Chapter 11: The Riser household (Arc 1)

It was the middle of the night as we see Y/n sleeping in bed while we also see Malo sleeping in his cute cat bed sleeping peaceful while Y/n gently rolls around in bed while he slept. Then there was a red flash followed by something on top of Y/n which cost him to slowly groan and wake up.

He sees someone on top of him and soon his eyes get clear and he sees Rias sitting on top of him while he groan and ask.

Y/n: Rias? (Yawn) What are you doing here in this time?

Rias: I want to have sex with you right now.

Y/n: Oh......(yawn) Okay that sounds good.

He then lay back to bed and was about to sleep away when he immediately open his eyes quicker then a bolt and sat up in bed and called out in shocked and confusing.

Y/n: (shocked) YOU WANT TO DO WHAT TO M-

She quickly cover his mouth and pinned him onto the bed as she quickly took off her top and bra and throws them onto the bed.

Rias: Look I know this is sudden but we need to do this now.

Y/n: (thought) Holy crap this has to be a dream or something because this is nuts!

???: Hello Rias.

Then a women wearing a maid outfit appear out of nowhere next to their bed as she tells Rias.

???: My apologies but I believe there is no time for this tonight.

Suddenly she just sighs and then leave the bed while she get her top on and once that she said to Y/n without turning to him.

Rias: I'm sorry Y/n. I just wish we can spent more time together but.....I just wish he hadn't choice me.

Then the two of them disappeared with a teleport magic and once that Y/n is just sitting in his bed confused as ever and the only words came out was.

Y/n: (shocked) What in the world was that?


(Next day)

We see Y/n opening his locker as he stand there and looking at his locker while he yawns as students walk by him while Issei, Asia and Nori walk up to him.

Issei: (smile) Hey man what's happening?

Y/n: Oh hey guys. (Yawn) How is things?

Issei: Um good man. Say you okay? You looking a bit tired there.

Asia: Did you not get any sleep last night?

Y/n: Um yeah i just....have thus weird dream that's wall.

Vice: He was "dreaming" that Rias had sex with him.

The trio Wow shocked as Vice appear beside Y/n while he blushed bright and turns to Vice.

Y/n: Vice! You can't say that!

Asia: (blush) Oh my! I

Issei: Never worry man. I too have wet dreams of sexxy hit chick's having "fun" with me if you know what I mean.

Nori: Wait. What do you mean by "dreaming?"


Fumiko: Guys!

Suddenly Fumiko rushed over towards them as they turn to him.

Fumiko: We have a situation in our hands!

Y/n: What is it?

Vice: Another deadman to fight?

Fumiko: No. Something worse.

(Short while later)

We see them gathered at the household and as soon Y/n and the rest are in Y/n sees Rias along with that same maid from last night which he immediately realised it wasn't a dream.

Y/n: (thought) So last night was not a dream!? 

Grayfia: Good you all are here. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Grayfia Lucifuge, and I'm the personal assistant to the Gremory house hold.

Issei: So like a maid?

Fumiko: Yeah you can put it like that. She's here because someone wants to marry Rias.

Asia: (smile) That's amazing! Congrats Rias!

Fumiko: Asia it's not a type of marriage your thinking off. This person he's marrying is selfish and a jerk.

Nori: And you know him how?

Fumiko: Let's just's a the reason why I never liked perverts.

???: So we meet again Fumiko and Rias Gremory.

Then a a Phoenix like magic portal appear and a man with blonde short hair wearing a fancy suit came out of the portal and step into the room. Everyone looked at him as he looks around and let out a smirk.

Y/n: Whose that guy?

Vice: No idea but I already hate this guy.

Akeno: That's Riser Phoenix. He's apart of the Phoenix clan and leader of the Phoenix house hold.

Riser: (smirk) Nice to see you after a long while Fumiko. I still haven't forgotten what you did to me a while back.

Fumiko: (anger) Piss off Riser! You have no right of coming here!

Riser: Hehe well guess what......

He get sup really close to Fumiko as the two share a glare as Riser tells him.

Riser: I have every right to come here by you and Rias family because I'm going to marry her.

Fumiko: (anger) Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

Issei: (scared) Wow Fumiko is really REALLY mad.

Rias: That's enough! Riser I told this before and I'll tell you again, the answer is no.

Riser: (smirk) I'm sorry but your family agreed on the marriage of the Phoenix clan and so our clans can be stronger. You don't really have a choice at this.

