Chapter 10: Meet Master Logos himself
It was a nice day at Magnolia as we see Y/n just a his room reading his books that he has as he read through the book while taking a nice break after his mission with Erza of stopping Eienwald guild and the Megid's for killing many lives with a lullaby flute.
Y/n close up his book while he lend back on his chair and look up at the ceiling thinking about the mission as he pulls out the king Arthur book while he smiles to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Can't believe it has been a while since I became a rider and a member to both Fairy Tail and sword of logos and now I just came from an epic adventure. I met so many people and I can't wait what else my journey will take me this time.
Ave: (smile) Hey Y/n.
He turn in surprised to see Ave at his home as she walks over and take a look at the book he was reading.
Ave: (smile) Looks like an interesting book. So this is what you've been doing all day?
Y/n: Yeah I needed to catch up some reading since I haven't read any books for a while ever since I join you guys.
Ave: Make sense. Well just came here to remind you about a battle that is gonna happen today.
Y/n: A battle?
Ave: Yeah remember when Natsu challenges Erza to a battle?
Y/n:....There doing it right now are they?
Ave: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: (sigh) Well, let's see what's destroyed qnd hopefully they can repair it.
Ave: I think they don't.
The two make their leave and once they leave we see a cloak figure came into veiw as he looks at Y/n's desk as he looks at the door where they left and to the desk and then leaves something on his desk and turn and left.
On the table was a pen that has he words on the side that said "Wonder pen."
We see a crowd of the fairy tail guild members once Y/n and Ave arrived as they make their way through and they see Natsu and Erza facing each other and they were ready for a battle.
Ave: (smile) Looks like they haven't started yet.
Y/n: Which is good but why is it outside of the guild Hall? Wouldn't I be far more safer if it is somewhere else that isn't have any buildings around us?
Gray: That's how fights go man.
Happy: Yep and I'm placing down bets so you wanna bet on someone?
Y/n was surprised of Gray and Happy to appear while Andrew and Robert approaches Y/n with Lucy and Levy follow as well.
Andrew: Don't worry about it. If there is anything damage, I'm sure Sophia will repair it.
Robert: Yeah but she gets tired to having to repair buildings sometimes.
Y/n: So it might turn out bad either way.
Lucy: Yeah I believe so.
Levy: (smile) Same but still don't you worry, they won't hurt each other or anything.
Y/n: Let's hope so.
They turn to Natsu and Erza as Natsu crackle his knuckles while he tells Erza.
Natsu: (smirk) Been a while since we have a fight. Let's make this interesting.
Erza: (smile) Agree.
She the requip to her fire blaze empress armor and as soon the sound of the bell rang the fight begins with Natsu striking first as he burst his fist into flames and charge at her while Erza dodges. The crowd cheered while Y/n watch this play out.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turn to see Dillon as he ask Y/n.
Dillon: (smile) How is your time being here Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. I've met so many people and gone on some amazing adventures. But I'll make sure I will fight for those I care for just like my father dose when he was one of yous.
Dillon: (smile) I'm glad for that. Your a "Cool" kid.
Y/n: Really?
Dillon: (chuckle) Oh come on it's a good one. Still tell me more about your family and you miss your mother?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but the truth is...I really don't know much about her.
Dillon: Really? How come?
Y/n: Well my mother was busy when I was just a baby and soon she just vanished. My father told me she'll be staying at her work which made me sad but at least I was with my father but know what happens next.
Dillon: I see. I'm very sorry for that.
Y/n: It's fine but I don't know what but I have this thought that my parents were hiding something from me.
Dillon: What do you mean?
Y/n: I over heard them talking about something. Something about baby and I won't be alone. I don't know what those mean but I can't remember else.
Dillon: That is weird. Well I'm sure it is nothing and never worry about it.
Y/n: Yeah I guess your right. So what should we do after this fight is ov-
???: Enough!
Natsu and Erza stop fighting and they all turn to see a human like frog enter the circle as eveyrone were surprised for some reason.
Y/n: (surprised) Um is that a frog?
Dillon: They work for the magic council and their apart of a frog people kind within the magic council but they are very smart and pretty cool. Weird but cool.
Magic council deliver: I have come here because one of your members has committed a crime against the magic council and it's law. Erza Scarlet you are under arrest.
They were shocked by this and confused on why Erza is being arrested and what did she do to get arrested.
(Short while later)
Everyone was inside the guild Hall sadden by the fact that Erza was taking away like that by the magic council and be arrested for something that she didn't do wrong.
Natsu was turned into a lizard and trap inside a gladd cup so he won't go rampage and rescue her. Y/n looks at the entrance and everyone else and see that he can't sit here and do nothing so he stood up and walk towards the door.
