Chapter 6: The Wings of Dark and Light (Arc 3)
We see Aguilera walking down some stairs with candle lights lighting the stairs as she make her way down the steps while the taps of his heels are head as she mad it to the bottom floor and walk through small walkway until she reach two wooden doors which she open and step inside.
Inside was a large square base room with candle lights around the room with stone stairs that lead to the top as she walks up the steps and onceat top she stood there as she lend out a smile and bows down in front of it while the two doors open once more and two man walk into the room.
Olteca: So when will thr ritual will start?
Julio: Yeah. After everything we finally gonan do the ritual and bring back our Lord and masted.
Aguilera: Be patient. Soon the ritual will start and along our master will return. Now, check on our sacrifice we must make sure that she is well and ready.
The both node and turn to check on their "sacrifice" while Aguilera turn back and bend down to both of her knees while she gose on to say.
Aguilera: My lord your slumber will soon come to the end. We will revive you and you will rain your chaos and death across the world. Mark my words my lord, your return will spread fear towards all those who threating us. You will show them your true power my lord.
She lend out a light laughter as her laughter is heard out throughout the underground hallways as their plan will be complete and they will bring back their master to life as last.
We see Issei, Rias, Koneko, Fumiko, Kiba and Akeno within their club as Fumiko gets mad after leaving that he was nearly killed by Aguilera as he grabs Issei by the shirt in anger and yells at him.
Fumiko: (anger) The fuck were you thinking! Not only you nearly got yourself killed but also Y/n, Vice and this Evil rider guy! Just because you have a sacred gear that doesn't mean your not unstoppable!
Issei: (anger) Lay off man! I was only protecting Asia that's all!
Fumiko: (anger) Yeah which Rias told you to stay away from! She maybe nice but she served to god so who knows what Freed would have done if you took Y/n and Vice place on that job!
Issei: (amger) Then how about you let me go then! Rias can just let me go right!?
Fumiko: (anger) That's not how that works Issei. You're a devil now and apart of Rias house hold so like it or not you will always be here with her!
Issei: (anger) Strange, here I thought you want me to stay away from your sister but I guess you want me around here, is that right?
Rias: That's enough!
They turn to Rias as she looks at Fumiko which he let's go Issei's shirt and just walks back as Rias tells Issei.
Rias: Look Fumiko is right on on thing. You can't go running around getting yourself hurt like that, especially Y/n and those around you.
Issei: (sigh) I understand.
Akeno walks over to Rias and whisper something to her which she node and stood up.
Rias: We must go. We believe there is some activity we must investigate, Fumiko you come with us.
Fumiko: Of course.
Rias: The rest will stay here and Issei, I suspect you stay here as I order to.
Issei: Yeah Yeah I stay.
Once that Rias, Akano and Fumiko left the room and once that Issei turn and gose to the door which Kiba asked.
Kiba: Your going to save Asia are you?
Issei: Yeah. Look, this Evil rider guy. He loves her and I can tell he's going through a lot after Asia's lost. I made q mistake and I can fix it again and there is no way yo can stop me.
Kiba: (smile) Well if I can stop you then I have to help you.
Koneko: I'll come as well.
Issei: (smile) Thanks you guys.
Koneko: And here I thought your a smelly pervert but I guess when it comes to some guy who has a beautiful girl as a lover, guess that also make you a pervert.
Issei: Whoa thanks Koneko.
Kiba: Do we know where Kamen rider Evil is?
Issei: No but Y/n and Vice is heading off to find him and I think they know where he is.
Y/n and Vice arrived to where Nori is at. They stand in front of the garbage yard as they enter and they look around for Nori.
Vice: Jeez is this where he sleeps? What kind of a man sleeps in this dump.
Y/n: Uncle George told me this is where he is at.
Vice: Bit how can we sure he is here?
Nori: (distance) GOD DAMN IT!!!!!
Suddenly there were some loud noises which made them stop and hear someone smashing something at everywhere which they follow the noise and soon they turn a corner to see Nori in a fit of rage as he grabs a steal pipe and just smashes everything around him and trashing everything around him even more. He yell while he smash, stomp and break everything around him in a blind rage.
Soon he tossed the steal pipe away that stabbed onto a broken TV as he breathing heavily while he fell to his knees, not caring about the glass stabbing onto his knees ad he look at his hands as they shake in rage as he slowly form his fist in anger and breaths even harder as he lend on a yell into the sky.
Nori: (anger) WHY GOD!? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
He slam both of his fist to the ground and start to sob as Y/n walks slowly towards him as he cry. Soon he slowly grab his shoulder which he stop crying as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: I'm so sorry about Asia. But....It ain't too late to save her. We can rescue her and-
Nori: (anger) Would you SHUT UP!
