Chapter 3: The book with secret's (part 1)

It was a bright and beautiful day at the Town of Magnolia as we see Y/n in his new home as he sats up from his bed and stretches himself as he smiles to himself as he hops out of bed and get himself change.

After that he got himself some breakfast and he eat his breakfast while reading a book as he eats. After that he closes his book and puts it into a shelf with many books he'd have packed as he look around to his home and smiles to himself.

Y/n: (thought) This place is great. It's warm, it has a good location we're I'm near at a guild and I can store as much books as I want. This is everything I ever wanted.

Y/n decide to visit Lucy at her new place with Magnolia as he grab his coat and puts it on and head out of the door. He closes the door behind him as he step out  and looks at a great view of a river that goes across Magnolia as he takes a deep breath and out as he cheerfully said.

Y/n: Good morning Magnolia!

???: And good morning to you to as well.

Y/n was surprised that someone heard him and turns around and see a boy with short yellow hair as he walks over to Y/n before saying.

???: (smile) You seem a happy mood today, must be very excited to be here huh?

Y/n: Yeah sorry if that was too loud for you.

???: That's alright and never knew our new member of the sword of logos was cheerful all of a sudden.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah that's what they call me sometimes. Wait how do you know?

???: Because I'm one of them.

Then he took out his own ride wonder book and show it to Y/n.

Michael: (smile) Names Michael, very nice to meet you Y/n.


(Short while later)

We see both Michael and Y/n walk through the streets of Magnolia heading to visit Lucy at her apartment and while the walk the two chatted as Michael asked.

Michael: So your father was a member of the sword of logos?

Y/n: Yep Sophia told me about my father and how he died.

Michael: Well I'm so sorry for that lost Y/n, he was a good man.

Y/n: Thanks so Andrew told me a lot about you including your sister.

Michael: Yeah me and Amy have been several adventures during our younger years as a member Fairy tail and twh sword of logos.

Y/n: That's pretty cool.

Michael: (smile) Yeah it is.

Soon they arrived at Lucy's apartment building as they enter the building and head up the stairs and they were at her door. Y/n knocks at her door and they waited for a while and the doors open.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Lucy's how is-

But when the doors open, Natsu was there which surprises both of them.

Y/n: (surprises) Natsu?

Natsu: (smile) Hey Y/n how is things in your place?

Y/n: (surprises) Never mind my place, what are you doing here, I thought this was Lucy's place?

Lucy: It is until Natsu snuck in.

They enter and Lucy was there as she explains what happened.

Michael: (sigh) Natsu you can't just break into people's houses like that.

Natsu: Oh relax Michael, we are friends after all.

Y/n: That's more like breaking and entering to me.

Lucy: Yeah tell me about it.

Happy: Still her place is pretty nice.

While Happy scratches the wall which Michael sighs to himself while shaking his head.

Y/n: This place seem pretty nice Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks Y/n glad you like it. Who's you new friend?

Michael: (smile) Names Michael a member of the sword of logo's, very nice to meet you.

Lucy: (smile) Same to you.

Y/n: So what brings you here Natsu?

Natsu: (smirk) Well we decided we should be a team and since your here guess all of us will be a team.

Y/n: Hmm that dose sounds interesting.

Michael: Yeah and even the sword of logos members have their own team of wizards to do jobs or fight along side them in battle.

Y/n: That's pretty cool, what team are you in?

Michael: Oh.....I don't have one. Well.....use to until....well.

Y/n: Until what?

Michael: Just something happened years ago I cannot tell yous now but being a team would be great for new members like you and Lucy.

Natsu: (smile) Right and I got the first job right here.

Then Natsu pulls out a paper and on it was a job request. Y/n takes it and reads through it.

Y/n: It said here we need to steal a book from a rich person and destroy it.

Lucy: Sounds pretty easy.

Michael: And kinda odd.

Y/n: Wait there is also something else. " A slight warning: Everlue is a dirty man who is interesting with female maids and the one he is looking for is a blonde female maid." A blonde female maid?

Then Y/n and Michael put two the two together and they look at Lucy and Lucy just realised it as well.

Y/n: Natsu is this a reason why you want Lucy on the team?

Natsu: No no.......OK fine it is but relax we have her back along the way.

Lucy: You gonna to be kidding me.

Michael: Damn it Natsu.

Natsu: Look we complete this job, grab the money and head back, besides Lucy needs the rent so this is the only job I could find.

Y/n: Natsu dose have a point. The reward said 2,000 jewels and if I remember the jobs at the job board doesn't have the good money to pay off rents.

Lucy: (sigh) Guess your maybe right. OK fine I go with you but do anything like that I will crush you!

Natsu: (scared) OK.

Michael: I'll go as well, Don't want anything to happen during this job.

Y/n: Same here.

Natsu: (smile) Alright let's go!

