Chapter 9: Breast and peace

A knock can be heard at George lap and we can see it's Raynare along with Mittelt and Kalawarner as they knock at his door and after a while with no response, they open the door and step inside and look around. They see his lap is a bit dark with some green light coming out of the test tubs are the only things they can see as they look around for George and see if he is here.

Mittelt walks up to one of the test tubs and tap her finger at it. The tub was filled in a green liquid as she looks at it and said to the other girls.

Mittelt: I sometimes find his lap a bit creepy if he is not here.

Raynare: Wonder where he could he be?

Kalawarner: Probably away. Still we should leave before he finds us here.

Mittelt: Yeah good idea, this place gives me the creeps.

???: Hello there.

Mittelt screamed and turn around and punched someone in the stomach as the person fell on the ground while Raynare find the light switch and turn it on to see George on the floor while holding his stomach.

Mittelt: Oh it's just you. Don't scare me like that!

George: My apologies. Didn't know you'll girls be here soo soon.

He slowly gets up while the rest of the girls walk over to him and Raynare asked George.

Raynare: So what's with the test tubs?

George: Just for my experiment. So what brings you girls here?

Raynare: We were wondering if you have a update about the new Vistamps yet?

George: Have one almost done which I will give it to Y/n once he is done with his mission with Rias.

Raynare: Yeah he told us about it. Something about tracking down a stray devil?

George: Indeed we actually wanted Rias to bring him to us for questioning.

Kalawarner: Why is that?

George: Let's just say he knows something that might be important to us that we must know.



We see Revi and the rest within the abandoned hospital as we see Revi, Vice and Issei chasing after a male stray devil as they turn turn corners while trying to catch up to him. Soon the stray devil turn and enter a room follow by him shutting the door as the two stop and Issei open the door.

Issei: Gotcha!

But then the stray devil leaps over all three while he kicked Issei forward and continues on running.

Vice: Man he is one quick son of a bitch.

Revi: Come on! We can't lose him!

They chase after him while we cut to Demons and Live qith Akeno, Koneko and Asia as they loom around for the stray devil's familiar and suddenly a large insect came oit and launches towards Asia as she screamed.

Live: Asia!

Koenko got in front of her but the insects stop for a minute and then fly over to Akeno and start bumping into her breast.

Akeno: (smile) Oh my what a dirty insect.

Live: Um is that thing just bumping into her chest?

Demons: Seems like it.

Demons grabs the bug as Akeno giggles while we cut to the stray devil as he gets into the outdid staircase when Revi leaps over and tackle him to the ground. He pinned the stray devil down while he place both cuffs into his arms from behind and set him down.

Revi: Got him.

Rias: Nice work Y/n.

Then Rias came down from the stairs while Kiba came up the stairs beside Rias as she walks over to Revi and the captured Stray devil.

Rias: (smile) Seems like we've caught our stray devil. Mjst say that was a long chase.

Vice: You can say that again.

Then Issei and Vice arrived as Vice breaths heavily while he said.

Vice: Man who knew running is hard.

Revi: Oh come on Vice, you can't be all that tired.


Soon Demons and the rest walk over to them ad Demons throws the stray devils familiar to the ground.

Demons: Looks like we've caught this insect bumping into Akeno's chest.

Rias: (smile) Still at least we've caught our stray devil. You can take him to Fenix for questions.

Demons: Sure thing sis.

He walks over and picked up the stray devil which he smirked and said.

Stray devil: (smirk) No matter. I have everything I need.

Then Demons take him away leaving Revi to wonder what he ment by that.

(Next day)

We see Y/n in class with Issei, Asia and Nori as he lend back on his seat while Vice appears beside him.

Vice: Let me guess. Never get what that stray devil said last night?

Y/n: Yeah. What dose he mean by that. Dose he have a plan to take over the world or what? I mean is he apart of the Deadman?

Vice: According to George he ain't apart of those cults. Still what ever plan he might have we can handle it with no problem.

