Chapter 12: The Riser household (Arc 2)
At George's laboratory we see him on his computer and working on a new and more powerful Vistamp with the data's he have gotten from all the Vistamps that he got as he quickly types through his computer pretty fast while he let out some laughters.
He has been working on this Vistamp for a few days and now he thinks it's almost done as he stops typing for a second and lend back against his chair and stretched his body while he let out a groan.
George: Almost done. Just need to check some things and soon it be all done. I cannot wait to give Y/n this and see my works completion!
Then his lab door open and Sana came into his lab with two cups of coffee as he walk into the lab as he placed down George coffee cup beside him while he lend against the table and ask him.
Sana: Still working on the new Vistamp.
George: (smirk) Indeed and soon it will be epic!
Sana: Like to see that. So any plans after your done?
George: Actually I have no idea. My whole life is trying to gather up all the Vistamps and making this one and once it's completed I feel like there is nothing else to make no more.
Sana: Oh....well I'm sorry about that. Maybe you can-
George: Actually now I think about it.......I think I should make a few more projects so Y/n and the othrr riders will be stronger.
Sana: Oh.....I see. Well good luck with that.
Sana heads off and leaves the lab while George looks at him leave in a suspicious type of way for some reason. Still he gose back to work on working on a new Vistamp.
We see Y/n and his pet Malo in Y/n's bedroom as he have a laser pointer as he has Malo chase the laser around the ceiling as Y/n feels kinda board as he shuts off the laser pointer and looks at the ceiling while Malo landed onto his chest as he looks at her.
Y/n: Been a while since Rias and the others are away to take on the Rating games. I wonder they are alright without me.
Malo: Meow.
Y/n: I should have be with them helping but I can't since I'm just a human.
Malo: Meow.
Y/n: Maybe.....maybe I'm not fit to be friends with them. I mean they have these amazing powers while I'm.....I don't have any cool powers or scared gear. Maybe......
Then Malo nuzzled his neck and then he meowed at him followed by a cute smile which made Y/n smile as he sat up while he grabs Malo and tells him.
Y/n: (smile) Your right. I shouldn't be thinking such silly things. I should keep my head up and keep on fighting for my friends. Besides I have you, Vice, Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt, George and the rest with me. As long I'm with them, I won't doubt myself just because I'm a human.
Malo: (smile) Meow!
He let out small giggle when suddenly Vice is seen beaide him as Y/n turn and jump back to see Vice.
Vice: I really have no idea why you humans talk to your cats like you can understand them?
Y/n: Like you can understand them!
Y/n: can understand them right?
Vice: Hey just because I'm your inner demon, doesn't mean I can understand what animals are saying!
Y/n: Well let's go and see the other girls are up to.
Vice agrees as Malo hide his wings as they exit out of the room and sees a few customers while Raynare hands out towels for them to use once they are done. Kalawarner is seen behind the cast register and accepting customers money and gives them change while Mittelt gose around and handing out some cool drinks for them to drink as Y/n, Vice and Malo came as Raynare walks up to Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Nice work. I've never seen a lot of customers before.
Vice: Although there is a lot of males here then females. Weird.
Raynare: (smile) Thanks. We're working our best to give the customers the best spar bath relaxation ever.
Mittelt: (smile) Disbite the perverts coming here, they are not so bad.
Kalawarner: (smile) And we gotten a lot more money them ever.
Y/n: (smile) Then let's do our job girls. Let's make this place the best spar bath they never have!
They cheered and they work harder then ever as they serve the customers coming in, taking the spar bath and out, cleaning, handing our towels and washing the dirty once in the washing machine.
(Hours later)
Soon they were done as it was the afternoon as we see them sitting at the living room and letting out a sigh after their hard work is paid off.
Vice: Wow that was soke hard work but we did it!
Mittelt: We?! You didn't do a singal crap!
Vice: How dare you! I was making sure no one doesn't steal things. After all, I am invisible!
Kalawarner: He....actually got a point. Still we did our jobs well, what should we do now?
Y/n: (smile) How's about we celebrate. Anyone up for eating something delicious?
Mittelt: (smile) Sounds awesome! I'm in!
Raynare: (smile) Same here.
Kalawarner: (smile) Me too.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome! I know just a place!
