Chapter 16: Kiba's sudden change
We see Aguilera within the hospital within FENIX as we see her in the hospital bed ans still unconscious all awhile we see Y/n and Vice looking through the window as Y/n is worrying about her and what happened to her.
Soon George arrived as he walk up to them as Y/n turn to him and ask him.
Y/n: Is she gonna make it?
George: She'll be fine. It seems something attacked her which cost her to be unconscious for a while.
Y/n: But who or what could have done this?
Vice: Maybe a secret and evil threats might be coming. Or she fell and hit her head of something.
George: As soon she is awake, we'll find some answers but for now it's best you leave her to us.
Y/n: Okay, thank you.
They make their leave and soon they left the building and after that he got a text from Issei as he picks it up and looks at it.
Vice: What is it?
Y/n: Looks like Issei is invited us to his place since hid parents are away.
Vice: You mean he's invited us to his pervert house?! Eww! Gross.
Y/n: Oh come on everyone is gonna be there.
Vice: Fine but if I do find some pron magazine I'm kicking him in the nuts.
Y/n: Roger that.
And so they head off to Issei's place to hang out along with everyone else at the Occult research club.
The two arrived there and once Issei let's them I everyone was already there meaning Y/n and Vice were the last ones to be here.
Asia: (smile) Hi Y/n and Vice, glad you can make it.
Nori: (smile) What have you two been doing?
Y/n: Oh nothing much that's all. What about everyone else?
Rias: (smile) Same as always Y/n. We're just talking about stuff and discussion some things.
Fumiko: Mostly telling each others stories about our past and our childhood.
Y/n: Oh wait! That reminds me of something!
Issei: What?
Y/n: Issei I met Irina, she's here.
Issei: Oh that's great........who?
Y/n: You know? The orange hair girl? She always play with us when she was a kid.
Issei: Oh! You mean that boy right?
Y/n: She's not a boy Issei.
Akeno: Who is Irina?
Y/n: She's a childhood friend of me and Issei. She moved a while back but she's back. Actually I have a picture on my wallet.
He open up his wallet and pulls out a picture of him, Issei and Irina sitting on the met of a house while holding a video game as everyone looks at it.
Koneko: Whoa. She looks like a boy.
Issei: Which he is.
Vice: Issei I am not afraid of slapping you to hell!
Y/n: (smile) She's also kinda holy region but she's good and nice to be around.
While Y/n was explaining, Kiba noticed a sword at the back ground as he sees this and something triggered within him when he snap back to reality when Nori tap on his shoulder.
Nori: Hey? You okay?
Kiba: Huh? Oh yeah I'm okay.
Asia: (smile) Whoa! She sounds like a wonderful friend!
Akeno: (smile) Yeah. Hope we can meet her someday.
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Whenever I see her again, I'll introduce her to you guys. Just a slight warning, she is holy regions so I'll try not to cast holy spells or any holy like that.
Rias: (smile) Sure thing.
Fumiko: Still you have a interesting childhood. Was she excited to see you after so long?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah she was. In fact she hadn't change a bit since we last saw each other. She's even more cute now. (Blush) I mean very different I mean!
Rias: (giggle) It's alright. We don't mind of you finding her cute. Say I wanna ask you and vice something. How did you two met?
Y/n: Oh its a long story but you see, i was alone in my bedroom when he appeared. He told me that he'll stay with me no matter matter so I can be happy.
Asia: (smile) Aaww thats nice of him to do.
Issei: Guess he's not so bad.
Vice: Glad you say that pervert.
Then Fumiko got a message on his phone so he picked it up and it was from Sona.
Fumiko: Looks like our talk have to be cute short. Looks like we got a creature located at the abandon warehouse.
Akeno: What a shame.
Rias: (smile) We can still chat another time. For now, let's get to work.
Y/n: (smile) Right! Let's do it, to it!
Vice: Hehe, Sonic reference.
(Sometime later)
They arrived at the warehouse and it seemed quiet once they arrived there as they stood in front of the warehouses entrance.
Nori: This must be the location.
Rias: Looks like it. Koneko, Y/n, Vice, Nori and Kiba, you five head inside and kill it while we stay out here and make sure it will not escape.
Y/n: (smile) Roger that! Let's go guys!
They agree except for Kiba until he snap out of his thinking and node back. They enter the warehouse and they look around as the warehouse seemed to be dark as they have their guards up.
Vice: This feels like a horror movie scene.
Y/n: Anything guys?
Koneko: Nothing.
Nori: Same. Kiba?
Nori: Kiba!
Kiba: Huh? Oh nothing here.
Y/n: You okay Kiba?
Kiba: Yeah I'm fine, let's focus on the job.
Y/n: Okay?
Then they heard something which cost them to stop in the middle and look around. At first everything was quiet but they stood there for sometime until something landed on Nori's shoulder which he looks up and immediately the female spider like familiar came down as they move out of the way as she roared and hits Y/n away as he crashed into a few boxes.
Nori: Y/n!
Nori place his two-sided driver onto hid waist and pulled out his bat Vistamp.
Nori: Henshin!
Two-sided driver: Versus up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen rider live!
He fired a few shots at the familiar but she moved out of away very fast and fired acid like liquid which Liva dodges including Koneko however she noticed Kiba not moving so she pulled him away but gets hurt by the acid as the result.
Liva: Koneko! Kiba!
