Chapter 3: Time to make a deal

Inside the women's changing room we see Momo, Tsubasa, Tomoe and Reya naked and taking hot warm showers whike they talk some other things while other girls who were in there walk about minding their own business while we see a small hole and at the other side of that hole we see Issei, Motohama and Matsuda doing their pervert thing as they peek through the hole of the girls changing room to watch them getting change.

Matsude: (smirk) Man this is a best spot!

Motohama: (smirk) Yeah no one is gonna see us while we are watching the show.

Issei: (whisper) Sssshhh don't get us caught.

They watched as the girls stripes down while the three have perverts faces on then and they still watching this when Issei felt a tap on his shoulder which he tells Motohama.

Issei: Not now Motohama, can you see I'm watching with you guys.

Motohama: Huh? I didn't do anything?

Issei: Then wh-

???: Enjoying the show boys?

Their flinch in fear as all three slowly turn to be met with a male student with short red hair as he crackle his fist and while they stood there in fear as their screams are heard as he beats them up.

Soon we see them head first in trash bin while the guy who beat them up walls off with Momo, Tsubasa, Tomoe and Reya.

Reya: (smile) Your really are our Knight Fumiko.

Momo: Hope those pervs learn there lesson.

Fumiko: They may do it again which is why if I catch them doing it again, I'll break their balls.

The girls giggle as they walk off to their class together with their handsome string knight with them.



We see Y/n sitting in class while he stare out of the window and thinks about the few days as a rider and things have been crazy for him and Vice.

Y/n: (thought) Ever since I became a rider Al lot of crazy stuff has happened. Rias a devil, Fenix alliance with both demons and angels and now I have a Fallen Angel staying out our place and managing the spar while I'm at school. Man things have been crazy.

Vice: You can say that again man but look at the bright side, as soon we get home, she'll be dress up as a maid and have food ready for you and call you "Master Y/n."

Y/n: (little blush) W-Well that would be nice but why would she need to wear a maid outfit?

Vice: That is the point of having a girl at your home! She'll do what ever her can to make you really turned on so you can "have fun" with her if you know what to mean.

Y/n: (sigh) Why are you trying to force me to make out with every girl I met?

Vice: No reason.

Y/n sighs once more and the rest of teh students came in. Issei came in and sat in front of Y/n and once that Y/n and Vice can smell awful about Issei.

Y/n: Um Issei you smell.....kinda bad.

Vice: More like horrible! You smell like you just crewl out of some smelly guys armpits!

Issei: Hey don't blame me for this smell, blame that red hair guy who throw me and my friends into a trash!

Y/n: Red hair guy? You mean Fumiko?

Vice: Huh is he that guy who I'd apart of Sona's group?

Y/n: Yeah and I think he's Rias's brother?

Issei: Um who are you talking to?

Y/n: Oh no one just myself! Anyways you kinda deserve it since what ever you did, must be about perverts because he hates perverts.

Vice: Hate perverts huh? I like this guy already.

Issei: Shut up man! I don't need you to tell me what to do!

He looks away from Y/n while Vice just tells Y/n.

Vice: Man he's a jerk. And you said he is your childhood friend?

Y/n: (sigh) He's just upset, that's all.

Y/n stare at Issei and knows there is more to truth to between them then anything. After a while class was over and the two were about to leave when a voice calls both of them other.

???: Issei, Y/n hey there.

They look over to see Kiba walks over to their tables.

Issei: What's happening Kiba?

Kiba: Nothing much, Rias would liek to see both of you.

Issei: You mean me and Y/n? But he isn' know?

Y/n: Well's a long story but short version....I know you guys are.....devil's.



They arrived to Rias house hold which was the same place that Y/n and Vice found a while back as They meet Rias along with two of her members which are Akeno and Koneko.

Akeno: (smile) How interesting to finally meet you Y/n.

Koenko: Hey.

Y/n: (smile) Same here. Still I'm a bit jealous about this place, it looks a bit fancy and warm.

Rias: (smile) Thanks but I could say the same to your place if your little inner demon keeps it clean.

Vice: I try to keep it clean a little bit thank you very much!

Issei: Wait inner demon?

Rias: (smile) Oh that's right. I guess I didn't told you that Y/n has a inner demon named Vice. Allow me.

