Chapter 15: The Heart of Fairy Tail

(Many years ago)

We see a young Aidan walking through a trail as he heard rumours about a group of monsters living in a town. He make his way there and after a while he arrived at the town. He look around seeing that some buildings windows where smashed and there is no sign of any life around at first.

He walk deeper into town and then was stopped when he was confronted by the people of the town with spears and pitchfork as they spotted the young man. Seeing them not sure if he is good he announced himself to everyone.

Aidan: Do not fear people of this town. My name is Aidan, leader of the Sword of logos and I have come because of word of groups of monsters at your town.

Once that they explain to him everything and point him to where they live. With that he make his way over but when he got there he was confused to arriving at a cabin but either way he knocks on the door and then heard a child at the other side.

??? 1: Please! Leave us alone!

Aidan: (thought) A child?

Aidan: Do not fear. I came here to save this town from a group of monsters. If you endanger, I can help.

??? 2: Please leave us alone! We're not monsters, we're swear!

Aidan:.....I'm confused. Your not the monsters I am looking for. Please, come out and we can talk.

Shortly after the door open and a little girl came out as Aidan looks at down and then he kneel down in front of her and then smiled.

Aidan: (smile) Hello there. My name is Aidan. What is your name?

Lisanna: I'm Lisanna and are you really not gonna hurt us?

Aidan: (smile) No. I will never harm anyone who is innocent and pure. Now then, shall we talk?


(Present day)

At the Sword of Logo's Castle we see Y/n, Michael, Andrew and Dillon training at the training court as they are trying so they can master their abilities and can be able to use the full combo wonder driver books as they dual each other. After a while of training they take a break as they sat down on the bench and have some lunch.

Y/n open his to reveal a strawberry cake which the other three noticed.

Michael: Hey is that Erza's favourite cake?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. She took me out and got me a cake. It's really good.

Dillon: (smirk) And here I thought Erza is "cold" but I guess she is "warming up" to my bro.

Andrew: (smile) Well I'm glad for Erza. She never shared any of her cake to no one. Heck one time William try to have a bite only for him to be sent flying across the guild by Erza.

Y/n: (shocked) That gotta hurt.

Andrew: Yep.

Michael: Yeah. Our guild is maybe wild but it's home. Just wish she was here.

Y/n: Who?

The trio were silent a bit while Y/n is a bit confused and then Andrew gets up and said.

Andrew: I'm gonna go now but see you guys tomorrow.

Michael: Yeah same.

Dillon: See ya bro.

Then all three left leaving Y/n a bit confused, wondering what was all that about. Soon we see him walking through the halls when Aidan called him from behind.

Aidan: Ah Y/n, what a surprise!

He turn to see Aidan walking up to him as he approaches him while Y/n bows.

Y/n: Master Logos Aidan.

Aidan: (smile) Rise my swordman. How is your time with Fairy Tail and the sword of Logos?

Y/n: (smile) Really good sir. Everyone is soo nice and I've spent a lot of time with each and singal one of them.

Aidan: (smile) I'm glad your happy.

Y/n: Say I have a question if you might hope to answer.

Aidan: (smile) Of course. Ask me.

Y/n: Michael mention of someone, a girl in Fairy Tail. They acted a bit weird when he mentioned her. Who was Michael talking about?

Aidan: I believe they are talking about Lisanna.

Y/n: Who is she?

Aidan: You see, she is Mirajane and Elfman's younger sister. Disbite her young, she shown to be the heart of Fairy Tail and a heart to all of us. Whenever we are done, she was there to help them. She was......and still is a angel. Actually, she was kinda like you with that kind personality.

Y/n: Really? How did you met her?

Aidan: Actually I met her and her siblings in a town. Back then, I visited a small town because word of a groups of monsters. When I met the children at first I thought they were attacked by the monsters but no.

Y/n: Huh?

Aidan: It turns out, they were the monsters the towns people told me about.

(Many years ago)

We see Lisanna letting Aidan in as he walks over to see a young Elfman and Mirajane with Mirajane wearing cloak to cover herself as Aidan approaches her and then kneel down in front of her.

Aidan: Are you okay?

Mirajane: No! Stay away from us! We're freaks!

Aidan: I'm not too sure what you are talking about. Please, talk to me.

Mirajane: Just please leave!

She turn to him and show her monster arm to him which shocked him as Mirajane burst into tears as she tells him.

Mirajane: (tears) I was......only protecting us.....protecting this town.....from a group of dark wizards when I use my magic on then. When.....everyone sees this.....they called us monsters and throw rocks and treat us like freaks. (Sniff) We're not monsters but no one doesn't care and treat us as such.

She then burst out crying while Elfman and Lisanna were in tears and then Aidan hugged Mirajane which surprised the trio as he ensures them all.

Aidan: (smile) They a blind for not see your magics. True they may see your monster arm but deep down I your hearts are pure. They may see you all as monsters but to me, you all are just children that is wrong by this town and wished to be free.

He then gets up and looks around and then ask.

Aidan: Where are your parents?

Mirajane:.....They're dead.

