Chapter 2: New hero's have arrived

At the park we see a bridge where a few people are walking over all awhile underneath the bridge we see three figures standing near outside of the tunnel with their hoods covering their face as the trio discuss on about Revi and Vice.

??? 2: Looks like this is going to be a lot more harder than we thought.

??? 3: No kidding. It seems they have the technology to use the vistamps against us.

??? 2: Yeah.

??? 1: In that case let us see how good they are.

Then out of the darkness behind them two monsters step forward as they all turn to face them while the female figure smirks and says.

??? 1: (smirk) Time to show them our power.



We see Y/n in what seems like a classroom with George explaining more about the Deadman as well as Giff. He shows him and Vice images as well as a tomb where Giff is being kept for millions of years.

George: As you can see here this tomb contains Giff and once he is released then he will spread chaos to the world. That is why his followers wishes to revive him. They believe he will grant them powers or something like that.

Y/n: So Fenix is formed to not only research ancient history but also protecting the world from them?

George: That's right. The Vistamp is what they use to turn people into deadman. We managed to re-create it for the Revice driver system so it will allow you and Vice to transform into riders.

Vice: So in short we're super hero's? Awesome! I'm gonna kick So many butt's!

Y/n: So how many are those Deadman?

George: Who knows. It could be a lot but that's when you come in. You two have one job and that is protecting the world from the Deadman and other threats.

Y/n: Huh....Well i never imagine this would happen. But it's not like I have a choice do I?

Vice: I'm telling you this is going to be epic! We're gonna kick So many butt's!

George: Well we might as well clean the mess up but I'll give you a call whenever there is news.

Y/n: Right. Later George.

A while later he leaves the building and decided to head home So he can have a breather. While walking he pulled out his Rex Vistamp and thinjs about it for a moment. He never thought to become some kind of super hero.

While walking he walk by an alleyway and heard laughter and then he turn to see a group of punk teens surrounded what looked like a injured pokemon.

Y/n: Hey you kids!

He rush in and his calls scared them which they ran off. They disappeared around the corner and Y/n rush up while Vice says.

Vice: What scary cats.

Y/n looks down and sees to be a injured Eevee. He quickly picks him up and immediately take the Eevee to the Pokemon Centre for treatment.

Soon he arrived there and rush over to Nurse Joy and told her what happened which she immediately have her Chanseys to take the injured Eevee for treatment while Y/n stays and wait for news.

(Moments later)

He sat at the break room waiting while Vice floats around and making some dumb things just to pass the time. Soon Nurse Joy walks over and Y/n gets up and ask.

Y/n: How is the Eevee?

Joy: You were lucky that you bring him in here just in time. He'll be recovered.

Vice: Well that's good to hear.

Y/n: Can I see him?

Joy: Sure. Follow me.

Short while later he enter the room where he sees the Eevee laying in bed and looks over to see Y/n. He came over and sat down while the Eevee slowly moves back like he is afraid.

Y/n: It's okay. I'm the one who brought you here. Don't be afraid.

He slowly reach his hand over to the Eevee to show that he isn't a threat. The Eevee at first was suspicious but then had an idea. He reach his hand into his pocket and took out some small pokemon food.

Y/n: Here. You might be hungry. Try some.

Eevee slowly approaches him, sniffs the food and takes a small bite. After seeing that the food is good he begins to eat more. Y/n let's out a small chuckle as Eevee eats the food out of his hand.

Once done Eevee wag it's tail and come up to Y/n and stare at him with a cute smile. He smiled back and begins to stroke on Eevee.

Y/n: (smile) I've seen Eevees on TVs but never get to see one in real life. Your just so fluffy and adorable.

Eevee likes his kind words and then Y/n turn to Nurse Joy.

Y/n: Have you find out who is his trainer?

Joy: No records what so ever. I believe this one is a wild Eevee that stumble here.

Y/n: Huh. Must be scary to be in a large place like this here?

Eevee node which he stroke Eevee once more and said.

Y/n: (smile) Don't you worry. I'll make sure you are safe.

Eevee has a sense of comfort around Y/n and made a cute noise which made Y/n smile more.

Vice: Aaawww now this is cute. I just hope nothing will not ruin this moment.


Vice: Ahem! I said "I just hope nothing will not ruin this moment."


