Chapter 7: A Megalodon hunt

Walking through the forest we see members of Team Stars riding their motorcycle bikes through the trail within the forest while listening to some punk music.

Many cheered and some do some tricks on their motorcycle bikes as they soon arrive at their hide out spot. Once arrive they leap out of their motorcycle bikes and hang out with the rest of their crew.

Their cheers and yells echo throughout the forest along with their loud punk music. Many pokemon within the area keep away from them.

Then one member decided to went off into the forest and find a place to do his business. He walk into the forest and soon find a spot for him to do his business.

He have his back turn all awhile something approaches him. At first he thought it was just a random pokemon so he continues doing his business.

Then he had a chill up his spine when someone or something came up behind him and stood there for a moment. Thinking it is one of his crew members trolling him, he tells him.

Team Star member: Hey scram man, I'm busy here.

Then he hears a growl behind him which made him froze for a moment so after he is done he turn to confront him only to be face to face with Megalodon Deadman. Seconds later he scream follow by a Megalodon Deadman letting out a roar at him.



We see the home of Nemona as there is a knock at the door so Nemona make his way over and then she open the door and sees a package so she take it and close the door.

We then cut to Y/n and Serena having their breakfast while Hex stare at him across the table. Y/n stare at her back as the two stare at each other for a moment until Y/n spoke to her.

Y/n: So.....Hex. You have been following us ever since we left Kalos?

Hex: (smirk) Yep. I follow you all the way from here just so I won't lose my sight on you darling.

Vice: She is one creepy ass woman......and attractive as well.

Serena: (smile) Well it is nice to meet you Hex. Even though you sorta stalk Y/n.

Hex: (smirk) Because he is my darling love.

Serena: Um right?

Nemona: Hey Y/n?

Then Nemona came into the kitchen and place Y/n's package on the table.

Nemona: Think your friend finally sent you this.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Nemona.

He then opens the package and pulls out a new Vistamp which was a mammoth vistamp.

Serena: You think that will work?

Y/n: One way to find out.

Nemona: You mean we are going to find that Deadman?

Y/n: Yep. With some reports popping up online, I think we can track it and finally defeat him.

Vice: This is going to be like fishing but awesome.

Nemona: (smirk) Well I'm ready to get this create, so where should we start?

Serena: We should check the woods. Might be something there that we can find.

Y/n: Right. Let's hunt us a Deadman.

Hex: (smirk) Right behind you darling~

Y/n: (thought) She really like calling me "darling."

(Sometime later)

The group were in the forest searching for the Deadman and it wasn't long till they see possible signs of it. They arrive what looks like a Team Stars hang out area that is trashed.

Motorcycle bikes are either missing or destroyed, snacks were eaten and radios destroyed. They look around with Vice even somehow have a detectives hat on his head.

Vice: It appears a Deadman attack huh.

Y/n: Yeah, I can see that.

Vice:.........I have no idea what I am doing.

Y/n just roll his eyes as the group spread out and search around. Then Serena find some tracks then calls out to everyone.

They came over and sees the tracks on the floor that goes into the forest.

Serena: It looks like this Deadman was chasing someone.

Hex: I think I know someone who can help.

She pulls out a pokemon and summons Greavard. Greavard jumps around then rush over and licks Hex which she smiled and pet's Greavard.

Serena: (smile) Aaaww he's so cute!

Nemona: That a Greavard and although they are friendly they can drain your energy.

Hex: (smile) Not me. I never ran out of energy when I'm with him, ain't that right?

Greavard: Bark!

Hex: (smile) Now go and follow the track.

Greavard comply and sniff out the track then begins to follow it. The rest follow as they go into the woods and following Greavard.

Y/n: So out of curiosity is both Gengar and Greavard your only pokemons?

Hex: (smile) I do have one pokemon which is Litwick. Actually I recently caught Greavard when I arrive here. If you couldn't tell, I love ghost type pokemon but I love you the most darling.

Serena: Huh well I still need to catch some pokemon. Hopefully after we get this I can do some catching.

Nemona: (smile) If you want some help, I know a few good spots that you can catch some pokemon.

Serena: (smile) Thanks, I-

Suddenly they hear a crash from ahead so they rush over and soon Greavard lead them out of the forest and they see Megalodon Deadman swinging its claws as he try to attack a Team Star member.

