Chapter 13: Delioras awakening
Y/n, Andrew, Dillon, Michael, Lucy, Erza, Happy and Gray are seen making their leave from the village and heading off to find Thomas and the others and hopefully they are with Natsu as they make theie way to the temple to face off with Lyon and put a end to his plans for sure.
Michael: Gray?
Gray: Yeah?
Michael: We wanna know more about Deliora and how you know about him so much?
Andrew: I wanna know as well. Lucy told me that you knew Deliora when you first saw it.
Gray: Well it was a long time but Deliora was the one who took my parents and my master Ur.
Y/n: You had a master?
Gray: Ur was both our masters, me and Lyon train together with her since we were young. She found me after Deliora attacked my home and lated on she sacrifice her life to save mine but Lyon didn't forgive me after that.
Lucy: So that's why he wishes to awaken Deliora. So he can kill it and complete his revenge.
Gray: That's right.
Dillon: Well he's gonna end up killing himself and everyone on this island. We need to head to the temple and put a stop to him and to his plans.
Michael: But if he dose awaken Deliora, we don't stand a chance.
Dillon: Don't worry I have a plan if that happens.
Andrew: What is it?
Dillon: I'll explain when it happens but for now we have a job to do.
Erza: Right, let's keep moving everyone.
Happy: Aye!
(Hours later)
After a while of walking they finally arrived at the temple and once there they enter inside and immediately see that Thomas and his team where here, judging by the walls being damaged and parts failing apart which it's not Happy, Lucy and Gray didn't remember seeing.
Erza: They must be here.
Y/n: Let's hope they were not captured or out numbered.
Dillon: (smirk) They'll be fine but for now we need to locate Lyon and stop him.
Gray: I'll go and find him.
Dillon: Oh no you don't ice boy, your not going to face Lyon alone, you need some back up.
Gray: But this is my battle!
Dillon: (smirk) Yeah but now it's our battle. After all, we are here to find out what the Megids are up to and we're here to complete it.
Erza: In that case you and your team go with Gray and confront Lyon, me, Happy and Lucy will find the others.
Y/n: Okay just be safe you three.
Lucy: (smile) You can count on us.
And so they split off as Gray leads Dillon, Y/n, Michael and Andrew down the hallway so they can find Lyon and stop him and his plans.
Y/n: So Dillon. About our talk back at the village?
Dillon: Yeah?
Y/n: If you are my brother then.......then how come pur parents never let us see each other? Why did they want to kept us a secret?
Dillon: I'm not too sure but i don't think they didn't mean to.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Dillon: I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are but let's focus on the mission in hand.
Y/n: Right.
Soon they come across a door which they open and they enter to see Lyon sitting on a throne chair as he look at them as they enter to his throne room.
Lyon: Looks like you have brought some friends Gray. How interesting.
Y/n: We know your plan Lyon and you need to stop this now!
Lyon: My plan will go through and you all will not stop me.
Dillon: Do you not understand how powerful Deliora is? How dangerous it is to free him? It will kill us all!
Lyon: But I can kill it, I can kill it and sure to Ur that it can be killed!
Gray: So your going to ruin Ur's sacrifice?! Dose her sacrifice mean anything to you?!
Lyon: She was a fool to trap it and never killing it. If I were her I would have killed it. She made a fool of herself by not having a chance to do so.
Gray: (anger) How-
Y/n: How could you say that!
Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Y/n: Henshin!
Swordriver: Tatsumaki Dragon eagle!
Saber charges towards Lyon but he stood up and blasted freeze magic at Saber but he hold up his sword in front of him, blocking the ice attack and then leaps up and comes down to slash at Lyon but he dodges and forms around a ice wall around them.
Dillon: Y/n!
They all rushed over and slammed their fist onto the ice while Saber and Lyon battle as Saber dodges his ice blast as he swings his sword, letting the heat melt the ice as he charge towards Lyon and swinging his sword at Lyon when he summoned a ice sword and clash a blade at Saber.
Saber: How can you say that after what Ur has done to you and Gray! She took care of you both, trained you, feed you but yet you called her a fool after everything she did for you and Gray!
Lyon: She was suppose to be strongest ice wizard to ever lived. She should have killed Deliora!
The two clash swords as Saber dodges and blocks Lyon's swings and ice magic attacks. He then leap up high, land his feet onto the ice wall and leap towards Lyon as he spins around, forming a fire ball which Lyon blocks with his ice sword but melts away and then Saber kicks Lyon, sending him flying and crashing onto the ice wall while Saber lands on his feet and then said to Lyon.
Saber: She was more then just you and Gray's master. She was like a mother to you both and she give up her life just for you two to have a future. Free from the nightmares of Deliora but yet you don't see it that way! You see her as a coward who trapped a dangerous creature in ice and all you have to blame is Gray!
Lyon: Slince!
He blasted Saber with ice magic which Saber blocks but his feet gets trapped so he couldn't move so Lyon launches to strike at him but before he could do that however, the ice wall burst open and Espada, Blades and Gram came inside as Espada and Blades get in front of Saber and kicked Lyon back while they pulled out their second wonder ride books and I seet them into theie swordrivers.
Swordriver: Negare Battou! Kagayaku lion fantasista~!
Swordriver: Ikazuchi Battou! Mittsumata Lamp do Cerberus!
The both battle Lyon while Gram help Sabee free his legs as Gram says to Saber.
Gram: Will you stop get yourself in "freezing" situations.