Andrew: Where are you going?
Y/n: I'm going to help her.
Andrew: No way!
He reach over and grabs Y/n hand as he tells him.
Andrew: Listen I know you wanna go and help her bjt it's too risky. The magic council isn't a type of people you shouldn't go in to their court like yoru ready for a fight.
Y/n: But Erza is our friend! We should all be there to help her and reason with the magic council, not just sit here and do nothing!
Natsu: Yeah he's right!
Cana: Even so the magic council will see us more a threat to them.
Elfman: Trust us kid the magic council dose not like us.
Y/n: So are we just going to stand here and do nothing?
Gray: If the magic council say your guilty then your guilty.
Y/n: But Erza didn't do nothing! In fact, she save a lot of people and was the one who got information about the lullaby flute and Eienwalds plan! Look I'm going there and I'm bringing her back!
He then left the guild while everyone watch him leave.
Michael: Want me to get him?
Makarov: No it's alright. Let him be.
Mirajane: Master?
Makarov:.....He acts like his father. Reckless sometimes but has a pure heart.
Lucy: (thought) Please be back Y/n. I'm worry about you.
We see Erza standing within the court room with th magic council members starting back at her as Doma starts off the trail.
Doma: According to many reports, rouge dark guilds by the name is Eienwald has attacked two towns and summons a massive creature with the help of the Megid. During these battles reports fly around about a female warrior wearing Knight armor and shown to summon armor and weapons out of thin air. That person would be you Erza, you will be trailed for your crimes and we will decide what we should do with you.
Erza was silent and didn't say anything as she waits for her punishment.
???: I would like to say something!
They all look at the entrance and they see Y/n enter the court with Erza being surprised.
Erza: (surprised) What are you doing here?! You should wait back at the guild!
Y/n: No I won't Erza. Your story can't end with you going to jail after what you did. I will decide your faith of your story Erza.
Erza: (surprised) Y/n.
She brushed a bit while Y/n turns to the magic council members and tells them all.
Y/n: Listen, Erza didn't do anything wrong during our battle against Eienwald and Megid. She help us defeat them and stop them before they would have a chance to kill anymore people. I know we saved the day but without Erza telling us about this plot, we would have never know and people would have died.
Erza was surprised while the magic council members look at each other and then Michello asked.
Michello: Is it true that she lead you onto this mission?
Y/n: Yes.
Org: And the one that told you and your team about this dangerous flute?
Y/n: Yes.
Org: And are you telling us the truth?
Y/n: Yes. I understand you hated Fairy Tail due to their actions and destruction and I get it but look at all thegoof they have done. They help many people, saved lives and stop anything that can threatening this world. Look, I know you wanna pick the blame on someone but don't blame Erza or Fairy Tail for the mess they have done. They are heroes and you gonna understand that.
They sat there in silence and possibly not seeing Y/n's way when another voice cameos behind Erza.
???: This trail is over.
They all turn and a man wearing royal outfit enters the court room and walsk up next to Erza.
???: This court is no need to stand trail for Erza's actions. Her actions was heroic and that young man's right. Without her more lives would have been lost. So clear Erza from all of her crimes and set her free.
With no choice they allow Erza to leave and once thqt is done the trio were standing at the halls as Erza hugs Y/n which made him blush a little and once thqt they turn to the royal man.
Erza: Master Logos, I didn't know you would be here.
Y/n: (surprised) Master logos? You mean, your the leader of the whole sword logos? It's an honour sir.
Aidan: (smile) The honour is all mine and please, call me Aidan, no need for Master or sir thing. Still it's nice to finally meet the flame sword man which is kamen rider Saber.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you but how do you know about me?
Aidan: (smile) I think you know my two body guards.
They turn and a man and women walks over to them.
Lennox: (smile) Greetings Y/n. It seems we have met again. You may not know me but my name is Lennox also known as Kamen rider Durandal.
Kendall: (smile) And I'm Kendall also known as Kamen rider Sabela.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow so your Duranfal and Sabela, it's nice to see you two again and thanks for the help.
Lennox: (smile) It is a pleasure Y/n. We're glad we can help.
Kendall: (smile) Same.
Aidan: I think you both should head back to the guild. They might be worry about you both.
Erza: Right. Goodbye and thank you for the help.
Thetford leave while Aidan watch them leave as he looks at Y/n with a smile on his face.
Aidan: (thought) I have a good feeling about that boy.
Eveyrone were shocked by Erza and Y/n came back without making the magic council mad as Natu who is back to normal cheers and pats Y/n's on the back a bit too hard as he tells him.
Natsu: (smirk) Man your one brave person to go up to them and came out with Erza without getting arrested.
Happy: Yeah, me and Natsu even planned on keeping an eye on your house while you are gone.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but don't worry guys. I hope this won't happen again.
