Chapter 2: The date of two love birds

We over see a tower within Kouh as we see three figures on top of the tower with one of them named Olteca looking down of the humans walking through he street as he walks back and then said to the rest.

Olteca: So the humans have made themselves some riders to stop us and our goals. How interesting.

Then Julio leaps off the railing and step up to Olteca whole he tells him.

Julio: It seems like it. It looks like our goal might get harder as we thought.

Olteca: Still we must do this for our master. He must awaken him so he can rule the world.

Julio: Yes but if those riders get in our way, this will be a problem.

???: Then that means we have to destroy him.

The two turn to their current leader named Aguilera who walk out of the darkness and tells the two of them while walking down to the edge of the building and looking at he veiw of the city.

Aguilera: We will do whatever necessary to element anyone or anything that will stand against our way and if those riders going to try to stop us.

She smirks as she turns to the two with they also smirk as well as all three walk away from the building and into the darkness.

Aguilera: We will destroy those riders who anyone that will try to ruin our plan of taking over the world.



We see Y/n and Vice in the living room witn Rias as she looks around his home and looks at the many pictures of his family as she picks up one and smiles at a baby Y/n staring back at her.

Rias: (smile) Aaaww your so cute when you were a baby.

Y/n: Um thanks I guess.

Vice: (whisper) Well girls like cute baby pictures of handsome guys.

Y/n: (whisper) Shut up.

Rias: Sorry did you say something?

Y/n: Oh nothing just Vice saying something stupid.

Vice: And he being an idiot.

Y/n shot him a glare while Rias giggles while she sat down on the chair and tells them.

Rias: (smile) You two are pretty funny,it's kinda cute for you two to bound like this.

Vice: You could say I'm his brother......except I am a inner demon and kinda am Y/n but the opposite of him.

Y/n: Anyways! When you said join your club, what do you mean by that?

Rias: Well not fully join us, more like as an allie to call when ever things are in trouble. You see, your uncle told me about the success of the Revice driver and since your yhe only user to us it, we need us devil's a chance to get upper hands with Deadman.

Y/n: Wait devil's? Like your a devil?

Vice: Yeah nice try. You maybe hot and want to bang Y/n buti can tell you don't look like a-

Then Rias spread out her devil wings which shuts Vice up while shocking the two. Once she retracted her wings Vice was silent for a while and just said.

Vice: W-Well at least don't have red skin! Ha!

Rias: (smile) Moving on. You should be careful Y/n because not only Deadman might go after you but also other threats as well. It's best you have someone on your back when these threats happen. So will you become our allie.

Y/n: Well since I am fighting deadly spirit like monsters who belong to a cult I guess I have no chose but to gain some allies so sure, I'll be your allie.

Rias: (smile) Great. I must go now but I keep you in touch when ever we need you.

She stand up and a red circle appear on the floor which she step in and before she be gone she turn back to Y/n and tells him.

Rias: (smile) It's nice meeting you Y/n. Can't wait to be working along side you in the future.

She winks him which made him blush and then she teleported away. After that Y/n stood up to grab his things while Vice tells him.

Vice: See told you she wants you. That is anime lover girl 1.1, when q girl winks at you, that means she wants to fuck you. By away, where're we going?

Y/n: I want to tall to uncle George and see he knows about this and tell me more about what is really going on in thsi world.

Vice: Well as long there is something to keep this story going, guess we head off and see what he said.

Once that he shut the door and head out to George's lab to talk to him while there is a mysterious figure watching him leave as this figure disappeared back into the alleyway.


Y/n arrived at his repaired lab in Fenix as he see him working on something and when Y/n ask aboot Rias he tells Y/n while he is writing stuff on the whiteboard.

George: Yep. I called her to tell her about my project being successful and she said she'll be at your home to speak with you.

Y/n: So you let q random person in my home?

George: Well when you put it like that ot sounded like I did a bad job. But anyways i want you to be the devil's allie because they need someone as strong as you to faceofd with the Deadman and other threats.

Y/n: Yeah speaking of that what is the deal of this devil's being real and all else? What is going on in thsi world.

George say and turns away the whiteboard and place his two hands onto the table and tells Y/n.

George: Many years ago there was a war that broke out between the Angels and devil's. The war lasted for years unril it suddenly stop and all devil's and angels lay down their weapons and enter a world of peace. Both kinds has an ability to blend in with humanity and this company helps them to blend in with the human race.

Y/n: You mean Fenix nows the existence of devil's and Angels?

George: That's right. Our goal is to keep the two species in peace otherwise they will go back to war to each other and another devil and Angel war restarts. Our other goal is to research what both Heaven and hell are like and if possible go to these places.