Fumiko: (anger) she can-

Y/n: She can make her own decisions!

All eyes turn on Y/n as he look at Riser and tells him.

Y/n: You have no right of forcing someone to marry you, it's not right! She can decide who she likes the marry and if she's happy or not!

Riser just stare at Y/n in disgust and then ask.

Riser: Why is there a pathetic human in this house hold.

Issei: (anger) Hey not cool!

Riser: (smirk) I'm sorry but this house hold if for strong demons and not humans like you. So how's about you go out and do.....whatever humans do these days and never come back.

Vice: Hey jackass! He might be a human but he's a strong and badass human! He'll beat your ass!

Riser: And I'm speaking to whatever the hell you are.

Vice: (anger) That's it! This asshole is gonna die!

Grayfia: Excuse me! If I have a suggestion. What about we have a Rating Game.

Y/n: Rating Game?

Kiba: It's a competition between two devils with a peerage. It's kinda similar to a board game of chess.

Vice: So in's a battle that we can do what ever we want?

Kiba: Sort off everything but yes.

Vice: Okay then! Let me and Y/n sing up! I'm ready to kick ass and chew bubblegum!

Riser: (smirk) You must have not hear what that boy said. Only "devils" can be apart of the Rating games. No humans allowed or......what ever that thing is.

Vice: (anger) That's bullshit! Who ever made that rules up are assholes!

Rias: It's fine. Besides I know we can win so I accept it.

Riser: (smirk) Very well then. We start in 4 days. See you there.

Once that he turns as he opens his Phoenix portal and leaves tne room as the room was in silence as Y/n looked over to see Rias worry a bit.


We see Y/n, Vice, Nori and Fumiko at the park as they sat down at the grass and knowing that tomorrow Nori and Fumiko will company with Rias ans her household to train somewhere so they can be ready for the Rating games that is gonna happen in four days.

Fumiko: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Fumiko: (smile) Thanks for telling Riser off about Rias choice who she should marry.

Y/n: Thanks still I feel bad that I have to stay here while you guys go and take part in the Rating games. It's not fair.

Fumiko: (smile) We be fine. Besides the Gremory house hold has won many Rating games during the pass few years. I'm sure we will win this one.

Nori: (smile) Yeah we can't just let our worries get to use. We can do this.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same.

Vice: So.....what should we do? I mean us guys got to do something before tomorrow right?

Suddenly there was a explosion in the distances which they stood up as they see the smoke and then Fumiko smirks and says.

Fumiko: (smirk) Take on the Deadman together before we go?

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah. Let's go!

They all sprint towards the explosion and they arrive on  at the location and they see three Brachio Deadmans trashing the streets while people run away.

Y/n: Never seen Deadmans do that!

Fumiko: Still looks like we have to take them down. Ready you guys.

Nori: Yeah.

Vice: Oh Y/n! Use that new Vistamp that George given you.

Y/n: Right. Let's do this!

He then pulled out the Vistamp that George given him a while back ad they place down their drivers onto their waist.




Y/n, Nori and Fumiko: Henshin!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Technical! Rythmical! Critical! Jackal! Nonstop de clear shite yaru ze!

Two-Sidriver: Versus up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen rider Live!

Demons driver: Decide up! Deep (fukaku). Drop (Ochiru). Danger (Kiki). (Kamen) Rider. Demons!

Revi: Okay then! Let's go!

He then drops Vice onto the ground and gets on top of him as he ride him like a skate boat as the two go after the first Brachio Deadman, Demons takes on the third Brachio Deadman while Live leaps over towards the Second Brachio Deadman.

Demons charge towards the third Brachio Deadman and he swings his punch at it which cost it to be sent flying back as Demons charge towards it and lands some punches and blows at the third Brachio Deadman as he blow its strikes and even caught its arm and push it back and land a kick at it.

Then we cut to Live dodging the second Brachio Deadmans swings while he fired his Two-Sidriver gun as he fired a few shots at the second Brachio Deadman and then kich it back.

The second Brachio Deadman stood up and charge towards Live only for the third Brachio Deadman to be sent flying and crash into the second Brachio as the two crashed into a building as Demons walks up to Live.

Demons: (sigh) Good to get rid of my anger.

Live: And here I thought beating up Issei is your one way of relief stress.

Demons: (chuckle) That too.

Then the two Brachio Deadmans get up and roared at Live and Demons which they look at each other, node and change at the two.