Happy: Aye sir!


We see Andrew walking out of the doors after he visit the wonder world we're he see Levy and her team looking at the job board and he walks over and ask.

Andrew: Hey Levy, is there a problem?

Levy: Yeah that job to steal a book is not there.

Andrew: If I remember Natsu came here and took it.

Levy: Man that sucks, It cost 2,000 jewels.

Andrew: Yeah looks like Natsu is gonna have a great meal for tonight.

Makarov: On the contrary, I've just got a call from the client.

Andrew: Did he or she cancel the job?

Makarov: Actually its the opposite, the reward is rais to 2 million.

Andrew: (surprises) 2 million?!

Levy: (shock) No way!

Jet: (shock) Woah Natsu is really lucky now.

Amy: I bet my brother is with them as well.

Then Amy walks up to them as Amy turns to Andrew and said.

Amy: I bet they are away on this job right now and possibly Y/n is well.

Andrew: Yeah just hope he'll be fine being in the team, not what happened years ago.

Amy: Yeah I understand why but he'll strong and he can handle it.

Andrew: Yeah your right. Still just wish "he" didn't treated you and Michael so badly all these years.

Amy: Yeah.....same here.


We see Michael, Y/n, Natsu, and Happy arrive at Shirotsume Town as they walk through the streets as they look at many shops and people walking by.

Y/n: (smile) Woah so this is Shirotsume Town, looks amazing.

Michael: (smile) Yeah tell me about it, it's soo peaceful.

Natsu: Yeah which reminds me, I'm hungry.

Y/n: Come on Natsu, you can't be that hungry.

Michael: Yeah the motion sickness will make him hungry after a long house ride.

Y/n: I swe your point.

Natsu: Let's head to a restaurant to eat up.

Lucy: (smile) I'm good but you guys have yourself while I do something one bit.

Then Lucy splits off with the group as the guys head into the restaurant and Natsu and Happy order a large meal and theys start to eat while Y/n and Michael got some water and as they waited for Lucy, Y/n ask.

Y/n: So Michael who did you join the sword of logos and fairy tail?

Michael: Well my sister and I were finding by Slash after he saved our village and took us in after our family was killed. They train us to become swordsman and years later, we became one. I ams the lightning swordman, Kamen rider Espade.

Y/n: That's a cool name.

Michael: (smile) Thanks.

Y/n: What about your sister, how is she?

Michael: She's doing well, she is very interesting to see you once we head back after this job.

Y/n: (smile) Well can't wait for it.

Lucy: Hey guys I'm back.

They turn and they were surprised to see Lucy in a maid outfit as she said with a smile.

Lucy: (smile) Figure this will do for this job, so what do you guys think?

Y/n: (blush) Wow your look, look pretty good.

Michael: Yeah bet Everlue will not suspect a wizard enter his mansion.

Lucy: (smile) Yep.

Happy: (whisper) What should we do? When we ask her to join us we didn't suspect her to be dress up.

Natsu: (whisper) Guess we have to keep it between us, don't say anything.

Michael: You do realise we can hear yous right?

Natsu: No you don't! You must be hearing things.

Michael: (sigh)

(Short while later)

They were at the client house as they sat down and the client introduced to himself.

Kaby: (smile) I'm glad yous are here, my name is Katy Melon.

Happy: Woah you have a yummy name.

Natsu: A delicious name.

Lucy: Don't be rude.

Kaby: (chuckle) Don't worry I gotten that a lot and it doesn't bother me.

Y/n: So Mr Kaby, can you tell us more about the job we sent us?

Kaby: Of course. This book is called Day break. Everlue has one in his personal library and I want yous to sneak in and destroy it.

Natsu: (smirk) No problem I can burn it, I can even burn the whole place to the ground.

Happy: He like fire.

Michael: Yeah while we don't like to be in trouble with the law.

Y/n: But can you tell us why though?

Natsu: For 2,000 jewels.

Kaby: The reward is changed to 2 million.

Lucy, Happy, Michael and Y/n: (shocked) 2 million?!

Kaby: I'm sorry, I didn't know you know it has changed.

Y/n: (thought) Why did he change the reward to 2 million and hold on, Do I know his surname somewhere before?

Michael: Is there a reason why you rais the money?

Kaby just looks down with a sad face while his wife was beside him as Kaby just said.

Kaby: I just want that book to be destroy, that's all.

Y/n see the sadness within him and can't help but know his surname from somewhere.

Natsu: Oh yeah I'm fired up! Let's go guys!

Happy: Aye!

Then they run off with Michael, Lucy and Y/n follow them out of the door while Kaby sit sat down on his couch as he put his hands together while saying.

Kaby: That book ruin my life.....I want it gone.


We see Lucy at the front gates as she calls out to Everlue while Y/n, Natsu, Happy and Michael were behind the bushes as they peek out to see it will work.