She reach out her hand to Vice and a red magic circle appear as it gose up and Vice appears with his feet as he lands onto the ground while Issei steps back in shock.

Vice: (surprised) Hang on a minute there?! You get to tell me you can do that this WHOLE time and you didn't tell me?!

Rias: (smile) You didn't ask.


Issei: (shocked) Wow he's an actual demon!

Vice: Hey Pervert, I'm Y/n's Inner demon and you should show me with full respect!

Issei: So that means all those crazy stuff that has been happening to me was your inner demon?

Y/n: Yep. He mostly dose the work without me knowing.

Vice: Hey at least it was fun! Speaking of fun, I've been waiting for this moment for a long while.

He walks over to Issei and straight up kicks Issei between his legs as Issei fell on the floor while holding his balls while Vice cheers and wave his arms into the air while Y/n sighs whike slowly placing his hand onto his face.

Then a door open and Fumiko enter the room which surprised Y/n, Vice and Issei to see him here as Fumiko asked Rias.

Fumiko: Are these my allies sis?


Rias: (smile) Yep. This is Y/n and his inner demon Vice. I can bet you and Issei know each other.

Fumiko looks down at Issei with a death glear while Issei shakes in fear but when he turns to Y/n and Vice he gives them a smile and reach out his hand to then.

Fumiko: (smile) Nice to meet you two. The name is Fumiko Gremory, nice yo meet you two.

Y/n: Um same here.

Vice: Me too! We're gonna get along very well.

Fumiko nods while Issei slowly stands up and then ask Rias.

Issei: So what do you want us to do?

Rias: You, Y/n and Vice will take over Koenko's job with a client while my brother will keep watch. Remember Issei you must not use your sacred gear otherwise you will draw some attention towards yourself.

Y/n: (thought) Sacred gear? Wonder what that is?

Rias: (smile) Wish you four good luck and brother, make sure they are safe.

Fumiko: Understood sister.

(A while later)

It was night time as we see the four making their way through the neighbourhood on their way to meet Koenko's client while Y/n still wonder what sacred gear might be so he ask both Issei and Fumiko.

Y/n: Hey what are sacred gears? What do they do?

Fumiko: It's part of our power. We use them to help things that is too tough either in battle or other stuff. You humans have less sacred gear power but us demons have tone of them. Issei's is the red dragon emperor.

Vice: Ooooohhhh sounds cool!

Issei: (smirk) Yep and soon I'll get every girl and make my own har-

Fumiko hits Issei on the head whike he gose on to tell Y/n and Vice like nothing happened.

Fumiko: When ever we get stronger, our sacred gears get stronger as well.

Vice: Epic! Hey Y/n! Let's learn how to get our own sacred gear! That way we canbe even more stronger!

Fumiko: Unfortunately humans can't get stronger with their sacred gear. Only demons or angels can get some powers from the sacred gear.

Vice: Aaaawwww that's bullshit!

Y/n: Say if your Rias's brother then why are you in Sona's group?

Fumiko: Well to be honest the reason why I join Sona's is because the rivalry the two have been happening.

Issei: Really, no way.

Fumiko: (sigh) Yep. The only way to make two sides in peace is me to join Sona's group so Rias and Sona won't have a full on battle.

Issei: Yeah guess your right. (Mutter) But I be hot to see two girls battle. Maybe even in a mud bath as well, hehehhe.

Fumiko: (scary glear) Something funny Issei?

Issei: (scared) N-No sir.

Vice: Yep I like this guy already.

Y/n: And a type of guy to not be to messed with.

They arrived at the location as Fumiko knocks at the clients door and the door open as they see what looked like a guy who looked to be those types of anime guys peak through and asked.

???: What do you all want?

Fumiko: (smile) Hello sir, we are here to fulfil you request?

???: How about you beat it.

He slams the door whike Fumiko stood there until he grabs the door handle and ripes the door open while Issei, Vice, Y/n and the client were shocked on how strong he is and how pissed off he is.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy crap! He just ripe that door open like it was paper!

Issei: (scared) Rias's brother is scary!

Vice: He is......SCARY COOL THAT IS!

Fumiko: (anger) You better let us in or i do far worse then your door.

The client is scared by him and with no choice he let's them inside.

(Minutes later)

The client named Morisawa takes them all to his bedroom and inside were nowhere but anije stuff as they look around while Morisawa pulls up his glasses while he tells them with a smirk.

