Chapter 28: Before I go
Lucy walk through the dirt trail completely silent as she make the journey back home. She stays silent as she walks and finally she arrives at the place. She stood on a hill with the veiw of the Heartfilia mansion down the hill.
She stare at it for a moment then she close hee eyes to remember the harsh memory of her childhood with his father. She opens her eyes then she walks down and make her way towards the mansion.
We can shifted away to a garden close to the mansion with a grave within the garden. The grave that being.....Lucy's mothers grave.
On a train we see Y/n and Desast sitting on the train waiting for their stop. The two have an awkward moment as they sat across with nothing to talk about.
Desast just sat back while Y/n tries to find a book or something to read but there were none. He looks over at Desast and then breaks the awkward silence by asking Desast.
Y/n: So liking the guild so far?
Desast: Nah its fine. Although they are suspicious of me which is bothersome.
Y/n: I mean you were our enemy. But I'm sure they gte use to you.
Desast: Noted. So....why do you care for the blonde girl? Not to sound rude but she lied to you and the entire guild about her past. Not to mention what her father did.
Y/n: No one blamew Lucy for the incident. All that is her father's and Phantom Lords fault.
Desast: And yet she is leaving the guild.
Y/n: She's not.
Desast: Cause you love her?
Y/n: Yes. But more importantly she has a story to complete. I can tell she will achieve something great.
Desast: Whatever you say.
Y/n: Still I wonder what was her mother doing while her father was hiring Phantom? Did she not do anything?
Desast: Her mother?
Y/n: Yeah?
Desast: I haven't seen the guys wife. In fact I think I remember the guy told Storious that she passed away a long time ago.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! But I saw the letters that Lucy's write to her mother!
Desast: Did you see her sent it?
Y/n:.....Now I think about it, she did kept them in a drawer.
Desast: So it means her mother is no longer in this world but in the aftee life.
Y/n is shocked by this revelation but he shakes it off when the train stops at their destination and they climb out.
Y/n: You still remember where the place is?
Desast: Sure it's not gonna be long.
Desast takes point while Y/n follows him as they head to where Lucy is and convinced her to return.
Within the mansion we see the Lucy's fathers study room with her father name Jude. He stood in his study room, looking through the large window when he heard a knock follow by a familiar vice.
Lucy: Father....its me.....can I come in.
Jude: Enter.
Lucy opens the door then step inside. She is wearing a nice dress made by the maids that work in the mansion that are grateful and excited to see Lucy again.
She walk in while Jude turn to her and doesn't show any excitement or joy to see his daughter but disappoint.
Jude: How could you. Leaving without even saying goodbye, have you not learn nothing?
Lucy: I'm sorry I didn't have time to say goodbye father.
Jude: I'm glad you've come to your senses and left that guild. You force my hand, it is your fault that the guild have to be destroyed cause you wanted to join. Your apart of the Heartfilia family, you don't belong among to rough and noises guild.
Lucy stays silent while Jude turns away and faces the window.
Jude: But now your back I've got in contact with someone from a rich organisation so i want you to marry their son and have a baby boy so we can continue the family name.
Lucy: Sorry father but I didn't come here just to return to the family business.
Jude's turn to Lucy with disbelief and then Lucy goes on to say.
Lucy: I cam here to properly say goodbye. You have always been heartless ever since my mother passed away and I hoped you would have changed but you've always studying and be stuck in here. I left because I couldn't take it and wanted to go and find my family. You've never come for years only to sent enemies of my guild to attack just to bring me back! My mother would never accept this!
Jude: (shocked) Lucy!
Lucy: I love fairy tail and I love the people within the guild because they treat me like an actual family and you dare to attack them!? Well i will not allow that! I'm warning you "father" if you attack our guild again then you will regret it!
Jude is stunned by her response as Lucy then tells him.
