Chapter 3: The swan and dragon
We see the mirror world as always. A empty, abandon and ghost like city with no sign of any life all around. However on the top of the towers within the city we see two mysterious cloak figures standing on top of the roof and looking down at the city when the third cloak figure showed up behind them.
??? 3: It seems two new riders has arrived.
??? 1: I see. Who are they?
??? 3: A idol girl who made contract with a Swan and the other is just a average boy who made a contract with a dragon.
??? 2: A ideal girl? How interesting, we never see a rider who is a famous idol.
??? 1: It does not matter to us. Where are they?
??? 3: Fighting a mirror monster along with Kamen rider Knight.
??? 1: I see. Well then let's see what they are capable of and see if they can survive this war or not,
The three cloak figures suddenly disappeared from sight as the wind blows by like they disappeared within the wind.
We see Ryuki, Knight and Femme in the middle of fighting Dispider as they move around, dodging Dispiders attacks as it start shooting webs which they move out of the way. Femme rushes forward and slash her spear at Dispider and cut off one of its legs.
Knight: Nice one.
Femme: Guess being a idol have its uses.
Ryuki: Yeah! Okay my turn!
He charge towards Dispider as Dispider shoots webs at him but he cuts the webs with his sword and then he leaps up in the air and land on Dispiders back as Dispider starts hopping around and moving while Ryuki rides on it.
Ryuki: Hey look! I'm a cowboy riding on a bull! Yee-haw!
Femme: (giggle) You got this partner!
Knight sighs while shaking his head as Ryuki pulled out a strike vent cart and insert it into his dragovisor.
Strike vent!
Then Ryuki lands a powerful strike on Dispiders back as flames where shot out, burning Dispider as Ryuki leaps off and lands on the ground as Knight rushes up to him.
Knight: Nice one.
Ryuki: Thanks.
Dispider gets angry and tries to strike its legs towards them but they move out of the way as they were quick on theie fight. Dispider roared and suddenly its back started to move as they stopped and watched as his back burst open and a whole body came out as Dispider evolved and once it was done it let out a powerful roar.
Femme: That's disgusting.
Knight: It must have evolved. Everyone, be ready!
Dispider reborn roared and charges towards Ryuki and Knight but they move out of the way and then Dispider Reborn focused his attention on Knights as he swings its legs at him but he blocks the incoming attacks.
Guard vent!
The Dispider Reborn was about to strike at him with all of his legs but Knight's Darkwing attached to his back and he blocks the incoming attack, costing it to move backwards while Knight pulled out his nasty vent card and insert it.
Nasty vent!
Darkwing came out of his back and fired a sonic blast that deafness Dispider Reborn and distracting it.
Knight: So who wants to finish this beast!
Ryuki: I'll go first!
Femme: Yeah! Go for it!
Ryuki pulled out his final vent card and insert it.
Final vent!
His Dragrender came down and circle around Ryuki as Ryuki bends down and then leaps up as he lifted his feet towards Dispider Reborn while Dragrender came up behind him and fire flames at him, boosting him as he lands a rider kick at Dispider Reborn and then it blows up.
Ryuki lands on his feet and slowly stood up straight as they have finally defeated the mirror monster as both Femme and Knight came up to Ryuki.
Femme: Nice work! That was badass!
Ryuki: Thanks. You did well yourself.
She let out a giggle as the two high fived while Knight tells them.
Knight: Come on. Let's head back to base and let you introduce to the team.
Ryuki: Sure thing.
Femme: Let's go!
The trio head off and leave the mirror world as they return back to the real world.
Back to the real world we see a café that seem normal bit underneath was a command centre where Y/n, Ai and Isamu enter as Y/n and Ai look around in surprise. We then see a man eating some chips while looking at the monitor as he have his feet up while Isamu calls out.
Isamu: Kaito! We have new recruits.
He turn to see Y/n which doesn't face him but when he sees Ai he nearly chock on his chip as he fell off the chair and then quickly stands up.
Kaito: What the hell is she doing here?! Have you got any idea who she is?!
Isamu: The famous Idol girl Ai? Yes, yes I do.
Ai: (smile) Yo! Your a fan?
Kaito: Guess you can say that. But damn, it is a honor. (Turns to Y/n) And you are?
Y/n: Seriously?
Isamu: This is Y/n. You two, this is our communication and heavy support Kaito aka Zolda.
Kaito: Sup. I monitor boring stuff but when I'm out there, I give those mirror monsters hell.
Y/n: Sounds cool. Is it just you two or is there more?
Isamu: No there is more. They're just on a mission and be back soon.
