Chapter 1: The opening chapter of Saber

Earthland. A magical world were wizards and magic existe through out the land. Magic has been around for years and many guilds have been made across the world and life has been peaceful with many adventures to go to, many friends to meet and many people that has been helped by them. The world of Earthland has been peaceful.

Until a evil group of monsters step out of the shadows and cost their evil throughout the land. They were called the Megiddo, monsters that appear out magical books known as Wonder books from another world. They cost chaos and death as they make alliance with some dark guilds and everyone was afraid of them, even the magic council can't stop them.

But there is hope. A group of warriors known as the sword of logos use the power of the wonder books to become wonder warriors known as Kamen riders as they fight the Megiddo and save many lives. No one never knows where they came from or who formed them but they do know as long they are around, the world is safe.

This is a story of a boy who has travelled around the world searching for new stories to write but soon he will be the greatest hero ever within Earthland as new member of the sword of the logos and will finish the story with a happy ending.

His name is Y/n L/n also known as.....Kamen rider Saber.


(Hargeon Town)

We look over at the city of Hargeon as we look over at the people doing their own business and it was a peaceful town. We cut to the train station as we see a blue cat look down at a guy with pink hair who looks very sick as he calls out to him.

???: Hey Natsu we are it to Hargeon!

Natsu groaned in sickness as the train conductor asked the blue cat.

Train conductor man: Um is your friend gonna be alright?

???: He's fine, he gets motion sickness when he get onto rides.

Natsu: Never again. I'm not gonna ride one again.

Natsu cheeks puffed in buff and then a man walks in and see Natsu laying near the exit sick. He shake his head and picks him up and drag him outside and the blue cat follows as well.

Once out the guy sat Natsu down and Natsu take a sigh of relief and looks up at guy that drag him out of the train and I to the bench.

Natsu: Thanks for that Andrew. I own you one.

Andrew: (smile) You really have to get used to travelling Natsu.

Natsu: Easy for you to say. It sucks being the only guy who has a crappy weakness.

Andrew: Don't beat yourself Natsu. At least we're here and that all it matters.

Natsu: Guess your right.

Andrew smiles before  looks down at the blue cat and asked.

Andrew: So Happy, you sure this is were we find this Salamander guy?

Happy: Yep that's what I've heard.

Natsu: So why are you here with us Andrew?

Andrew: (smile) Why not? You guys needed to find someone so I'll be happy to help you. Besides Don't want yous to trash the town if something happens like a fight or something.

Natsu: Oh come on man.

Andrew: But besides that let's look around and see what we can find.

They nod and they head into town searching for the Salamander guy within Hargeon.


Within town we see a young boy walking through town with a map on him as he looks in the map before he looks up and we see it's Y/n as he looks around trying to see a store or shop anywhere.

He spotted one nearby and he folded his map and once slide it into his pocket and walks over to the shop and opens the door. The bell rings as he steps inside and see it was a magic shop instead of a original shop.

Y/n: (thought) Huh guess I'm in a wrong shop.

He turns to leave but he over heard a conventional between a young girl with long blonde hair and the old shop keeper as she asked in shock.

???: (shocked) What? You get to tell me this is the only shop in town?

Old shop keeper: That's right. Not much wizards gone by here so this is the only magic shop still open in this town.

???: Aw man. I've been looking for one and turns out this is the only shop in this town.

Old shop Keeper: Oh don't worry I have some things I may have.

He then pulls out a mirror like object as he explains.

Old shop keeper: This colour magic is famous to all girls. It let's you change the clothes you want without buying it.

He then move his finger at the crystal and his clothes changed purple and his hat turn green and then turns back to his green clothes and brown hat which surprises Y/n but the girl said.

???: I have those. I really want some gate keys.

Old shop keeper: Gate keys huh? I have just one.

Then the old shop keeper pulls out a small box that once open revealed a gate key which made the blonde girl excited about.

???: (surprised) Oh woah, a doggie!

Old shop keeper: Yep although it isn't that strong.

???: I know but I really want it. How much?

Old shop keeper: 50,000 jewels.

There was a long silence before the blinds girl asked.

???: I'm sorry but how much was it again?

Old shop keeper: I said 50,000 jewels.

