Chapter 2: Joining Fairy Tail and the sword of Logos

In then middle of the dark forest we see a large house as we see the same cloak figure enter the house and inside was lit with candles everywhere in the house.

The cloak figure walks up the stairs and walk through the long hallway until he reaches a door in front of him. He opens it and steps inside and there was three guys sitting on their chairs as one of them looks up to see him and stood up and asked.

Legeiel: So how did it go?

???: It was a failure. Bora fired to kill Blades and now a New rider is born named Saber.

Zooous: Saber? That's impossible, we never hard of a new rider for years.

???: Yes and now he is with blades and Fairy Tail and possibly join them.

Storious: That's not good.

Legeiel: Agree, anything else?

???: I want to know my wonder book is done. I did what yous asked and I wished to see my wonder book us done yet.

Legeiel: (smirk) Of course, we were actually waiting for your return so we can hand you it.

???: How powerful is this wonder book?

Legeiel: Its very strong and it may stand a chance against all three riders of sword of logos.

???: Is that right?

Legeiel: (smirk) Yes.

???:......Show me.



We see the town of Magnolia as we see Y/n, Andrew, Lucy, Happy and Natsu walk through town as both Lucy and Y/n were amazed of her beautiful it was as Andrew explains.

Andrew: This town used to be taking over by a dark guild years ago but when the first Guild master of Fairy Tail came along with he past members of sword of logos, they take back Magnolia and this is the sword of Logo's own town they will protect.

Lucy: (surprised) Woah what a history.

Y/n: So what is the sword of Logo's?

Andrew: (smile) I'm glad you asked. Years ago a woman by the name of Sophia made wonder ride books to make Earthland a great world. However the Megiddo army was born and spread their darkness to this world. To fight back Sophia made the Seiken swordrivers and other drivers to fight them.

Natsu: Yeah and Andrew is one of them in our guild and they have their secret base underneath the guild.

Y/n: Why underneath the guild?

Andrew: We maybe protectors of Earthland the Magic Council once to find the wonder ride books and try to use them so they can fight the Megiddo. Not wanted them to unleashed something that can end the world, Sophia trusted the first Fairy tail guild master to hide underneath their guild so the Magic Council will not find us.

Lucy: Woah I never knew there was a secret base underneath the Fairy tail guild.

Andrew: We kept it in secret in case they find us but now your joining us you will know a lot more secrets about us.

Happy: We're here!

They stop as they arrive at a large guild hall in front of them with a flag of Fairy Tail hanging above them.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah!

Lucy: (surprised) Awesome!

Andrew: Now then, let's head in and-

Then Natsu kicks the door open as he yells out.

Natsu: We made it back alive!

Happy: We're home!

Andrew just shake his head and they head inside and the guild members greet them to their return. Y/n and Lucy were amazed how big it was in the inside.

???: Hey, see your back from your mission.

The two turn to see a woman with long black hair walking up to him and turns to Y/n and Lucy and asked.

???: I see we have new members.

Andrew: (smile) Yep, Lucy, Y/n this is Ashley the sister of Slash and a member of the sword of Logo's.

Ashley: (smile) Nice to meet yous.

Lucy: (smile) Same here girl.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.

Ashley: Wait your Y/n, the greatest author ever within Earthland?

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's right.

Ashley: I'm a fan of your books and very honoured meeting you in person.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks and I see this guild is peaceful.

Ashley: Well until 5 seconds things will go down.

Y/n: Why?

Then suddenly Natsu kicks a random guild guy far back cause how he told Natsu fales information about the Salamander and now everyone start to fight each other as Ashley, Andrew, Lucy and Y/n watch.

Andrew: Well this will not end. I'll go see how is things at our base. Ashley will you show Lucy and Y/n to everyone else in the guild.....the once that aren't involved in this fight?

Ashley: (smile) You got it.

Then Andrew walks off while Ashley show Lucy and Y/n around while everyone else fight each other as guild members were flying by them as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Dose this always happen here?

Ashley: Yeah but you learn to get use to it.

Y/n: Oh ok.

???: (anger) So Natsu finally came back!

They turn to see a girl with short black hair wearing to top on as Ashley shake her head and said.

