Chapter 2: A new home to set in
Somewhere deep within the darkness, there was nothing but blackness with cold all around but then candles suddenly lit up. It lit up through the hallway and towards the twin heavy wooden door as the doors cracked open ane then fully open by itself as the candles lit up around a circular room that looked like a temple.
Soon three figures came out of the darkness, two were men and one female as they gather in the middle of the circle that has the Deadman symbol on it as they discussed about something important.
Oteca: It looks like we have a problem in our hands. It seems they now have two kamen riders that ruined our plan. Now we can't make more Deadman all because of those riders.
Go: How can it be possible for someone to use a Vistamp and be a rider while their inner demon came out and fighting along side him. It cannot be possible for that to happen.
Aguilera: No matter. They may have a rider on their hands but there are only two riders, we can deal with them and they will be destroyed for sure.
Go: Your right. If we sent a deadman to kill these riders then no one will not ruined our plan.
Oteca: Yes. Soon our lord will be free and spread his rain apon those who deserves death.
Then they all turn at the same time and kneel down, bowing in front of what looked like a statue on top of a step and looking down at them as it glows.
Aguilera: Our Lord......wait a bit longer and do not fear. will be free.
Vice: And that's why I am with Y/n and we are best friends forever!
We see them at the cafeteria while the girls just stared at Vice all confused as the reason how they can hear and see him is because of the rex Vistamp he can use to summon Vice out of his body whenever he wants.
Kiana: Um I'm kinda confused?
Vice: Why is that?
Kiana: We ask "How did you two met?" And then you said "And that's why I am with Y/n" or something without given us a full information of both of yous past.
Vice: Huh......couldn't swore that intro would have given me a timeskip to finish our origin story.
Y/n: (sigh) Well I met Vice a while back while I was standing in the middle of flames. Its hard for me to remember but I believe there was some sort of a attack and I was all alone.
Mei: That is some odd story. But what about this driver of yours?
George: I can explain that!
He then came over and slap some paperwork onto the table and then handed it out to the girls and then goes on to explain.
George: (smirk) The Revice driver is one and by far one of my greatest devices I have ever made in my whole life. The driver can allow humans to be connected to their inner demons and given them abilities like no other.
Kiana: So in short it's very cool and very awesome?
George: YES!!! However! Since Y/n's DNA is implanted into the driver, only he can use it.
Himeko: That sucks. I would have wanted one.
Bronya: Is it safe to use?
George: I have you know that it is 100% safe!......maybe.
Y/n: Wait, wh-
George: ANYWAYS!! If you excuse me I'm gonna clean up my lab and cry because I have to replace everything that is broken. (Walks away) (cris in the distances) WHY!!!???? WHY DID YOU DAMAGE MY LAB!!!??? I LOVE THAT LAB LIKE IT WAS MY DOG, WHY!!!!?????
Kiana: He's.......kinda nuts.
Y/n: (nervous smile) Yeah but you'll get use to him.
Vice: Now then, since you all know "some" about us, where to now?
Fu Hua: Well there are other places I needed to show you before I show you both where you will be staying.
Vice falls slinet and then turns into his ghost form and goes inside of Y/n.
Vice: I'm gonna sleep here for an hour so.....don't wake me up!
Y/n: (sigh) Vice.
(Sometime later)
We see Fu Hua and Y/n walking down a long hallway of doors which are dormitories which Fu Hua tells him.
Fu Hua: Since you are male it is difficult since we never have any males in this place. So you will be in a roommate with Mei, Bronya, Himeko and Kiana.
Y/n: You sure that's a good idea?
Fu Hua: Well as long you don't be a pervert, you'll be fine.
Y/n: (thought) Good for me then.
She shows Y/n their room which the two enter and look around. Then Y/n noticed a picture frame of Kiana which he walked over and pick it up and look at it.
Y/n: Hey Fu?
Fu Hua: (Turns to him) Yes?
Y/n: About Kiana. Do you know anything about her past? Who were her parents and friends?
Fu Hua: Why do you want to know?
Y/n: I don't know why but I feel like I've recognised her before but I'm not too sure what.
Fu Hua: Well she is a interesting type of student here. She is shown to be laid back, childlike, mostly be lazy and do some reckless things. As to hee past.......we're not too sure. Her records seemed to be mysterious and no one doesn't know who her parents are or the then or city she lives at.
Y/n: That's odd.
Fu Hua: Indeed. But we let hee attend because hee skills are impressive.
Y/n: So has she talking or remembering anything of her past?
Fu Hua: Not what I've heard off. I think about it there was one time she did. I over heard her talking about a dream she had a few days ago. In her dream was hee inside of a test tub and across of her was this boy that she doesn't know of but in her dream it feels like she knows this boy. Then he open his eyes and look at her and suddenly turn into some sort of a demon and then.....that was it.