Y/n could tell by the blonde girls look that she doesn't have that much. He pulls out his own jewels and see he has enough. He then walks over to the counter and place his jewels down and the blonde girl and old shop keeper turns to him.

Y/n: I'll buy it for this girl.

Old shop keeper: Really? You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'm sure. I can tell she really wanted it but doesn't have enough so it's on me.

Old Shop keeper: OK then. You alright with this ma'am?

???: Um I'm not sure.

Y/n: (smile) It's alright. I still have enough for a train ride to the next town.

The blonde girl was surprised and after Y/n pays for the key for the blonde girl he turns and exit out of the shop. But the blonde girl gosw out and see Y/n walking away and calls out to him while running up to him.

???: Hey wait!

Y/n turns and the blonde girl managed to race up to him and said.

???: You really don't have to do that for me.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright. At least you got what you needed.

Lucy: (smile) Well thanks. My name is Lucy and your name?

Y/n: (smile) I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n nice to meet you Lucy.

Lucy froze when she heard that name and steps back and asked again.

Lucy: (shocked) Um sorry but what's your name again?

Y/n: (smile) Oh no worries, My name is Y/n L/n.

Lucy: (surprises) So your THE Y/n L/n! The greatest author of this book.

She then pulls out a book and Y/n looks at it and nods and said.

Y/n: (smile) Yep that's me. I see your a fan of my books.

Lucy: (surprises) I'm a huge fan of your books. Your one of the greatest Authors I ever look up to.

Y/n: (smile) That's pretty cool. Glad to meet one of my fans within this city.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah.

Then they will together through Hargeon talking about each other before they stop on top of a brick bridge and Lucy asked Y/n.

Lucy: So Y/n mind asking me something?

Y/n: Sure, what's on your mind?

Lucy: I was wonder how you began writing books. I wanna know how your so good at it.

Y/n looks around to see no one is looking and hereach down to his pocket and pulls out a red small book with the title on it that said "Brave dragon" on it.

Y/n: This helps me to write stories more.

Lucy: What is it?

Y/n: No clue. It was a gift to my father before he disappeared. He said to me that I'll be the worlds greatest author one day and I did thanks to this.

Lucy: Woah so cool. So why are you in this town?

Y/n: Well I'm travelling around the world to search for the greatest story I could write and maybe the world will read it for millions of years.

Lucy: That's a very interesting adventure. What's about do a story about those Kamen riders?

Y/n: Kamen riders?

Lucy: Yeah. They're mysterious warriors who fight dark with who threatened towns and villages and also mysterious monsters through Earthland.

Y/n: Hun they do sound mysterious.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah and cool as well.

Y/n: Hmmmm.

Then a crowd of girls run pass them and one of the even mentioned the Salamander is in town.

Y/n: The Salamander?

Lucy: (surprises) He's one of the most famous wizards across the world. I wonder why is he in this town?

Y/n: Don't know but let's see what's up.

Lucy nods existedly and they head off to see about the Salamander.


We cut to Natsu, Andrew and Happy walking down a hill within a small alleyway as Natsu breath a sigh of relief and said.

Natsu: Damn it. We search everywhere and there is no sign of him.

Happy: Aye.

Andrew: We can't give up yet. We gonna keep looking and see if he is here. If I can guess he should be the middle of town or something.

Natsu: I bet he isn't.

Then they hear a crowd of girls at the bottom calling out Salamander which surprises Happy and Natsu as Andrew smirks a little and said.

Andrew: (smirk) Well guess I was right.

Natsu: (smile) Yeah let's go see him.

Happy: Aye!

Natsu and Happy race down while Andrew try to catch up to them before they do something stupid.


We cut back to Lucy and Y/n as they enter the crowd of girls and once they got in front of the crowd they see a girl with short blue hair as he smiles at the grils while all girls scream out for him.

Y/n finds this Salamander guy off as he asked Lucy.

Y/n: This guy is kinda odd don't you think Lucy?


Y/n: Lucy?

He turns to Lucy to see she was stare at the Salamander with hearts on her eyes. Y/n looks back at the Salamander and realised on one of his fingers was a love charm ring that makes girls fall in love for you.

Y/n: (thought) That ring is banned by the magic Council. How did he get that ring?