Aidan: I am truly sorry for your lost. But here, come with me. (Smile) I know one place that you three are welcomed by all and master your magics.

(Present day)

We see Y/n and Aidan walking through the castle hallways as Aidan tells Y/n this story which Y/n says.

Y/n: So they were mistreated by their own town. That's so sad.

Aidan: I know. So I took them to Fairy Tail where they are welcomed and taking care of by Makarov. Actually I think I have a picture of the whole guild since they were young.

He pulled out a picture and gives it to Y/n as he takes it and looks at the picture.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa look at everyone! They are soo young!

Aidan: (smile) Indeed. They were filled with a lot of engery back then.

Y/n: Say is the short white hair girl Lisanna?

Aidan: (smile) Why yes, that's her.

Y/n: Cool. Hey, who is this dragon Natsu is riding on?

Aidan: (smile) That's Happy.

Y/n: (shocked) Huh?! Your joking right?!

Aidan: (smile) It's a funny story but I'll tell you that later.

Y/n: Still everyone is happy. But wait, if Lisanna was apart of Fairy Tail where is she and how come I haven't met her?

Aidan looks down with sadness and then he opens a portal ride book and open a portal which the two go through and they step out onto a graveyard which Y/n was confused until Aidan told him.

Aidan: Do you remember the battle of Crimson stone.

Y/n: Yeah?

Aidan: Well.......I believe you didn't know the full story of it. It was.....a tragic tale.

(A few years ago)

We see a large battle of Crimson Stone where members of Sword od Logos battle against the army of Shimis. The riders were doing their best but there was a bigger problem now. We then see Blades, Mirajane and Espada sent flying and land hard onto the ground. Buster, Kenzan and Slash rushed over to aid them and then stood in front of them as a large monster approaches them.

Kenzan: What happened to him!

Mirajane: Elfman thought he can tap into his beast form that he can take down the Shimi but he now lost control!

Buster: This is not good. What should we do?

Slash: We need to calm Elfman and not let him get through innocent lives. Let's go?

The trio charged while Lisanna and Gram rushed over to blades, Espada and Mirajane as the two help them up.

Gram: Come one, you three are too "cool" to be beaten up like that?

Espada: You won't be happy if he slapped you around like a toy.

Blades: He's too strong. We can't beat him. We have the fall back.

Mirajane: No! We can't just abandon him! We have to help him.

Blades: But he will kill us if he continues his rampage!

Lisanna: He would never do that. I know he won't.

Then Kenzan, Buster and Slash were sent flying and land hard onto the ground. Gram sees this and then spotted his sword onto the ground and then freeze the beast Elfman into ice. They think they got him but the beast Elfman breaks out with a roar.

Gram was ready to fight but then Lisanna walk pass Gram and approaches the beast Elfman.

Mirajane: Lisanna! What are you doing?!

Gram: Stay away!

Lisanna approaches the beast Elfman as she looks up at him with a smile and said.

Lisanna: (smile) Hey Big bro. I know your not yourself today but that's alright. No one isn't mad at you, now how's about you calm down and we all can go home.

The beast Elfman stared down at Lisanna while the riders and Mirajane watched as Beast Elfman let out a roar and swing his massive hand back.

Mirajane: LISANNA!!!

All the riders rushes towards Lisanna, attempting to save her while Lisanna smiled and tells Elfman.

Lisanna: (smile) No matter what Elfman. I always love you. After all.....we are a family.

Then the beast Elf strike at her, sending her flying as Mirajane and the riders watched in total shock as Lisanna was sent flying and then disappeared behind the trees. The riders stood there, couldn't believe what just happened as Mirajane rushes to see if Lisanna was okay.

Soon Elfman changed back to his human form but by the time he was turn back to normal, Mirajane return and with tears in her eyes, she told them all that dead.

They were all shocked by this nice as they all drop theie Seiken swords in disbelief as they too were in tears of the lost of Lisanna.

(Present day)

We then see Y/n and Aidan standing over the gravestone of Lisanna as Y/n stared at her grave as he couldn't believe that Lisanna died and that she was the girl that Michael talked about.

Aidan: Lisanna was the heart of Fairy Tail. She's maybe gone....but not gone within our hearts. It shows that even in battle, we may lose those who are closes to us. Fairy Tail is more then just a guild to us. Fairy home, a place where we find a new family to be apart of and learn new skills and magic.

Y/n: I....I have no idea. I'm truly am sorry.

Aidan: No need to apologise. If Lisanna where here now, she would like you and Lucy.

Y/n: Yeah. She would.

Once that Aidan turns and leave as Y/n stared at Lisanna's grave and then turn to see a flower store nearby so he bought one and place it on her grave and tells Lisanna.

Y/n: You have no reason to worry about Mirajane and Elfman. Me and my brother will take care of them and if they are in trouble in anyway. We will protect them, you have my word.

And then he turns and leaves, understanding now he sword of Logos must be strong so no more lives will be taking. That's why he will train day and night to get better qnd learn now abilities so he can protect everyone he cares for. Fairy Tail is his family and he will not let his father or Lisanna down and promises both that he will protect them, as Saber.

To be continue.............................................

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