Chapter 5: Mess with the horns
It was the dead of night at the park where we hear some noises follow by a mirror monster sent flying into the air and land hard onto the ground. The mirror monster slowly gets up with a groan and once up he hears something large coning his way so he decided to fall back.
He try to run away but suddenly a rhino like mirror monster came bursting out of the forest, grabbing the mirror monster from behind and then slammed him onto the ground.
The Rhino mirror monster roared and start beaten the mirror monster up all a while a large rider watches this happen and soon the mirror monster is killed. The rider seeing all of this returns his mirror monster to the mirror world and once gone he leaves the area before anyone can see him.
(Next day)
We see Y/n entering the base and sees Isamu and Kaito near the computers so he make his way over to them.
Y/n: Morning you guys. Any mirror monster activity yet?
Kaito: Nope. Seems quiet. Right now we are just monitoring the riders and see what they are doing.
Isamu: I suppose Ai is busy?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but she'll be here soon.
Isamu: Cool. Hey I've been meaning to ask you something?
Y/n: Is it bad?
Isamu: Why would you think it's bad?
Y/n: (shrugged) I don't know.
Isamu: Well it's not that. I wanna know....are you and Ai are in a relationship?
This made Y/n blush in shock while Kaito stops what he is doing and turn to them.
Y/n: (blush) W-Well we are friends but I won't say we are that close!
Kaito: (smirk) I can see you two shipping.
Y/n: (blush) It's not like that! Plus don't ship us!
Kaito: (smirk) Too late, already did.
Isamu: (smile) No need to feel embarrassed about it. A lot of people fall in love with their childhood friends and that's alright. But hey, if you are nervous asking her out then take my advice.
Y/n: Your advice?
Isamu: (smirk) Let's just say I am a "charm" when I comes to women.
Kaito: (smirk) Even though you don't have a girlfriend.
Isamu: Shut up. Anyways if you want Ai to fall for you, you have to treat her with respect. Treat her like you always have been but more of a friend, you get me?
Y/n: Um kinda?
Isamu: (smile) Good. Soon you'll ask her out and you two will be a couple.
Y/n: I don't know. I like Ai but I don't know our relationship will get in the way of her career. I mean she spend all her life as a Idol and if we begin our relationship as a couple then how long will that last?
Isamu: (smile) Don't worry. Sure it will be hard but you and Ai will find a way to pull through.
Y/n: Guess so. Just don't tell Ai what I said.
Ai: Tell Ai what?
Y/n scream as Ai enter as he turn to her and said in a nervous tone.
Y/n: (nervous) Oh um nothing important. Just....Just telling Isamu not to tell you do weird things in the bathroom! Yeah.
Ai: Um....okay then. So, any new missions you have?
Kaito: Um well Gai needed some riders to help him on this mission.
Isamu: Well then Ai and Y/n, you'll go over at his place and help him out.
Ai: (smile) Leave that to us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
(A while later)
We find the two standing in front of Gai's place as they stood in front of a gym as Y/n looks down at the address and look back up to the gym.
Y/n: Guess this is it?
Ai: Seems like it. Does all riders own a company or business?
Y/n: (chuckle) I would be surprised if they do.
They enter the gym and walk over to the front desk as a male employee turns to them and ask them.
Male employee: Hello and welcome to the Rhino gym where we make your bones strong as a Rhino, how may I help you.
Y/n: Um we are looking for someone by the name of Ryo.
Male employee: Oh well let me call him down.
He picks up a phone and he calls him down. The two of them waited for him and after a while he came.
???: Ha! So you two are the newbie riders aren't you?
They turn to see a very strong man with a large smile as he laughs and approaches them.
Ryo: (smile) Call me Ryo. Nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same it's very nice to-
They shake on it but Y/n felt his hands cracked as thie give him extreme pain as we see him holding his nearly broken hand while Ryo let's out a chuckle.
Ryo: (smile) Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget my strength but anyways glad to have you both here.
Ai: (smile) Same. So got a job for us?
Ryo: (smile) Of course! Tell me, are you strong enough for it.
Ai: (smirk) Oh please we're strong enough to deal with anything right Y/n?
Y/n: (still in pain) Yeah.
Ryo: (smile) Well what are we standing here for, come on and let's go!
The trio make their way through the hallway of the gym as they see men training as Ryo explains.
Ryo: This business has been passed down to me by my father ever since I was just a smell shrimp. I worked very hard on this business and getting everyone the strength they needed to the best.
Ai: (smile) Cool. So what's the situation?
Ryo: Well some of my customers have been taking by these mirror monsters and I have no idea how is this keep on happening.