Lucy start walking towards the Salamander and Y/n see this and grabs Lucy's arm and pulling her back while calling out to her.

Y/n: Lucy snap out of it! He's using a love charm ring to infect you and all the girls around us! Lucy!

Then Lucy snaps out of it and steps back and looks at Y/n in confusion.

Lucy: Wh-What happened?

Y/n: Lucy that Salamander is using a-

Natsu: (smile) Igneel I finally find you!

Then Natsu jump into the crowd and all girls including Salamander, Lucy and Y/n stare at him until Natsu asked.

Natsu: Who the hell are you,

Salamander: (shocked) Who I'm I?! I'm Salamander, surely you know of me.

Then Natsu walks away and then all of Salamander's fans start to attack Natsu and beaten him up. Y/n and Lucy watched before something leaps over then and lands onto its feet and roared given everyone attention.

Lucy and Y/n were shocked to see a blue lion as it roared once again and all girls step back while the blue lion disappeared and Andrew walks up next to Y/n and Lucy and said to Natsu.

Andrew: Can you please not get yourself in trouble for 5 seconds?

Natsu: Hey they attacked me all because I was about to leave.

Andrew sigh to himself and turns to the Salamander and asked.

Andrew: I'm sorry about my friend. We thought we were looking for someone that Natsu knew.

Salamander: (smile) That's alright and here, here is my autograph.

He then hands one to Andrew and he takes it trying not to be rude as the Salamander turns and said.

Salamander: Time to make my leave. And all of yous is invited to my yacht tonight.

He then snap his fingers a purple like flames appear below him and set him high in the sky and flys away while all the girls chase after him.

Y/n: (thought) At least that's over with.

Then Y/n realised he was still holding on to Lucy's arm and Lucy see this as well as the two blushed and Y/n let's go while saying.

Y/n: (blush) I'm-Im sorry for that Lucy. Didn't know I was still-

Lucy: (blush) No, No it's alright. Thanks for that save though.

Y/n nods while Lucy couldn't help but feel her heart race as she remembered how Y/n's feels as she blushes even more.

Andrew: I'm sorry about that you two.

They look up at Andrew as Happy helps Natsu up in the background as Andrew said with a smile.

Andrew: (smile) So....know about that Salamander guy?

(A short while later)

We see Lucy, Andrew, Y/n, Natsu and Happy at Hargeon restaurant as Batsu and Happy start eating up all the food while Lucy, Andrew and Y/n watched them go. Andrew shake his head and he turns to Lucy and Y/n and asked.

Andrew: So he was using a love charm ring to control those girls?

Y/n: Yep. I heard about those being banned and I knew right away he was bad news.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah I would have fall for it if wasn't for Y/n here. I own him one.

Y/n straches the back of his heard while smiling and Andrew asked with a little of surprises.

Andrew: (surprises) Your Y/n? Earthlands greatest Author ever around?

Y/n: (smile) Yep guess your a fan of me then?

Andrew: (smile) Yep and it's a honour meeting you in person.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but the honour is all mine.

Andrew: (smile) So what are yous doing in this town?

Lucy: Well Y/n wants to make a greatest story ever while I'm trying to get into a guild.

Andrew: I see. What type of magic do you use?

Lucy: I use celestial spirits and use gate keys to summon them.

Y/n: (surprises) That's awesome Lucy. I heard only celestial wizards are the only once that can summon them.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah and I'm looking for to join a guild. Maybe a best guild around Earthland, it will be so awesome I may die for it.

Natsu: I see.

Andrew: Can you two stop eating for just one second?

Happy: Sorry but nope.

Andrew sigh while Natsu and Happy continue to eat and then Y/n asked.

Y/n: By away, didn't you say yous were looking for someone?

Andrew: Yeah he's name is Igneel. Natsu has been looking for him years.

Happy: We thought we heard he be in this town but turns out he was a fake one.

Natsu: Yeah I bet he can't even breath a real fire like a real dragon.

Y/n: So wait is this Igneel guy has ability make fire magic like a dragon?

Natsu: No you got it all wrong. Igneel is a dragon.

Lucy and Y/n:....Eh?

Happy: Aye. He is a real dragon.

Lucy and Y/n: (shocked) EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!

Y/n: (shocked) Wait so a large dragon comes into Hargeon and strolls around town like it was just a human?!

