Chapter 14: The Riser Household (Arc 4 final)

Fumiko slowly starts to wake as he lend out a groan while he slowly sat up from the hospital bed and looks around to see that he's at the medical room in Fenix as he groan even more due to his injuries while he looks over to see Nori have woken up a while ago as he look over to see Fumiko and as him.

Nori: You okay?

Fumiko: Yeah I'm fine. Shit!

He slammed his fist onto the bed as he grind his teeth in frustration wile he said.

Fumiko: I've failed her and now she's gonna get married to that asshole just because I wasn't strong enough to beat him!

Nori: Don't blame yourself Fumiko. It wasn't your fault.

Issei: We all failed, all of us.

They look over to see Issei also in bed as the trio is sadden but then the door open and George enter the room to seethe all awake.

George: (smile) Ah I'm glad you three all awake! A lot of things had happen while you three were unconscious.

Fumiko: Is it something even worse?

George: (smile) Nope, something great.

Issei: Some sexxy nurses wants to check up on me?

George: Absolutely not.

Nori: Then what is it? Can it even better then Riser winning the Rating games and marrying Rias?

George: (smile) Actually that's the thing!

Fumiko: What do you mean?

George: (smile) Y/n and Vice are gonna ruin the wedding and fight Riser as we speak.


Fumiko, Issei Nori: (Shocked) Y/N AND VICE ARE DOING WHAT???????!!!!!!!!!!!



Revice driver: My name is! Kamen rider! Rev-v-v-vil! Revi! Revi! Rev-v-v-vil! Revi!

A huge breeze follow by a strong cold wind blew around the arena where Riser and Revi are standing at and Rias and many others that are watching can feel the cold breeze and they see the floor beneath Revi freeze up and spread everywhere on the floor.

Revi and Riser stare at each other for a bit and then Riser let out a laughter as he continues to laugh and then he tells Revi.

Riser: (smirk) So this is your trump card to defeat me? Using ice abilities against me, who uses fire? Hahahahahahahah! I don't know if your even stupid or what but I'll end this silly game with no problem!

He fired a huge amount of flames towards Revi while he stood his ground. Then Revi lifted his hand up and suddenly the flames turned into steam which shocked Riser as his flames became steam once they get near to Revi.

Riser: (shocked) What?! How is this possible?

Revi: Your flames maybe higher then normal fire but my Barid Rex is way below then the North Pole or the Eastern Antarcitc Plateau! Which means your flames won't touch me!

Riser is shocked by thid and then Revi charges towards Riser and then once close he leaps up in the air and land a kick at Riser in the face, costing him to slide back while Revi lands onto the ground and then he lands a punch at Riser in the stomach while at the same time shoot Riser with ice, sending him flying back and then he crashed into a wall.

Revi slowly stood up but then flames burst out and Riser glares towards Revi and grabs him by the shoulders and tossed him fair but Revi slide backwards and stop himself and looks over to see Riser flying towards him so he strike a blow in the face once he got close and then strike him in the stomach with his elbow.

Riser groan in pain and he lifted out his hand and aims it at Revi's face and blasted him in flames. Everyone was in shock while Rias covers her eyes while Riser laughs but then felt a hand grabbing his wrist and then Revi starts to spin Riser around, around an around until he let go of him, tossing him across the arena as Riser crashes into the wall.

Riser groans once more but this time in annoyance as he slowly gets up while he glare at Revi and then he barked at him.


Revi: Yeah......keep telling yourself at Riser Chicken head.

Riser growls in rage and charges towards him and the two battle while we see Vice watching this happening as he gets up and said to himself.

Vice: Ah man! Revi is battling Riser while I'm standing here with no new forms! This sucks! There's got to be something I can do?

He then look around the floor to see the broken shells of the Barid Rex egg as he look at the pieces on the ground and then had an idea.

Vice: I got it!

He then pulled out a super glue stick and start gluing the broken egg shells together while both Riser and Revi battle while everyone watched this happen.

Akeno: (smirk) Oh my look at him go. He's such a brave by.

Koneko: (surprised) I'm surprised he's still standing.

Asia: I know he can do it! I know he can.

Rias: Same here! Please Y/n win this for us, please.