Y/n: Council it be the reflection of the mirrors or windows?
Ryo: (smirk) Not a chance. Not only I'm strong but smart. I've built in some special high tech windows that automatically turn dark and light and as for the mirrors, i build them to have the mirrors to scan their faces and show their face to the mirror like a TV.
Ai: (surprised) Amazing!
Ryo: I build them to keep the mirror monsters away from my gym but the problem being my customers have been taking by those mirror monsters and I've searched everywhere for anything but nothing.
Y/n: Strange. If all these high tech mirrors and windows block out any entrance for the mirror monsters to give through, then where are they coming from?
Ai: Have you checked everywhere?
Ryo: Yeah. I checked the bathrooms, hallways, the break room, cafeteria, my office, my employees office and everywhere but nothing.
Ai: Do you have a basement?
Ryo: Well yeah but we...never...go down there.
Then realising hit him and he rushes down with Ai and Y/ n following behind as we see the three at the basement and looking around. Then they can hear mirror noises in the distances so they follow it and once they turn a corner they see it.
They see a mirror place down in the middle of the basement as Ryo walks over to it.
Ryo: Now how in the world did it ended up here?
Ai: It doesn't look old. In fact it looks new. How long has his been going on?
Ryo: For a week.
Y/n: You think someone placed that here?
Ai: I mean it's most likely but why?
Ryo gets too close ans suddenly a mirror monster tackles him and slammed him into the wall.
Ryo: Get your monster hands off of me!
With its strength picks up the mirror monster and then throws it across the room. He hit the ground as Ryo turns to the mirror as he pulled out his deck and aims it at it.
Ryo: Oh your gonna pay for messing with my gym. Henshin!
Gai turns and charges towards the shieldboarder and begins to beat him up.
Ai: Guess we should help.
Y/n: Right.
They pulled out their decks and after their blets are at their waist they called out and they charge inro battle.
Y/n and Ai: Henshin!
Femme and Ryuki join Gai as the two strike a kick at Shieldboarder, making him stumble backwards and the trio begins to fight it. Femme pulled out her sword and land some quick blows at Shieldboarder while dodging his attacks.
Then shieldboarder goes to strike at Femme but Ryuki blocks her attack with his arm and then kick him back. He then charge towards him and strike some blows at him and then Gai rushes towards him and ramming his horn at him and then pinning him into the wall.
Gai begins to strike heavy blows at Shieldboarder and then lifted him high in the air and then toss him across the room as shieldboarder crashed through several boxes.
Femme: Way a go!
Gai let's out a chuckle when shieldboarder bursts out of the boxes and charges towards Gai while he pulled out his strike card and insert it into his shoulder.
Strike vent!
A horn of his mirror monster appeared on his arm as he pulls it back and then lands a strike at Shieldboarder, sending him flying and crashing into the wall.
Shieldboarder was about to get up but Gai approaches him, grabs him by the neck and drag him towards the mirror and once there he tells shieldboarder.
Gai: Get the hell out of my gym!
He tossed shieldboarder through the mirror and then he use his horn striker to punch through the mirror, breaking and shattering it as he close the mirror monster as he drops the mirror onto the floor and let's out a sigh.
Ryuki: (surprised) Wow that was cool. Why didn't you not destroy it?
Gai: Well have you gotten any idea how huge explosions are? I can't have my gym be up in flames.
Ryuki: Huh.....yeah I've been wondering why does that happen a lot.
Femme: Doesn't really matter since we finally won.
Gai: Yeah however I have a sneaky suspension that someone placed this mirror here on purpose. Why would anyone place a singal mirror here unless they know about the mirror monsters and the mirror world.
Ryuki: That's crazy. I thought only us knows about it right?
Gai: That's the thing. You'll never know how many people really know about the mirror world and its monsters. After all, people will go insane if they see the mirror world and mirror monsters. Who knows. Still it's a scary thought don't you think?
Ryuki:.....Yeah......I think so.
They stare at the broken mirror all awhile we see a hidden camera at the corner as we cut to unknown location within a large room with monitors where we see a mysterious man watching the footage of Gai, Ryuki and Femme winning the fight but he simply just said.
???: You riders have no idea what is coming your way. You all my thought you are fighting a war but in truth, these invasions are just the beginning. Soon a real war will begin. (Evil chuckle).
Then he gets a notification from his laptop as he turn and sees something interesting. On the screen of the laptop we see a lost down of rider names and one of them is highlighted red and the name of the rider is.....kamen rider Quja.
To be continued.................................................
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