They arrived at a nice restaurant that served delicious foods they have ever tasted. Once they found their tables the waiter came and they order their meals and once that the waiter left to serve the other customers while the four start to talk.
Raynare: So you think Rias and the other will be alright? I mean Riser sounds like a tough devil to face.
Y/n: (smile) I believed they will beat him. I know they can.
Raynare: Let's hope so.
Mittelt: Say are you okay? You know.....the reason you didn't go with them was because your know.
Kalawarner: Mittelt!
Mittelt: What I'm just asking?
Y/n: N-No that's alright Mittelt and yeah I'm fine. Still I feel like I'm.....the black sheep within the group.
Raynare: (smile) Of course your not. Why do you say that?
Y/n: Well......I wasn't bothered at first because Rias and the others look like humans except for their powers but I thought it was fine. But when Riser insulated me because I'm a human....I feel like maybe he's right. Maybe humans are weak and shouldn't be with devils or angels.
Raynare: Don't say that! Riser is just a jerk who doesn't know what you've been through, how your very helpful to the others. True you maybe a human but you have a good heart and have the will power to help others.
Kalawarner: Raynare is right. Don't doubt yourself because your a human. Remember, you've saved their lives several times and you saved them without any hesitation what so ever. If anything Riser should be wrong about you and never see you as a weak human.
Mittelt: (smile) Yeah I mean he's just a pervert like Issei. I bet he's just jealous that Rias have her eyes on you and not him.
Y/n: Yeah guess you three have a point. Still though i don't understand why he wishes to marry Rias disbite him having many girls?
Kalawarner: Just perverts who wishes to marry who ever is hotter.
Raynare: That's true.
Mittelt: Same.
Soon their meals came and they start to dig in and the foods they have were delicious to them as they continue eating.
Mittelt: (surprised) Whoa! This taste like heaven!
Raynare: (smile) Agree. This is a good idea to come here Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks I'm glad you all are enjoying it.
They continue eating their meal and soon they were full as they sit there and felt like their stomachs were about to blow up.
Raynare: (smile) Now that feels good.
Mittelt: (smile) Same. This is such delicious food.
Kalawarner: (smile) Agree.
Y/n: I gonna go to the restroom, be right back.
Y/n heads to the restroom and once he enter the male restroom, Vice appeared beside him as he tells Y/n.
Vice: Man it looks like thid chapter is gonna be a boring one since we're not fighting any deadman.
Y/n: (smile) Well I think it a good thing since it feels like a normal night and nothing isn't gonna ruin it.
He opens the bathroom stall and immediately sees a deadman which he turns to face him as the two stare at each other.
Kangaroo Deadman:................
Vice: You were saying?
Seconds later there was a huge explosion that cost everyone to scream and make a run for it while Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner get up and sees Y/n rolling out from the room and onto the main hall as he gets up while Kangaroo Deadman hops out of the room as Y/n place his Revice driver onto his waist and pulls out his rex Vistamp.
Y/n: Henshin!
Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shinning! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider~! Revi! Vice! Revice!
Vice: Now it's action time! But this time Revi and Vice!
The Kangaroo Deadman leaps up high in the air and was about to land on them when Raynare fly over and kicked then Kangaroo Deadman which sent him flying while the other two fallen angels came up with the as Raynare hovers over them while she added.
Raynare: And the three fallen angels backing you two up.
Vice: Well at least Issei isn't here to say pervert things.
Revi: Okay then! Let's do this!
They turn to the Kangaroo Deadman as he gets up and started to hop around as they try to land a hit at him but he keeps dodging their attacks and blows.
They continue trying to land a hit at him but he was fast and managed to kick Raynare and Mittelt but before he could land a kick at Kalawarner, Vice came up and kick him away as he crash across the room while Revi charge towards him while wielding his Ohingbuster and swings it at Kangaroo Deadman which land some hits at him.
But the Kangaroo Deadman dodges his swing and lands behind him and when Revi turns to face him, he lands a kick which sent him flying and crashing through the window and onto the road.
He slowly gets up while the Kangaroo Deadman leaps towards him and tries to land a kick but Raynare came in front of him and blasted him with her spear which sent the Kangaroo Deadman land hard onto the ground while Vice rush up to them.
Raynare: He seems a bit hard to land a hit at.
Revi: Yeah but not for long.