Morisawa: (smirk) Impressed? I shouldn't be surprised, after all I am a anime lover after all and have collected all anime series that I've watched.

Vice: So that's what's inside a anime lovers room feels like.

Issei: Tell me about it.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow you actually got some cool stuff here.

Fumiko: Still what is it you request us to do for you?

Morisawa: Well I was suspected that cute girl from earlier to dress up a anime character and hold me like a princess.

Y/n: (thought) So that's why Koenko wants us to take her job.

Vice: (chuckle) Well that will be funny to see. I can just picture it now.

Issei opens a draw and was surprised of soo much manga stacked on shelfs as Y/n, Fumiko and Vice approach it.

Vice: What's with those books?

Issei: (surprised) Those are all the manga series of Drag So-Ball!

Vice: You mean Dragon Ball? Because that series nearly pop my eyes with all the yelling and screaming.

Y/n: That's a different anime series.

Vice: What's the difference?

Morsawa: (smirk) See your impress of my collection.

Issei: Well kinda. I have the full on DvD series and me and my friends practice attacks from the show and make the backyard as a battle zone.

Vice: (coughing) nerds! (coughing)

Morasawa: Ha! Yeah right. I even made customs from eavh characters from the show.

Issei: Oh yeah, I make epic attacks names so I can blast you away.


The two make some attack sounds and make attack names while Fumiko, Y/n and Vice stand by the side and watch this play out.

Fumiko: I'm starting regarding agreeing to come here.

Y/n: Same.

Vice: Me too.

(Hours later)

After a long with of Issei and Morisawa bound with anime, the four finally left the house and they walk through the neighbourhood heading home while Vice clear his ears to make sure he isn't going deaf from the yells Issei and Morisawa lend out.

Vice: Man i don't know what's worse. Hearing load screams and yells on TV or in real life.

Issei: Well it wasn't so bad.

Fumiko: Still we should head back before something bad sill turn up.

Issei: (smirk) Like what? It seems like a peaceful night, it's not like a monster is gonna jump at us.

Beside Issei was a dark alleyway as Y/n slowly sees a Deadman leaping out of the darkness about to strike qt Issei but he pulls Issei back and the four step back a they see a deadman turn to them.

Fumiko: That's a Megalodon Deadman!

Issei: W-Well at least it can't get any worse.

Then they hears a thud as they turn to see another Deadman behind them as he lend out a roar at them.

Vice: Well good jobs Issei. You sure know how to jinxed things up!

Issei: Screw you man!

Then Giff Juniors appear behind both Deadman as Y/n pulls out his Revice driver and placeit onto his waist.

Y/n: Ready for this Vice?

Vice: Aye Aye captain! Let's beat some fuckers.

Fumiko: Agree. Let's crush them.

Then Fumiko pulls out a new driver that Y/n and Vice never seen as he place it onto his waist.

Demons driver!

Issei: (surprised) Wow!

Y/n: Cool! Let's do this!


Y/n: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!

Issei was shocked by this as Revi and Vice charge at Megalodon Deadman and his Giff Juniors and battle then whike Fumiko smirks of impression whike he turns to the Mammoth Deadman and pulls out his Vistamp.


Demons driver: Deal!

Fumiko: Henshin!

Demons driver: Decide up! Deep (Fukaku). Drop (Ochiru). Danger (Kiki). (Kamen) rider. Demons!

Issei: (thought) Jeez even his driver sound are scary.

Demons: You remain back Issei and what ever you do, don't use your sacred gear.

Issei nods while Demon walks towards Mammoth Deadman and his Giff Juniors as the Giff Juniors charge qt him and try to land a blow to him but he quickly dodges their strikes and he quickly takes them out. His punches were too fast for Issei to catch up as he sent the Giff Juniors flying while the Mammoth Deadman charge at him and throws a punch but Deamons block his fist and slowly turns to the Mammoth Deadman and kicks Mammoth Deadman back.

He shot out webs out of his hand and wraps Mammoth Deadman up with webs and then he pulls the webs towards him which sent the Mammoth Deadman flying towards him and then he leaps up and double kicks Mammoth Deadman as he crashes onto a few trash cans.

