Chapter 20: The man and the ice man
The battle rages on at the Fairy Tail guild Hall as members of the Fairy Tail guild member as well as the sword of logos battle both the spirit like Phantoms and Shimi. While this going on we see Mirajane, Michael and Reedus dragging Lucy away and soon Lucy let's go Mira hand and tells them.
Lucy: Where are youse taking me?! I want to help!
Mirajane: No if Jose find you with us in the battle them he will have his forces to capture you. We know we safe place where you can be safe.
Lucy: But what about Y/n and the others. They need me. This is all my fault.
Michael: Don't blame yourself Lucy, we are not blaming you for anything. I mean if we did, we wouldn't have bothered taking you somewhere safe. For now it's best we lay low until the battle is won.
Lucy hesitated for a moment and soon agrees. Reedus draws a cart with a hawk to pull as Michael and Lucy climbs inside while Reedus gets on the hawk and they ride away while Mirajane watches them go.
She then use her magic to change her face to being Lucy to trick the Phantom Lords as she turns back and walks back to the guild as she thinks to herself.
Mirajane: (thought) Here goes nothing.
Blades, Gram, Elfman and Gray use the barrel of the cannon to get inside and once inside the core of the Jupiter cannon they see Natsu, Happy and Saber but to their shock sees Desast.
Blades and Gram charges towards him onky for Saber to get in their way and called out.
Saber: Wait! Desast is our allie!
Blades: What?!
Gram: You mean a highly ranked Megid is helping us? This has to be a joke.
Natsu: Unfortunately no. He wants to help.
Gray: Oh really? How exactly can he help us?
Elfman: He better be carful with those words otherwise I might beat him down and show him what a real man cam do.
Desast: I have and its pretty easy if your idiots. To those who may or may not know, Jose transform his own personal castle into a gaint robot and he is using that robot to cast a large magic spell that could wipe Magnolia off the map.
Blades: We noticed that while we were coming in.
Gray: But the biggest question is how to stop it.
Desast: Easy. All you have to do is to take out the Element four. One is down which means there is three left. Jose is using the Element four as like batteries or something to the robot. If all of them are down then Magnolia is saved.
Natsu: How do we know your not lying?
Happy: Yeah you could be trying to split us up so they can spring a trap.
Desast: It's not like you all have a choice. Either we stay here and argue and let Magnolia be destroyed or we save the day.
All are silent until Saber step foward and said.
Saber: I believe we have no choice but to trust him. In case this is a trap, Desast is with me.
Desast: Fine but after this I'll get my revenge on Storious.
Natsu: I'm coming with you.
Happy: Same here.
Blades: I'll go with Gray.
Gram: And I'm with Elfman. Be safe bro.
Saber: You to. All of you. I wish you all good luck.
They all split off to find the remaining members of the Element 4 and defeat them and safe Magnolia.
We see Elfman and Gram running down a long hallway and looking around for any clues of one of the Element four members but no sign.
Elfman: No sign of any of them. I'm not sure what Saber was thinking.
Gram: I trust my bro. Besides if Desast is trying them, he can handle it.
Elfman: True your right. Just worried about my sister Mira. I hope she is okay out there.
Gram: Hey "chill" Elfman. Mira is going to be fine. Trust me, i bet she is "chilling" right now.
Elfman: (light chuckle) No wonder my sister falls for you.
Gram: (chuckle) I know how to make her smile.
The two men chuckled as Elfman step on a floor that open an eye. Suddenly rocks came out of the ground and launches towards the two which Gran slashed while Elfman punched.
???: Look what I got here. One member of Fairy Tail and another a member of the sword of logos. Very interesting indeed.
They quickly turn around to see a man rising from the ground and appear in front of them.
Sol: The name is Sol, the Earth Elemental.
Gram: Huh well this is your lucky day Sol because we're here to beat you.
Elfman: (smirk) Yeah get ready to feel our might!
Elfman charges towards him but he sinks onto the floor which surprised Elfman. Then Sol appears behind Gram which he quickly turn and take a few steps back.
Sol: Well aren't you a brute. Using your strength to attack your enemies. How reckless I'm I right Berserk.
Gram: What? Elfman behind you!
Elfman immediately turn and dodges a swing from Berserk as he land on his feet as Berserk looks up at him.
Berserk: Finally. After all these years....I'm finally going to get my revenge.
Elfman: Revenge? What are you talking about?
Berserk: You'll about to find out.
Berserk charges towards Elfman which he immediately changed his arm to a monster arm and blocks Berserks strike and the two battle while Gram tries to take down Sol but he dodges his swings by sinking onto the floor and hiding him with rocks.