Y/n: You sure this will work?

Natsu: Of course it will, bet he's not gonna suspect a thing.

Michael: No clue, something tells me things will go wrong.

Then a crack of the ground opens and a large fat female maid came out of the ground and lands hard on the ground as she stare down at Lucy and ask.

???: Are you here for the job?

Lucy: Um yes?

???: The master has been suspect your arrival.

Then another hole cracks open and Everlue jumps out of the hole and lands on is feet and said with a ugly like smile.

Everlue: (smile) Do I hear someone here to be my maid?

Lucy: (smile) Yes sir, right here.

Then Lucy dose a cute pose as Everlue stares at her for a while until he turns and said.

Everlue: I pass, scram ugly.

Lucy was shocked by that as she feild a arrow that said ugly hist her heart.

Michael: (whisper) The hell is this?

Everlue: I'm sorry but I'm interested with one of the most beautiful maids that suit me.

Then Ugly maids came out of the ground which Lucy was heart by that. After that Lucy sats on a tree crying while the guys realise that plan didn't go well.

Michael: Jeez that man have some nerves being rude and disgusting to other women like that.

Y/n: You ok Lucy?

Lucy: (tears) No he call me ugly and throw me aside with those other maids!

Y/n: Would it make you feel better if I say your beautiful with the maid outfit.

Lucy: (little blush) A-A little, thanks Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Lucy.

Michael: Looks like we gonna go in there sneakily.

Natsu: (smirk) Yep let's go.

Lucy: Yeah time to make that guy pay for calling me ugly.

Y/n: (smile) That's the spirit, team let's go!

They all head over to the mansion to find another way in but little did they know, they were being watched by a Megid as he laughs before ducking into the plants like he was nature himself.

(Short while later)

Y/n and the rest reach to the roof of the mansion with the help of Happy and after Michael landed down last, Natsu was slowly cutting through the glass so they can get inside sneaky.

Natsu: I don't know why we have to take the sneaky way in. I say we burst in, grab a hostage and they tell us where the book is.

Michael: We're not like that, we just go in, steal the book and exit out.

Natsu: Still it's a pain.

Natsu manage to cut through the glass and they enter inside and they see they were in the storage room as they walk through the the halls and Michael slow opens the door and once no one is around they exit out and they walk through the halls.

Natsu: (whisper) This stealth is gonna take forever, let's just trash the place and find the book.

Lucy: (whisper) Look we gonna use stealth and we gonna to be sneaky like a ninja.

Michael: (whisper) Yeah just like Kenzan, he use stealth to attack his enemies so let's do that.

Y/n: (whisper) So which rooms should we-

The suddenly that same large maid came out of the hole as she calls out.

???: All intruders will be smashed!

Lucy: We're done for!

Michael: Not in my watch!

Lamp Do Alangina!

Then the character within the wonder ride book appear and the large madi try to strike at it but it float around her before it shot out a holt of lightning at her and she was knocked out as she hits the floor.

Lucy: (surprised) Wow nice work!

Michael: We don't have time before they find us, let's find the library and get out of here.

They nod and they start to look around the place as they open many doors and soon Y/n opens in one door and finds it. He calls in everyone else and they rush over and they enter the room.

There was lots of books in shelfs as they scanned the shelfs.

Y/n: There's so many.

Lucy: Well let's get searching.

Y/n: Right.

Then they look through the shelfs to search for the book they were looking for. Natsu and Happy were kinda messing around as they throw books to the ground  and most of time looking into them and just looking at pictures.

Y/n shake his head and looks around and then found it as he pulls it out and said.

Y/n: I found it!

They walk over to Y/n and there is it was " Day Break, By Zekua Melon."

Y/n: (thought) Wait that surname!

Natsu: (smile) Nice work Y/n, hand it over to me and we get this over and done with.

Lucy: Hold on, this book is one of the great book I've read an story are very hard to get.

Natsu: Yeah but now it's gonna time be burned once I burn it.

Lucy: Don't you dear! At least let me read it!

Michael: Lucy we have no choice, it's our job.

Happy: Yeah, what about the money?

Lucy: Forget about the money!

Happy: We can't fail this mission!

Y/n: Guys hold up a second!

They all turn to Y/n as Y/n stare into the book but he was looking at the author of the book as he knew he was right.

???: You can handle to me riders.

Then they turn and Kirigirisu came out of the pot plant and slowly turns to them with a growl.

Michael: (shocked) A Megid?!

Kirigirisu: Everlue summon me cause he knew yous will steal the book. So would yous be soo kindly is to hand over that book.

Y/n: Why dose this book so important to Everlue?

Kirigirisu: Important? Don't be stupid. That book is trash to Everlue and he doesn't even read it what I can tell.