Natsu and Happy were about to say something but they realise that Y/n was right while Andrew shake his head and said.

Andrew: I try to explain that to them but they didn't listen.

Y/n: I can tell.

Then Lucy pleace down the money and both Y/n and Lucy stands up and Lucy said.

Lucy: Here is the money for the food. See yous around.

Andrew: You sure? I'll pay for the food.

Lucy: No keep it. It's my treat.

Andrew: Alright then.

Y/n: (smile) Take care.

Lucy and Y/n start to walk away but Y/n step on a wood plank which he stumbled forward and his Brave dragon book came out of his pocket and fell onto the ground. Andrew see the book in surprises as his eyes wide open while Y/n picks it up and exit out with Lucy as Andrew was surprised of that small book Y/n has and Natsu asked.

Natsu: Yo Andrew, you ok?

Happy: You look kinda surprises?

Andrew: Y-yeah but did you see that?

Natsu: See what?

Andrew: I think.....I think Y/n has a wonder book with him.

Both Happy and Natsu were shocked as they turn to were Y/n and Lucy felt and wonder if Y/n is will join them?


We see Y/n and Lucy at the park as Lucy sat on the bench while Y/n sat next to her as Lucy read over the weekly magazine and said to Y/n.

Lucy: Looks like Fairy tail has done it again. They destroyed another town.

Y/n: Huh I see and there is reports of those mysterious riders as well.

Lucy: (smile) Yep, wish I could see one. It will be a honor meeting one in person.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah me too.

Lucy: Oh look at this. One of the Fairy tails female members is in the swim suit section.

Y/n looks at the page and see a beautiful long white hair girl dose a pose while wearing a bikini on her.

Y/n: I think her name is Mirajane, if I'm right.

Lucy: (smile) Yep wish I could join Fairy tail it will be soo cool to be in the greatest guild ever.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Salamander: So you wanna join Fairy tail?

Then they quickly turn and see Salam once again peeking out of the bushes and turns to them with a smirk.

Y/n: You again?

Lucy: What do you want?

Salamander: (smirk) I here to see one of my fans. You must be surprised to see me.

Y/n: If your trying to use your love charm spells that's not gonna work. If someone noticed it then it can't infect them.

Salamander: (smile) Smart kid. I heard that you're a great author that I've hear about.

Y/n: Yeah that's me?

Salamander: Well it's a honor meeting you in person, even though you look very young to get all the girls as your fans.

Y/n: (thought) Wait what dose that mean?

Lucy: Look it's best you stay away from us for now on. Let's go Y/n.

Y/n: Right.

They turn to walk away but then Salamander said.

Salamander: (smirk) You do want to join Fairy tail right? I'm one of them you know.

Lucy stop and turns back in surprises including Y/n but he find this very off as Lucy asked.

Lucy: (surprises) Wait so your a member of Fairy tail?

Salamander: (smile) Yep and I'll be happy to invite the two of yous into my guild if yous be in my yacht tonight.

Lucy: (surprises) Really you can?!

Salamander: (smirk) Yep if you don't tell anyone about my ring.

Lucy: Of-Of course.

Salamander: (smile) Good, see you there.

He then walks away while they watch him go and Y/n asked Lucy.

Y/n: You sure we can trust him?

Lucy: He maybe look like a creep but as long we be in a guild, it will be awesome.

Y/n: I hope so.

Y/n wasn't sure to trust Salamander but he see Lucy was happy so he follows ahead. We cut to Salamander enter a dark alleyway and suddenly a mysterious cloaked steps put from the shadows and Salamander turns to see him.

Salamander: Huh didn't know you were there.

???: Have you invited that boy to your yacht as well?

Salamander: Yep which I don't understand why you want me to? He's just a kid?

???: He's not just a kid. We can sense he is very strong and we want him taking out before he joins the sword of logo's.

Salamander: OK.

???: One of our friends will deal with him while you deal with the girl.

Salamander: (smirk) No problem.

???: Good. Good luck.

Then the man turn and disappear while the Salamander continues on walking away.

(A hour later)

It was night time as we see Salamander's yacht at the docks as we see Y/n on it and see many people there as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Woah this yacht is pretty huge. Maybe I was wrong about this Salamander guy but can't lose focus yet.

