Chapter 3: A awesome day out
It was the crack of morning as we see Y/n laying in bed sleeping as morning comes cracking through his window. Soon his alarm clock started to go off which he groan as he roll around and even place a pillow over his face so he can get soke more sleep however the alarm clock still kept on going.
Y/n let out a sigh as he reach out his hand and soon he pushed the stop button on the alarm clock as he let out a sigh as he woke up. He sat up from his bed and let's out a stretch follow by a yawn as he still looks tired as he look at his left to see nothing and then look at his right to see Kiana upside down as he smiled and said.
Kiana: (smile) Morning sleepy head~!
Then Y/n let out a yell while he move back only to fell off the bed and crashed onto the floor with a blanket over him as we see Kiana on the first bed bunk on top of Y/n's as Vice appeared as he rub his eye.
Vice: Is it morning time already? Crap, I hate morning.
Kiana: (smile) Good morning Y/n! Ready for an awesome day? This is going to be the best, I can feel it!
Y/n: (removes the blanket over him) I can't wait. (Yawn) Can't wait.
At the cafeteria we see Y/n sitting on the table and eating his breakfast and while he sat there eating, he noticed other girls were looking at him as they never see a male student in this school which made Y/n a but nervous.
Then Kiana came over and sat down next to him and begins to eat the breakfast she ordered. She then turn to Y/n ans after she swallowed her food she ask Y/n.
Kiana: (smile) So how are things with you?
Y/n: Huh? Oh yeah I'm good. What about you?
Kiana: (smile) Very good. You know, you don't talk that much do you?
Y/n: Guess I'm a bit tired that's all.
Kiana: (smile) I see. Well can't blame you because on my first day I was all tired like and fell asleep a few times.
Y/n: (small chuckle) Guess so. So what's happening for today?
Kiana: Nothing really just some training and classes, kinda boring if you ask me. Hey, do you wanna go out into the city at the end od the day?
Y/n: (blushed) R-Really? You-Youf okay with that?
Kiana: (smile) Of course! I mean there is one restaurant I wanna eat after all so what do you say?
Y/n: (little blush) Um sure. Guess I'll go with you.
Kiana: (smile) Awesome! Say, I'm gonna go and do my business and then head to my lesson. See you later.
She then walked off as Y/n watches her leave and that's when Vice appeared beside him and tells him.
Vice: Looks like you two are going on a date.
Y/n: It's not like that Vice.
Vice: Hey it happens all so quick! We moved to this school, we gain super powers, we are talked around the school and now a supee cute and hot girl just asked you our on a date! Your very much lucky man! Besides you want to get to know her more now do you?
Y/n: Yeah but.....Well.....I just.....
Vice: Trust me, after your "Day out" with Kiana, then you two will fall in love and then you slow piece together about you twos pasts.
Y/n: But what if I am mistaken. What if she's just a girl that looks similar or something. I don't know. I mean how can I possibly know her?
Vice: One way to find out.
George: I mean it may answer some questions you maybe wondering about ever since you came here.
Y/n: Yeah guys your right. Wait a minute? (Turns to George) Uncle George?! What the hell are you doing here?
George: What? Can your uncle not fome here and visit you. Oh yeah, I have something for you, here.
He then hands him a new vistamp which he looks at it and sees it is a lion Vistamp.
Y/n: Huh gate street. Thanks.
George: (smile) Always looking after you. However I think it might be a good idea to go out with Kiana for a scouting mission. Report say there have been attacks of a large myself insect like creature cutting down cars, lampposts and everything else. It maybe a good idea for you and Kiana to head out and keep an eye on anything while you two are away.
Y/n: Right.
Vice: Yeah let's do this!
(A while later)
In the city we see Y/n and Kiana making their way through the street as they look around for this restaurant that Kiana liked. While that Y/n looks around for the insect like creature around but no sign of anything.
Then they turn a corner and then Kiana sees the restaurant down the street as she shows it to Y/n.
Kiana: There it is! It looks good am I right?
Y/n: Huh looks really good. Shall we head inside?
Kiana: (smile) Hell yeah, let's go!
They soon arrived at the restaurant as they walk inside and walk up to the front counter and then oder their meal. After they good their meal they find a seat and eat their meal as Kiana eats her meal very fast while Y/n watched hee eat while Vice appeared and try to steal Y/n's food but his hand just go through it.
Vice: Damn it. This sucks.
Kiana: (swallow) This is really good stuff.
Y/n: Hey Kiana, can I ask you something?
Kiana: (smile) Sure, anything.
Y/n: Have you gotten any memories of your past? Like anything at all?
Kiana has a think about it and after a while she tells him.
Kiana: Not really. Can't remember much about my past.
Y/n: So you don't remember your parents, your home town or anything?
Kiana: Nope, nope and nope. Kinda weird I know but that's why I attend the school so I can learn more about my past. That or just being a badass girl.
Y/n: Well I wanna know much about my past as well and I know it may sound crazy but.....I think I know you.