Ai: What missions are there besides taking down mirror monsters?
Kaito: Investigating the mirror world and how the mirror walls crack. We have been trying to figure out how it happen for the past few years but there was nothing. Well, nothing yet. We believe we are getting close.
Isamu: Really? What have you found out?
Kaito: Both Scissors and Gai called me and told me they saw something that is impossible. According to them, they spotted some human life in the mirror world.
Y/n: I thought you said humans can't survive the mirror world?
Isamu: I did. That is strange.
Kaito: There could be two possible theories. One; These people must have been trapped inside the mirror world and some how broke it and the effects of it allows them to survive the mirror world. Or two; The mirror world is in fact our world but a world where monsters rule the planet and these human survivors from the mirror world could survive their world while we don't.
Ai: Oh so like we're not allow to travel to a different world that is our world but different but once through we'll disappeared from both worlds?
Kaito: I mean that is a possibility so yeah?
Isamu: We still need to gather more clues.
Kaito: Roger that boss.
Y/n: So your the leader?
Isamu: Yeah. So now you know what we do. What do you think?
Ai: (smile) Sounds fun.
Y/n: (smile) And cool. So what now?
Isamu: For now we standby until we are needed but at the mean time, you two head home and get some rest.
Y/n: Good idea.
We see Y/n and Ai at Ai's place where we see Y/n sitting on the couch and looking at the deck as he couldn't believe he and Ai are now apart of this war and wonders when I would end.
Ai: (smile) Hey Y/n! Want to order some pizza?
She came in and noticed Y/n looking at his deck which she sat beside him.
Y/n: I still can't believe we are now apart of this war.
Ai: Yeah but at least we can help more people and now we can be together.
Y/n: Still....aren't you scared?
Ai: (smile) Please I'll be fine. Girls always get scared in movies and shows but not me.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah.
Ai: Are you?
Y/n:......A little.
Ai: Hey. No matter what happens, we'll fight together. We won't separate no matter what.
Y/n: (small smile) Yeah. That's a promise.
Both Ai and Y/n smiled to each other and then she lend in and kiss him on the cheek. This surprised Y/n as he blushed while Ai let out a soft giggle.
Ai: (smile) I like when you blush like that.
Y/n: (blush) Even though you flirt me since we were kids.
Ai: (giggle) Guilty! So, wanna order some pizza?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Let's have pizza.
Hours gone by and during that time that watch some TV together. They were watching a show when Ai falls asleep and rest her head on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n blushed but smiled as his heart skip a beat to see her cute face when she sleeps.
Then he hears the door bell rang meaning the pizza is hear. He set Ai down on the couch, grab his money and walk to the world and reach the door handle.
When he touched the door handle he suddenly had a vision of a man at the other side and stabbing him which made him gasp and stumble backwards. The door bell rang once more while Y/n stared at the door for sometime and slowly walk up to the door and grab the door handle.
He take a heavy deep breath and then opens only to be face with the pizza guy.
Pizza guy: (smile) Hello sir, here is your pizza.
Y/n stared at the pizza guy and looks around while the pizza guy looks at him in confusion. He pays for the pizza and takes the pizza and heads to the kitchen to cut it. He opens the box to see good and delicious pizza and heads to the draw to take out a knife to cut it.
???: You can't protect her.
He turns around within second but sees nothing. He starts to freak out a bit but soon calms down and thinking it was just all in his head. He walks over to the pizza and was about to cut it but noticed that the knife was already covered in red tomato.
He was confused as the tomato drops hit the floor but then he realised that was not tomato sauce but blood as he quickly drops the knife and quickly move back as he hears creepy voices all around him as it gets louder qnd louder until.
Ai: Y/n? You okay?
He opens his eyes and hears nothing and looks over to see Ai poking around the corner and noticed Y/n scared a bit. He looks down at the bloody knife and sees that the knife had no blood and the drops were gone.
Ai: You okay? I heard something drop and I worry you just have gotten hurt. You okay?
Y/n: Yeah....Yeah I'm okay. I've must have dozen off.
Ai just simply smiled and reply.
Ai: (smile) Guess we're both tired aren't we?
Y/n:....Yeah. Guess so.
He nervously chuckle and they have some pizza while watching TV. Y/n doesn't hear the voices or the visions and figures it must have been all in his head as the two relax foe the rest of the afternoon.
Ai get comfortable with Y/n and smile at Y/n which he smile as the two enjoy theie new secret life as riders and wonders when they gonna meet the other riders and what mission will they go next.
To be continued.......................................
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