He collapse onto the floor and crawls away while the Megalodon Deadman approaches him and lifted his claw back to launch his attack.

Y/n: Vice!

Vice: Right! Let's get him!


Y/n: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Kyodai! No kiba motsu! Riku no  boss! Mammoth! Hanukkara climax da ze!

Revi throws boomerangs at Megalodon Deadman which bits him and cost him to turn around only to be struck by Vice shield and sending it flying.

Revi rushes up to a Team Star member to check to see he is alright.

Revi: If you run then run.

He quickly does so while Revi pulls out his boomerangs and throws one at Megalodon Deadman that lands a hit then Vice kneel down with his arms up as Revi leaps onto his arms which Vice boost him up and then Revi lands a slash at Megalodon Deadman.

Megalodon Deadman stumble backwards but he digs underground however this wasn't a problem for Vice as he begins to stomp on the ground and making an earthquake.

Everything begins to shake as the girl holds on while Vice keeps stamping until Megalodon Deadman burst out from the ground and felt dizzy.

Vice: Now that's super effective!

Vice and Revi charge forward and the two land a powerful attack at Megalodon Deadman then the two begin fighting him. Megalodon Deadman try to land a slash but Vice blocks it with his shield then the two double kick him and sending him flying back.

Once on the ground both Revi and Vice high fixed then Rvi pull the Vistamp to the left, push the button and pulls it again as the two begin to combine.

Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Dosudosu! Taosu! Mammoth!

Then Revice stomps on the ground three times with the third sending Megalodon Deadman flying then Revice charge towards him and they hit him with their tusks and sent it back.

The Megalodon Deadman rolled on the ground then slowly gets up as Revice then gets ready and then charges towards Megalodon Deadman like a train.

Revice driver: Mammoth stomping finish!

Then they struck Megalodon Deadman as he then blows up just as both Revi and Vice flies out of the explosion then land on their feet.

The girls cheered especially Hex for Revi while the two high five for a successful victory. Suddenly they hear motorcycle bikes and seconds later a group of Team Stars speed over and then begin to circle around both Revi and Vice.

Vice: Looks like we have to fight these punks.

Revi: Wait!

???: So what are you two suppose to be?

Then what they think is their boss show himself while on his personal motorcycle bike. He had face paint on him as he lend his motorcycle bike down and look at the two.

Vice: So whose he?

Eri: Names Eri, I'm the boss od Team Star's fighting crew.

Revi: Fighting crew?

Nemona: Yeah, he's one of the many bosses of Team Stars.

Then Nemona, Serena and Hex came over as she goes on to explain.

Nemona: There is five other bosses such ad  Oretga, Atticus, Mela, Giacomo and Cassiopeia. Cassioppeia is their big boss but no one knows who cassioppeia is or the identity of the person.

Eri: One of my crew told me what happen. So tell me, are you a strong fighter?

Vice: Of course we are! We can beat you!

Revi: Vice!

Eri: Hm, I like your attitude there. I can use someone like you two as apart of my crew. What do you say?

Revi: Sorry but not interested. We just came to take care a Deadman and that would be it.

Team Star member: How dare you refuse his offer!

Eri: Easy there, besides he save one of our own. We should respect that.

Revi: So we're good? Just like that?

Eri: Of course. You save one of my own so I let you be. But if you do want to join know where to find us.

He then start up his motorcycle bike then rides off along with his crew. They ride off and once they were gone Vice gete disappointed.

Vice: Aw man, I would've fit right in.

Revi: Even though most of the time you'll be in your spirit form?

Vice: True but still.

Nemona: I rather not. They are a bunch of troublemakers if you ask me.

Serena: Say you said the identity of the big boss is unknown. Has he or she ever appear?

Nemona: For what I've heard is throw calls or videos however no one knows who Cassiopeia is. There are some crazy theories such as Cassiopeia is a pokemon, others say Cassiopeia is a teacher.

Revi: Well I think we should head back and earn ourselves some relaxation.

Nemona: Yeah let's go.

And so they headed back to Nemona's home so they can relax after a job well turn. Then popping out of the bushes and a green cat as the cat stare at the group out of curiosity.

???: Meow?

To be continued............................................

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