He his arm making Y/n step back as Nori stood up and just glare at him before he turn forward and walks off before Y/n calls out to him.
Y/n: My Uncle has detected something happening at the abandoned Church not far from here! If he is right, then that is where Asia is being kept! There is a chance to save her!
Nori: Juts....leave me alone. If this is what God wants to see me suffer, then so be it.
Y/n: No. No! I refuse to not allow you to give up! You two finally found each other after for so long, you can't just give up! All we need is faith!
Nori: Faith huh....Well ask the guy who has faith that one day he or she can see his or her lost lover. Yeah that's and it didn't come and when it always be ruined and the love in his or her life.....gose away once more.
Y/n walks up to Nori and stand next to him as he place his hand on his shoulder as he tells him.
Y/n: I know faith hasn't gone well with you two......but you two can't let anything stop you both to be together again. I know there is a chance to rescue Asia and you will be happy with her at last. Either you help me or not, I will rescue Asia and once I do, I will take her to you and you both will be happy together.
Nori turn to Y/n as he doesn't know what to say. He wipe the tears off of his eyes and asked.
Nori: You promise?
Y/n: (smile) I promise.
Nori smile a bit while Vice appears behind them and calls out.
Vice: Hey don't forget about me! This story wouldn't be interesting without Vice!
Y/n: (smile) Guess so buddy.
Nori: So where is Asia being kept again?
Y/n: At the abandoned church not far from us. We can head there and save her.
Nori: Right, let's go.
And so the trio head off to this abandoned Church where Asia is being kept and rescue her.
In the forest we see a red flash as we see Rias, Akeno and Fumiko arrive to the location as they look around but see nothing but rolls and rolls of trees spreading out.
Akeno: This is the location but there is no difference.
Rias: Keep your guard up. This might be a trap.
Fumiko: Right sis.
Then they hear something that sounded like movement so the investigation. They come out of the bushes and they see both female fallen angels tied up on a cross as the trio walk close to them as they open their eyes and see them.
???: Get out of here now! This is a trap!
Fumiko: Why and who are you two?
Kalawarner: My name is Kalawarner and this is Mittelt and you three need to get out of here! You've step into their trap!
Rias: By who?
???: By us.
Suddenly Giff Juniors came out behind the trees and bushes as they surrounded them along with two Deadman as they stand in front of them.
Then Olteca and Julio came out behind them as they turn to see them.
Olteca: It's a pleasure to meet you Rias along with your brother and second in command.
Rias: As far as I tell, you both are Deadman leaders ain't that right?
Julio: (smirk) That's right. We're just about to complete our ritual and we can't allow you three to get in our way.
Fumiko: What ever plan you have we will stop you!
Olteca: (smirk) We'll see about that. Kill them.
The two disappeared into the trees while the two Deadman along with the Giff Juniors make their way towards them while Fumiko pulls out his Demons driver and place it on his waist and then pull out his Spider Vistamp.
Demons driver: Deal!
Fumiko: Henshin!
Demons driver: Decide up! Deep. (Fukaku) Drop. (Ochiru) Danger. (Kamen) Rider. Demons!
Demons: Ready for this sis.
Rias: (smile) Yeah. You ready as well Akeno?
Akeno: (smile) Sure am. Let's have some fun!
The Giff Juniors charge at them which Rias strike first as she blast them all and sent them all flying while Demons charge at the two Deadmans and strike a kick at the Kong Deadman while he dodge a strike from Planarian Deadman and then punching Planarian Deadman in the stomach as Planarian Deadman stumble back before it was zapped by Akeno who giggled before she turns and zap more Giff Juniors.
While both Rias and Akeno battle the Giff Juniors we see Demons and Kong Deadman leap over and land near a lake ad Kong Deadman roars and charge at Demons and strike some blows at Demons but he dodges the strikes and blows. He rolled over his fist and stood up and try to land a punch at him but Kong Deadman blocks his fist and his fist gose through and strike Demons as he was sent flying and land hard on the ground.
Kong Deadman walks towards him as Demons stood up and pulls out a Batta vistamp.
Demons: Well if your arms are strong, the what about a kick of my two legs!
Demons driver: Add! Dominate up! Batta Genomix!
Kong Deadman charge at him and try to swing a punch but demons leap up high into the air and comes down and lands both kicks at Kong Deadman as Kong Deadman try to swing at him when ever he comes down but Demons is too fast with his jumps as he lend some blows at Kong Deadman several times.
He then lands on a rock in the middle of a rival as he hope around a bit while he throw some punches like a kangaroo while mocking Kong Deadman.
Demons: Oh come on you can do better with that! Where are those powerful punches you big monkey!
Kong Deadman gets really mad and charge at Demons which Demons leaps up to the air while Kong Deadman crashes the rock while Demons dose a back flip while he gose down for a finisher.