Kiana: Now you say that, I think I've seen you somewhere but can't remember what? I mean...all my life I thought I was always alone but meeting you for the first time made me realise that.....I was not alone.
The two look at each other as Vice sees this and then whispered to Y/n.
Vice: (whisper) So you gonna kiss her or not?
Y/n: (blushed) What?!
Kiana: Huh?
Y/n: Sorry its Vice. Just telling me something stupid.
Kiana: Oh, okay then.
Vice: Screw you Man. Just trying to help that's all.
After they finished their meals they leave the restaurant and they were planning to go back to school when suddenly they noticed a bus going out of control and then soon crashed into a building. Other civilians get close to the bus when suddenly the bus was cut open and a deadman burst out of the bus and roasred at everyone nearby.
The civilian made a run for it as the Kamakiri Deadman starts cutting down anything around him as both Kiana and Y/n sees this.
Vice: Looks like we found the Deadman!
Kiana: (smirk) Let's go and show this punk a lesson.
Y/n: Right! (Places the revice driver onto his waist) Let's test out this vistamp.
He stamp it onto the revice driver while Kiana changed into her battle suit as Y/n called out.
Y/n: Henshin!
Revice driver: Buddy up! Gaon! Get on! Yajuu no out! Lion! Mitete Kudasa! Ore no otakebi!
Vice: Now this looks badass. I like it!
Kiana: (smirk) Yeah no kidding. You both are like actually lions!
Revi: Let's not waste around and take down this deadman!
Kiana: (smirk) On it!
Kiana charges towards the Kamakiri Deadman and pulled out her twin Pistols and open fire at Kamakiri Deadman as he gets hit and turn to see Kiana charging towards him. He then tossed his blades at her but she leaps over while she keeps on firing at her twin Pistols, landing more shots as Revi and Vice came in and the two double punched Kamakiri Deadman back.
He crashed into the bus which moved a bit as Kamakiri Deadman charges towards the two and then swing his twin blades at the two but the two dodges his swings and the Revi tripped Kamakiri Deadman up and then strike a punch at Kamakiri Deadman that hits him at the floor very hard.
But Kamakiri Deadman slashes Revi back but Vice wrapped his arms around him as Kamakiri Deadman struggled to escape.
Vice: Give him the twin air kick!
Revi nodes and rushes towards Kamakiri Deadman and then leaps up and was about to do it when Kamakiri Deadman managed to break free and then Vice is kicked in the face by Revi as he was sent flying and then fell onto the floor.
Revi: Whoops, sorry Vice!
Vice: (immediately gets up) Hey I'm not the monster here! Well not a bad one but the enemy is right there!
Then Revi gets slashed and sent flying towards Vice as Kamakiri Deadman goes for a strike but Kiana fire at him and the two battle while both Revi and Vice get up.
Revi: Looks like we have to combine to defeat him.
Vice: Then what are we waiting for, let's do this!
Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Champion! Bakoun! Lion!
Kiana shoot Kamakiri Deadman back and then turn and was amazed to see Revice while Kamakiri Deadman sees this as we see a massive beast glaring at Kamakiri Deadman. At first it looks scary however it turns out they messed up when they combine.
Vice: Fear us now Deadman or we will eat you right up!
There was a moment of silence and then Kamakiri Deadman burst out laughing and rolling around the floor while the two realised what happened.
Vice: Damn it Y/n you messed it up!
Revi: Sorry how was I suppose to know! I didn't know it can do that!
Vice: Well you fuck it up somehow, thanks a lot. Now this is embarrassing.
Kiana: (smile) Well look at the bright side, at least your combine form is cute.
Vice: Let's try this again.
Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Champion! Bakoun! Lion!
Vice: Much better! Now let's go and fuck this Kamakiri Deadmans life!
Kamakiri Deadman was still laughing until Revice but him in the legs and then tosses him around a few times as he crashed inro buildings and walls and then they clawed at Kamakiri Deadman, landing some strikes and then they tosses him which he lands onto the ground as Revice charges towards him.
Revice driver: Lion! Stamping finish!
Revice leaps up in the air as they spin around as they fell tow Kamakiri Deadman and then land two slashes at Kamakiri Deadman which hits him and after that he blows up as Revice split apart and lands behind the explosion as they slowly stood up and fist pumped.
Once that Kiana rushes over to them and wrapped their arms around on each of their next .
Kiana: (smile) Nicely done you two. I can tell we are going to be the best team ever!
Revi: Yeah. Same here.
Vice: You said it! With our combine might, ain't nothing gonna stop us.
Kiana: (smile) Yeah. Say can you place combine back into that cute cat again?
Revi: Probably not.
Vice: Absolutely not.
Kiana: Aaww.
They soon return back to school after another mission done and they have some fun as Kiana turns to Y/n and find some feelings towards him and really wishes she can get know him more about his past someday so she can remember him.
To be continued...........................................
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