Ashley: That's Gray Fullbuster, he's Andrew's close friend and has a bad habit of taking off his clothes off.

Y/n: That's a weird habit?

Ashley: At start but you learn to get used to it but is kinda funny when Gray freaks out when he's not wearing anything, most of the time he doesn't realise it.

Y/n: I see.

Then suddenly there was a loud thud as they look over and see a guy holding a large sword as he slams it onto the ground as everyone looks to see him as he yells at everyone.

???: All of yous need to behave like adults! Some of us are enjoying the peace and quiet!

There was a long silence before they go back to fighting as the guy just shake his head.

Lucy: (surprised) That's a large sword he is holding.

Ashley: That's Robert and he is the strong man of the sword of Logo's. The huge blade he is holding is the Dogouken Genkido, one of the most strongest sword around.

Y/n: It sure is huge.

???: Man these guys never listen do they.

Robert turns to a girl with long brown hair as Robert sat down next to her and said.

Robert: Yeah they are actually like children, can't they see some of us needed some peace of quiet.

???: (smile) Yeah but thanks for trying for me bug guy.

She kisses Robert on the cheek and Robert smiles at her and see dose the girl and Ashley said.

Ashley: That's Cana and the two are a couple even senses they were in their teens.

Y/n: They look cute together.

Ashley: Yeah and Cana is called the worlds heavily drinker.

Y/n: OK?

???: Ignore them girls and I'll make sure you two are save.

They turn to see a girl with two girls sat their as the two girls cuddled him as Ashley said.

Ashley: Ans that's Loki and he's a pervert to our guild.

Lucy: I can see why. Is there no one just normal besides you

Ashley: Well there is one and there she is now.

???: (smile) Hello there Ashley, who are these people?

They turn to see a young woman with long white hair as a Lucy gets exited to see it was Mirajane as Ashley said.

Ashley: (smile) Yep, Y/n, Lucy this is Mirajane and she owns the bar of this guild and have been in many swimpool magazines weekly.

Mirajane: (smile) Nice to meet yous.

Y/n: Same and should we do something about this fight that is going on?

Ashley: It's best not, so Y/n why you wanna join us?

Y/n: Well I'm actually have this and I was wondering I join the sword of Logo's.

He pulls put his brave dragon wonder book which shocked Ashley and Mirjane and the rest stop fighting and all turn to see Y/n have the wonder ride book as the place was all quite as Y/n asked.

Y/n: Um why is things gotta quit all of a sudden?

Gray: (surprised) He has that wonder book?!

Elfman: (surprised) Man he must be soo manly to have that type of wonder book.

Azack: (surprised) We never have a new rider for a while.

Bisca: (surprised) Yeah no kidding.

Then Robert walks up to Y/n and Y/n looks at Robert as the two stare at each other until Robert smiled and rab his arm around Y/nose neck and calls out.

Robert: We have a new rider in our guild!

They all cheered as Y/n was surprised but he crack a smile and then the doors open and a small old man along with a woman step out and turn to see Y/n with the brave dragon wonder book and they walk up to him.

???: I see you have the brave dragon wonder book.

Y/n: Yeah and you must be...?

Sophia: Sophia and this is Master Makarov the Fairy Tail guild master.

Makarov: (smile) Nice to meet you young man.

Lucy: (whisper) He's very small.

Ashley: (whisper) He maybe small but he is the powerful wizard ever in this guild.

Makarov: Tell me, where did you get that book?

Y/n: My father give it to me before he disappeared years ago.

Sophia: I see. Did you know that your father was a rider?

Y/n: No I haven't, why?

Sophia: Please come with me, I'll show you.

Y/n: Um ok?

Sophia leads Y/n through the door and once Sophia close it behind them they head down the stairs and soon they reach at the bottom and lind up were book shelfs hung on the wall as they walk through the roll and Y/n was amazed by all this.

Then they reach a large door and Sophia opens it and she wants through. Y/n follows her and the bright light blinds him but he opens his eyes and was amazed to see a beautiful landscape with floating islands and a giant sword stabbed onto the ground as Sophia said to him.

