Chapter 15: An old friend return
(Several years ago)
It was a rainy afternoon and within a small room we can hear a small boy crying in his bedroom. We then see this child sat on the bed and crying as he believes that he is all alone now. The only thing he can hear was the sound of his crying as we see his shadow on his bedroom floor that slowly formed into a devil like creature and slowly starts to rise up and then a familiar blue and black creature appear as he look around him and then said.
Vice: Huh.......Well I was suspected somewhere else.
???: Wh-Who are you?
He turn to see the small boy with tears in his eyes as Vice looked around and then walked up to him while he move back a bit in fear while Vice introduce himself to him.
Vice: Names Vice, I'm your inner demon. You must be......?
Y/n: (sniff) Y/n.
Vice: Ah Y/n! That's right, sometimes I forget. Anyways why are you crying?
Y/n: (tears) I'm alone. My parents are gone, my childhood friends are gone....everyone I ever knew just left me.
Vice: So loneliness Huh? That must have suck.
Y/n starts crying while Vice let's out a sigh and sat on the beat and after a short while he turn to Y/n and tell him.
Vice: Tell you what kiddo, here's the deal. I'll be your friend.
Y/n: (sniff) Really? You will?
Vice: Well we are alone, I mean your alone, I'm alone, we're the same you know. So why not we be friends shall we?
Y/n look at Vice while Vice look back at him and then Y/n lend out his hand and ask him.
Y/n: Promise?
Vice looks at his hand and to Y/n and then he takes his hand and shakes on it.
Vice: Sure, we be friends till the end.
A smile appear on Y/n's face as the two shake and then Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Till the end.
(Present day)
We see Y/n taking a relaxing bath within his spar bath building as he is alone and enjoying his time in the hot bath while his mind gose somewhere and not thinking of anything else.
Then he hears bubbles popping and looks down to see bubbles popping which he figures it must be Vice trying to scare him so he smirked and dive his hands into the water and grab something which he thinks is Vice.
Y/n: (smirk) Ha! Nice try Vice! I knew you try to scare me.
Vice: What are you talking about, I'm over here.
He looked over to see Vice possessed a rubber duck as he float swam around while Y/n was confused.
Y/n: Wait, if your there, then....whose?
Suddenly the person revealed itself as Rias came out of the waters completely naked while Y/n is grabbing on her breast by accidentally. She let out a groan while Y/n cheeks blushed in surprised while he also gets a nose bleed.
Vice: Look at you grabbing the sexxy anime girls breast! Good on you!
Y/n: (blush) R-R-Rias! I-I-I'm very sorry! I didn't-
Suddenly Rias lend down and land on top of Y/n, making Y/n's cheeks blushed even more while Rias looked at him with a smile and tells him.
Rias: (smile) I don't really mind it at all. In fact, I love how you grab on my breast like that. In fact, what's stopping you to continue it?
Y/n blushes even more, so much so his ears burts into steam when suddenly another figure came out of the water and it was Akeno as she wrap her arms around Y/n while pressing he breast onto his arm while she let outba sexxy giggle.
Y/n: (blush) Akeno!
Akeno: (smirk) Or you wanna grab mine. I know you wanted to you handsome boy.
Rias: (smirk) Damn Akeno aren't you a sneaky queen.
Akeno: (smirk) You know me Rias. So how's about it Y/n? Wanna grab mine?
Rias: (smirk) Or Mine?
Y/n: (thought) Okay this has to be a wet dream! This has to be a wet dream!
The the door open and Raynare came into the room and called out.
Raynare: Hey Y/n are you in here, you got a mail to some-
She then sees him with the naked Rias and Akeno in the hot tub as she stare at them and then slowly closes the door.
Vice: Boy a good way to start a chapter huh folks?
(Short while later)
We see the Fallen Angel trio at the living room as they hand a letter to Y/n which he take and opens it while Rias and Akeno lend over as Y/n unfolds the letter.
Akeno: What dose it say?
Y/n: It says "It's been years but now I'm back and I wanna see you first because your the first person that is the most sweeties and most kind person in the world. Meet me at this location." Say where did this letter came from?
Mittelt: It was in the mailbox just waiting to be picked up.
Kalawarner: But it's Sunday, mails don't come on Sundays. You think someone must have put it their last night?
Y/n: Well it doesn't look far so I'll head there and check it out.
Vice: Maybe its your secret brother you never knew!
Y/n: Why that?
Vice: I don't know, just figured you have a brother.
Y/n: Why would I have a brother?
Vice:.......I don't know.
Y/n: (sigh) Well let's see who this person is.
Within a square room we see both Issei and Fumiko as Issei summons his scared gear while Fumiko pulled out his Demons driver and pkace it onto his waist. At the control room we see Asia, Nori, Kiba, Koneko and George as they are watching Issei's training.
Issei: (smirk) Get ready to be pounded Fumiko because this time I'm gonna beat you!
Fumiko: (smirk) Like to see you try Issei. Let's begin.
Demons driver: Deal!
Fumiko: Henshin!
Demons driver: Decide up! Deep (Fukaku). Drop (Ochiru). Danger (Kiki). (Kamen) rider. Demons!
Demons ready himself and then the two charge at each other and they begin their training while the others watched from the control room.
Koneko: I bet on Demons.
Nori: Same.
Kiba: (smile) Thanks for letting us using this training room Dr George.
George: (smile) No problem, I'm glad to have some guests here since I've been alone in this room for years. Still, I'm very glad for that.
Asia: (smile) It's been 3 weeks since Y/n and Vice defeated Riser and things have changed.