Lucy: And I already fallen I love with someone who treats me with kindness, compassion and respect. His name is Y/n L/n, a famous author that shows nothing but kindness and bravery. He is risk his life time and time for not for my sake but for the sake of others! Unlike the guys you may have in mind, he would never treat me badly or cruel. I love him and if you dare to ruin his life then I will make you pay for it personally.
Then Lucy then turns and makes hee way towards the door while leaving Jude's stunned.
Lucy: Goodbye father......goodbye for good.
She closes the door and was finally gone. Soon we see hee back to her usual clothing as she stood in front of her mother's grave.
She stood in front of her grave for a moment then Y/n came up next to her.
Lucy: (little surprised) Y/n?
Y/n: Hi. You okay?
Lucy: Y-Yeah. Sorry if I worry you. I wasn't actually leaving the guild. I was saying my final goodbyes.
Y/n: I see.
He turn to Lucy's mothers grave for a moment then he turns to her.
Y/n: I'm sorry for what you have to go through.
Lucy: It's fine. I'm sorry for lying to you. I shouldn't have lied to you.
Y/n: No. No more apologies. You don't need to apologise cause no one including me doesn't blame you. We all may have secrets that we may not like to reveal. It's hard to explain to others in fear what they react and I understand. You may have lied but I know it must have hurt to tell your past.
Lucy: Yeah.
Then Y/n gently grabs Lucy's hand which made hed to tear up a little.
Y/n: It's okay. Let it out.
Them Lucy came to Y/n's arms ans begin crying. Y/n comforts her while they stood in front of her mothers grave. After long minutes she stops crying and Y/n's wipes the tears away.
Lucy: Thank you. I always love you. Always have been.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you Lucy. I don't care if your some rich girl. Your the person and I will always love you no matter what.
Lucy smiles which he smiles back then the two kissed. They kissed for a bit till it we interrupted with a crunch. They stop and look over to see Desast eating some chips while looking at the two.
Desast: What?
Lucy: Why is he here?
Y/n: He remember where your father's mansion is at.
Desast: Yep. Don't worry won't do anything to you. I've changed sides.
Desast: Still you have a nice place. Except the town. That place looks empty.
Lucy: Town? Oh no they're just apart of our gardens.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait?! You mean all those buildings are own by your family?
Lucy: Yeah it goes all the way to that mountain over there.
She points to the mountain that is far away. Both Desast and Y/n are stunned to find out she is really rich.
Desast: Not to sound rude but what does your father work?
Lucy: He owns a bank.
Desast: Hold on! You get to tell me people who owns banks can have all of this?! God your super rich!
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that is impressive. Any other secrets you didn't tell us? Maybe you have a sister or brother?
Lucy: (smirk) Nah just a singal child.
Y/n: (chuckle) Well at least I know more about you.
Lucy: (smile) Yep. Anyways let's head back. Feel kinda tired.
Desast: Well I'm hungry. Let's ditch this place.
Both Desast and Lucy walk down the steps while Y/n was about to leave but he turn her Lucy's mothers grave. She approaches it and sees her name is Layla.
He gives his respect to Layla then he turns to leave. Then there was a wind blown which made him to turn to see a spirit of Layla. Layla stare at him with a smile then she node to him.
Then she faded away. Y/n stood there then Lucy came up behind him then ask him.
Lucy: You okay?
Y/n just smiled then turn to Lucy and then tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Nothing. Let's go home.
Lucy smiled, take his hand and the two walk together as they catch up with Desast and they make the journey back to Fairy Tail.
Jude sees this through his study room and he is disappointed and ashamed.......of himself. He then turn away and let them go as the trio return to Fairy Tail so they can continue their story together.
Somewhere unknown we see Storious within a dark room with a cloak figure sitting on a throne as Storious tells him.
Storious: Looks like Phantom failed. Is it ready?
???: Yes. The tower is ready. We just needed a sacrifice.
Storious: Good. This will bring a end to our enemies once and for all.
Little did they know they are being watched by a mystery man. After hearing this he rushes down the steps all awhile we pan back and sees a tall tower in the middle the ocean.
To be continued.........................................................
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