Y/n: Yeah but still I am a bit worry. Who knows what he may hold.

Vice: Well as long this story is fun and excited, I couldn't care less about that stray devil and his pervert bug may have in stored.

Y/n: I guess so.

Soon class ends and Y/n make his leave as he walk through the halls only to encounter Akeno who waved at him with a warm smile.

Akeno: (smile) Hello Y/n! How is things?

He walk up to her with a smile as well and noded back to her.

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. So what's happening with you?

Akeno: (smile) You know just the usual. Say since you are free do you mind we have some tea.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.

Vice: Oooooohhhh I can tell she is gonna try to do something sexxy my dude.

Y/n: Vice shut it, it's just a chat. I'm sure she just wanted a chat.

(Seconds later)

We see Y/n and Akeno at the occult research club as Akeno have Y/n lay his head on her lap as Y/n lay there a bit blushed that she made him lay on her lap as she giggled a bit to feel his soft head on her lap.

Vice: Told you so.

Y/n: (mutter) Me and my big mouth.

Akeno: (giggle) You know we never have this much time together for a while. It really feels good to spend some time together.

Y/n: Yeah same here. So how long have you been working with Rias?

Akeno: (smile) A long time. I've helped her with many things including her brother.

Y/n: (smile) That's pretty nice of you.

Akeno: (giggle) Thanks, your such a kind and sweet boy.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks I-

Then Akeno grab him and place his head inro her breast as a way to hug her while Y/n blushes mad while Akeno just giggles.

Vice: The classic breast hug! Nice one!

Akeno: (smirk) Oh my you are very warm. I wish this would last forever because your such a cute boy.

Y/n blushes a bit more as he never have this type of thing happen to him in his life as Akeno continues to hug when someone calls out.

???: See you two are getting along in here.

They look over to see Fumiko as Akeno giggles while she let's Y/n go as Y/n is still blushing.

Akeno: (giggle) You know me Fumiko. Still I can't help it, he is such a nice and cute boy.

Fumiko just chuckle while Y/n shakes off what just happens and ask Fumiko.

Y/n: So what did that Stray devil say?

Fumiko: We've got some answers out of him and not only that we found his lab. Apparently he was researching something and I believe he has found it.

Y/n: Really? What was it?

Fumiko: Best we go there and find it. There is a map he left behind at his lab that can lead us to the location. Akeno, get your things ready, we're leaver tonight.

Akeno: (smile) You got it.

Once she left Fumiko turns to Y/n and give him a smirk and placed his hand on his shoulder and tells him.

Fumiko: (smirk) Welcome to my world Y/n.

Y/n: Huh?

Fumiko doesn't say anything else and make his leave while Vice knows what he ment while Y/n still have no idea what Fumiko was on about.


It was the middle of the night as we see them walking through the woods while Fumiko looking down at the map and tells them.

Fumiko: Looks like we are close.

Nori: I wonder what it could be.

Asia: I don't know but I hope it isn't scary.

Nori: What ever it could be, I'll keep you safe.

Akeno: Look, up ahead!

They look up ahead and see something large in the distances. It looks like a gaint plant but soon the plant opens up to reveal a dragons head as it lend out a roar as the rest step back a bit.

Y/n: (shocked) Wow what is that thing!

Vice: Looks like a plant dragon.

Rias: That's a breast Chimera.

Y/n: A what now?

Issei: (thought) Now that's something I want to know!

Fumiko: We only know by its name but there is nothing else known about this creature. Still I think he noticed us.

Y/n: Then guess we should take this plant down.

Nori: Right!

Y/n, Nori and Fumiko place down their drivers and pulls out time Vistamps.




Y/n, Nori and Fumiko: Henshin!

Revive driver: Buddy up! Kamen rider Revi! Vice! Revice!

Demons driver: Decade up! (Kamen) rider. Demons!

Two-Sidriver: Versus up! Bat! Kamen rider Live!

