Chapter 16: The guild war

It was beautiful day at Magnolia as we find Y/n at the library and picking out books so he can read with Lucy and Levy as he choice out the girls favourite books and once that he heads over to the front desk for the books to be stamped. The Liberian is surprised to see someone  taking soo many books but she shrugged and goes her job.

Y/n: (thought) I hope Lucy and Levy like the books I will bring for them to read. This will be a great to read pur favourite books together in such a nice day. Maybe we can read them at the park.

Once done he leaves the library with a happy mood but when he came outside he noticed several people looking at him with pity which confused him a bit as he heads to the guild while eyes were looking at him.

Y/n: (thought) Huh I know books are long to read but does anyone have to look at me with pity because of it?

He keep on walking and soon he arrived at the guild as he set the books down so he can open the door.

Y/n: (smile) I bet everyone will be surprised once I come with a pile of books to rea-

He then looks ahead and froze in shock when he sees the guild Hall have metal pillars shot out as he stood there shocked.

Y/n: (shocked) Who did this?

Dillon: Bro!

He turn to see the other riders came up to him as Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Guys what happened to the guild?

Dillon: We believe Phantom did this.

Y/n: Phantom? Who is Phantom?



The riders walk down the steps to the basement where the other fairy tail members are now at as they sat there with disbelief to how this would happen to their guild and how the Phantom Lords would do such a thing.

Y/n can see how sadden they are and then he turn to the riders and ask them.

Y/n: So who are the Phantom Lords? Are they a dark guild?

Robert: No. They are a guild but both Fairy Tail and the Phantom Lords are rivals. Both guilds hated each other for reasons.

William: They're just a bunch of jerks who tries to mess with Fairy Tail and us sometimes. But never suspected this would happen. They've gone too far now.

Andrew: True but no one was here when I happened. It seems it happen when we all left for the night.

Y/n: At least that's good to hear.

Natsu: (angry) We can't just sit here and do nothing?!

They turn to see Natsu's group as Natsu argues to Makarov who is seen to be drunk so Sophia was there to calm Natsu so the riders came up.

Y/n: You all okay?

Erza: We're okay. We saw the guild damage when we came back from our job.

Lucy: It's awful for another guild to do this.

Gray: That's how Phantom does.

Natsu: (angry) And that's why need to head over there and make them pay!

Sophia: I understand your anger Natsu but we can't do that. We're just gonna start a war and we can't afford that.

Michael: Is Master Logos going to do something about this?

Sophia: Right now he is speaking to the Magic Council about this and hopefully we can sort things out.

Makarov: I agree so how's about we all just relax and let the big man himself handle it.

Natsu: (angry) You think the Phantom Lords will listen?

Makarov: That's enough Natsu!

Then he slapped Lucy's butt by mistake which Sophia poured water on top of Makarov as punishment while Thomas place his hand on Natsu's shoulder.

Thomas: You must calm down Natsu. We can't just go to war against the Phantom Lords without Master logos word. Right now we must ignore it and wait for news from him.

Natsu nodes while still mad which Y/n is alo mad but sad as well.


Night came and we see Y/n arrive back home as he open his door and let out a sigh.

Y/n: Home sweet home. Man what a day.

Jessica: (smirk) Your telling me.

He nodes but then froze in shock when he sees Jessica, Ashley, Amy, Mia, Ave, Kendall and Olivia at his room which he asked them.

Y/n: (surprised) Um what are you girls doing here?

Ashley: (smile) Well since Fairy Tail has been trashed by the Phantom Lords, we believe they could still be here waiting to attack again so we decided we can stick together.

Y/n: (surprised) Um okay? But are your brothers okay with this?

Amy: (smile) It will be fine. Besides you have a nice place here.

Y/n: (nervous smile) Um thanks?

Y/n: (thought) Now I know how it feels to have your homes invaded Lucy.

Y/n: Well you all wanted tea?

They node and hours later they have their teas and some snacks as they sat around and during their talk Y/n ask them.

Y/n: So how tough are the Phantom Lords? Have you all meet one of them before?

Mia: The Phantom Lords are kinda like other guilds but different. For example they have their S-Class wizards but there is four of them and they call themselves "The Element 4."

Y/n: Element 4? They must be tough.

Mia: They are. They also have their own dragon Slayer. The iron dragon Slayer, Gajeel.

Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?! I thought Natsu was the only dragon Slayer.

Kendall: We thought so as well but apparently there could be more out there that we still need to be discovered.

Y/n: I see. But who is theie leader?

Kendall: Their leader is named Jose Porla. He's part of the ten wizard saints. He and Makarov don't get along disbite Makarov getting along with many guild members. It's the reason why we don't see him in guild master gatherings.

Y/n: Guess thag make sense. I might worry they may make alliance with Megid.

Ashley: (smile) I'm sure that will never happen. They may hate us but they would never make Alliance to a bunch of monsters.

Mia: That's is true.

Ave: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) Well let's cross our fingers and hope that will not happen.

Y/n sip his tea and once that is all done he then ask.

Y/n: So where are you all going to sleep? You all didn't happen to bring some sleeping bags right?


Moments later we see all the girls sleeping on Y/n's bed with Y/n on it as they all cuddle him as they slept while Y/n lays there awake.

