Chapter 8: Rogue rider

We see everyone gathered to watch as a rider is attacking innocent people within the hotel with a army of Mirror monsters as they watch the chaos happening as they watch the security footage.

Y/n: Why is this rider doing this?

Hikari: Who knows. Whatever the reason he is killing innocent lives.

Ai: Along with a few mirror monsters. How is that possible?

Ryo: Yeah we never see a rider along side the mirror monsters.

Kaito: Either these are his contract monsters or something else. Either way what is more important is the fact he is killing innocent people and we need to stop him.

Isamu: Right. There is still time to catch him before he can escape. I want him alive and be brought here. We need to question him.

Ai: (smile) Sounds like this is going  to be easy. After all it's just one rider right? How hard can that be?

Ryo: Yeah night as well not jinxed that.

Y/n: Too late dude.

Isamu: We'll monitor things from here and give you all updates. Now go.



The four riders arrived at the hotel and there was no sign of life anywhere when they arrived there. They make their way inside and look around only to see no one here.

They head up to the front counter as Ryu rings the bell and waited for something to happen but nothing.

Ryo: Yep we are totally alone here.

Y/n: You think he's hiding?

Hikari: Most likely. We should be carful if he wants to jump out and ambush us.

Ryo: Yeah. It will take us a while to find him if we stick together so we split up and look around.

Ai: You sure that sounds like a good idea? I've watched a lot of horror movies and let's just say splitting up doesn't work out well.

Y/n: She has a point.

Ryo: Fine we'll stick together but if my customers complain on why my gym is close then I blame it on you all.

Hikari: (smirk) Oh come on it won't take that long.

Ryo: Whatever let's just look around.

And so they make their way through the hotel as they search for any clues of this mysterious rogue rider. They check all the rooms with no one inside as they keep going.

They search around for any signs of life but there was nothing which kinda creeps them out.

Y/n: You think they drag everyone to the mirror world?

Hikari: Most likely. There is no sign of blood or anything. Its like everyone in this hotel just vanished.

Ryo: (whisper) Wait....I hear something.

They listen and they did hear something that sounded like walking coming around the corner. They lend against the wall and Ryo poke his head around the corner to see a mirror monster wondering through the hallway searching for anyone still alive.

Ryo: (whisper) Looks like this one is looking for any survivors.

Ai: (whisper) Maybe this proofs this rider is still here. After all he did have a army of Mirror monsters right?

Ryo: (whisper) True. Maybe if we follow it, maybe it will lead us to its master.

Hikari: (whisper) Looks like it's moving.

They watch as the mirror monster is done searching and moves on. It walks away so they follow it. They follow the mirror monster through the halls of the hotel and doing their best to not get its attention.

They move slowly and carefully through the halls and try their best not to make any noise. Soon the mirror monster turn and enter a dinner hall which they follow it inside and once inside they look around and the mirror monster is gone.

Y/n: Where did it go now?

Hikari: Something tells me we enter a trap.

Then more of the same mirror monster jump out of the windows and begin to surround them. They were surrounded as they stare back the mirror monsters when a rider came out of the crowd which they turn and see him.

???: Looks like we have some visitors. So what brings you all here?

Ryo: We're here to stop you! What your doing is horrible! Your killing innocent people?

???: Innocent? Please they are not innocent. Do you know where you are? Your in one of the most riches hotels in this country. Well all the greedy people live in. You think they are innocent? They are the reason why people like me live a horrible place where the rich treat you like crap. Well no more! With my this power, I will wipe them all.

Y/n: That's against what riders stood for!

???: You all have your way of justice while I have mine. I'm going to make sure every rich people will pay for everything they have done. As for you.....if you four won't join me then goodbye.

He turns to leave while his mirror monsters gets close to the four which they quickly pulled out their decks and called out.

Y/n, Ai, Hikari and Ryo: Henshin!

The four riders take on the mirror monsters as they fight the mirror monsters and sending them flying. Femme swings hee sword and cuts them do while Ryuki punches and kicks a few until he sees a open and he leaps over and calls out.

Ryuki: I'm going after him!

Gai: Be carful!

Ryuki runs off as he run down the hallway only to turn a corner and being struck by the rider as Ryuki is sent flying and land hard onto the ground.