George: Indeed! News about a human defeating a high rank devil is spreading like wildfire! THIS IS FANTASTIC! Now there is a small chance that we can go to the underworld for more studying!
Kiba: But do you know what happens to humans who go to the underworld?
George: No clue but can't hurt to go down there and find out.
We then cut back Demons and Issei as they are striking some blows at each other. Issei dodges most of Demons attacks but soon he starts to move quicker and then he lands a few blows at Demons, costing him to stumble back.
Demons: Nice punch Issei but tyr to punch me harder.
Issei: (smirk) Alright then, you ask for it!
He runs up at Demons and he strikes a blow but he landed his scared gear at Demons driver. Demons stumble back a bit and before he could say anything his driver starts to spark and two eyes appear as Demons start to black out and then his arms fall down.
Issei and the others were waiting for Demons to strike but he didn't move at all. Issei walks over to Demons and look at him and then he snap his fingers but he wasn't responding as he turn to the control room and called out.
Issei: Um I think something is wrong with hi-
Suddenly Demons grabs Issei by the neck and lifft him up in the air while everyone is shocked.
Asia: (shocked) What is he doing?!
Nori: Kiba let's go!
Kiba: Right!
Demons continues to strangle Issei as he look at Issei and then spoke in a creepy and demonic voice.
Demons: Don't struggle boy, I like to see your lights go out once you take your last breath.
He laugh while he continues to strangle Issei just as Nori and Kiba rushed in and Kiba rushed over and tackle Demons, forcing Demons to drop Issei as he land hard onto thr ground while Nori and Kiba stood over Demons as he shake his head and looked up at them and ask.
Demons: Why are you two here?
Issei: What the hell is wrong with you man! Are you trying to kill me?!
Demons: Kill you? Wait, what happened?
Nori: You don't remember a few minutes ago?
Demons: No. I got punched by Issei and next thing I remember was me sat on the floor with you two standing over me.
The two look at each other while Demons dehenshin and stood up while George, Asia and Koneko were still at the control room.
Asia: I wonder why Demons snap?
Koneko: I don't know.
George falls slient and looks over to his computer to see the Demons driver malfunction which he stare at the screen while he thinks to himself.
George: (thought) This can't be right.
We see Y/n and Vice at the park as the two arrived to what it seems to be a old play park as Y/n walk in and look around, there was no children, just them as Vice ask Y/n.
Vice: Boy this park hasn't been used a long time..
Y/n: I know this park. This used to be our favourite park together when we were young.
Vice: You and Issei?
Y/n: Yeah and.....someone else.
He walk around for a bit but soon he hears something so he follow the sound and soon made it to where the sound is coming from and sees a women with orange pony tail like hair while wearing a white cloak on her as she is sat on the swings and swinging while Y/n apoorches her.
Y/n: Excuse me ma'am?
She stop swinging and then turn to face Y/n which his eyes widen in shock to see that beautiful cute face that he never thought to never seen again.
Vice: Wow whose that beautiful cute girl?!
Y/n: (shocked) Irina?
Her eyes widen in surprised that he remembered her. She stand up and then.
Irina: (smile) Y/N~!!!!!!!!!!
She suddenly jump on Y/n, costing the two to crash hard onto the ground as she hugged him and then sat on top of Y/n as she smiled at him and said.
Irina: (smile) I'm so glad you remember me! It's been a long time hasn't it?
Y/n: (smile) sure has been.
Short while later we see the two sitting on the swings as the two catch up with things in their lives.
Y/n: (smile) I'm surprised that your here but how?
Irina: (smile) Well I wanna tell you but that's gonna take us hours besides can't let my partner waiting. But how's about you?
Y/n: (smile) Very good. Still working on my family spar bath place and I've hired some employees to help me around,
Irina: (smile) Awesome! I love that place, you're soo lucky to be owning that place!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I get that a lot.
Irina: (smile) What about Issei, how is he?
Y/n: Oh you know, what any teenagers do these days besides not having a normal life.
Irina: (smile) Well that's Issei for ya.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah. So why are you back? I mean not to sound rude, just curious.
Irina: Well....we came here on a mission and we camehere to wait further orders.
Y/n: I see.
Irina: (smile) Still I knew you'll still be here so I was the one who sent you that letter.
Y/n: Still why me? Surely you've could have sent it to both of us or even Issei.
Irina: (small smile) Well, because I like you and I knew you have been feeling bad ever since your parents were gone so.....I figure I have you here first just to see how you've been doing. Plus, I was the one that give you that first kiss.
Y/n: (blush) Don't remind me!
Irina: (giggle) Oh come on you were adorable after I kissed you!
Y/n: (blush) Stop!!!
Irina let out a giggle and then her phone beeped so she pulled it out and sees the text.
Irina: I gonna go now, a friend of mine wants me but its great seeing you Y/n, I'll stop by to see Issei when I have a chance, bye~!
She then leave while Y/n watch her leave while Vice appear and slowly turn to Y/n and then called out.
Y/n: Y-Yeah it was a long time ago and it was a question I've shouldn't have asked.
Vice: (sniff) You've got your first kiss when you were such a young boy. Y/n your one lucky boy, God damn.
Y/n: Vice can you please stop.
He sighs and turn sto leave when he suddenly heard something within the bushes which they turn and suddenly a figure came out of the bushes and the two were shocked to see Aguilera but she looked badly hurt as she reach out her hand and then fell onto the ground and falls unconscious as Y/n and Vice looked at her and wonder what happened to her or who did this to her.
Vice: Damn...........this is going to be even more interesting.
To be continued...........................................
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