Rias's parents sees this and they were impresses while Riser shoots fire at Revi but he dodges the incoming flames and then slammed his fist onto the ground as ice came bursting out from the ground and travelled towards Riser which hits him and sent him flying back while Revi rushes over the ice and starts to slide through the ice, leaping through ice ramps until he gets to the end when he leaps up in the air and place two hands together and hits Riser so hard in the back.

He came down fast and crashed onto thr ground while Revi looks like while he is in mid air only for Riser to burst out and fly up in the air, grabbing Revi by the helmet and spin him around 360 and tossing him to the ground. He crashed onto the ground but disbite that he quickly gets up and charges towards Riser and throws a punch but Riser caught it so Revi strikes his other fist but he catches it on his other hand as the two glare at each other while the two burst into two different elements, one fire and one ice. Their elements spread out across the arena as everyone step back to feel both the heat and cold at the same time.

Revi and Riser continue to stare at each other for even more and then Riser yells at him while pushing Revi back.

Riser: You can't win this human! You might as well give up out! Rias will never love for a human boy like you!

Revi: I don't care about that! I care for what makes her happy! I don't care about big breast, sexxy butt's, how powerful they are or how intelligent they are! I don't give a damn of any of that! I wish to make those around me happy and I will do that by defeating you and leaving Rias alone! She never loved you from the beginning and she will never will be!

Riser gets mad of his comments and then he headbutted Revi and striking powerful blows and punches at him with he burst into flames even more and more whilehe roared in rage and strike every punch at him, striking him everywhere that hurts.

Riser: (anger) YOU DARE TO TELL ME THAT RIAS DOSE NOT LOVE ME! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THOSE WORDS! No one insults me like that, NO ONE!!!!!

Then he strike a fire fist at Revi in the face, costing his helmet to crack as he stumble while he breaths heavily and then Riser charges up his flames and fired it at Revi which cost a huge explosion that sent Revi flying back while his helmet shattered into many pieces, exposing his face as he land hard onto the ground while Riser stood over him and said with a smirk.

Riser: (smirk) Time for you to die boy and this time I will leave nothing left.

He then fired a huge fire blast at Revi but before the flames hit him, someone came up in front of him and block his strike which everyone was shocked to see a shield as Vice Head pokes out behind it.

Vice: Hey nobody burns my friend alive like chicken. If anyone should be burned it's you.

Riser growled while Revi gets up and once he gets uo he tells Vice.

Revi: Thanks Vice. Is that from the Barid Rex egg?

Vice: Yep. If I don't have a new upgraded form like you, I figured I get a new weapon. What do you think?

Revi: (smile) Looks good.

Riser: (growled) I'll kill you both right here and now!

The two turn to Riser and to each other as Revi lifted out his hand to Vice and ask him.

Revi: Ready for this?

Vice: You now it buddy! This is what the viewers of this story has been waiting for!

(Epic battle theme start)

The two high fived and once that the two charge towards Riser while Riser burst both his hands into flames and fired fire balls at them but Vice blocks the incoming flames with his shield and once they were close Revi leaps over Vice and lands in front of Vice as Revi strikes a few blows at Riser as Revi holds nothing back as he strike blows at Riser, dodging his blows and incoming flames and just striking at him.

Riser steps back and with a fit of rage he tries to grab Revi with both his flame hands but Revi and Vice swapped and Riser's hands was blocked by Vice shield as Vice pushed the shield forward, ramming his shield at Riser, forcing him back and then he pushed him back and strike at him with his shield and swing a kick at his stomach, making him stumble back and then Revi fired a few shots of his Ohinbuster at Riser, making him stumble back and once that he stumped his Barid Rex Vistamp onto his Ohinbuster and aims it at Riser.

Hissatsu Shonin! Barid Rex Stamping strike!

He fired a huge ice ball towards Riser which hits him and slowly he start to freeze up and soon he was frozen in ice. Revi stamps on the Barid Rex Vistamp again but this time he tossed it in the air and Vice leaps up over Revi, grabbing the Ohinbuster and spin around once and landing a powerful strike at the frozen Riser.

Hissatsu Shonin! Barid Rex Stamping slash!

