Chapter 8: Take flight!

We see George at his lab ad he gets exiting when he is downloading new Vistamps as he watch the download being downloading on his laptop as he smirks to himself and then yells out in joy.

George: (smirk) Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! PERFECT!!!!!!!

He dances around all existed while the door open and Fumiko enter his lab and seeing him dancing all exited as he stop there in silence, watching this happen for a while until he clear his throat which cost George to stop and fell onto the ground with a thud while Fumiko walk over to his laptop and see the download.

Fumiko: Looks like we're making a fre more Vistamps after that attack on the Deadmans base.

George suddenly appear next to him which starle him a bit while George tells him.

George: (smirk) Indeed! With many data we have gotten from that church, we can finally create new Vistamps.

Fumiko: How long you think they be done?

George: Not for long. Once the Download is complete, we will have our new Vistamps in our fight against the Deadman.

Fumiko: (smile) Can't wait for that.

George: Speaking of which, can't help but heard that rider is now on your side now?

Fumiko: (smile) Indeed. Surprisingly he has an ability to change to either his light or dark form. I never know the Two-Sidriver can do that?

George: It was created a long time ago. Basically it allow users to unless their inner darkness but we never find a suitable user.

Fumiko: And then Nori came and was able to use it. Would it be his inner demon like Y/n and Vice?

George: Maybe but there is more research to work on. Speaking on research, I would suspect to have Issei at the park after school.

Fumiko: Why?

George: Well....I think we get some research about his sacred gear and how powerful it might be.



We see Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner relaxing in the spar bath as Raynare and Kalawarner lend back against the edge of the bath while Mittelt is seen floating while staring up at the ceiling as all three girls breath a sigh as they relax.

Kalawarner: (smile) You weren't kidding Raynare. This spar is like true heaven for us.

Raynare: (smile) See I knew you both will like it. This place is something we wish we can stay in forever.

Mittelt: (smile) I can ready feel all the stress slowly melting away from my head. This feels sooooo good~!

The girls lend out another sigh as they enjoying their time in the spar bath with smiles on their faces.

Y/n: (blush) Uuummm I know you like it but why do I have to take a bath with you?

We then turn to see Y/n in the bath with the three naked girls as they turn and they just smirked while Raynare slide over and get close to him, close enough for her breast pressed on his arm with a smirk.

Raynare: (smirk) Because it's fun having a cute boy here to enjoy the spar bath with us before school.

Y/n: (blush) S-S-Still it be rude of me to be-

Then Kalawarner gets close to him as well while also press her breast onro his arm while she also said with a smirk.

Kalawarner: (smirk) It's not rude for us to have you here. We like having you here with us.

Mittelt: (smirk) Yeah, we love having you here with us. Wish we can stay here forever.

All three girls surrendered Y/n while he blushes bright red when a familiar laughter is heard.

Vice: Looks like your one of the luckiest man in the world! Having three naked girls in one bath must be awesome for you!

We see Vice hovering over the spar bath as Y/n tells Vice.

Y/n: (blush) I-I-Is this apart of your plan?

Vice: What?! No! Of course not, now why would I plan this?

There was a long silence until Vice tells him.

Vice: Yep, that's my plan.

Y/n: (sigh) Why do you do this to me Vice.

Vice: That's what I am! Besides, the viewers in this story really wished they have three naked girls near them right now.

Raynare: Say I just remember something.

Y/n: What is it?

Raynare: Is it Nori and Asia gonna attend your school today?

Y/n: I believe so. Still it be nice to have them apart of our class.

Y/n: (thought) I just hope Nori knows what type of guys are once they attend to Kuoh academy.

Then Y/n leaves the bath and wrap a tower around himself while he said.

Y/n: Well, looks like I need to get ready for school, see you girls later.

Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt: (smirk) See you later Y/n~!

He blushes a bit before he closes the door behind him and whipe his face and then head off to get change and head off to school.


We see Y/n in class along with Issei and once they she down the teacher brought in Nori and Asia as their new students and their classmates as they introduced themselves to the whole class.