The three riders get into a battle stand including the rest as the Breast Chimera starts to attack by striking them with it's tentacles as they all dodge and start their attack as Revi swings his Ohinbuster at the breast Chimera, slicing at him whike Vice leaps on top of it and start to shoot at his head with his Gundephone as he fire at it before he leaps out of the way as Rias zaps the Breast Chimera with her devil magic.

The Breast Chimera roared while a few bolts shot it's face and turn to see Live and he swing it's tentacles at him but he moves out of the way while he keeps firing at it. The Demons fires his webs at it's tentacles and then Akeno shoots it with lighting follow by Koneko striking a blow at its face.

The breast Chimera lend out a roar while Revi and Vice land on the ground as Vice tells Revi.

Vice: Man looks like this plant has no idea when to die.

Revi: Still we won't give up. Let's keep on hitting at it and-

Then they hear Asia scream as they turn to see her being caught by its tentacles and soon Rias, Akeno and Koneko get caught as well as Kiba, Issei, Demons, Live, Revi and Vice sees this as the tentacles open up and start sucking at thw women's breast.

Revi: Um can someone tell me what is that doing?

Live: No idea but how dare that creator harm Asia!

Demons: It looks like their not harming them in anyway.

Kiba: President are you alright!

Rias: Y-Yes but i think this thing is boring off our clothes.

She lend out a yell while they see thier top clothes being burned slowly including their bra as well as the girls lend out yells as the creature continues to suck on their breast.

Live: I really hate this plant creature.

Demons: Same here.

Revi: Me too.

Vice: Me three.


The four of them fell onto the ground and the Demons hits Issei at the back of the head.

Demons: This ain't the time for your pervert things Issei! We need to stop that thing before something bad will happen to them!

Vice: It's Issei, he's always a pervert in anywhere at anytime.

Issei: How this plant creatures knows what he is thinking I should do the same as well.

Demons: Damn it Issei I swear.

Suddenly Asia and Koneko were dropped by the creature as Live and Revi rushes over and Live catches Asia while Revi catches Koneko.

Liva: Asia you okay?

Asia: I'm okay.

Live try to not look at her chest including Revi with Koneko while Demons wonder.

Demons: Why did that creature let them go?

George: Because their chest ain't that big.

They turn to see George coming out if the bushes as he explains to them.

George: We soon learn about this creature from that stray devil and it turned out this creature has one goal in mind.

Vice: And that is?

George: Well have a look.

They all turn and the tentacles started to grow out breast around the tentacles as George bose on to say.

George: According to the stray devil, if a women eat one of those fruits then their chest will get bigger.

Issei: (surprised) You mean they will have big boobs?

He nodes while he pulled out a note frok his pocket and said.

George: Yes. Actually I've write up a note that he said and he says " If all women in the world get big boobs, not only they all live I comfort, but men's true dreams can also take flight! Small breast are the cardinal sin! I'll make the entire world big-breasted! Boobs and peace!" Yep that's what he says.

Revi, Vice, Live, Demons, Asia, Koneko and Kiba:.................

Issei: (shocked) Boobs and peace? That is.....that is........

Then Issei start to tear up and then called out.

Issei: (tears) The most good thing I have ever heard in my life!

Demons: Your joking right?

Issei: No I'm not! I can't believe he had such a wonderful ambition! It takes the ultimate creature to save women who agonise over their breast size!

Vice: God damn it he is making a speech.

Issei: So that's why that demon was staring at the president's breast. Even his huge familiar weny Akeno's boobs. His incredible attachment to boobs gave him the courage! He made his dream come true even if it meant defying his master! I admire h-

Suddenly George just hits Issei at the back of the head as he stumble forward while George turns to the rest and ask.

George: Is he always act like this?

Revi: You have no idea uncle George.

George: Man. Its a good thing I didn't make a rider suit for the great dragon emperor. Who knows how that will turn out. Anyways I have something that will sort out this mess, here.

He tossed a new Vistamps to Revi as he catch it and looked at it.

Revi: Awesome! Thanks Uncle George. Okay Vive let's do this!

