hood and said to Michael with a smirk.
???: (smirk) Come on, how did you know I was there?
Michael: (smile) Just a little hunch. So how is things at the guild William.
William: (smile) Pretty good although Levy told me yous beat her to it with the job.
Michael: (chuckle) Maybe next time.
Lucy: So who are they?
Michael: (smile) Oh I forgot. This is William and his sister Olivia. They are also members of the sword of Logos.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet yous, my name is Y/n and this is Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Hey.
William: (smile) So your the new flame swordsman. That's pretty cool.
Y/n: Yeah.
Y/n looks to Olivia and she blushed all of a sudden and stap back bit.
Y/n: Um is she alright?
William: (smile) Don't worry about my young sister here. She maybe a strong ninja, she is pretty shy when it comes to new people. Give her time and she'll grown to like you.
Y/n: (smile) ok.
Natsu: So what brings you here
William: Oh we're just training when we hear yous coming this way. We thought we scare yous but Michael know where we were and the game was over.
Lucy: Do you scare people a lot?
William: (smile) Yep, we were called the stealthy scare ninjas within Fairy Tail. So the next time your alone, better watch out.
Lucy: Yeah I think I would look out.
William: Oh yeah we have some great news.
Michael: What's that?
William: (smile) Erza and Gram is gonna return back to the guild.
Michael: (surprised) Wow really?
Natsu: (scared) Oh no.
Lucy: What's wrong?
William: (smirk) Oh Natsu is just afraid of Erza coming back.
Lucy: Why?
Happy: (scared) Because she is the most powerful wizard ever in fairy tail. She can destroy mountains and can destroy a whole army.
Natsu: (scared) Yeah she is even veiw as a monster.
Lucy: (scared) Wow seriously.
Michael: No she's nothing like that. She maybe strong but she is the most loyal member in Fairy Tail. She's actually pretty nice if you get to know her more.
Lucy: (sigh of relief) Oh that's good.
Y/n: What about Gram, who's he?
William: Gram is one of the most powerful swordsman within the sword of logos. He's the second most powerful swordsman, the first is Slash.
Michael: Gram is the Ice swordsman and he's one of the most highest ranked within the sword of logos. Both Slash and Gram have one.
Y/n: There is ranks in the sword of logos?
Michael: That's right. We have similar ranks to Fairy Tail and all guilds. To achieve it you must did something to impress Sophia to rank up.
Y/n: Sounds interesting.
William: Yep the more ranks you get, the more stronger you get.
Y/n: That's pretty cool.
William nods but then he and Olivia suddenly hear something as they look around and William said.
William: We're not alone.
Happy: Really, who else is-
Then suddenly something came out of the woods and grabs Happy as he scream while being given taking into the woods.
Lucy: Happy!
Natsu: We gonna follow that shadow hand!
They chase after the shadow hand and soon they exit out of the bushes and see four bandits as they were cooking Happy for lunch.
Happy: Please someone help me, I don't wanna be food.
William: We can't let those jerks eat up our friend.
Natsu: (anger) Yeah time to show them not to mess with us.
William: Ready Olivia?
Olivia nods as William pulled out his wonder ride books out of his pockets.
Sartuobi Ninjaden!
Then he pull out his Fuusouken Hayate out of his backs and slide his wonder ride books into it before he split them apart.
Sarutobi Ninjaden!
William: Henshin!
Sou Tou Bundan! Ichi no teo, shu~ri~Ken~! Ni no te, Ni~tou~ryuu, Fuu~souken Hayate~! Hayate no Maki, Kouga Fuuton no Shouken ga Shinsoku no Ninjitsu de Teki o Utsu!
Lucy: (surprised) Woah.
Y/n: (surprised) Awesome.
Kenzan swing his sword towards the bandits and they were blown away and the fire below Happy burned out. Kenzan and Olivia charge at the four bandits while Lucy, Michael and Natsu help Happy out.
The four bandits slowly stands up to see Kenzan and Olivia and the four bandits fired magic at them. They hit him but when the smoke were clear they were just dummies with a letter that said "missed".
They look around for them and they suddenly appear out of the trees and slash at the fire two bandits before and then kicked the other two.
The other two bandits lands hard on the ground but they stand up and Olivia and Kenzan rush at them and turn thirty blade into ninja star like blades and they throw it at them.
The two gets hit and Kenzan and Olivia rider kicks the two and they were sent flying back and land on the tree. Kenzan grabs seem rob and tied up the four bandits into the tree and that was done.
Kenzan: There now yous gonna stay there until you learn your lesson. Never try to cook my friends and never mess with the nin nin ninja siblings.
Y/n and the rest runs up to them as Y/n said.
Y/n: (surprised) That was amazing, you two were awesome.
Olivia: (little blush) Th-Thanks.
Kenzan: Yep that is the power of the ninja siblings! Nin nin!
They all smiled and laughed until one of the bandits spoke out.
Bandits one: Lullaby.
Michael: Lullaby?
Then without a second a shadow of a hand rushes over and knocks Y/n and the rest back. They look up and see the four bandits getting dragged into the shadow like hand before they disappear along with he shadow hand.
Y/n: What was that about?
Michael: No idea but what ever that was, isn't great.
Lucy: What do you guys thing Lullaby means?
Kenzan: No clue but I'm getting a feeling something is gonna happen and we may need to get ready on what ever it comes at us.
Back at Magnolia we see people were walking by just mining their own business until they suddenly felt cold all of a sudden which was impossible because it summer.
Then one of the points and everyone turn and they were shocked. Walking through the street of Magnolia were two warriors walking through the street. One was a long red hair women wearing Knight armor with a chest of the Fairy Tail logo on it and was carrying a massive horn from a massive creature.
The other was another swordsman ride as his coldness was the cost of the sudden chill in their skins.
As the two walk towards the fairy tail guild Hall as Erza and Gram.....have returned.
To be continued..........
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