Asia: (smile) Greetings everyone. My name is Asia and its very nice to meet you all.

Nori: (smile) And I'm Noir, Asia's boyfriend and best friend to my dare friend Y/n. It's nice to meet you all and we hoped to get along.

The male student were surprised how cute Asia is while the girls also find Nori very attractive as Issei whisper to Y/n.

Issei: (whisper) Bet they each might get asked by some of the students about their relationship and might ask if they can join.

Vice: Yeah, guess both girls and boys find some things attractive, especially when the two people are a couple..

Y/n: (whisper) Still let's be glad they are fitting right in.

Y/n watch Asia and Nori getting along with the students as they ask them questions about thier relationship while this made Y/n smile to see the two happy, especially what Nori has been through, he's glad he finally deserves some happiness in his life.

After class ends we see them walking through the hall as Nori was amazed the size of the school.

Nori: (surprised) Wow your school is massive! It's more like a castle then a actual school.

Issei: It still your boring school if you ask me.

Y/n: (smile) Still I'm glad both you and Asia like it, you both can fit right in with us.

Asia: (smile) Still we can't thank you enough for everything you did just for us. I'm sorry we were a bother to ever since we first met.

Y/n: (smile) You both weren't a bother to us. No matter ehat we will help people no matter the cost.

Issei: (smile) Yeah. As long there is sexxy boobs involve then count me in!

Vice: Man your still a pervert as always are you.

Issei: (mutter) Well at least I'm not a useless spirit.


Y/n: Take it easy Vice.

Nori: I don't want to sound rude but it must be very hard to control Vice.

Y/n: You have no idea.

Rias: (smirk) Well looks like you guys are getting along great.

They look over to see Rias as she walk over to them while Y/n nodes to her while he tells her.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. We're just wondering around the school while showing Nori and Asia around.

Rias: (smile) I'm glad for that. Issei?

Issei: Yeah?

Rias: After school head to the park. There will be a scientist that would like to test out your power and see how strong it is.

Issei: Um sure?

Nori: Is this scientists from the Fenix?

Rias: (smile) Yes, George wants to see what makes Issei sacred gear soo powerful to tye rest and may want to try make something like a vistamp of it.

Vice: So we can have our own emperor dragon form?!!!!

Rias: (smile) Maybe but let's meet by tye park and let us see. See you all later.

She then walk off as Vice gets soo excited by this and grabs Y/n and start to shake him.

Vice: We're going to have one of the most powerful and op form ever in our lives! Hahaha! We can wipe the floors of the Deadman and rule the world! All hail the emperor and your gods! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!

Asia: (smile) Whoa it seems Vice is in a happy mood today.

Nori: Yeah but a crazy happy mood way.

Issei: Man this sucks, why do I feel like a test rat for Fenix.

Y/n: Oh relax Issei, I think they are just want to see how powerful you might be and plan something with it.

Issei: Fine but if there is a super hot female scientist then I will not complain!


Issei: Crap. It's not a super hot female scientist.

We see them at the park as Rias and the rest are with a scientist with his laptop and computer in place as he get things ready while he introduces himself to Issei.

Sana: (smile) Hello Issei, the names Sana and I'm here to see how powerful your sacred gear has become throughout the few days. Now...will you pull out your sacred gear?

Issei: Do I have to?

Rias: Don't worry it won't be that bad.

Vice: Unless your chicken!

Issei: No I'm not!

Vice: Oh yeah? Then what about you show us your power?

Issei: Fine then I will! Watch this!

Sana's computer was going off the roof which surprised Sana as he type on his computer while he looked shocked.

Sana: (shocked) This is.....very interesting. The readings are going off the roof. How can you manage to get this strong?

Issei: Um I don't know? I mean I've been doing some normal stuff, nothing important.

Sana: Hhhhmmm still your sacred gear is stronger as we thought. So kuchen in fact it be very dangerous to even make a vistamp base on that power.

Vice: Aaawwww man! This sucks!

Rias: So any ideas how to get Issei sacred gear even more stronger?