Mirajane: (smile) I'm glad for it.
Everyone else were happy to seethem back as Y/n sat across of Erza while she have her cake as Erza looks over to him and ask him.
Erza: Why did you risk yourself just so you can free me?
Y/n: (smile) Like I said before. Your story can't end withyou being in jail for a crime you didn't do. I'll decide how your faith in the story. Besides your apart of us and we stick together no matter what.
Erza blushes a bit while Y/n smiles while we look over to see Jessica, Ashley, Amy, Mia, Ave and Olivia see this happen.
Ave: Aw man I wish he'll said that to me.
Amy: (smile) He really is nice and cute as well.
Olivia: (mutter) Agree.
Mia: (smirk) I like a man who has guts and has a cute face.
Jessica: (smile) And he's so nice.
Erza looks at Y/n and smiles a bit but suddenly she drop her fork all of sudden so Y/n bend over to grab it for her but then he sees Erza fell onto the ground as she doesn't move.
Y/n: Erza?! Erza!
Then soon many more members start to fall around Y/n as he stand up and looks around to see eveyone passing out and falling onto the floor.
Y/n: What is going on?!
Then he hears footsteps as he turn to see a cloak figure with a staff in hand as he turn to him and asked him.
Y/n: Who are you and what did you do to them?!
Y/n: Who ever you are, you gonna wake them up right now!
Seiken Swordriver: Seiken Swordriver!
Brave dragon!
Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!
Y/n: Henshin!
Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~!
Saber charge at the cloak figure and swing his sword at him while he stand there not phased as he move his body like everything was in slow motion around him and he gets behind Saber and walks off as Saber turns to him walking away so he leaps over and block his way and try to swing him once more.
But every swing he dodges them like he knows his moves as he calmy dodges his swings and the dodge him and gets behind him again but this time and kicks him sending him flying and rolled onto the ground.
The cloak figure turn to him as Saber stood up and was about to charge at him when Makarov who was awake calls out.
Makarov: Saber stop!
Saber: What? But why?
Makarov: He's a member here.
Saber is shocked by this as the cloak figure walks over to the job request board and takes out a job and then makehis leave. He walk pass Saber who glanced at him as he looks at him not in anger or annoyance.....but interested. Once he leaves the guild Hall everyone start to wake up apart of Natsu as Saber dehenshin while staring at the door that he walk through while Andrew, Michael and Dillon approaches him.
Y/n: Who was that?
Andrew: That's Mystogan. He's this powerful S-Class wizard like Erza but he rather to have no one see his face so he cast a sleep spell to put all of us to sleep.
Y/n: Weird. How come I didn't fall asleep like eveyrone else?
Andrew: That's a good question. Only Makarov I'd able to stay awake and see his face.
Michael: But it's surprising that you didn't go to sleep like al of us were.
Dillon: (smirk) Guess your the special one.
Y/n doesn't know as well whike Makarov stare at Y/n where a voice from above said.
???: Yeah he might not put you to sleep but you were weak of landing a blow to him.
They all look up to see a man with yellow hair as Dillon tells Y/n.
Dillon: And that's another S-Class Wizard named Laxus. He's kinda a jerk.
Laxus: (smirk) Just saying that you didn't land some strikes on the guy. You must have some weak sword combat skills or something.
Natsu: Hey Laxus! How about we settled this! You and me?!
William: You wake up just so you can fight Laxus.
Laxus: (smirk) Listen here fire sword man your just pathetic like everyone else in this guild and the sword of loser's.
Dillon: Back off Laxus!
Andrew: Yeah he doesn't have to hear it from you.
Laxus: (smirk) Pathetic. You logos always have your fancy swords and cool rider names. Well guess what, as soon I'm guild master I'll throw all of you into the street and you will no longer base that you can hang out with!
They all glare at Laxus as he laughs while walking away. Lucy approaches Y/n and ask him.
Lucy: You alright?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't suspect someone in this guild who is a jerk.
Lucy: Agree. What a jerk.
Dillon: (smirk) Yeah, it be not "cool" for him to say those things to you.
Everyone just laughed while Erza shake her head but smile while we see Mystogan walking away from the guild bit stop next to an alleyway and said.
Mystogan: You are right. That boy is different to the rest.
Then that same cloak figure from before came out of the darkness of the alleyway and tells him.
???: Indeed. He might be more powerful then anyone else.
Mystogan: What should we do?
???: I'll keep close eye on him. You go and do your job. I'll report to you and Sophia if anything happens.
Mystogan nods and leaves while the cloak figure turns and enter back to the dark alleyway as he said to himself.
???: Y/n....I believe your journey is only the beginning.
To be continued..................
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