Chapter 17: A helping hand
We see Aguilera within a holding cell deep within the Fenix where we see her sitting on the bed while seeing bandages on her faces and arms as we see George looking at her through the cell. Then the elevator came down and then open as Y/n and Vice walked up to George.
Y/n: So she's finally awake?
George: Yep. I'm glad you came here just in time.
Vice: So what is it that is so serious?
George: Well....we believe Lord Giff's coffin is stolen.
Y/n: (surprised) What do you mean?
George: You see, she told us that the base she and the other members of the cult where at suddenly attacked them and stolen Giffa coffin. She managed to escape and that's how it happen.
Y/n: I see. What about the two other high ranking cult members? Olteca and Julio?
George: She doesn't know what happened to them or doesn't even know they are alive or dead. Still this is a problem, if Giff's coffin is stolen by someone then who knows where it could be. We might be facing a new threat.
Vice: So what should we do with her?
Y/n turns to Aguilera through her cell and then made a decision.
Y/n: I know to do.
(Hours later)
Her cell open as Y/n sysp in with a bag of food while Aguilera look up and see him as he enter the cell.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there Aguilera. I've brought some food.
Aguilera: I'm not hungry.
Then her stomach growled in hunger which she feels embarrassed as she blushes while Y/n place the bag next to her and sat down on a chair facing her.
Y/n: (smile) I see. So Aguilera, can I ask you something?
Aguilera: Sure. Hit me.
Vice: Hit you? Okay!
Y/n: (sigh) Not like that Vice. I wanna know why you became Giffs followers?
Aguilera: Why should I tell you?
Y/n: I figured we get to know each other more. Plus, it's not like your not going anywhere since you are locked up here.
Aguilera: I suppose so. (Sigh) Okay fine. I'll tell you. A while back my parents were never around me when I was a child. Back one never seemed to knowledge me and just ignore more throughout my childhood. However one day, I was in the forest just walking alone when I met them. Four mysterious cloak figures bowing down to Lord Giff's coffin and when they noticed me, they welcome me in and next thing know, Imwas Lord Giffs favourite follower.
Vice: Man your such a simp.
Y/n: (mutter) Your lucky she doesn't hear you otherwise she might kill you. (Normal tone) Anyways still you must understand Giff is dangerous and will destroyed the world.
Aguilera: That's not true! Lord Giff will bring a new world for us and punish those who fail to follow him!
Y/n: Look I don't mind anyone who has believes, however following a ancient god like monster that will destroyed the world is not right for you. Your still human and I know you may have done terrible things in the past but maybe you can make things right by helping us.
Aguilera: Why should I help you?
Y/n: (smile) Because I've been through the similar thing as you have. After I've lost my parents, I was alone with no friends and the only family I have is my uncle, George. I was alone when Vice came into my life. With him and I, we met new friends and I even have a (sigh) A harem.
Vice: Hell yeah baby!
Y/n: (smile) But I see now you were also alone throughout your life as well but you don't have to follow Giff anymore. Unless you wanted too. Look I wanted you to have a better life then being part of Giff's followers. You must understand that Giff is just using you and his followers as pawns and he will throw you all away if he wants. The choice is yours but make the right decision.
He then turns to leave but before he leaves he tells Aguilera.
Y/n: I'll see you soon Aguilera, Goodbye.
He was about to step out qnd that's when Aguilera mutter out.
Aguilera: Hana!
Y/n turns to her and there was a moment of silence as she tells him.
Hana: My name isn't Aguilera. My real name is Hana Natsuki.
Y/n: (smile) Hana....I like that name.
She was surprised as she turn just to see him leaving the cell as she turns to the bag and open it to see some delicious food. She take a sandwich out and then start to eat it and it tasted really good.
(Next day)
We see Y/n ans Vice arriving at the occult research club as the two enter and see Rias, Akeno, Issei, Asia, Koneko and Nori but not Kiba or Fumiko.
Y/n: Any word of Kiba or Fumiko?
Nori: Fumiko is resting however he has been getting nightmares all of a sudden. As for Kiba, we're not too sure. He just disappeared all of a sudden.
Akeno: That's simply unlike Kiba.
Asia: I hope he's doing okay.
Vice: Or maybe that wasn't Kiba but rather his twin brother who is trying to pretend to be him!
Issei: That's the must stupid reason I have ever heard. We all know Kiba doesn't have a twin brother.
Vice: I just miss the man alright! I mean he's a lot more better then you are pervert dragon!
Issei: Hey!
Y/n: So what's going here Rias?
Rias: We have guests that are coming here to talk about something very important.
Y/n: Who are they?
??? That would be use.
They turn and to Y/n surprised to see Irina there along with a short blue her girl.
Y/n: (surprised) Irina, hey! Good to see you here.
Irina: (smile) Same and Issei, long time no seek.
Issei:......Um do I know you lady?
Y/n: That's Irina Issei.
Issei: (shocked) What?! No! I thought he is a dude!
Vice: You dumbass!