Sophia: Welcome to the Wonder world! This is a world were wonder ride books were made along with magical creatures that you never seen in Earthland.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah!

Sophia: The rest of Sword of Logos are away to do their own missions but once they be back, I will introduce you to them.

Y/n: (surprised) This place is wonderful Sophia but.....what is all this have to do with my father?

Sophia: You see. Your father was a proud member to out organisation. He was the eternal Phoenix known as Kamen rider Falchion. He was a heroic swordman and fights for the will of others. One day how ever Slash and Falchion were sent to the tower of Heaven to free a group of slaves and stop the dark guilds plans. But what Slash told me, he faced a powerful rider that cost him his life and......he was gone.

Y/n: (shocked) What, no.

Sophia: I'm very sorry Y/n, your father told us a lot about you and how you wanted to write stories and make people happy.

Y/n: Yeah. I wanna help people just like my father.

He pulls out his brave dragon wonder ride book and knowns what to do as he turns to Sophia and asked.

Y/n: I wanna join yous in your fight again Megiddo so no one have to suffer the lost just like mine. I wanna help people just like my father and one day.....complete the story for everyone.

Sophia smiles knowing that Y/n wants to be like his father and summon q sword and said.

Sophia: Kneel young warrior.

Y/n kneeled down as Sophia rais her blade near her face as she lower down to Y/n's shoulds and tap the other shoulder and then to other while she said.

Sophia: The blade is your honour, honour must not be broken, you will fight long side with your warriors in your fight against darkness. Do you accept this young Y/n?

Y/n: I accept.

Sophia: Then it is my honour to make you a sword of Logo's member. You are here by known as the flame swordsman, Rise Kamen rider Saber and begin your story.

Y/n stands up straight as he is know a member of the sword of Logo's and be named the flame swordsman.


Y/n returns back to the guild and walks up to Lucy, Andrew and Ashley as they run up to him and Lucy show Y/n her Fairy tail mark on her hand and said with a smile.

Lucy: (smile) Look Mirajane place a Fairy tail logo on my hand!

Y/n: (smile) That's awesome Lucy and I'm a member of the sword of Logos and been called he flame swordsman.

Ashley: (smile) Congratulations Y/n.

Andrew: (smile) Yeah great job.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Natsu came up rabbing his ark around Y/n and said with a smile.

Natsu: (smile) Awesome man, glad I'm not the only flame dragon around.

Happy: Aye now we have two flaming dragons in our guild.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

???: When is my dad gonna to be back?

They look over to see a young boy asking Makarov at the bar as Makarov said.

Makarov: You asked me this last time Romeo, you gonna wait patiently.

Romo: But he has been gone for a week, he should be back 3 days ago.

Makarov: If I remember he took a job at Mt. Hakobe.

Romeo: That's not that far so why is anyone not gonna go there and help him!?

Makarov: Listen your father is a wizard and can handle himself. What about you just go home, have you milk and cookies and wait!

Y/n see how upset Romeo was and he felt the same way as a kid without a dad. So he walks up to Romeo and bend down to him and he turns and Y/n said.

Y/n: I'll get your father back Romeo.

Romeo: Really?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I don't you to suffer the same way as I did years ago.

Makarov: Mt. Hakobe is a dangerous place for someone like you. You shouldn't go there.

Y/n: That's true but as a member of the sword of logos I must save someone evern it kills me. I'll bring Romeo's father back no matter what.

Andrew: I'll go with you.

Then Andrew walks up to Y/n and then Natsu, Happy, Ashley and Lucy walks up to him and they join in.

Natsu: We help you Y/n, no one in our guild is not gonna die.

Ashley: (smile) Me too, you can count on me.

Happy: (smile) Yeah.

Lucy: (smile) If they are in, I'm in.

Y/n: (smile) Alright let's go.

They head out of the guild Hall and head off to save Romeo's father at Mt. Hakobe.


We see them on a cart heading to Mt. Hakobe as Natsu lays on the ground as he was sick once again while the rest were seated and Ashley asked.

Ashley: So your father was a rider in the past and died.

Y/n: Yeah and that's why I wanna help Romeo so he won't suffer without a father like me.

Ashley: I'm very sorry for that Y/n, your father must be a great man.