Y/n: You think that be safe?

George: Maybe but if we work hard, we can succeed. Our goal is still ongoing but soon we will succeed and your be the one to help us. With your connections now to Rias who's a devil along with the rest of her house hold, we can learn more about them and get one step closer to our goal.

Y/n: Well guess it be interesting.

Vice: Say what is this fancy toy?

Y/n looks over and walks over to a table taht has two items that looked interesting which George sees and rushes over to the table.

George: Ah i see your interest of these new toys I've made. Well these are your personal weapons to you and to your inner demon pale. These will help you in yoru fight against the Deadman and any other threats.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow they look cool.

Vice: You and me both.

George: Oh! I also made a new vistamp, here you go.

He place down a new vistamp which Y/n takes and looks at it.

Y/n: Looks interesting. Thanks George.

George: (smile) Any time kiddo. You should leave, the CEO is going to come here very soon about my progress.

He understood and grab the items and make his leave. A while later he exit out of the building and he make his way back home with the items he has as Vice ask him.

Vice: Maybe we can use them to show Issei and his pervert friends who's boss.

Y/n: We're not going to use them yo hurt people.

Vice: Hey their not people, their perverts and they will be put down as perverts.

Y/n: Still we're not hurting anyone.

Vice: Well your no fun.

???: Excuse me sir? Sir?!

They stop and turn around to see a young pretty girl approaching them and judging by she is wearing she must by in highschool.

???: I don't want to bother you but are you Y/n L/n?

Vice: She's cute and she nows you name! Haha!

Y/n: Um yeah I am. Have we met before?

Yuuma: W-Well kinda. M-My name is Yuuma and I go to your spar bath place in regular days.

Y/n: Yuuma? Yuuma? Ooohhh yes now I know you know. Your that nice girl that comes back to talk to me before getting into the bath.

Yuuma: (smile) Yes that's right!

Y/n: (smile) Well it's nice meeting you here. So what brings you here?

Yuuma: (nervous) Well I was wondering if we hang out together. You know, grab some coffee and chat.

Vice: Looks like she is asking you out man!!!!

Y/n: (whisper) Shut up.

Yuuma: Hm?

Y/n: Oh I man I hope I've Shut my house up because I don't want someone to robe my house while I am away.

Vice: Nice save.

Y/n: But sure we can grab some coffee and chat.

Yuuma: (smile) Really? Thank you.

Y/n smiles as the two head off to find a nearby mall to grab some coffee and have a chat.


They arrived at the mall and found a cafe which they grab a table and order their drinks. After a while their drinks came and they take a sip of it while they talk to each other.

Yuuma: So how is things with your spar house going?

Y/n: Good but working alone is kinda getting hard sometimes. I sometimes get overwhelmed from of how many people that came by to take a dip on the bath. Especially on Fridays, man those days were longer as heck.

Yuuma: Have you have anyone around to help you in your work?

Y/n: No I did pkaceup wanted flyers around for a job but people doesn't seem to be interested with it.

Yuuma: Why, your spar house is the most famous place in this city.

Y/n: Yeah but I guess people are more focused of relaxing then working.

Yuuma: That's not far. Say what about i work for you.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? You sure.

Yuuma: (smile) Of course. You help so much people so someone has to return the favour and help you.

Vice: Now that's what I like to call amd girl who is not only nice but a girl who likes to see you barely naked while you work.

Y/n: (whisper) You know I don't barely get naked right?

Vice: Hey I'm just thinking what she is thinking.

Yuuma: (smile) So what do you say? Can I work for you?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'm thankful for working with me Yuuma.

Yuuma: (smile) No problem. I'm sure I won't let both of yous down.

Y/n: (smile) That's good I-Wait? Both of us? What do you me-

Suddenly there was a scream outside of the cafe as they turn and Y/n quickly moves Yuuma out of the way from q incoming table that crashes through the window where they were sitting. The crowd of people scream away while Y/n and Yumma sees a deadman attacking the mall and shooting out webs at run away people and trap them in his Web.

Vice: Okay why dose a monster attack when your on a date with a cute girl?

Y/n: Still looks like we have to stop it. Ready Vice?

Vice: Ready!

Y/n place a Revice driver on his waist and pulls out his rex vistamp and press it.


Revice driver: Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex!

Y/n: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!

Revi and Vice leaps out of the cafe window while Yuuma watch this in shock as the two charge at the spider Deadman and Revi lands a kick at him sanding the Spider Deadman flying.