We then cut to Revi and Vice taking care of Megalodon Deadman as Vice takes on the Giff Juniors while Revi slash Megalodon Deadman with his Ohinbuster50. He then pulls out the Ohinbuster50 vistamp and stamp it onto the stamper.

Stamp-By! Ohing slash!

He spone around whike Vice quickly ducks down as Revi slice all the Gifg Juniors with a singal strike.

Vice: Hey watch where your swinging that! You nearly cut my head off!

Revi: Whoops sorry!

Then Megalodon Deadman charge at Revi while he isn't looking and hits Revi sending him flying and crash inro Vice as the two land on the floor.

Vice: Ow that hurts.

Issei see this as the Megalodon Deadman walks towards them while they stand up.

Issei: Guys look out!

He rushes over and gets in front of them and with a green glow on his hand he strikes at Megalodon Deadman and sent the Megalodon Deadman flying as he crash onto the floor.

They look at Issei's hand to see red armor on it now while Demons see this and sigh in frustration.

Demons: (thought) I told him not to use it! Damn it!

Demons driver: Charge!

Demons shot webs and wraps Mammoth Deadman with his webs as he leaps up and pulls the Mammoth Deadman towards him.

Demons driver: Demons finish!

He rider kicks Mammoth Deadman as the Deadman blows up while Demons land on his feet and looks over to see Revi and Vice have Megalodon Deadman onto the ground as Revi press on the rex vistamp and turn it.

Then the two combine into a large T-rex which shocks Issei that they can do that.

Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Kuridasu! Max! Rex!

The Megalodon Deadman looks up ans Revice bend it's head down and bites the Megalodon Deadman as they shake him a bit and then spit out the Megalodon Deadman as the Megalodon Deadman was sent flying and then falls and crash onto the ground as Revice leaps up and falls down to the ground.

Revice driver: Rex! Stomping Finish!

They land on Megalodon Deadman as Megalodon Deadman blows up while Revi and Vice lands on their feet as Vice dust off hid hands for a job well done.

After that the three dehenshin as Y/n and Vice approaches Issei and looks at his sacred gear.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow what is it?

Issei: (surprised) This must be my sacred gear.

Vice: Soo cool! I wanna use it!

Fumiko: Your an idiot Issei!

Then Fumiko walks over and told Issei off.

Fumiko: (anger) My sister told you to not use your sacred gear and what did you do? I swear your a pain in a butt to me.

Y/n: Hey calm down, at least we're alright right?

Fumiko: No it's not alright! Now Deadman is gonna target my sister and her house hold now Issei Sacred gear is awaken!

Issei: Sorry man.

Fumiko just sigh as he walks off but stop and turn his head to them and tells Issei.

Fumiko: Rias is a busy and I will will what ever you can to not stress her out. But judging by you today Issei, I can tell you will be a pain to her.

He then walks off leaving Issei more ashamed then ever while Y/n feels kinda bad for Issei as they return back to the house hold.


We see Y/n and Vice arrived him and at their door step as Y/n find his keys to open his door while Vice said.

Vice: Man it sucks that Issei has a cool power. I mean who in the wolrd would give a pervert that type of power?!

Y/n: Still let's hope he'll be alright.

Vice: Why do you care about that pervert?

Y/n: He....(sigh) Yes he maybe be a jerk and a pervert as well but Issei is still my childhood friend and I felt half responsible if anything happens to him.

Vice: Guess so but to be far he kinda deserve some of the pain.

Y/n: I guess kinda off.

Vice chuckles as they enter inside and immediately they smell something good so they head to the kitchen and they were surprised to see delicious food but what's more importantly was Raynare and what she is wearing. She is wearing a maid outfit as she turns to them and bows while she said.

Raynare: (smile) Welcome back master Y/n. You want to have dinner or you want.....something else.

Y/n was blushing bright red to see Raynare wearing a sexxy maid outfit while Vice clap his hands together and tells Y/n.

Vice: SEE! Told you that will happen to a girl who is at home! Still time to eat!

Soon they sat down and they have some dinner as Raynare smiles to Y/n as he still blushing but he smiles and they have a nice meal together while we cut to a hill looking out of the city as a mysterious rider came into veiw as we have a clear look of this rider.

This rider scans the city like he is looking for something and then turns and walks off as a swarm of bats appears around him and then burst away and disappeared including the mysterious rider as well.

To be continued................

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