Lucy: (smile) Hey Y/n, glad you made it.

Y/n turn and his face kinda blush a little when he sees Lucy's dress and said to her.

Y/n: (blush) Y-you look great Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) Aw thanks Y/n, your so kind.

Lucy: (thought) Too bad he's not wearing a fancy clothes but maybe enext time.

Then the yacht set seal as it seal through the lake. Y/n sat near the porch looking at the sea while he pulls out his Brave dragon and looks at it. He remember his father given him it before he left and never came back.

He was upset when he was kid and now as adult he wishes his father was here and see what he has been doing and he'll be proud of him. He turns and looks for Lucy. He see Lucy enters Salamander's office by a guard and finds it suspicious and walks over and try to use the window but it was blocked.

Y/n: (thought) What's going on in there? I must know what's going on?

Y/n looks around and see a path at the left side and he peeks out and see a door ahead and sneaky walks over and grabs the door handle. He turns and it opens and he enter inside and hide behind a box and hear Lucy and Salamander's conversation.

Then Salamander use his magic to lift liquid of Lucy's drink and said to her.

Salamander: Now open wide as I put this into you mouth to celebrate a new member to the guild.

Something doesn't feel right and was shocked when Lucy opens her mouth and the liquid was slowly coming towards her. Then suddenly she slaps the liquid onto the ground and asked.

Lucy: Do you think I'll be stupid enough to fall for that.

Salamander: What do you mean?

Lucy: Your trying to use a sleep spell to put me to asleep.

Salamander smirks to himself as Lucy said.

Lucy: Listen I like to join Fairy tail but I can't be your girlfriend or someone so I'm sorry.

Salamander: (smirk) That's too bad.

Then Salamander pulls out a Alter wonder book out of his pocket and said while tossing it up and lands on his hand.

Salamander: (smirk) You see, you or your friend can't escape this yacht. Not if I have this.

Gansekiou Golem!

Then suddenly a Golem Megid exit out of the Alter wonder book stand in front of Lucy which shocked her and Y/n.

Lucy: (shocked) What is this?

Salamander: (smirk) Just a friend they gave me so you will join me along with my other girls.

Then the curtains swing open as Lucy and Y/n see Salamander's men carrying unconscious girls whih made Y/n and Lucy shocked. Then one of the men grabs Y/n and drags him to Salamander which he said.

Salamander's henchmen: Find this one spying on us boss.

Y/n: Yet me go!

Salamander: (smirk) I see. Too bad your not gonna come with us to Bosco, it would be good but I have to do something for a friend.

Lucy: (shocked) We're going to Bosco! You told us we be going to Fairy tail!

Golem: Pathetic humans with their dreams to be one of the most strongest guilds around. Better luck next time.

Lucy: (anger) Why you!

She was about to take out her gate keys but Salamander use his purple fire magic to swipe the keys of off Lucy and he grabs them and said while looking at them.

Salamander: Gate keys? They are only be used by celestial wizards so they are useless to me.

He then throws them out of the window and they splash into the ocean which shocked Y/n and angered him more.

Lucy: (anger) I can't yous could do this to people. Your just the most awful people around!

Tears run down from Lucy as Y/n see this and start to struggle while Salamander chuckled and said.

Salamander: No point of escape kid. You can't get out if this one.

Y/n ignore him and continues and his heart of making Lucy's dreams come true gets stronger then Golem grabs Y/n by the neck and tossed him that breaks through the window wall as Y/n slide onto the ground.

Y/n stops sliding and looks up and see his brave dragon book laying on the ground as Golem looms down and was about to pick it up but Y/n runs over and kicks Golem back and pick it up.

Lucy screamed as one of the men grabs a hold of her and Salamander exit out and asked Y/n.

Salamander: What about you hand us that wonder book and you may live.

Y/n: I will never hand you this book! This was a gift to my father and I will never give to the likes of you!

Lucy: Y/n.

Y/n: I will make a story that a world will find peace and I will make sure people like you, will never ruin Lucy's own story to be in a guild!

Salamander: So be it kid. Golem he's all yous.

Golem: Good.

Golem summons his large hammer and charge at Y/n. Lucy was worried as Golem rais his hammer to Y/n and was about to strike at him.