Y/n: Yeah he was.

Lucy: What was your father like before his death?

Y/n: He was a cheerful father and tell me stories about creatures and peoples own adventures and that's why I wanna make stories so people will read them and feel happy.

Andrew: I never know about your father but he must be a responsible father.

Ashley: What about your mother?

Y/n: My mother is a wizard and actually a guild master. I can't remember what guild it was but she is very strong. I often see her but she is a very nice mother and she took care of me after my father disappeared.

Andrew: I see.

Happy: So why do you think Macao took a job at Mt. Hakobe?

Ashley: If I'm right he was supposed to take out 20 Vulcans.

Lucy: (scared) That sounds scary.

Ashley: (smile) Yeah but if you think about it, it is kinda badass.

Y/n: I can get to imagine how Macao is gonna beat them?

Ashley: Who knows but at least it must be fun for him.

Y/n: True.

Then the cart stops as they arrived to their location. Andrew walks up and push the door open and a huge wind blows the door far back as they were in a storm as they all hop off of the cart as the driver man said.

Driver man: This is far as I can go.

Andrew: That's alright sir, thank you.

Then he heads off as Y/n and the rest head off to find Macao. While they walked Lucy was freezing and calls out to them.

Lucy: Man this place is freezing, I thought this is gonna to be a little warmer.

Natsu: You shouldn't have brought a coat.

Lucy: You are not wearing a coat!

Y/n: I have a extra coat on me Lucy, I can give you it if you like?

Lucy: Yeah, thanks Y/n.

He hands the coat to Lucy and she could help but feel kinda warm as she warped it around her and blushes a little as they continue on and Natsu calls out to Macao.

Natsu: Macao where are you man!

Andrew: Natsu we must stay quiet, who knows what's in these mountains.

Natsu: Oh relax we can beat anything that may appear.

Andrew: Still let's stay alert.

Ashley: Right.

Y/n: On it.

Then they heard something coming towards them as they look in front of them and a huge army of Shimi charges towards them with swords in hand.

Lucy: (scared) What are those things?

Andrew: Shimi's, foot soldiers of Megiddo. If they are here that mains so dose their leader.

Natsu: (smile) Hell yeah time to beat them up!

Andrew: Ashley, Y/n you two ready?

Ashley: Yep.

Y/n: Me too.

Andrew: Right.

Seiken Swordrivers: Seiken Swordriver!

Brave dragon!

Lion Senki!

Boar's Fury!

Y/n and Andrew slide in their wonder books into the driver and pulls out their sword.

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Y/n: Henshin!

Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no Ryuu to Kaenken Rekka ga Majiwaru Toki, Shinku no Tsurugi ga Aku wo Tsuranuku!

Seiken Swordriver: Nagare Battou!

Andrew: Henshin!

Seiken driver: lion Senki! Nagare Issatsu! Hyakujuu no Oh to Suiseiken Nagare ga Majiwaru Toki Konpeki no Tsurugi ga Kiba wo Muku!

Saber and Blades charge at the Snimi while Ashley took out her sword and charge at them as the three battle against the Shimi with Natsu joining in the battle. The riders, Ashley and Natsu face off against the Shimi while Lucy and Happy stand there and watched

Then Lucy heard something landed behind her and turns around to see a Ari Megid as she screamed by the Ari grabs her and leaps up to the mountains as Saber turn sto see it kidnapping Lucy and calls out to her.

Saber: Lucy!

Ashley: What happened, where Lucy?

Saber: She gotten taking by a Megid.

Blades: Go while me and Natsu hold them off.

Saber: Right let's go Thorns.

Ashley: Right.

They race up to the mountains to save Lucy from Air Megid while Blades, Natsu and Happy hold them off.


We see Ari Megid enter a ice cave as he drops Lucy into a cage and closes it and just then a Vulcan runs up and grabs its large hand at Lucy's cage as it get exited to see a girl.

Vulcan: A women, me love Women!

Lucy was scared and Ari see this pulls Vulcan's ears and drag him away as he said.

Ari: This is our prisoner, not your toy so get back!

Vulcan walks off as Ari turns to Lucy and walks up to her cage and asked.