Vice: Okay is something really gonna happen or-

Suddenly the wall blows up and two Deadman monsters enter the building ready to cost some chaos.

Vice: Finally some action!

Joy: (shocked) My word!

Y/n: Nurse Joy get out of here now!

She immediately did so as the Spider Deadman and Mammoth Deadman then rush at Y/n but he dodges their strikes and push them away.

The Spider Deadman turns to Eevee and then rushed at him but Y/n immediately summons Teecko out of his pokeball and Teecko lands in front of Eevee and shoots out bullet seeds at the Spider Deadman. Then he grabs Eevee and leaps away as Y/n place his revive driver onto his waist.

Y/n: Vice let's do this!

Vice: Yeah let's show them!


Y/n: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shining! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider~! Revi! Vice! Revice!

Both Mammoth and Spider Deadman charge at the two and the four were thrown off the building and onto the street. Cars immediately stop as Revi battles the Spider Deadman while Vice battles Mammoth Deadman.

Vice: Man they are tougher! And I like it!

Vice dodges Mammoth Deadmans strikes and soon gets behind him and kicks him in the butt which sent him flying and land near a parked car.

Vice: Hehe, so good kicking their.....butt's.

Then he watched as Mammoth Deadman lifted up a parked car and then throws it towards him. He immediately runs away from it while Revi dodges Spider Deadmans webs.

He keepw dodging as he rush at him and strike a kick costing it to be stumble back. Revi land on his feet and then he immediately dodges the incoming webs as he quickly move to the left.

He stop and look at Spider Deadman as he was about to strike at him when suddenly a Galvantula leaps over Revi and lands in front of him ans shoots out thunder bolt at the Spider Deadman.

???: Y/n!

He turn to see Tomas as he rush at him and then he called out.

Tomas: Listen to me! Pull down the Vistamp once and then push the button and then pull it down again.

Revi: Why?

Tomas: George told me to tell you that. Do it!

Revi: Right!

He does what he told him to do as he pulled down the Vistamp, push the button and then pulled it down once more.

Revice driver: Remix!

Revi: Huh? Wow! What's happening!

Then Vice was also pulled as the two then became together and then combine into a massive T-Rex.

Revice driver: Buddy up! Hissatsu! Kuridasu! Max! Rex!

Vice: Wow! We're a T-Rex now! This is awesome!

Revi: This is incredible! Okay let's do this!

Revice charge towards Spider and Mammoth Deadman and they turn and swing theie tail which strike at them and sent them flying and crash onto the ground.

Revice then leaps up into the air and comes down towards the two which they immediately move out of the way but the impact cost a blast that sent the two flying up into the air.

Then Revice bites at them and tosses them into the air. The two then split off and then leap into the air as Revice pulled down the Vistamp twice.

Revice driver: Rex! Stomping finish!

The two then landed a double rider kick at two Deadman and once through they land on the roof as Vice then fountain down.

Vice:! KABOOM!

Then the two Deadman blows up in the air as Revi and Vice high fived as the city is saved once again.

(Sometime later)

At Y/n's apartment we see Eevee happily playing with Y/n's other pokemons as they play around while Y/n stood at the door as Tomas and Y/n talk.

Tomas: You did well. Although maybe lay off the destruction.

Y/n: Yeah sorry about that. Need to get use to it.

Tomas: It's fine. We'll George will want you back at his lab tomorrow, something about your journey.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait you mean I'm gonna go out and explore the world?

Tomas: That's right. If I were you I might as well pack some things. Well I'm gonna head out but good work and see you again someday.

Y/n: (smile) Same.

Once Tomas left he closes the door and let's out a sigh while Vice appears next to him.

Vice: Look at us! No longer living in this lame apartment. We're going out there and be actual badass hero's!

Y/n: Guess so.

He then pulled his Rex Vistamp and looks at it and then he smiled. He walked over to Eevee and picked him up and stare at Eevee while he said.

Y/n: (smile) I wanted to help everyone and everything I come across no matter what. But I can't do this alone. If you wish to join me then I don't mind.

Eevee: (smile) Eevee!

Y/n: (smile) I'm glad.

He kneel down with the rest as they also wanted to go with him which he smiled seeing everyone wants to go with him which makes him very happy. He get dinner ready and after dinner he'll pack up his things for the epic adventure he and his team will have tomorrow.

To be continued.....................................................

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