The ice that Riser was in shattered into several pieces while Riser was thrown in the air as he try to summon his flaming wings but due to how cold he is now, he can't do that and he crashed onto thr grounr behind Revi and Vice as the two turn to him and then Revi tells Vice.

Revi: Let's finish this off with a breeze.

Vice: I like the sound of that!

Then Revi turns the Barid Rex down twice and then the the whole arena freeze up within seconds. Riser try to get up but the floor beneath him was slippy and fell a few times while both Revi and Vice sees this and then the two charge towards Riser.

Revice driver: Barid Rex! Finifini finish!

Vice shield glows and then Vice throws the shield towards Riser and soon strikes at him but he bounce at the wall and huts him again, again and again. Vive Shield continues to do this until it returns back to Vice's hands while Riser is in the air and that's when Revi leaps up in the air and comes down and striking Riser with a rider kick, he drags Riser across the arena with his foot and then kicked him away while he leap up in the air as Riser crashed onto the wall and soon there was a huge explosion followed by Revi land on his feet on the ground and slowly stood up straight as he walk away from the explosion and defeating Riser Phenex once and for all.

(Epic battle theme ends)

Everyone was in shock to what they have seen. They witnessed a human with no devil like powers managed to defeat a high ranking devil and still lives.

Ravel: Brother!

Then Ravel came down and rushes towards Riser to see that he is alright but unconscious. She turns to Revi in surprise as Revi doesn't turn to her and just tell her.

Revi: If Riser wakes up. Tell him leave Rias and everyone I care for alone.

He then walked away while Ravel is surprised how cool he is and blushed a bit while Rias was in tears and can't believe that Y/n have won.

Rias: (thought) I'm so glad you've won and made it Y/n. Thank you, thank you so much.


Everyone was still in shock that Y/n have managed to defeat Riser disbite him being a human with a rider form. We then we see Y/n and Vice outside of Risers household qs the two high fived while Koneko, Asia, Kiba and Akeno walked up to them.

Y/n: (smile) We did it Vice!

Vice: Hahahah! That was the best wedding wreck ever! That's one way to ruin a wedding!

Akeno: (smirk) That was some show you both did.

They apoorches them and before they say anything a portal opens and Fumiko, Nori and Issei came rushing out of the portal as Issei called out.

Issei: Don't worry we're here and......Vice?

Nori: Um.....did we miss something?

Vice: Oh we beat up Riser all ourselves.

Fumiko: (shocked) You have! Holy shit!

Issei: (shocked) And lived! Dude I was close to death disbite my badass scared gear!

Vice: Guess sucks to he you pervert.

Koenko: Agree.

Issei: Hey!

They share a laugh while Y/n looks over to see Rias parents so he walks towards them and soon they turn to see Y/n as he approaches them and then Y/n tells Rias parents.

Y/n: Listen I may not be as powerful or famous then Riser. But I am a caring, kind and nice person who will do anything to make anyone happy no matter what. Still if you don't see me as perfect for Rias then that's fine by me.

Rias parents look at each other with a smile on their faces and then Zeoticus first spoke.

Zeoticus: (smile) I believe your perfect for Rias don't you think Venelana?

Venelana: (smile) Indeed. You've come here just to stop the wedding and fought for our daughters heart. We've seen and heard many humans being selfish for years but never we never seen a human who came here and fought Riser just to make someone happy. Your someone that pur daughter will very much like to fell in love with and be with her no matter what.

Y/n is surprised but smiled and bows to them to show his thanks to them. The two smiled and walked off while he looks over to see Rias as she walk towards him.

Rias: (smile) Y/n.....i can't describe how proud I am with you.

Y/n: (smile) You don't have to say nothing Rias. I'm just glad you are happy and-

Then within seconds Rias kissed him on the lips. That surprised Y/n but he let's her and he kissed her right back while everyone sees this.

Issei: That's Bullshit! How come he get his first kiss and not me!

Vice: Because he's the main character while you're not so shut up!

Asia: (smile) That's so sweet.

Nori: (smile) Yeah same here.

Nori kissed Asia on the head while Akeno and Koneko were a bit jealous for Rias to kiss him first but still both Rias and Y/n kissed as Rias finds someone she loved and that is Y/n L/n aka Kamen rider Revi.

To be continued....................................

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