Live rushes over and then strikes a kick at the familiar, sending it crashing through some boxes while Liva lands onto his feet as the Spider familiar charges towards him as Live was ready for a rough fight.
Revice driver: BariBari up! My name is! Kamen rider! Rev-v-v-vi! Revi! Revi! Rev-v-v-vi! Revi!
Then Revi and Vice burst out of some boxes as Revi shoots out ice at the Spider familiar while Vice throws his ice shield at her in tne face.
The two of them land on the ground and then charges towards the family as Vice rams his shield at the familiars legs, making her to go down while Revi strikes a punch a the familiar a few times and then a headbutt.
The familiar swips both Vice and Revi back as they land next to Live as the teo get up.
Live: Looks like this one is a bit tougher don't you think?
Revi: Seems like it.
Vice: But that's not gonna stop us of kicking itself butt!
They charge towards the familiar and battle her while Fumiko rushed inside to see them battle and turn to see Koneko injured as he rushes towards her.
Fumiko: You okay?
Koneko: Yeah I'm fine.
Fumiko: Okay Kiba I need you to take Koneko outside so Asia will heal her.
Fumiko: Kiba! This ain't the time of day dreaming, wake up and get her outside now!
Kiba: Right I'm sorry.
He takes Koneko and then take hee away while Issei came inside and see the battle as Fumiko walked up to him.
Fumiko: Looks like they need some help.
Issei: (smirk) Yeah! Let's do this!
Fumiko: Right.
He pulled out his demon driver and place it onto hid waist and then pulled out his Spider Vistamp.
Demon driver: Deal!
Fumiko: Henshin!
Demon driver: Decide up! Deep. (Funaku) Drop. (Ochiru) Danger. (Kiki) Kamen rider Demons!
Issei summon his scared gear as Issei called out with a smirk on his face.
Issei: (smirk) Let's dance!
Demons: Try not to look at her breast throughout the-
Then suddenly his Demons driver sparks out and two eyes appear as Demons falls slient which Issei noticed and then ask.
Issei: You okay? What's wrong?
Demons stood there for a moment and then he turn his head back to Issei and immediately launched at him, grabbing him by the neck as he slammed him onto a box as Issei struggled while Demons spoke in a different voice.
Demons: I'm gonna enjoy ripping that sacred gear out of your disgusting hands.
Issei: Damn it dude what is wrong with you!
Issei managed to brrak free but they battle each other as we cut to Liva, Revi and Vice battling the familiar together as they leap back and then Revi pulled out his Ohingbunster and stomp on his Bari Rex Vistamp in while Live pulled out his Two-sided gun.
Hissatsu Shonin! Brarid Rex stamping strike!
Hisatsu Shonin! Bat! Justice finish!
The two fired a powerful shot that hits the familiar and she blows up. Once that were done the two high five and turn only to see Demons fighting Issei.
Vice: Huh are they training in the middle of a battle?
Revi: No something is wrong. Come on!
They rushed over while Demoms pushes Issei onto the ground as then stomp his foot on top of him and slowly pushing down while Issei let out a groan of pain.
Demons: Ooohhh I can't wait to see you die and you scared gear belong to me.
Revi: Fumiko stop!
Then Revi pushes Demons away. Demons turns to Revi and then charges towards him but Vice blocks him with his shield but Demons pushes him aside and then strike a few blows at him.
He strike a kick at him, costing him to stumble back and before he lands a strike at him Live rushed over and ripped off the Demons driver off of him which cost Demons to dehenshin and he drops onto the ground. He then was on his knees as he throws up while coughing uncontrollably.
They were shocked by this as they look at the Demons driver and wonder what was going on.
(Short while later)
They were outside and was not sure what just happened. Fumiko sat on the floor with hid back onto the wall as he place a hand onto his head while Rias looks at the Demons driver.
Rias: This is off. Whatever is going on with this thing must be malfunction.
Issei: Malfunction?! I don't known what but I almost got killed twice because of it!
Y/n: Twice?
Nori: He nearly killed Issei during training. Its odd, George didn't detected any malfunction with the driver it self.
Akeno: How odd.
Fumiko: I can hear him.
They turn to Fumiko who was looking up at them and he doesn't look well as he tells him.
Fumiko: I feel like he was inside of my head. He.....He was trying to convince me to kill Issei for some reason. I just......I just don't know what this thing is and how but.....I can still hear it.
Rias: It's gonna be okay.
Fumiko: No. Whatever it is I've bound with it long enough. I think I need a break for a while.
Then he left as they walk him walk away. Then Asia looked around and then ask.
Asia: Where's Kiba?
They also look around and they couldn't find Kiba anywhere as well.
Issei: What is going on here?!
Rias: I don't know but this is not good.
Then Y/n phone started to ring so he pick it up and answer it and then place it onto hid ear.
Y/n: What's happening George?
George: (phone) Y/n it's Aguilera! She's awake!
Y/n: (smile) That's great! Did she tell you what happened to her.
George: (phone) Actually it's best you come here right now. She has something that is serious.
Y/n: How serious?
George: (phone) Very, Very Serious Y/n. Very serious indeed.
Soon the called ended as he look at his phone and to everyone else as Y/n is wondering what could be serious then what is going on right now. We then cut to Kiba walking away and couldn't stop thinking about the sword he saw as he forms a fist.
Kiba: (thought) Don't worry. I never forget and I promise.....I will avenged you all.
To be continued......................................
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