Y/n: By away Irina, who is your friend?
Irina: (smile) Oh right I forgot to introduce you to her. Y/n, this is Xenovia, she my BFF. Xenovia, this is Y/n my childhood friend.
Issei: (thought) Fail to introduce me?
Xenovia takes a glance over to Y/n which he sees that she's kinda serious as she turns back to Rias and tells her.
Xenovia: I'm glad you welcome us here Rias.
Rias: Your very much welcome. So brings you two here exactly?
Xenovia: We believe there is some activity going on in this town which we see as a possible threat. We simply came here to say that this is none of your business and leave it to us.
Rias: I see.
Y/n: Hold on a minute here, what threat is it you two are here for?
Irina: We believe someone is trying to creating powerful weapons. We were sent here to investigate and put a stop to it.
Xenovia: Irina!
Irina: What? I'm just telling my friend and info.
Y/n: Well maybe we can help. After all, the Fenix company are forced on threats that involved devils, Angel, fallen Angel and other kinds.
Xenovia: I'm not too sure. No offence but your not that cable as a fighter.
Vice: Hey! We beat that pervert chicken a while back!
Y/n: True I'm maybe not but I can proof to you I am. Besides I am a kamen rider after all.
Xenovia: A kamen rider? Wait? Do you happen to be Revi, the legendary warrior who defeated Riser, one of the most powerful devils ever?
Y/n: (nervous smile) Well I won't say I'm a legend but yeah.
Irina: (shocked) No way! So you fought and survived a high ranking devil! That is insane!
Y/n: (nervous smile) Thanks.
Xenovia:......Well I suppose we can use you however I wanna see how strong you are. How's about we have a dual and see if you are worthy of coming with us.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Nori: I'll tag along.
Asia: You sure Nori?
Nori: (smile) I'm sure Asia. Besides since Fumiko is not gonna be back here soon, I figured you have another rider on your back.
Xenovia: (smirk) So it's me and Irina vs you and Nori. This will be interesting.
Vice: Hell yeah let's fight!
(Short while later)
We see Nori, Y/n and Vice standing outside and facing Xenovia and Irina who have removed their clocks to reveal black tight suits as they pulled out their swords. Issei, Asia, Rias, Akeno and Koneko were standing at the side lines qnd watching the dual play out.
Nori: Ready for this Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Plus I can finally use this Kangaroo Vistamp that George give me a while back.
He pulled it out and shows it to Nori and Vice.
Nori: (smile) Sounds good. Okay then, let's do this!
Y/n: Right! Ready Vice?
Vice: Always!
They place their drivers onto their waist and then stump their Vistamps onto the scanner and then they called out.
Y/n and Nori: Henshin!
Revice driver: Buddy up! Tobiagaru! Miagaru! Kangaroo! Shouri no punch ga kimatta!
Two-sided driver: Versus up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen rider Live!
Xenovia: (surprised) That's impressive.
Revi: Alright then, time to show you two are strong we have become. Let's do this!
Live: Yeah!........Wait....Hang on a minute here? Where is Vice?
Revi turns to see Vice not beside him as he look around for him.
Revi: Vice! Vice! Where are you?
Asia: That's strange. Usually Vice loves to fight.
Koneko: Probably he change his mind.
Irina: (surprised) What the?!
They turn to Irina as she feel like something is in between her chest which tickle her. It wasn't long for something to pop out and it was a baby Kangaroo version of Vice as he said in a baby voice.
Vice: Here so this is how it feels like within a girls beast. Kinda cosy if you ask me.
Revi and Live: (thought) Seriously Vice?
Issei: (angry) Damn it dude! I can't believe you've gotten small and squeeze through Irina's boobs! Are you trying to make me mad!
Vice: Ha! Suck it you son of a-
She begins to hug Vice and cuddling him while everyone stares at her dumbfounded as she ignored the fact Vice was in her breast.
Irina: (smile) Is this your adorable little friend? He's soo cute!!!! What is he?
Revi: He's my Inner demons named Vice. Actually the reason why I told to myself that much is because of Vice. He has a spirit form that no one sees or her him except for me.
Irina: (surprised) So he's your inner demon? He's soo cute to be such an evil demon.
Vice: I'm liking this. Hey Revi, come over and join me!
Revi: You do realise we're about to dual?!
Vice: Oh right.
Vice leaps over and lands into a pouch in Revi's chest as both Revi and Live where now ready.
Irina: Aawww but I wanna play with him more.
Xenovia: Forced on the dual Irina.
Irina: (smile) Whoops, sorry Xenovia~!
Live: You have a very cheerful childhood friend.
Revi: You have no idea. Anyways with out of the way, let's battle.
Vice: Yeah! Let's show you girls what we are capable of!
Xenovia: Very well then.
They were ready for their fight as Revi and Live were ready to show Xenovia and Irina how strong they are while everyone else watches this. However at the background we see Kiba watching the dual and glancing at the sword that Xenovia and Irina have and knows he must make his moves now and destroy it before it is too late.
To be continued..........................................
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