He crash into a food cart he slowly stand up and fires webs at them which they dodge the spider Deadman's attack. Once that Revi pulls out his Ohinbuster50 and charge at him and swings his axe at him but the spider Deadman dodges it andfires webs at Revi which hits him.

Then Vice leaps over and natch the Ohinbuster50 off of Revi and strikes it at the Spider Deadman then he turn it to a blaster and fire a few shots at the Deadman while Vice looks at it in shock.

Vice: (shocked) Oh man! I can't wait to see more cool items that George will make for us!

The spider Deadman fire webs at Vice he panics and quickly dodges the webs.

Vice: Ha! You missed!

Revi: Vice!

Vice turns to see Revi stuck in the wall with more webs which Vice rushes over and try to cut him out.

Vice: Man how tough are this webs are they?!

While this is happening the spider Deadman turn to see Yuuma and rushes towards her. Yuuma lend out a scream which Revi hears and once he is free he charge and gets in front to Yuuma and slash his Ohinbuster50 at the spider Deadman as the spider Deadman stumble back.

Revi: Vicetime to test oit tuis new form!

Vice: Hahah! You got it!

Revi pulls out the Eagle vistamp and press it.


Vice enters Revi body as Revi stomps the Vistamp into and scanner and turns it as the two transform into their new forms.

Revice driver: Buddy up! Araburu! Takaburu! Sora kake meguru! Eagle! (Eagle!) Omae no hane a kazoero!

Vice: Now count up your feathers Deadman, because this birdy is hungry for some bugs!

The spider Deadman fires webs at them but they leap up to the air and take flight as they came down and strike at the spider Deadman a few times while the spider Deadman try to land a hit at them but they were too fast to land a hit and oncestrike sent the spider Deadman flying and crash onto the floor.

The two land on the ground while the spider Deadman fires more webs at tjem but Revi swings his arms to create a string wind that blows the webs back at the spider Deadman and the spider Deadman gets trapped inside his own webs.

Vice: Let's see what that driver can do.

Revi: Sure let's try this Remix that George told us.

Vice: Let's do it!

Revi pulls the vistamp and then press a buddy and pulls it against. Vice leaps onto Revi shoulders and the two combine into a large Eagle.

Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Miracle! Guruguru! Eagle!

Revice flap his wings and fly over to the spider Deadman and snatch the spider Deadman with it's mouth and flies around the mall and soon crash through the window ceiling and throws the spider Deadman up to the air while Revice flies up above the spider Deadman and they split apart and dive down towards the spider Deadman.

Revice driver: Eagle stomping finish!

The two land a double rider kick at the Spider Deadman and once that they land back to the mall with the spider Deadman blow up in the air above them while Vice pose for a victory.

Yuuma was shocked from all of thid as Revi turns to her and she runs out and hugs Revi.

Yuuma: (smile) You saved my life. Thank you.

Revi blushes underneath his helmet but he hugs her back while Vice can tell he has one girl added to his harem list. While we see what looked like a spider vistamp as a person approach it and takes the vistamp and hide in his pocket as he looks up to Revi and Vice and we see it's George as he smiles and turns and walks off.


After all that we see Y/n, Vice and Yuuma at Y/n's home as we see them sitting down in the living as Y/n explain everything to her.

Yuuma: So the other monsters that he'll you was your inner demon?

Y/n: Yeah he's kinda annoying but he's like a brother to me.

Vice: Well at least your nice just a little bit.

Yuuma: (smile) Well I'm glad we're all safe.

Y/n: Yeah, say Yuuma can I ask you something?

Yuuma: Sure what is it?

Y/n: You said earlier you will help both of us? What do you mean by that?

There was a moment of silence and then she sigh and stand up and tells Y/n.

Yuuma: Since you told me your secret I guess it's right I tell you mine. All along I can see your inner demon and I know you've been talking to him.

Vice: Say what now?

Y/n: (shocked) What?! How?

Yuuma: I'm.....not like you and my name isn't Yumma.

Then suddenly there was aflash of light which Y/n cover his eyes and after a while he reopen his eyes and the two were shocked to see Yuuma has changed, like she was a different person.

Raynare: My real name is Raynare and I'm.....a Fallen Angel.


Vice: Well this is some date you have.


We cut to George in his lab as was see him working on something and after a while of sparkings flying it he put his tools away and said to the power behind him.

George: It's done. It's not like the Revice driver but it will do.

He turn around and hand him the new driver as a hand grabs the driver as the person looks to his driver while he tells George.

???: Thank you Doctor George. I will make sure the Deadman will never rise and harm anyone ever again.

To be continued............

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