Then all if a sudden a water rose up and hits Golem on the other side of the ship. Y/n was surprised and looks to his left and so as everyone else and then water circled around and the it burst and there was a blue rider standing on a yacht which shocked everyone.

Salamander: (shocked) A kamen rider?!

Lucy: (surprises) Wow!

Y/n was also surprised and then the rider turns and swing his blade as a water wave hits Salamander's men who is holding Lucy and Lucy was free.

???: Here.

He then tossed her gate keys back to Lucy and she caught it as Golem stands up and face the blue rider.

Golem: Curse you Kamen rider Blades!

Y/n: (surprises) Kamen rider Blades.

Happy: Hey never know you tow be here.

They look up and see Happy with wings as Y/n said.

Y/n: Happy glad to see you here.

Lucy: Wait when do you have wings?

Happy: I'll explain later but we gonna get out of here.

Y/n: Happy get Lucy to safety.

Lucy: Wait what about you?

Y/n: It's not enough room for Happy to carry us, you go while I stay behind.

Happy: Alright hang on Lucy.

Then Happy carry Lucy and they fly away while Blades charge pass Y/n and fight Golem as he swing ships sword at him and deal many blows to Golem while Y/n watched.

Then Salamander's henchmen charge at Y/n and Y/n see this he didge their blows before one elbows him and Y/n was sent flying and hit his back on the port as he slowly looks up and see Salamander men walks towards him.

Y/n slowly stands up and looks at them and said.

Y/n: I'll make sure Lucy and many girls that you kidnapped will be safe. I will not let yous hurt them!

One was about to punch him but suddenly a burst of flames sent Salamander's men back and lands on the ground.

Y/n: What the?!

Brave dragon!

He looks down at his wonder book and then he opens it and it spoke once again.

There was once a god beast possessing a great power that would destroy everything.

Y/n: What?

Blades: Y/n watch out!

Y/n turns and suddenly see a large wave coming towards the yacht. Blades kicks Golem back and race over and sudden him and Y/n with a water bubble as the large wave hits the ship and setting the ship back to Hargeon with a crash.


The yacht was destroyed as we see Blades slowly standing up and realised Y/n wasn't with him as he looks around and then Natsu, Happy and Lucy runs up to him.

Natsu: You ok?

Blades: Yeah but what happened?

Lucy: Yeah sorry about that. One of my spirits wasn't happy and did it.

Blades: Right but were is-

Happy: Over there!

They turn and see Y/n standing up and then Salamander, his men and the Golem burst out of the rubble and turn to see Y/n.

Salamander: (anger) You gonna pay for that kid!

Y/n steps back but he can feel with power within him and looks at the brave dragon wonder book and turns back to them and said.

Y/n: No it's you you'll pay for tricking my friend Lucy yo be in a guild. Lucy wants to be in Fairy Tail and I'll make her dream come true, even I have to defeat yous all!

Then suddenly a large blast of flames comes out of the sky and hits Y/n as everyone else steps back and within the flames Y/n sees a object in front of him and feels he must grabs it so he reach out his hand and grabs it.

The flames burst out as Blades and everyone one else see that Y/n have a sword like belt on Y/n hand as he place it onto his waist and it spoke.

Seiken Swordriver!

Lucy: Swordriver?

Happy: So he dose have the power.

Lucy: Power?

Natsu: Go for it Y/n!

Y/n turns to Natsu and nods before he turns back to Salamander and the rest and pulls out his brave dragon wonder book and slide it into the first slot grabs the sword within the driver.

Salamander: I have enough of this! Take this!

Then Salamander fired a large purple blast of flames and Y/n pulls out the sword before a large explosion which made Lucy worried.

Lucy: Y/n!

Then Blades stops her as they stare at the flames including Salamander and the rest as Salamander turn and said.

Salamander: Guess that's done. Now let's go before-

Seiken swordriver: Rekka Battou!

Salamander and the rest of his men including Golem quickly turn around as the purple flames suddenly transform into orange as they seem figure within the flames before the figure swing his sword and the flames disappeared and they see Y/n has transformed into a Kamen rider.

Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no Ryuu to Kaenken Rekka ga Majiwaru Toki, Shinku no Tsurugi ga Aku wo Tsuranuku!