Saber: You know I can't.
Gram: That's true.
Then Gray rush in as he watched Espada and Blades battling Lyon while he turns to Saber and ask him.
Gray: I still don't understand why you wish to help me?
Saber: Because we're family and I refuse to let your nightmares ruined your story. Ur give up your life so your story will continue and I'll make sure your story will continue until the final chapter.
Gram: He's right. No matter what, we are together forever and ever and no one is not gonna be facing their nightmares of their past by themselves, we'll help you face this nightmare together.
Gray: (shocked) Guys.
Soon Lyon stumble back while the four riders approaches him and aim their swords at him, signaling him to surrender and they believe they have won. Suddenly there was a huge roar follow by the floor behind him cracking and then broke apart as they fell into a huge hole and they fell deep into the temple and soon crash onto the ground. They all get up and they look over and the four riders were shocked to see Deliora in person as they see it still in ice but they see the ice is close of cracking.
Saber: (shocked) Look at the size od that thing!
Blades: (shocked) That must be Deliora. Its huge!
Espada: (shocked) And it looks like the ice is about to break.
Gram: (shocked) This is not good.
They all watched as the ice cracks and more cracks appear and then the ice opens up like a egg as Deliora is free and ready to destroy everything it sees. It let out a roar while Gray was shocked that Deliora is free while Lyon had a evil smile of victory on his face as the four riders ready themselves.
Then Deliora spotted the four riders ans swings it's massive hand back and towards them which they move out of the way, dodging Delioras strike as they land on a large a huge rock and turn to see Deliora facing towards them.
Espada: Whatever your plan maybe Dillon, it's now or never.
Gram: Glad you ask, here use these!
He hands them each wonder ride books as they look at them while Gram pulls out both hid own wonder ride books and explain his plan.
Gram: There are three slots that can insert three wonder ride books so my plan to combine all three of our wonder ride books and use all of their power to get the upper hand.
Espada: But we haven't try it before.
Gram: True but its the only way we could win this. Its now or never.
Saber:....Ur is counting on us.
They turn to Saber as Sabee step forward and gose on to say.
Saber: Ur is counting on us to end Deliora and its rain of terror once and for all. Its our duty as the sword of logos to stop Deliora and free this world from its darkness and destruction. Ur is counting on us to end Deliora once and for all, so let's do this!
They agree as they insert each of their three wonder ride books into their Swordrivers and once that they grab the handle of their swords as they shut their eyes and then within a second they pulled out their swords and transform into their new forms.
Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Kataritsuga reshi (kataritsuga reshi) shinjuu no (Shinjuu no) sono na wa! (Sono na wa) Crimson Dragon! Rekka Sansatsu! Shinku no tsurugi ga aku wo tsuranuki subete wo mayasu!
Swordriver: Negare Battou! Aoki Yakjuu no! (Aoki yajuu no!) tategami ga! (Tategami ga!) sora ni nabiku! (Sora ni nabiku!) Fantastic Lion! Nagare Sansatsu! konpek no tsurugi ga kiba wo muki ginga wo seisu!
Swordriver: Ikazuchi Battou! Lamp no Majin ga! (Lamp no Majin ga!) Shin no chikara wo! (Shin no Chikara wo!) Hakki suru! (Hakli Suru!) Golden Alangina! Ikazuchi Sansatsu! Inazuma no tsurugi ga hikari kagayaki, raimei ga todoroku!
Swordriver: Kaiser Fenrir! Ice digging sword! The name of the beast that has been handed down is! Blizzard Fenrir! Three ice breaking books! Absolute zero swords pierces the earth and freezes everything!
The four riders already themselves while Gray was amazed by their combo conple forms while Deliora roar at them and swings back his hand once more to strike at them while they stood their ground.
As soon Deliora's hand was about to crush them, all four of them swing theie swords in front of them and blocks Delioras attack as they hold it there for a bit and then the four swings their swords, costing Deliora to stumble back while the four riders leap up in the air as they swing theie swords back and then they each slash at Deliora with Gram first, then Espada, then Blades ans finally Saber as he lands the final slash and all four land on the ground and they look up at Deliora, thinking he will attack them but to their surprise, Deliora's hand and soon the whole body split apart and start to fall apart.
Saber: Wow didn't know our new forms can be as powerful.
Espada: No its not!
Saber: Huh?
Blades: Due to Deliora trapped in a huge ice prison for years, his body must have gotten weaken and make it easy for us to cut him down.
Saber: Then that means.
Gram: Deliora has been dead this whole time, the onky thing that is left is a mindless beast with a weak body.
Then their Swordrivers spark out and they immediately dehenshin as their drivers couldn't handle their combo forms yet but either way they watched as Delioras body falls apart and crashes onto the ground. Gray and Lyon were shocked by this while Thomas and his team along with Natsu, Happy, Erza and Lucy show up to see Deliora's fall.
After that Dillon sat onto the water as he let out a sigh of relief and then turn to everyone as he smirk at them and said.
Dillon: Man what a mission, would like to have a "ice" drink once we heaf back.
Y/n and the others just smile while Gray looked at them and then smiled as he is thankful that he found a new family that will never leave him no matter what.
Then we see Desast as he watched the whole battle was was impressed by it. Even though Deliora was weak once he was released, he was impressed how Y/n and the others stood their ground disbite seeing Deliora itself. Soon he make his leave as he report the lost of Deliora to Legeiel and the rest as he disappeared into the darkness.
To be continued.......................................
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