Sana: Maybe but let's try something. Issei, try to think of something on top of your mind. Anything at all?

Issei: Um sure?

Issei starts to think of anything on top of his head while and the rest stand there and wait for a while.

Issei: (thought) Man this blows. Here I am standing here like a idiot while this scientists nerd wants me to do something that is interesting. I mean I should be doing something more then this crap. I should be hanging out with my best bros and peaking on some female changing rooms and locker and also watching some sexxy teen shows. Still though, Rias breast are beautiful and damn I wish I can grab them before she allows Y/n to do it.

A pervert smirk appear on his face which cost his sacred gear to glow bright while Sana's computer gose higher and higher until it exploded which made them step back a bit. Nori protects Asia from the sharp glass while Sana wa surprised by this and ask.

Sana: (surprised) Tell me! What were you thinking!?

Issei: just some stuff that's all.

Y/n: I think he was thinking about something sexxy.

Issei: Bro!

Sana: How did you know?

Y/n: I kinda seen that pervert smirk before and if I'm right, thinking about something sexxy cost his sacred gear to glow like that.

Sana: Hhhmmm that may sound weird but if that's the only reason how then that might be it.

Rias: So we figure out how Issei can get stronger?

Sana: Maybe, I might need to do research more but thanks for this Rias.

Rias: (smile) No problem Sana. Glad to have you here as well.

Sana nodes as he grab his equipment and make his leave. Issei sighs to himself, glad this is over but behind him something jump out and was about to attack him but Nori see this and rushes over and kick the it away and it rolled on the ground.

Y/n ans Vice rushes over and stand next to Nori ad they see a Deadman standing up and roar at them.

Y/n: Looks like a Deadman has come out to play.

Nori: Indeed. Let's do this Y/n!

Y/n: Aye, Vice let's do this!

Vice: hahaha, let's do this!

They place down their drivers and pull out their Vistamps and press them.



They stomp their vistamps and slide them into the drivers ans call out.

Y/n and Nori: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!

Two-Sidriver: Versus up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen rider Live!

Live fires a few shots at Kamakiri Deadman but he blocks the shots with his blades and throws the blades at the qhich they dodged as the blades spon around and return back and strike at Live, Vice and Revi as they fell onto the ground but quickly get up as Revi and Vice charge and Revi lands a jump kick at Kamakiri Deadman before Vice lands a punch at him while Rias, Issei and Asia rush up to Live as he turn to them.

Live: You should get to safety.

Rias: (smile) No need to worry. Allow me to help them up.

She spread her devil wings and flies towards the battle as she launches her red lighting like attack at Kamakiri Deadman but he dodges but Revi lands a swing with his Ohinbuster before he charge at him and land a fre more strikes at Kamakiri Deadman before he start blocking his strikes with his twin blades as the two strike blades at each other before Kamakiri Deadman manage to knock Revi Ohinbuster up into the air but Vice leaps over them and grab the Ohinbuster while he stumps on the Megalodon vistamp onto the Ohinbuster and land behind Kamakiri Deadman.

Megalodon Ohing slash!

Revi ducks down as Vice spine around and strike the Kamakiri Deadman that sent him flying and land hard on the ground. He slowly gets up and look up at Rias and leaps up and manage to grab her while Rias try to get him off of her but he tossed her to the ground which Revi see this and rushes over and slide to the ground and catch her before she can hit the ground.

He gets up while holding Rias as he turn to her and ask.

Revi: You okay?

Rias: (giggle) I am now. Thanks for that catch, your my hero.

He blushes deep as he set her down while Vice was slashed and stumble back next to Revi and Rias. Then Live fire at Kamakiri Deadman from behind while he charge at him and once close he dodges his blade swings while he land a few shots at him before Kamakiri Deadman leap over him and start leaping away while they watch him escape.

Vice: Hey he's getting away!

Live: We need to catch him before he gets away.

Issei: How? He's too fast to catch up to him.

Fumiko: Maybe this can help.

They turn to see Fumiko rushing over and rush up to Reci and hand him a new Vistamp as Revi takes and looks at it.