Lucy was shocked as Blades said.

Blades: That's right, Y/n has transformed into a kamen rider. Kamen rider....Saber.

Lucy: (surprises) Wow.

Salamander and his men were shocked as Saber was surprised of his transformation and turns to them.

Saber: Now then, let's end this story quickly.

Golem: Gladly!

Golem charge at Saber and try to swing him but Saber moves fast and slash him many times with his Kaenken Rekka sword which surprises Blades. Saber blocks and slashes at Golem before he kicks him back and Salamander steps in and so as Natsu who steps next to Saber and asked.

Natsu: (smirk) Hey mid I help ya?

Saber: Sure.

Salamander: You two will pay for this.

Natsu: Yeah and I heard your from Fairy tail right?

Salamander: Yeah and what dose it to you?

Then Natsu remove his long coat and they see Natsu has a Fairy tail logo on his right arm.

Natsu: I'm from Fairy tail and I never seen you before.

Golem: Looks like your busted Bora.

Bora: I told you not to call me that!

Blades: Bora, he was a member of a Titan nose guild before he was kicked out. I wonder what has bee doing after that.

Saber and Natsu charge at Golem and Bora and Natsu fights Bora while Saber fight Golem as Natsu fire his dragon flame attacks on Bora while Saber slashes his flaming sword at Golem.

Golem was sent stumbling backwards and turn to see the kidnapped girls try to escape but Golem roared and he turn gaint as he stomps over to the kidnapped girls. Saber see this and race over and Golem rais his foot at them and was about to stomp at them but Saber slash his large foot and sent Golem stumble backwards as Saber turns to the kidnapped girls and said to them.

Saber: Get to safely ok?

They nod as they made their escape as Natsu and Bora fight in the city but Saber wants to keep the giant Golem away from Hargeon. Golem stomps over to Saber and Saber slide his sword into his Hissatsuholder and pulls it out.

Rekka Iai! Dokugo Issen!

Sabee jumps up and made powerful slashes it Golem as Golem stumble backwards and takes all the damage. Lucy, Blades and Happy watch all this and Lucy heart race as Saber was doing this to keep Lucy's dream to be in a guild.

Lucy: (thought) My heart never beat this fast. Y/n....thank you, your my hero.

Then Saber lands down and hear a large explosion and can tell Natsu defeated Bora and turn to Golem.

Golem: You will die Saber!

Saber: I don't think so. I'm the one who decides how this story ends!

Saber slide his sword back to his swordriver and pulls it out.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha! Brave dragon Issatsu Geki! Fire!

Saber jumps up towards Golem and made powerful slashes at Golem that leave large cuts before Saber was above Golem and he rais his sword up and he slice Golem downwards and he lands on his feet as Golem screams out before he exploded with a large fire ball as Sabee turn away form the explosion.

Happy and Lucy cheered for Saber and Natsu victory while Blades was proud of them both.

Saber dehenshin and looks at his Dragon wonder book and Natsu runs over and said to Y/n.

Natsu: (smile) Dude you were awesome!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you too as well.

Natsu smiled and everyone else rusn up and Blades walks up to Y/n and said.

Blades: Great job Y/n, I'm very proud of you.

Y/n: Thanks. Wait how do you-?

Then Blades dehenshin and Lucy and Y/n was shocked to see it was Andrew as he smiles and Y/n was soo confused but Andrew said.

Andrew: Yous two may have answers but we need to get out before the army shows up. Come on.

Lucy: Wait where are you taking us?

Natsu: (smile) Well you wanna join Fairy tail right?

Lucy was surprised as Natsu turn and said with a smile.

Natsu: (smile) So let's go.

Then Lucy felt a hand touching her shoulder and turn to see Y/n who also smiles and said.

Y/n: (smile) Guess you will your dream come true after all.

Lucy blushes a little but smiles and said.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah let's go!

Y/n also smiles and they head off to Join Fairy Tail while the same cloaked guy who was talking to Bora stares at Y/n with anger and said.

???: You have won this time Saber but we aren't done yet. We will destroy you and the sword of Logos once and for all.

The mystery cloaked man walks away as the Army arrives to see what just happened and see if they find anything while Y/n is off with his new friends to Join Fairy Tail.

To be continued........

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