Ari: Where is the sword of Logo's base?

Lucy: Like I ever tell you!

Ari: Your a stubborn little human are you, but no matter. Once I break you, you'll tell me.

Lucy: Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to turn the world into darkness?

Ari: Because we see what thsi world is like and we did not like it. We wanted a world that we want so we are looking for one thing that will change everything for ever.

Lucy: What's that?

Ari: a magic pen called and wonder pen. The wonder pen is a powerful pen that can change anything the user wants. It is a powerful pen that has been lost for years and our masters wants it to change this world for ever and make it as our own.

Lucy: Well you not gonna get it, the sword of Logos will stop yous along with other guilds.

Ari: You may say that now but once we find it, they all be gone starting with you.

Saber: Lucy!

Ari turn and Saber runs up and slashed Ari back and slash the cage that break and Lucy was free as Ashley runs up next to Saber as the two stand as Ari stands up and face them.

Ari: (anger) You will pay, Vulcan deal with them!

Then Vulcan jumps in the air and they all dodge as he slam his large fist onto the ground as the three stand up straight.

Ashley: Great those things are very creepy to all women.

Saber: I never know they be that big.

Ashley: Yeah and they are soo a creep to girls. They are like Loki but worse.

Lucy: Then that case let's show them a lesson.

Lucy took out one of her celestial keys and summons Taurus which surprised Ashley and Saber.

Saber: (surprised) Woah he's huge.

Lucy: Yeah and he is one of my strongest spirits ever.

Ashley: (surprised) Awesome.

Taurus: Oh woah Lucy you look even more pretty before, what about you come over and give me a kiss.

Ashley and Saber:...............

Lucy: Oh yeah he's a pervert as well.

Vulcan: (anger) Move away from my woman!

Taurue: Your women, I like to see you try money.

Ari: Enough with this!

Then Ari fired a blast that head towards Ashley but Saber blocks it with his blade and reflected back to Ari that hits Ari.

Ashley: Thanks Saber.

Saber: No problem now let's do this together.

Ashley: Right.

Saber and Ashley charge ar Ari and the twi fight Ari while Taurus fights Vulcan as he swing his large axe at him. Saber and Ashley move fast as they do quick slashes at Ari before the two double kicked Ari far back.

Ari managed to land on his feet and Saber charge at first and his Kaenken lit up in flames and Saber hits Ari many times and one Slash sent him far back and crash through the ice.

Saber: Alright!

Ashley: Saber watch out!

Saber turn and Ashley pushes Saber away as Taurus lands hard on the ground and knocked out as Natsu came out and called out

Natsu: Sorry about that.

Ashley sat up on top of Saber and looks down at Saber and asked.

Ashley: You ok Saber?

Saber: Yeah, thanks Thorns.

Ashley: No problem and your kinda warm even with the armor.

Saber: (blush) Huh?

Ashley: (giggle) Just kidding.

The two stands up and Ari came out as Blades and the rest runs up to Saber ten thorns as Vulcan has now Taurus axe.

Saber: How are we gonna beat a large gorilla with a axe.

Blades: Maybe this would help us.

Then Blades pulls out a wonder ride book named Jack-To-Domamenki.

Blades: Watch this.

They watched as Blades place the wonder ride book on the tip of his blade.

Jack-To-Domameki Mm-Hm!

Vulcan charges at Blades and Blades swing his sword back and pulls the trigger and seeds fired out of the blade and hits Vulcan a lot.

Shuutoku Issen!

Then Vulcan stumbled backwards as Blades toss it towards Saber while saying.

Blades: Here give it a try.

Saber caught it and looks at it and nods at Saber. Then he slide the wonder ride book into the third slot of his driver which Blades said.

Blades: Wait what are you do-?

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Nisatsu No Hon o Kasaneshi Toki Seinaru Tsurugi ni Chikara ga Yadoru! Wonder rider! Dragon, Jack-To-Domameki! Fustatsu no Zokusei o Sonaeshi Yaiba ga Togisumasaru!

Lucy: (surprised) Woah!

Natsu and Happy: (surprised) Awesome.

Ashley: (surprised) Cool.

Ari: What the hell?!