Y/n: Strange. Well I also have this similar dream as well. I too was in the test tub but across from me was this girl who was looking at me. I place my hand onto the glass and then there was a explosion and that was it.
Fu Hua: How odd.
Y/n: Moving the subject in hand, what happens now?
Fu Hua: Well that is it for the tour. As long there will be no interruptions, I think you will stay well in here.
Suddenly there was a shake like something crashed so they look outside and they see what looked like a lion monster costing soke destruction while the students run away from it.
Moments later both Y/n and Fu Hua arrived just as Vice woke up and spotted the deadman.
Vice: Finally some action! Let's fight!
Fu Hua: Guess we have to take this monster out.
Y/n: Right! (Place his revive driver onto his waist)
The Lion Deadman turns to them as Y/n pulls out hie rex Vistamp and press on it.
He then stamp the Vistamp onto the driver, slide it in and then pulled it down after he called out.
Y/n: Henshin!
Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!
Then Fu Hua changed into her Shadow Knight mode which Revi and Vice were surprised and then Fu Hua charges towards and then strike a kick at Lion Deacman. Lion Deadman stumbled backwards and then let out a roar and swings his claws at her but she dodges quickly to the left, spin around a few times while striking a singal kick at him and then a punch.
Lion Deadman stumbled backwards and attempt to launch at her but both Vice and Revi charge forward and strike a double punch at Lion Deadman. He slide backwards and stop himself as he look up amd then let out a roar and then charge towards the trio and swing his claws which deal some damage to the two of them.
They fall onto the floor as Lion Deadman ready back his claws while he walk towards Fu Hua while she was on the floor.
Revi: Fu!
He rushes towards her and gets on top of her as the Lion Deadman slashes at his back, making him groan while Fu Hua was surprised that Revi protected her.
Then he strike a kick at Lion Deadman and gets up and strike a forward punch which sent Lion Deadman flying back and then crash hard onto the ground.
Revi turns to Fu Hua and reach out for a hand to which she blushed and then takes his hand and Revi helped her up.
Fu Hua: (blush) Th-Thank you. Th-That was brave of you to do.
Revi: No problem.
George: Hey! HEY!!!!!
They look over to see George rushing towards them while waving at something and then he tosses it towards Revi which he catches it and sees that its a new Vistamp but with a symbol of a Eagle.
Revi: Sweet! A new Vistamp. Alright Vice, let's try this out!
Vice: Gotcha!
Revice driver: Come on! E-E-E-Eagle! Come on! E-E-E-Eagle! Come on! E-E-E-Eagle! Buddy up! Araburu! Takaburu! Sora kake meguru! Eagle! (Eagle!) Omae no hane o kazoero!
Vice: I'm so cool, I might fly away.
George: FANTASTIC! Kamen rider Revi and Vice's new form is now complete! I'm a genius!
The two of them leap up in the air and fly down and then strike a few blows at Lion Deadman. Lion Deadman try to slash at them, even by leaping up in the air to cut them but he missed every dingal time. Soon Revi land down in front of Lion Deadman and strike some blows at Lion Deadman and then struck him with wind that sent Lion Deadman flying back only to be grabbed by Vice as he takes him flying up in thr air and then drop him only for Revi to strike a jump kick at Lion Deadman, costing him to hit the ground.
Revi: Fu! Wanna finish this Deadman together.
Fu Hua: (little blush) Um sure?
Revi: Great!
He then pulls down the Vistamp once, press the button and pulls it down again as Vice flies towards Revi and the two combine.
Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Miracle! Guruguru! Eagle!
Revice flies towards Lion Deadman and then circle around him. They go around and around until they made a tornado which cost Lion Deadman to be floating up in the air while Fu Hua sees what he is doing and then rushes forward and then leap up high in the air and once she is over the tornado she uses eclipse mode and goes straight through the tornado and landing a kick and a stomp on top of the Lion Deadman as it roar before he blows up.
Revice split apart and then dehenshin and land on the ground and turn to see the job is done. Fu Hua changed back to normal and then walk over to the two and then look at Y/n ans tells him.
Fu Hua: You maybe male and you use a different way to fight but I can tell you will fit right in here. (Smile) Glad to have you here Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Fu. I won't let you down.
The two shake hand which Fu Hua find his hand warm which made her blush.
George: (Walks over) Looks like that new Vistamp worked perfectly!
Y/n: (Pulls Vistamp out) Yep. Now, time to get some rest.
Vice: Good. Time for this inner demon to get some sleep.
Then the trio walked away while Fu Hua stared at Y/n ans smiled a bit.
Fu Hua: (thought) He is very interesting. I wonder we can get to know each other more when ever I have time?
To be continued..........................................
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