Vice: Hell yeah! Let's chop this plant down!


Revive driver: Come on! Ka-Ka-Kamakiri! Come on! Ka-Ka-Kamakiri! Buddy up! Iza musou giri! Ore ga yoko giri! Kamakiri! Oretachi on stage!

Vice: Looks like we are one stage now!

Revi: Right! Let's do this!

Revi pulls out what looks like a bow and start to fire at the Breast Chimera while Vice leaps high and slice off the tentacles with his Ohinbuster as the brdast fruits fell and crash onto the ground which Issei was shocked by. Them Revi and Vice land and were about to free Rias and Akeno when Issei gets in front of them.

Revi: Issei what are you doing!

Vice: Yeah your interruption our chopping down this pervert plant!

Issei: Think about this! If we still keep this thing, no flat chest women will be saved and have bigger and sexxy breast. I mean if Koneko have one of them, she can have bigger boobs! Just imagine it! Do you guys want to live our lives with flat chest girls?

Revi and Vice look at each other and to Issei as the two tell Issei.

Revi and Vice: We don't really care.

And then they slice up the tentacles along with the breadt fruit ad the Breast Chimera lend out a roar and then it let's go of Rias and Akeno as they land onto the ground. Demons rushes over to them to see they are alright while Revi and Vice looks at the Breast Chimera as Revi tells Vice.

Revi: Time to finish this thing up.

Vice: Agree! Let's do this!

The two high five as Revi pulls the vistamp down and press a button and pulls it down once more as the two start to combine.

Revive driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Komagiri! Butchigiri! Kamakiri!

The Breast Chimera roared and try to strike what's left of his tentacles at them but they cut them off and leap around as they start to cut off its tentacles off while the Breast Chimera roared in pain while Revice charge towards the Breast Chimera and start slicing many times until the Breast Chimera is weaken which they leap up into the air and do their finisher.

Revive driver: Kamakiri! Stomping finish!

Revive charged towards the Breast Chimera and slice it even more and then they split apart as Revi pulls back his bow and then he fired his arrow as the arrows hits he breast Chimera as the two land on the ground as they turn around as the Breast Chimera lend out a roar.

Vice: 3....2.......1! Timber!!!!!!!!!!

Then the Breast Chimera blows up behind them and after the Breast Chimera exploded they dehenshin and rush up to the rest as the girls got new sets of clothes by using tier magic as George walks up to Y/n and tell him.

George: (smile) Nice work. I knew I've made a right choice to make you a rider.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Uncle George. Say where is Issei?

Issei: Help me!

They turn to see Issei's heading sticking out from the ground as Fumiko explains to them.

Fumiko: Let's just say Issei is gonna be there for a while and learn a thing abiut being a dumbass.

Y/n: Oh yeah I think it's for the best.

Vice: Hahahahahaha that is the best punishment ever! I love it!

Rias: (smile) Still you did a good job Y/n. I'm proud at you for freeing me and Akeno.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Rias.

Rias: (smile) In fact, since you did a great job I think you deserve a reward. How's about me and Akeno give you a relaxing back rub at your spar bath along with Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner.

Y/n: (blush) Huh?

Akeno: (smile) I think that is a wonderful idea Rias.

Y/n: (blush) HHHHUUUUUHHHHH!!!!

Vice: Now that's what I'm talking! Well hood luck Y/n and hope you will lose your V ticket!

Y/n: (blush) U-Um Fumiko...Nori?

Fumiko: (smirk) I agree with Rias. You deserve this reward, have fun you three.

Nori: (smile) Same here.

Asia: (smile) Hope you three have a great time.

Y/n: (thought) How did got myself into.

Then Akeno and Rias grab each of Y/n's arms as they giggle and they start to take him for his reward while the rest make their leave while Issei is still stuck on the ground with his head sticking out as he called out to them.

Issei: Wait! I'm sorry! I promise I won't do it again! PLEASE COME BACK AND HELP ME OUT PLEASE!!!!!!!

To be continued........................................

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