He pulls out a new Vistamp that George given him a while back and the press on the Vistamp.
Revice driver: Come on! B-B-Brachio! Come on! B-B-Brachio! Come on! B-B-Brachio! Buddy up! Saidai! Saichou! Saiko de Saikyou! Brachio! Iwae! Nagaki ou no tanjou o!
Vice: Time to break this Deadmans legs!
Revi: Let's do this then!
The two charge towards the Kangaroo Deadman and they land some quicked punches and blows to Kangaroo Deadman and making sure he will not jump away and make his escape.
Vice slammed his foot onto the grounr which makes a huge shake which cost Kangaroo Deadman to stumble back while Revi rushed towards him and land some blows at him and soon land a mighty punch that sent Kangaroo Deadman flying and crashing into the left side car.
Them Revice press onto the Vistamp and pulled it down while the two start to combine.
Revice driver: Remix! Buddy up! Hissatsu! Hatsudou! Gekitou! Brachio!
The Kangaroo Deadman sees this and leaps away to try to retreat but Revice catches him with their long necks and shakes him around a bit and then tossed him to the ground which makes a huge crash.
Kangaroo Deadman gets up but seconds late he was crushed by Revice's huge feet several times and then picks up Kangaroo Deadman once again and then tossed him up into the air which the two split apart as they do their finisher.
Revice driver: Brachio stomping finish!
Once the Kangaroo Deadman was in the middle the two landed a powerful punch which cost the Kangaroo Deadman to blow up and it was done as the two land onto the ground and stood up straight as the night is saved once again.
We see Kalawarner, Raynare and Mittelt at the living room with Mittelt having Malo lay on her lap as the news talks about the restaurant is forced to shut down after the Deadmans attack.
Mittelt: So much for that delicious restaurant.
Kalawarner: (smile) Well I least we had some fun.
Mittelt: Yeah I guess so.
Malo: (smile) Meow.
Raynare smiled and soon we see her walking up to Y/n's room and knocking at his door.
Raynare: Hey Y/n, can I come in?
Y/n: Sure, come in.
She open the door and sees him sitting on is bed and having a book on his hand as Raynare enters his room as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: Is everything alright?
Raynare: (smile) Yeah everything is fine. What about you?
Y/n: Same. I'm actually a bit tired so I was thinking going ti bed soon.
Raynare: Oh okay then......say Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Then she hugged him which surprised him and also makes him blushed as Raynare tells him.
Raynare: (smile) Thank you for treating us like family. If weren't for you, I don't know what our lives may have if we haven't met you.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Raynare. You and the rest are welcome to be here.
Raynare: (smile) Thanks.
Then before Y/n know it, she kissed him on the lips which surprised him a bit but he kissed her back. Soon they stop and they look at each other as they share a little giggle while Raynare ask him.
Raynare: (smile) Say would it be fine if I sleep here with you for the night?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
And so all the lights are shut off and they get some sleep however we see a mysterious figure within the alleyway and watching the place as he make his leave while he pulls out his phone and calls someone as he pkacethe phone onto his ear and soon someone at the other line answered.
???: Seems like they are getting stronger. As soon the other riders came back from their rating games, we don't stand a chance.
??? 2: (phone) Don't worry about that. I just gotta informed that he already dealt with some peerage from Rias team as we speak.
???: But how can you be sure they will win?
??? 2: (phone) Let's just say......there is a thing called "accidentally deaths" during the Rating Game. I have order him to take down the Red dragon Emperor so George would not make q unstoppable Vistamp.
???: You sure we can trust him?
??? 2: (phone) Just let him do his job while we do our job. Got it?
???: Yes sir.
He hangs up and then he make his leave as he disappeared into the darkness of the alleyway.
(Two days later)
It was another day at Y/n's spat bath as we see Mittelt and Kalawarner at the waiting room and they were waiting for more customers when a door open follow by a bell as Mittelt turn and says.
Mittelt: (smile) Hello qnd welcome. How may were at......Issei?!
They turn and they see Issei completely hurt and bleeding everywhere while Y/n, Vice, Raynare and Malo rush I the room and see Issei. Issei turns to them and was about to say something but he collapse and fell onto the floor as blood start to pour onto the floor while they were shocked by this while Y/n called out to him.
Y/n: (shocked) ISSEI!!!!!!
To be continued..............................
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