Then we cut to Revi and Vice as they ride up to the first Brachio Deadman and Revi swings his Ohinbuster 05 at it and landing some strikes at it. The first Brachio Deadman gets slashed by Revi as he quickly turns Vice around and skate towards Brachio Deadman and then he leaps out as Vice leaps up and lands it right in the face.

Then Revi lands onto Vice behind the first Brachio Deadman and turn as Vice asked Revi.

Vice: On second thought is there any other forms that doesn't involve your feet on my face?

Revi: Well there is this.

He then pulled out another new Vistamp and press on it.


Vice: That will do! Let's do this!

Revice driver: Buddy up! Arm! Strong! Tatakai no going! Narase! Kong! Drumming Kitaa!

Vice: Now this is more like it! Let's do this!

The two charged at the first Brachio Deadman and they strike blows at it as they land some heavy punches at the first Brachio Deadman.

Then Revi leaps up into the air as Vice puts his arms together as Revi lands onto his arms and Vice lifted up his arms up, sending Revi flying as he was sent flying up into the air and then came down and strike a blow at the first Brachio Deadman and sending him flying and land hard onto the ground.

Soon two other Brachio Deadmans were sent flying and they crash into each other as as Demons and Live walks up to Revi and Vice.

Demons: Seems like they have enough.

Live: Time to end this right guys.

Revi: Yeah! Let's do this!

Vice: These guys are going to get fucked.

Revice driver: Kong! Stomping finish!

Two-Sidriver: Bat! Justice Finish!

Demons driver: Charge! Spider demons Requiem!

Both Revi and Vice stepped forward and them slammed down their large fists into the ground, creating a huge shockwave that sent the three Brachio Deadmans flying up into the air. Live and Demons leaps up into thr air and reach out their legs and they land a rider kick at the three Brachio Deadmans as the two land onto thr ground as the three Brachio Deadmans blow up in the air as the four riders stood there as the three Brachio Deadmans are destroyed.

George: YOU GOT IT!

Suddenly George rushes over there and then pulls out a small device and sucks the Brachio Deadmans data into hid devils and he looks at the data as he called out in amazement.

George: This is perfect! Now we have what i needed to complete my project!

He gets all excited while the four riders watched him being all exited and wonders what got him all excited but it doesn't matter as they look at each other as Demons reach out his hand to Revi and Vice and tells them.

Demons: Well.....wish us luck Y/n.

Live: Same here.

Live also stick out hid hand towards them as Revi smiles underneath his helmet and he grabs their hands and shakes on it.

Vice: Now this is like to call best bros ever.

(Next day)

The day was the day for Rias and her house hold to leave for training for the Rating games but before they left Y/n and vice arrived to them as he hand them some good luck charms in hopes they can win.

Y/n: (smile) We just gotten these from my house. Good luck on your training and the Rating games.

Fumiko: (smile) Thanks Y/n and we will.

Issei: (smile) Yeah we can totally beat this jackasses butt for sure.

Kiba: (smile) Let go guys. See you soon Y/n.

Akeno: (smile) Take care.

Koneko: See ya.

And then they head off except for Rias as the two look at each other as Y/n scratches the back of his head and then said.

Y/n: So........last night.

Rias: Yeah I'm sorry about that.

Y/n: Oh no that's okay.

Rias: It's not really. I was worried about marrying to Riser so much I didn't know what to do and I.....Well.....I wasn't thinking clearly. Its not like me to act like that.

Y/n: (smile) That's okay Rias. Sometimes we're not perfect and that's okay. You know.....disbite you being a devil your still human in my eyes. A smart, loyal and kind person who risk anything to keep your peerage safe. I may not be apart of your peerage or I'm not a devil like you. But your perfect no matter what you are Rias Gremory. Your the greatest person I've ever met.

Rias is surprised by his words which made her smile and then lend over and kissed him on the lips which surprised Y/n and soon she lend back and said.

Rias: (smile) Thank you Y/n. Wish us luck.

She turns and walks off to catch up with the rest while Y/n stood there in surprised and blushing while Vice slowly slide towards to Y/n with a face of surprised as he said.

Vice: (surprised) Now that's I like to call man's first kiss from a sexxy women!

Y/n blushes even more as he cover his mouth and still feels her lips bit still she smiled as he looks up to watch them leave as he smiled while he and Vice turns and heaf back home and they hoped they can win the Rating games ans shows Riser never mess with Rias ans her Peerage.

To be continued.......................................

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