Gram: Okay I'm now losing my cool here! Freeze!
He stab his sword to the ground and freezes the floor and frozen Sol in the presence. Gram at first smirks but suddenly Sol breaks through and hits him with sand magic. Gram is sent backwards and land on his feet but he ready his sword and charges foward.
The battle rages on as we see Kenzan, Slash and Buster taking on Shimi and Phantom spirit army as the other guild members keeps on fighting.
Cana: Damn there's so many of them!
Buster: Yeah but nothing overwhelms me!
Buster swings his massive sword and blows many Shimi back while Slash cuts them all down as he called out.
Slash: Everyone keep fighting! We can't let them win!
They agree and then Slash notice someone as he look over to see Mirajane but with Lucy's face as she approaches the edge of the cliff.
Alzack: What is she doing?!
Slash: Don't know but I hope it works.
When she arrives at the edge of the cliff she called out to Jose and tells him while pretending to be Lucy.
Mirajane: I'm here Jose! Let my friends go and I'll come with you!
There was a moment of silence but after a short while of silence Jose spoke.
Jose: (speakers) Do you honestly think I'll be dumb to fall to that? I know your not the real Lucy.
This shocks Mira as her faces changes back to normal as her plan failed. Suddenly a large hand of the robot goes towards her.
Cana: Mira!
Slash: Kenzan!
Kenzan rushes over only to be blocked by shimi and pushed back while Mirajane gets taking by the gaint hand and pulled away from everyone as they couldn't do anything to safe her.
Berserk swings his blade at Elfman but he dodges his strike as Elfman keeps blocking his strikes while Berserk begins to say.
Berserk: Come on! Let it out! I want to take you down as a beast itself!
Elfman: What are you talking about?! I don't even know you.
Berserk: So you forgetting that you killed my parents!
Elfman: (shocked) What?!
Then Berserk kicks Elfman back and he pulls out a picture and tosses to Elfman and tells him.
Berserk: Years ago, Crimson Stone. I lived in that place ever since I was born! I loved that place and i loved my parents! When the Medig attacked we were scared until you and your sisters arrived along with the sword of logos! We thought you'll help us but when you transform to a rampage cost the death of my parents and my home! I lost everything because of you!
Elfman: (shocked) What?! I....I didn't mean to.
Berserk: Let's not forget. You also killed someone as well. Your little, poor, innocent sister. You killed her in cold blood!
Elfman: Shut up! You don't know me!
Elfman goes to strike at him when Sol created a statue of his younger sister Lisanna in front of Berserk which Elfman immediately stop and stare at it.
Berserk: You killed her right in front of your friends. Why did they still keep you in the guild after what you did! Your a murder! YOUR A MONSTER!
Statue Lisanna: Your a monster!
Then more and more Statues of Lisanna appear all around him which Elfman grab his head and begins to yell which Gram immediately rushed over and goes to attack Berserk bit Berserk turns and block his attack.
Gram: This is going too far! Elfman can't control himself! It wasn't his fault!
Berserk: He is a wizard! How can someone be a wizard if they can't control their magic!
Rampaging demon! Dogon! Gekido Randokugeki! Dogon!
He gets in front of him as Berserk swings a powerful strike at both Elfman and Gram which Elfman crashes onto a wall and breaks it, opening a hole to outside while Gram dehsnhin as he grown in pain a bit.
???: Dillon! Elfman!
Dillon: that?
Elfman slowly move his head up and sees Mirajane being held by a robotic hand and before Elfman can do anything Berserk grabs him by the head and begins to give him extreme pain which he begins to scream in pain.
Dillon and Mirajane: Elfman!
Berserk: Now you die Elfman! THIS IS FOR MY PARENTS!!!
Elfman keeps screaming and screaming until he had enough. His eyes glow as he turn and punches Berserk back which he slide backwards next to Sol who is surprised.
Then there was glow as Elfman let's out a demonic like roar and immediately begins to grow and grow along with growing horns and claws as Sol looks extremely scared while Berserk is thrilled as Elfman transformed into his beast form and let's out a roar.
Berserk: Finally! I will kill the monster that killed my parents! Come at me!
He charges and leaps into the air to land a strike buy Beats Elfman pulls back his fist and blows a powerful punch that sent Berserk flying back and crash somewhere far away. Sol sees this and begins to leave by beast Elfman grabs him and begins beaten him up as Dillon slowly gets up as he sees this and then he called out.
Dillon: Elfman that's enough!
Then he stopped and slowly turn his head to Dillon which he realised he may going to attack him with blind rage which he let's out a slight chuckle and said.
Dillon: Um......"chill?"
To be continued...........................................................
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