Chapter 11: A mission to the cursed island

We see a cloaked figure who is a member of the sword or logos walking fown the halls of the Sword of logos main HQ which is sitting on top of a hill while having an open veiw of many hills around the area while we see Aidan sitting at his throne chair while Lennox and Kendall were with him as we see Aidan setting up his chess as he look at the pieces he have and smile to himself Cheerfully.

Then they hear a knock and the same cloak figure open the door and peaks his head through the door.

Sword of logos member: My apologies if I disturb you Master logos.

Aidan: (smile) Calm my friend. You have disturb me anything. So what brings you here?

He walks over to Aidan and once he gets close he bow down to him and informs him.

Sword of logos members: We believe there is activity at an island and we believe the Megid are plotting for something.

Aidan: Hmmm I see. What island is it?

Sword of logos member A cursed island named Galuna Island.

Lennox: (shocked) Galuna Island?!

Kendall: Why are they there? They do know that is a cursed island right?

Aidan: Yes but i believe they are plotting for something and we must stop them what ever we can. Bring me all the riders here now, I believe we need all the riders we have to stop Megid and their plan....what ever it might be.



We see Y/n walking to Lucy's apartment as he brought some books form the book store and might wonder Lucy would like to join Y/n reading some books with him since it is a nice day at Magnolia and there haven't been any news about any Megid attacks for a while so he might wonder she might want to come to the park with him and read some books with him.

Y/n: (thought) Let's just hope she ain't busy today. I don't want her to ruin her new book that will be done very soon. Who I kidding, she likes reading books and maybe I invite Levy as well so we can read together.

He was in a good mood as he arrive at Lucy's place and knock a her door and waited until the door open which Y/n happy said.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Lucy, wanna come by the park with me and-

Dillon: (smile) Yo Y/n! What's happening with ya?

Y/n: (surprised) Oh Dillon! I didn't know you were in her house....wait....why are you in her house?

Dillon:'s kinda a long story but come in, I'm just looking for something.

Y/n: Okay?

He step inside and he looks around but doesn't see Lucy as he set his books while Dillon looks around as Y/n tells him.

Y/n: You know Lucy ain't gonna like it if your looking around her room?

Dillon: Don't worry, I'm not looking for anything private to her.

Y/n: Well that's good. Still what are you looking for?

Dillon: Something.

Y/n: Um right.

Dillon looks around and while he looks around he was thinking about something and then ask Y/n.

Dillon: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Dillon: So what other family members do you have? Like I know your mother and father but....anyone else?

Y/n: No it was just me, my dad and mother. Soon I was alone.

Dillon: I see. So you don't have siblings?

Y/n: Not what I remember of no. I mean I think I ask my mum and dad for a brother or sister when I was young. (Chuckle) I was silly back then.

Dillon: (smile) We all were. Wait....there! Find it!

He grabs something and stood up as Y/n walks over to him.

Y/n: What is it?

Dillon sigh and turns to him.

Dillon: Okay but I don't want to worry you so hear me out.

Y/n: Okay? Surely what ever it is can't be that bad.

(5 minutes later)


We see the two within the fairy tail guild Hall and Y/n at first Dillon didn't think this was true and head there to take to Makarov and once he said it's true, Y/n is shocked.

Makarov: Yes. They took an S-Class request on the second floor and head off.

Y/n: (shocked) But how?!

Mirajane: Happy must have grab it without anyone noticing and head off.

Y/n: (shocked) And they brought Lucy along! They're gonna be hurt if they get there!

Dillon: Don't worry, Gray is on his way to return them back.

Laxus: (smirk) Oh stop your worrying kid, I'm sure they can handle it by themselves.

They look up at the second floor to see Laxus smirking down while everyone seemed to be mad at him.

Alzack: (anger) Would you shut up! This was your fault for letting Happy take the request job!

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Your serious?!

Dillon: Yeah and he did nothing to stop him.

Laxus: (smirk) Oh come on he was acting sneaky so I ignore him and let him take it.


Laxus: Man your annoying. Your just like Natsu, do me a favour and buzz off.

Y/n: (anger) HOW CAN YOU VE SELFISH LAXUS! Natsu is maybe strong but Lucy is still new and she might get her! SHE IS GONNA DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!

Dillon place a hand on Y/n as Laxus just turns and walks off.

Dillon: Calm down Y/n. It ain't worth it.

Y/n: (sigh) Yeah your right. Still......

Makarov: Y/n, Dillon your needed at Master Logos castle for a mission.

Dillon: Right. Come on Y/n, let's go.

He nodes and followed Dillon and once that left Sophia appear as she walks over to Makarov.

Makarov: That boy have a firing spirit like Natsu but he deeply cares for those around him.

Sophia: Agree. Still it was close.

Makarov: What do you mean?

Sophia: I may not know if it was just my imagination or not but.....I thinm "it" glow.

Makarov: (shocked) What?! You means that sword! How, that sword hasn't done that for ever sincethis guild was first build!