Demons driver: Charge! Batta Demons Requiem!
Demons land on top of Kong Deadman, crushing hij hard enough as he blows up while Demons came out of the flames and land back to shore. Oncelanded he stand up straight while he turn to see Planarian Deadman stepping out of the forest as he turn to him.
Demons: One day, one more to go!
Then the Planarian Deadman suddenly burst out and turned into it's phase 2 form. It stood up straight while he swings his staff around and slam it to the ground.
Demons: Well this will be interesting. Show me your moves!
The Planarian Deadman rushes towards him while Demons dose the same as the two charge at each other for another fight.
Y/n, Nori and Vice arrived at the abandoned Church as they get to the entrance and Y/n slowly open the door and once inside was clear, they walk inside. They look around but there was no sign of Asia anywhere.
Nori: I don't see her.
Y/n: She got to be here somewhere. Maye we should split up.
Vice: Split up?! You crazy?! That's how monster get us? Haven't you watch any horror movie or better yet Scrooby Doo! Splitting up is a bad idea!
Nori: Will you shut up for once and also, what even is Scrooby Doo?
Vice: Hhhhuuuhhh?! You don't know the classic show of all time! It has several shows, comics, films and more!
Nori: I was born in a village that doesn't have those kinds of technology.
Vice: Well I feel sorry for you.
Nori: The hell is that suppose to mean?
Y/n: you hear something.
They listen and they do hear something. They can't make out what ever it was but it sounded like it's coming from below them.
Nori: It sounded like....chanting?
Vice: Must be somebody's birthday.
Nori: Who in the right mind want have a birthday part here?
Vice: Good point. Maybe a Happy Death day party.
Nori: Your a idiot.
Y/n: Guys this way, I think there is a door we can take.
They walk over to the door and once there they open it and see a flight of stairs so they carful walk down the steps. Once at the bottom floor they make their way through the halls and reach a nearly cracked opened door so they peek through the crack and see a room filled with cloaked figures as they were chanting while we see Aguilera, Olteca and Julio on top of the stairs with a platform as they see Asia behind them being tied up as the chanting stop and galls silent as Aguilera gose on to say.
Aguilera: Our time has come. After so so long we have finally have a way to bring back our Lord and master and once he will return, we will rise and purge all Devils, Fallen angels and Angels and rule the world with our master with us!
The cloaked figures cheer and raising their arms as Aguilera turns to Asia as Asia struggle to break free but there was no use as Aguilera gently stroke on her cheek as she smile and turn back to the cloak fighters and tell them.
Aguilera: Today! This girl will be our sacrifice and once we have her sacred gear! We can use that to heal our master and bring him back to full strength! LET THE SACRIFICE BEGIN!!!
The cloak figures cheered once more as Aguilera turn back to Asia and reach out her hand and fire a purple lighting qt Asia as she lend out a scream which shocked Y/n, Vice and Nori as Asia scream even more which Nori angers him even more so he burst into the room and calls out.
Nori: ASIA!!!!!!!!
But it was too late as something within her comes oit and Aguilera grabs it. She open her hand to reveal two rings that is giving off a green glow while Asia was silent which Nori was horrified to see as he yells at Aguilera in pure rage.
Aguilera: (smirk) Your threats do not matter. Once i use these to heal our master...he will return and we will rain supreme. Now then destroy them!
The cloak figures turn to them ready to battle Nori when Y/n and Vice rushes over to Nori.
Y/n: Your not fighting this alone Nori. Let us help you.
Vice: Yeah. This is a fight I've been looking for! BRING IT ON!
Nori is surprised by them being along side him and truly respect that as they turn to the cloak figures as they were about to tackle them when slashes of Kiba took them out along with Koneko came out of nowhere and grab one cloak figure and throw them towards the rest while Issei race over to Y/n, Vice and Nori while Kiba and Koneko form up with them.
Issei: (smirk) See you three start the party without us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Good thing you three came.
Kiba: (smile) We were actually here to save Asia so we can return her to Nori but I guess you three also have the same plan.
Nori: (surprised) You three want to help me? Why?
Koneko: Because its the right thing to do.
Issei: (smirk) Yeah and I maybe singal and don't have a harem like Y/n here but when man just wants yo be happy with a sexxy and beautiful women, you know I'm here to help. No matter how the situation might be, we will help.
Nori was even more surprised by this and can't believe people are helping him just to make him happy. Still both he and Y/n place down their drivers as the cloak figures charge at them.
Y/n: (smirk) Okay! Let's do this!
Vice: Like a fire breathing dragon slayer once said! I'M FIRED UP! HAHAHAHA! LET'S BREAK SOME BONES!
To be continued...........................
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