Y/n: (thought) Should have seen this coming.

(Next day)

The next day came and we see Y/n walking through the streets and was heading to the guild when he noticed all the guild members at the park and gather around a tree which he came over and walk through the crowd and then gets pass them all and ask them all.

Y/n: Hey what's going on he-

Then he froze in complete shock when he sees Levy, Troy and Jet pinned onto thr tree and looking beaten up with the Phantom Lords symbol on Levy's stomach which shocked Y/n. Everyone was frozen in place and then Makarov appeared as he sees this and then said in anger in his voice.

Makarov: (anger) I don't mind them trashing our guild. But hurting one of my children, I will not allow that!

He breaks his wooden staff in anger as he have a glare look on his face as he said.

Makarov: (anger) We have no choice but to go into war.

(Sometime later)

All the guild members and riders head off to the Phantom Lords guild to make them pay all awhile we see Y/n outside of the room where Levy, Troy and Jet are at and soon Levy came out with sadness. Y/n stared at her and then hugged her for support and then Y/n came in and approaches Levy as he sat down next to her.

Y/n: If you can hear me Levy. I hope you'll be okay. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I know it's not my fault but still, you like my books and always love to read books with me and i let you down. But I promise you that this is not how this story would end. I can promise you that.

He then place her favourite book on the table next to her and then leaves. Both him and Lucy leave the hospital and walk down the street as Lucy tells Y/n.

Lucy: I can't believe it just happened.

Y/n: Yeah. But we'll make them pay for sure.

Lucy: Yeah. (Smile) Still thanks for staying with me. Feels alone without anyone else.

Y/n: (smile) Can't blame you. Still, I'm here for you. Always.

Lucy smiles as she nodes and they were making their way back to Fairy Tail as Y/n couldn't imagine the Phantom Lords would do such a thing. Then suddenly he thought of something and then stopped which Lucy noticed and turn to him.

Lucy: You okay?

Y/n: I just realise something. Have you noticed that the Phantom Lords are doing all of this just to drag Fairy Tail away from Magnolia?

Lucy: What are you talking about?

Y/n: Think about this. The Phantom Lords trashed our guild knowing that will hate them up but when that didn't work they target one of our own guild members which cost everyone to be fired up and go to war against Phantom. You see what I mean?

Lucy: Yeah......Yeah your right! But why going through all of this and what reason?

Y/n: No idea. But i have a bad feeling about this.

???: And that you are right.

They turn around and sees Storious, Legeiel, Zooous, Desast and Berserk appear behind them which they step back in surprised.

Desast: Missed us Saber?

Y/n: This was a trap! Your working with the Phantom Lords!

Legeiel: That is correct. We just have to cost some destruction, get pass their magic spell and then boom, we are in.

Y/n: What do you want from us?

Storious: It's not you we are looking for. It's Lucy herself.

Lucy: (shocked) What?!

Storious: Hand over Lucy or else.

Y/n pulled out his swordriver and place it on his wasit and then pulled out both hid Brave dragon and King Arthur wonder ride books and insert them in.

Y/n: You want Lucy? You have to get through me! Henshin!

Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder rider! Dragon! Arthur ou! Futatsu no zolusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisumasa reru!

Storious: Desast, Berserk, get him.

Both Desast and Berserk charge towards Saber which he charges and clashes blades at the two as the two dualed as Saber blocks each of their attacks while Lucy watched as Saber seems to be getting the upper hand but then Storious fired a magic beam that hits Saber from behind.

He turns to Storious and charges towards him but then he blocks a incoming attack by Zooous as Zooous kicks Saber back and land a slash at him. He stumbled backwards but Berserk rushes forward and slashed at him.

Saber stumbled backwards and bumps into a wall behind him as he breaths heavily while they started surround him.

Storious: You think your strong to defeat us? Fool, your not as strong as all of us. Your nothing.

Berserk: Just give up and hand over Lucy.

Saber: Never!

He charge towards them and swinging his two blades at them which they move back as Saber takes them all on but he gets slashed and blasted with magic as he gets outnumbered by them. He try to stand his ground and block their attacks but they were too strong as he gets slashed and blasted by magic and then Desast and Berserk both swing their swords and land a final strike at Saber with Storious, Zooous and Legeiel confine their powers and fired it at Saber which sent him flying with a large explosion ad he dehenshin and land hard onto the ground.

Y/n lays there as he tries to get up but he was too injured to move.

Lucy: Y/n!

Lucy was about to help him but Berserk came up in front of her and punched her in the guts. Knocking her out as he lifted her up while Y/n crawls towards them.

Y/n: her.

He slowly reach out his hand to them but Storious approaches him and then stomp on his hand and looks down at him.

Storious: Just give up boy. You will never be strong enough to defeat us. You can't save everyone. They are done.

Then Storious and the rest walk off with Lucy on their hands as they disappear from sight as Y/n slowly reach out his hand but then falls unconscious as he lay there while we see Lucy's Celestial keys next to Y/n as they tossed her keys aside.

Then someone approaches the unconscious Y/n as the figure approaches Y/n and we see that is it Mystogan as he looks down at the unconscious Y/n and then picked him up and took him took him to someone so he can be healed from the injuries he has gotten.

To be continued.............................................

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