Sophia: Indeed but it seems like it now finds a new host. It can smell Y/n's fear and his anger. We must do whatever we can to prevent that sword form getting to Y/n otherwise....he might fall into complete darkness.


Dillon and Y/n step out of the portal that Dillon open using the portal wonder ride book as they walk through the halls Aidan's Castle and enter his throne room to see Andrew, Michael, Robert, William and Thomas as they turn to see Dillon and Y/n.

Andrew: (smile) You two made it just in time.

Michael: Wait, you okay Y/n? You look troubled?

Y/n: It's nothing. Sorry for the late master logos.

Aidan: (smile) It's no worries Y/n. Now all of you are here, this is your mission. Lennox you may.

He node and tossed a lacrima ball as it float in front of them and shows them the island which Y/n recognised as the same island that Lucy, Natsu and Happy are taking part .

Aidan: This is Galuna Island, a cursed island that has many horrified tales from anyone who visited this island. We believe the Megid are up to something and we need to figure out what they are planning. Since this is one of the most dangerous islands, I decided to call all of you to take part this risky mission.

Thomas: Sir, will we sticking together or go into teams?

Aidan: Teams with be a wise choice. So here is your teams. Team A will be Y/n, Andrew, Dillon and Michael will go and investigate a village within the forest. Your team will be landed at the left side of the island. Team B will be Robert, William and Thomas, your goal is to investigate a temple and report to Team A if you gotten any information. You'll be sent to the right side of the island. Remember this island is dangerous so look out for anything.

They agree and Lennox and Kendall both open wonder ride portals and two portals open as they stand in front of their own portals and turn to each team.

Thomas: (smile) Good luck you four.

William: (smile) See you once we find you.

Robert: (smile) Be safe.

Dillon: (smile) Same to you three as well.

Then they enter their own portals and once through the portal shut as Aidan hope they will be alright.


We see Y/n, Dillon, Michael and Andrew landing at what seems like a forest in the middle of the night as they look around and see nothing once the portal shuts behind them.

Michael: Looks like eveyething is clear.

Andrew: Still, stay sharp.

Y/n: Come on, a village could be over there.

Dillon: Y/n you should-

But he walks off while Dillon sigh and worries for him but they catch up as they journey through the forest hoping to stumble to a village somewhere. Soon the came out of the forest and enter what looks like a firt road. They follow the road hoping to stumble to a village and before they know it they were standing at a large wall and believe that must be it.

Michael: Looks like this is it.

Andrew: You think anyone is home?

Soon a gate in front of them open which surprised them as Y/n said while he walks through the gate.

Y/n: Seems like someone is home. Here I thought this will be a tra-


He looks down to a pile of stick and suddenly it broke and Y/n fell into a hole that was covered up by sticks. The three were  surprised by this when a female familiar voice call out.

???: Ha! See told you that will wor- wait?

They look over to see Lucy and Happy with some monsters that were dress up as village people as Lucy asked.

Lucy: (shocked) What on earth are you guys doing here?!

Michael: We might be asking the same thing to you two!?

Lucy: Wait? If your here, where is Y/n?

Happy: I think he is in there.

She looks down at the hole she made and see Y/n in the hole  as she realised she trapped Y/n by accidentally.


Y/n: I-Its okay Lucy. G-Glad to see you okay. Ow.

(Short while later)

They managed to get Y/n out of the hole and Lucy apologise to Y/n which he already forgive while the rest look at the village people that were monsters and Dillon asked.

Dillon: So these were humans who was turned into monsters by a moon?

Andrew: How is that even possible?

Lucy: Well i have no idea how this moon that turn people into monsters come from but what we found out, there these a group of people that are trying to bring back a monster within a temple.

Andrew: A monster?

Michael: That would explain what the Megid's goals are.

Lucy: Megid? They are here as well?

Dillon: Indeed. Aidan sent us here because Megid was on this island and if they are helping this group of people to bring back a monster, it's possible they are gonna use it to take over Earthland.

Lucy: Still we haven't seen any Media for a while. Still we have feelings that we were being watched.

Y/n: Maybe they was watching us right now.

Michael: Maybe. Still where is Natsu and Gray?

Happy: They're fighting this leader named Lyon. Gray knew him somehow.

Andrew: I see. Speaking for which. Why are you four here?

Lucy: (nervous) was being dragged to come along.

Happy: I believe you come with us because the reward was a new celestial spirit.


Y/n: Still I'm glad your okay Lucy. I don't want anything happen to you or to anyone else.

Lucy: (blush) Y-Yeah. Sorry I made you worry.

Y/n: (smile) That okay. Just glad your safe.

Lucy node while Michael looks up and calls out.

Michael: What the heck is that?!

They all look up and see what looks like a gaint rat flying overhead them while carrying a bucket filled with green liquid.

Andrew: (surprised) Is that a gaint rat?!

Dillon: (smirk) Well never knew rats can fly. Well that's "cool" to me.

Lucy: Aaaww man, that means my trap won't work.

Michael: I thing your missing the point.

Soon the gaint rat pours the green liquid down at them as they wonder what it was until Y/n realised what it was.


Brave dragon!

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou! Brave Dragon~!