Fumiko: (smile) George is really excited for you to use that. Make him happy.

Revi: Right!

He slide out his rex vistamp and pull out his new vistamp and press it.


Revice driver: Come on! P-P-Ptera! Come on! P-P-Ptera! Buddy up! Joushou Kiryuu! Ichiryuu! Yokuryuu! Ptera! Flying by! Complete!

They were surprised to see Vice a hover bike while Vice was also surprised but at the same time amazed!

Vice: Hey look at me! I'm now a hover bike! How awesome is that!

Revi: Now that's awesome! Thanks Fumiko, tell George my thanks as well!

He leaps onto Vice and then they take off to go after Kamakiri Deadman as they fly through the city searching for Kamakiri Deadman when they see him leaping onro roof to roof trying to make his escape.

They fly down and fire at Kamakiri Deadman which cost him to get hit and stumble back as he turn to see them fly over them as they turn around snd open fire at Kamakiri Deadman as he try to dodge the blast shots but there was just too many and leaps away. They fly after him while they keep on firing at him.

Kamakiri Deadman stop and fire twin blades at them but they dodge the incoming blades and then dive down and open fire at Kamakiri Deadman even more and then Revi leaps out and lands on the roof with Kamakiri Deadman and charge at him and strike a elbow at him and strike other blows at him while Vice flies around and fire at Kamakiri Deadman as he try to swing at Revi but suddenly his chest open up and he immediately disappeared and appear behind Kamakiri and strike a kick that sent Kamakiri flying and crash onto a wall.

He fell to the ground and nearly gets up and then immediately was punched by Revi as he gose very fast as in slow moment we see Revi shake his hand before things go back to normal and strike a fee blows at Kamakiri Deadman before he upper kicks him to the air while he leaps up and lands back on Vice and fly towards Kamakiri Deadman as he pull down his vistamp on his driver twice.

Revice driver: Ptera stomping finish!

They good extremely fast while a red glow appears in front of them as they strike on Kamakiri Deadman and he blows up while they stop at the other side of the explosion as Revi turns to see they done it.

Revi: Man George is always making some interesting and fantasy Vistamps.

Vice: Yeah! Good thing he is one our side or not as stupid as Issei.

Revi just smile as they fly back to the rest and tell them that Kamakiri Deadman is defeated.

(Sometime later)

We see Rias, Y/n and Vice at Y/n's spar place as they sat down in the living room as Rias tell the two about Asia and Nori's new home.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow so they got a really nice home that has a veiw on this city?

Rias: (smile) Indeed, I was surprised myself when I frst saw it. Guess Nori must have saved a lot of money to get that house.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah no kidding.

Vice: So what happens now? I mean I would like to see those crazy trio loyalist cult and battle them once more.

Rias: Unfortunately there is no information what happened to them after that battle. It seems that they have been quiet or something is going on.

Y/n: You think they might be plotting for something?

Rias: Maybe, it's best we get ready when it comes.

Y/n nodes while Rias stood up and walk over to Y/n and next thi g Y/n knows, she lay on Y/n's lap which surprised Y/n and made him blush while Rias just smile and said.

Rias: (smile) Your lap is very comfortable. Mind I rest here.

Y/n: (blush) U-U-Um sure?

Rias: (giggle) Your just soo cute. Too cute infact i want to marry you one day.

He blushes very deep which Rias was just kidding and want him to blush even more which worked.

Vice: Ha! She hot you really good!

Y/n just chuckle a little and was about to ask Rias something when he look down to see Rias have already fallen asleep. He stare at her sleeping as he smile a bit and gently pet on her soft red hair.

Y/n: (thought) She's actually really cute sleeping peaceful with a beautiful smile. I will make everyone smile and never let them cry again.

Watching through the window we see Fumiko on his red motorcycle bike and seeing this made his smile to see Rias fall to someone he believes she deserves. He put on his bike helmet and ride off home with a smile on his face and so dose Rias as she sleeps on Y/n's lap.

Rias: (thought) I love you soo much Y/n, always.

To be continued.............................

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