Saber: Alright time to end this story.

Sabee charge at the two and Vulcan try to strike him with the axe but Sabee dodges and fired seeds out of his shoulder that damage Vulcan and turns and blocks and strike from Ari and Slash him with his blade before he jumps up in the air and kicks Ari far back.

Ari lands on his feet as Saber swing his blade upwards and a large bean stork crash through the ice and lifted Ari up until he hits the ceiling and once the bean stork dissappear he lands hard on he ground next to Vulcan as Saber said to them.

Saber: I'm the one who decided how this story ends!

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Brave Dragon, Jack-To-Domameki Nisatsu Geki! F-F-Fire!

Sabee jumps in the air and vines came out and strapped Ari and Vulcan up and pull them towards Saber as Saber stick out his feet towards them and he rider kicks the two as Ari exploded while Vulcan was sent flying and crashed onto the wall and falls unconscious as Saber lands on his feet and stands up straight to see the two defeated.

Natsu: You did it man!

Natsu runs up and they high fived while everyone else's walks up and Blades asked.

Blades: Yeah but aren't we suppose to look for Macao?

Saber: Oh right I forgot.

Lucy: Well it looks like either of them are not gonna speak.

Then suddenly the Vulcan glows all of a sudden and a huge dust blows out as they step back and but as Natsu asked.

Natsu: What was that?

Blades: No clue.

Ashley: Guys look!

They look back and see the injured Macao as Natsu called out.

Natsu: Macao!

Lucy: (shocked) Are you telling me the guy we're looking for was that huge gorilla this whole time.

Ashley: Yeah he must have been taking over by a Vulcan.

Lucy: Taking over?

Saber: I read something like that. Vulcan has an ability to take over humans bodies and use them as their host. That explains why there is one.

Lucy: Scary.

Then Macao groaned and woke up as Saber dehenshin and helped him up and asked.

Y/n: You ok?

Macao: Yeah I think so. It's a good thing you came just in time.

Blades: What happened to you?

Macao: I was beaten 19 of them until one got to me and took over me. Sorry if I cost yous some trouble.

Lucy: (thought) Wow he really did face off with 19 of them before one took over him.

Y/n: It's ok but there is someone that is waiting for you.

Natsu: (smile) Yeah time to go home.

Macao also smiles and so dose Blades and Thorns as they dehenshin and so dose Lucy.

Lucy: (thought) You may have lost your father years ago but I see in your eyes that you really do care about others and wanted to help others. I really do love him for it.

Happy: Lucy your smiling, its kinda creepy.

Lucy: (anger) I show you creepy, watch your back.


We see Romeo sat at the stairs of his house still waiting for his father. He blames himself for setting his father out to fight Mt. Hakobe so he can proof to his bully's that his father was the best but now he is missing and felt bad for it.

Y/n: Romeo!

Romeo look up and was shocked to see them back with Macao being carried on the shoulders by Andrew and Y/n as Romeo runs up and huge Macao with tears in his eyes and Macao hugs his son back.

Romeo: Dad I'm so sorry for sending you to Mt. Hakobe.

Macao: (smile) It's alright boy, I'm sorry for not being here like I said. But I tell you something boy. When you see those bully said something about me, tell them my old man beaten 19 of Vulcan by himself.

Romeo smiled and nods as he turns to Y/n and said.

Romeo: (smile) Thank you for getting my father back, your truly are one of us.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Romeo, take care.

Romeo's also thanked the rest and they all head back to the Guild as Y/n looks back and see Romeo and Macao walking back home he versions his father and him walking home together and Ashley place a hand on Y/n's shoulder and he turns to her.

Ashley: Your father would be proud of you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Ashley and I'll honour my father's heroics action by saving more lives and stop Megiddo for the sword ofmlogos and for Earthland.

Ashley nods along with everything else as they all head back to the guild to start their next adventure. But on top of a hill looking down at the guild we see a mysterious black rider with a large sword on his back as he stares at the guild and spoke.

???: Enjoy while you last Saber, because Megiddo will tear this world into darkness once and for all (evil laughter).

Then the black rider turns and enter the black dark forest were he disappeared into the darkness.

To be continued...........

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