Y/n: (thought) Why would ever calls this book trash. I think something is off about this book.

Lucy: (smile) That's great, so do you mind we take it?

Kirigirisu: It's his and he will not be happy if yous steal it.

Natsu: OK Y/n hand me that book so I can finish the job.

Y/n: I won't.

Natsu: Huh?

Happy: Why that's our job isn't it?

Y/n: Maybe but this job isn't right and I'm gonna find out what.

He then turns to Kirigirisu and said.

Y/n: You want this book, well you gonna have to face me!

Seiken Swordriver: Seiken Swordriver!

Brave dragon!

Seiken swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Y/n: Henshin!

Seiken Swordriver: Brave dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yukio no Ryuu to kaenken Rekka ga Majiwaru Toki, Shinku no Tsurugi ga Aku wo Tsuranuku!

Saber charges at Kirigirisu and Kirigirisu attacks him with vines but Saber slice them up and slashes Kirigirisu as they fight. Kirigirisu attacks sabee back and Sabee stumbled backwards and turns to Lucy and said.

Saber: Lucy catch!

He then throw the boom and Lucy caught it as Saber blocks an attack by Kirigirisu and said to Lucy.

Saber: That book may hold information about something, look through it and find out.

Lucy: OK.

Then Lucy runs off to safety and Happy gose with them as well as Saber fights Kirigirisu and soon they jump through and they land into the second floor. As Michael and Natsu look down and see them fight.

Natsu: (smirk) We can't let Y/n have all the fun, let's help him out.

Michael: Right let's do this.

Seiken Swordriver: Seiken Swordriver!

Lamp Do Alangina!

Seiken Swordriver: Ikazuchi Batto!

Michael: Hensnin!

Seiken Swordriver: Lamp Do Alangina! Ikazuchi issastu! Lamp no sei to Raimeiken Ikazuchi ga majiwaru toki Inazuma no tsurugi ga hikari kagayaku!

Both Natsu and Espade leap off the second floor and bore Kirigirisu could land a hit on Saber Espade slice Kirigirisu with his sword and Natsu punches Kirigirisu in the face. Espade lend out a hand to Saber and Sabee takes it and he stands up.

Saber: Thanks.

Espade: No problem, now let's show this Megid who's boss.

Saber: Right.

Natsu: (smirk) Let's do this!

The two riders and Natsu charge at Kirigirisu and fight him. Saber and Espade swing their swords at Kirigirisu while Natsu blow punches at him. Then Kirigirisu rais his hand and a large walk filled with plants appear in front of them as they jump back.

The wall of plants opens up and Kirigirisu strikes the there with vines coming out from the plants and they get hit. They fly off as they rolled on the ground as Kirigirisu chuckles.

Espade: There is no way we can't beat his plants.

Saber: Well let's fight fire with fire.


Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Nisastsu No hon o Kasaneshi Toking Seinaru Tsurugi ni Chikara ga Yadoru! Wonder rider! Dragon, Jack-To-Domameki! Fustatsu no Zokusei o sonaeshi Yabiba ga Togisumasaru!

Saber stands up and charges at Kirigirisu while he fire his seeds out of his shoulder. Kirigirisu blocks the attack with his plant wall but Saber opens a hold from the ground as a beanstalk lift saber up into the air and then he leap over the plat wall and slashes Kirigirisu as he lands down on his feet.

Kirigirisu stumbled backwards and try to attack Sabee but Espade appears in front of Kirigirisu like lightning and Espade slashes him with his sword as lightning bolts out of him hits Kirigirisu.

Then Natsu leap over Espade and punches Kirigirisu with his iron fist and kirigirisu was sent flying back and hits the wall and fell as Saber and Espade see this and Natsu said.

Natsu: Let's finish this and catch up with Lucy.

Saber and Espade: Right.

Kirigirisu slowly stands up and looks over to see them walk over to Kirigirisu about to finish the job when suddenly a explosion stand all three stumbling back as they cover themselves from the explosion.

Saber: What the?

Natsu: What was that?!

They look over and they see a mysterious rider in front for Kirigirisu as the smoke clears up they see a dark ruder with a huge sword as he stare at them.

Saber: Who's he?

Espade: No clue but have a bad feeling about this.

The black rider turn to Kirigirisu and nods. Kirigirisu nods back and he runs off while Saber was about to chase after him but a large blade block his way and Sabee turn to see the black rider as he spoke.

???: It seems we finally met Saber.

Saber: You know me?

???: Of course.

Then the black rider slashes at Saber that cost Sabee to stumbled backwards as Espade and Natsu runs up to Saber and turn to the black rider as he said.

Berserk: I am one of the general of the Megid's. I am Kamen rider Berserk and you riders......

He then point his huge blade at them before he finish saying.

Berserk: Will be slain by my blade, let the battle begin.

To be continued............

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