The rider approaches Ryuki with his twin drills as he look down at him and said.

???: I guess this is where you die.

Ryuki: Not in my watch!

Ryuki kicks him back and gets up. The rider turns to Ryuki and the charge at each other and the two brawl as they land blows to each other while the rider tries to land some strikes at Ryuki with his drill but he dodges he swings.

He takes a few steps back as the rider goes for a stab but Ryuki dodges and grabs a dish tray and hits the rider with it. He stumble back as Ryuki came over and sucker punched him.

The rider stumble backwards and gets mad. He rushes towards Ryuki and swing his twin drill at Ryuki but he keeps dodging it while he pulled out his sword vent and inert it.

Sword vent!

He then blocks the attack with his sword and the two now dual as the two move around dodging and striking their blades at each other as sparks flies out of their blades.

Ryuki and the rider then enter a blade lock as they stare at each other for sometime and then they leap back and then Ryuki rush over and lands a kick at the rider.

The rider stumble backwards as he stood up straight and then said.

???: Very impress kid. I can tell your a new rider but I can see you were trained well. But those training you were given will not help for much longer. You willmeet your end.

Ryuki: No a chance.

???: We'll see about that.

Ryuki charges towards him but he dodges his swing and Ryuki turn around only to land a strike as this strike sent him flying back. He crashes onto the dance hall as his body slide to the middle of the dance hall.

He slowly gets up and as he is getting up he sees the rider walking towards him. He then rushes towards him while Ryuki gets up and ready for his attack when suddenly Knight came out of the window behind Ryuki and land in front of him and blocks the riders strike.

Knight dual him with his lance as the two strike blows at each other and moving around as Knight land some strikes at the rider and then he pulled out his sword and he double strikes the rider which made him stumble backwards as Knight and Ryuki came together and turn to the rider.

Knight: Your done rider. Hand over your deck and come quietly.

???: No. I will keep doing what I do best until I completed my goal.

Ryuki: Killing isn't right you know. It's wrong.

???: You want to talk about wrong? High societies done even more horrible things then I do. To me I'm just getting pay back for what they have done.

He then raises his twin drills and at first Ryuki amd Knight thinks he was going to attack them but then he stabbed his drill onto the ground and begins opening a hole as he said.

Alternative: By away, the names Alternative and this isn't the last time we see each other.

The ground beneath him opens and he drops down as the two riders rushes over and look down at the hole he has made.

Ryuki: Should we go after him?

Knight: Too late. He might be gone by the time we get down there. Come on, let's see the rest is okay.

Ryuki node and we cut to the three riders managed to take down  the mirror monster before the rest pulled back. Then  Knight and Ryuki enter the room as they turn to see them.

Femme: Sorry you were late on the party.

Gai: It seems that rider was controlling the mirror monsters.

Knight: His name is Alternative

Scissors: Huh cool name. But mines better.

Gai: Your name is basically Scissors which is a thing that cuts.

Scissors: Well it make sense. I cut things.

Gai: Still kinda a lazy name.

Scissors: Oh really now?

Knight: Let's go back to the subject in hand. Its clear enough Imperer might not be the only rider that harms innocent. There could be more.

Femme: Let's hope not.

Knight: For now we should get out of here before the police would show up.

They agree as they leave the hotel before the police would arrive to investigate the situation in the hotel.


We see Alternative walking out of the tunnel of the sewer as he came out of the tunnel only to come across a cloak figure next to him as he ask Alternative.

???: Have you encouraged the riders?

Alternative: Yeah. They are well trained especially Ryuki.

???: I see. This will be interesting.

Alternative: So why you want me to fight Ryuki? What makes him so special to the others?

???: Trust me. As soon you'll find out what he is capable of, you will see his power.

Alternative: Power? What power?

???: That will be a secret but for now. Continue your chaos as best as possible and get Ryuki's attention.

Alternative: Whatever you say.

Alternative walls away while we cut to another mysterious riders on a hill and looking down on them. Alternative stops and turn only to see no one on top of the hill. Alternative just shrugged and leaves the area and lays low for now as he will return to challenge Ryuki and his friends.

To be continued.......................................

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