He swings his sword around and around to form a fire fire and fire it towards the green liquid that exploded and litter rain drops was spilled around the village and around them thinsg start to burn as they realised it was acid as everything burns around them while they were safe.

Soon the ground they were standing on was the only one while the rest was burned and cleared.

Dillon: Quick thinking Y/n.

Saber: It's not over yet.

Soon the gaint rat landed down and three figures land on the ground as they look down and see them.

Michael: Who are you people?

Yuka: We are service to Lyon. My name is Yuka.

Sherry: (smile) And I'm his lover, Sherry. It's good to be facing with riders in person.

Toby: And I'm Toby one of the most deadly member around.

Dillon: Is it mean or dose that Toby guy look like a cat.

Toby: (anger) I'M NOT A CAT!

Dillon: What ever you say cat man.

Tody: Cat man?

Yuka: He was mocking you.

Tody: Oh yeah! HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!!

Michael: They look kinda dangerous.

Lucy: Be careful around them. They are strong.

Saber: Yeah but we're stronger then them!

Sherry: (smirk) We'll see about that rider.

She then hop onto her gaint pet rat and the gaint rat flies towards Saber and he was grabbed by the gaint rats claws and he as taken.

Lucy and Dillon: Y/n!

Michael: Go and save him! We'll hold them off!

Andrew: Yeah go!

Lucy: Okay. Be safe.

Dillon: We save him! Happy, your with us!

Happy: Right!

They head off while Andrew and Michael place their Seiken Swordrivers on their waist.

Andrew: Everyone stay back and allow us to take care of them.

Michael: Ready for this?

Andrew: Yeah let's go.

Lion Senki!

Lamp do Alangina!

Seiken Swordriver: Nagare Battou!

Seiken Swordriver: Ikazuchi Battou!

Michael and Andrew: Henshin!

Seiken Swordriver: Lion Senki!

Seiken Swordriver: Lamp Do Alangina!

Blades and Espada leap off the edge and land on the ground and look up at them and get into a battle stand while Yuka Toby stare at them.

Blades: Your move.


Blades: I said your move? Like, you gonna strike at us or are you?

Toby: (smile) Oh no you go first!

Espada, Blades and Yuka nearly fall down as Yuka tells him.

Yuka: Your such an idiot.

Toby: (anger) No! I'm a clever person like you!

Yuka: your still an idiot.


Yuka: And I said you are.

Espada: This......this one weird mission ever.

Blades: Yeah I was suspected those two to be.....less silly.

Espada: Agree.

Yuka: Enough of this. Time to settle this!

Blades: Agree! Let's do this!


We see Saber still garbled by Sherry's rat as he swing his sword at the rat but it doesn't even work.

Sherry: Hahahahaha! Try your best but you will not break free.

Saber: Oh then maybe this will.

He tickle the rat and the rat start to laugh and stop flying and let's go of Saber.

Saber: Yes! It worked!

He looks down and see how high he is and realised he might die.

Saber: Oooohhhhh....crap.

Then they fell and soon they land hard to the ground. Dust fills the air as we see Saber have his head stuck on the ground as he try to get out. Soon he get his head out of the ground and looks around.

Saber: Well that was not part of my plan. Maybe I shouldn't have thought this throw.

Happy: There he is!

He turn to see Dillon, Lucy and Happy rush over qs Lucy hugged him to see him alright. Once that Dillon pats him on the shoulder and tells him.

Dillon: (smile) Good thing your okay little bro. Here I thought I might lose you after so long.

Saber: (smile) Don't worry I'm oka-Wait a minute.

He step back while he looks at Dillon and asked.

Saber: Why did you call me little bro? And what do you mean by lose me after so long?

Dillon suddenly started to sweat, realising what he said while Lucy and Happy look at him as Dillon sigh and has no choice.

Dillon: Y/n....there is something I have to tell you.

Saber: What is it?

Dillon was hesitant at first but he took a deep breath and then tell him.

Dillon: Y/n....I'm you-

Suddenly a tree near them comes to life and attack them. They leap away and see Sherry there and she is not happy.

Dillon: I'll tell you after we beat her!

Saber: R-Right!

Lucy: (nervous) She looks very mad guys.

Happy: Aye!

Sherry: (anger) You dare hurt my beautiful pet friend. You will pay for this kamen riders! You will all pay!

The trees around them start to come to life and surround them ad they realise this will be a hard fight.


Inside what seems like a temple we see Lyon sitting on his thorne alone as he thinks to himself when Legeiel came out of the darkness and walk over to Lyon.

Legeiel: Seems we have some more visitors on our island.

Lyon: Indeed. Still they will not ruin our plan. We will complete our goal.

Legeiel: (smirk) Yes and we assist you to complete your goal.

Lyon: Indeed. Soon Deliora will rise and soon I will kill it.

Legeiel: (smirk) Of course you will. Of course you will.

Legeiel leave while there is a smirk on his face as he left and disappeared into the darkness as his plan is going well and now all he has to wait until they will revive Deliora and use the their weapon.

To be continued.....................

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