Chapter 1: Time to buddy up with your inner demon

The light turns on as we hear footsteps and a figure appear in front of us as he snap his finger and a projector turns on and shot out a screen of Heaven at the top, the human world at the middle and hell at the bottom.

???: For years we know of existence of two worlds that many humans know of. There is the good of all life and Guardians of light which is Heaven, and the dark and scary  place know as hell. You think that both sides fought eqch other for years. Well, yes for many years ago but now two sides live in peace. However there is one slight problem which involves around the humans.

Then a click his heard as a screen changed to a human on the left side while a demon on the right.

???: Inside of the human life which we are, there is a little bit if devil within us that is the opposite to our personality. For example, your a good, nice and gentle type of man or women. But your inner devil is mean, rude amd rough around everyone! (Clear throat) That is why both Devils and Angels must make sure these inner devil's won't come out otherwise who knows what they will do. Unfortunately life has to punch them right in the face when a cult I've heard is trying to release the humans inner demon so they can take over the world and doom both Heaven and Hell. But not what I have to say about that!

Then the light around him turn on and we see a man wearing glasses with black hair as he rush over qnd picks up his camera as he said through it.

George: I doctor George Karizaki have made a device that can allow a human and their inner demon to work together and help both Heaven and Hell in their battle against this new threat! But who will be the first to test it you may ask? Well.....I know who is the first person and his inner demon to test my new device! Hahahah, thsi is gonna be great! Now enough the wait, ON TO THE INTRO!



We over see Kouh academy where it uses to be a all female school but now male students are allowed to attend to this school like normal students as we see many students either talking to one of their own friends or walking to their next class.

We then cut to the female's changing room where we only see one male person cleaning the changing room for the girls before they will return from their training. This boys name is Y/n L/n who is know around the school as the hard working student ever who likes to help people and make them happy.

He was busy cleaning as a bucket of water is seen moving towards Y/n from behind and once close the bucket tips over ans water spilled onto Y/n and got him all wet.

Y/n: You really have to do that Vice.

He turn and we see his inner demon named Vuce who laughs while holding a bucket on his hand.

Vice: Hey don't blame me, I'm bored watching you clean all day. Can we not just leave and do something otherwise I might get tired and fall asleep.

Y/n: I'm almost done can you not just wait.

Vice: Hey the viewers doesn't want to watch you clean the girls changing room all day. They want to see some action and some romance from your harem.

Y/n: What are you talking about?

Vice: I'm talking about how the girls wants to fuck you! I mean they also want to have sex with  that blonde pretty boy yes but they want you even more like WAY more!

Y/n: You really want to get out of this bathroom do you?

Vice: If you do, I might be quiet.

Y/n sighs and gets this last spot done and left out just as the Kendo club arrived just in time.

Y/n: (smile) Here you go, the changing rooms are clean like you said.

Murayama: (smile) Thank you so much Y/n.

Katase: (smile) Yeah your the best.

Y/n smiles at the two and the girls head in while Y/n sat on the bench near the changing room and took out his lunch and have a quick bite while Vice appear next to him and try to eat some food but the food gose through his hand.

Vice: Damn it! This spirit form sucks! I wish I have an ability to touch things and eat them.

Y/n: Well it's also a good thing since i don't want you to eat all the food in the house.

Vice: (anger) What are you trying to say?!

Y/n: (smirk) Nothing.

Vice sighs while the two hear something that sounded like laughter and they look behind to see Issei, Motohama and Matsuda behind the girls changing room and peaking in through a small hole and watching the girls getting change.

Y/n: Here they go again.

Vice: Want me to do the thing?

Y/n: Usually I tell you no but since it is the trio perverts, sure go ahead.

Vice: Hehehehe, awesome!

Vice floats over to them and gets behind Issei who si trying to move his two pervert friends so he can see whioe Vice gets behind him and breaths in and fires flames at Issei butt which he scream which give the girls attention.

Vice floats away while the girls check to see them and they beat them up for spying on them. Y/n and Vice leave while Vice laughs as they walk away.

Vice: (laughter) Oh man have you seen their faces when they screamed. Hahahah!

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah they were surprised by that.

Vice: Say can I ask you something?

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Vice: Were you and Issei used to be Childhood friends? I mean what happened between you two, you haven't talked for a while ever since you two moved here.

Y/n: Let's just say....we kinda changed different when we're growing up.

Vice stare at him for a bit and give him a slight node before they stumble too far and step into what looked like a old building as they look at it.

Y/n: I never noticed this place?

Vice: Kinda creepy.....and I loved to live there!

Y/n scan the house and then spotted something on the second window. On the second window he sees what looked like a female student with long red hair which made Y/n blush while Vice looks up and see her.

Vice: Yep, she's gonna be apart of your harem.

Y/n: (whisper) Vice shut up!

Vice: Oh relax she can't even see or hear me remember.

She then looked at Vice as if she can see him which nervous him but she disappeared from the window as the two turn away from the building.

Y/n: Let's promise to never come back here again.

Vice: I would agree but I can tell we will.

They walk away and leave the area before something weird will happen if they stay here any longer.


They return home which is a small spar bath place which is very famous and people go there to relax and get ride of all the stress that is happening in their lives while Y/n cleans the rooms and talk to the customers either they enter or leave.

His family open this store for a very long time and it was a great place and they have a great time. His father usually help around including his mother but in most days they work at a research company called Fenix who are try to understand to both Heaven and Hell and try to connect these worlds together.

It was nice until his parents disappeared and now he is alone to work on the shop while he has Vice as his inner demon and friend to talk to. He doesn't know where he came from but he just appeared when he was a kid and they have been friends for a while.

After a while Y/n shut the store and sat down on the couch next to Vice as Vice watch some TV shows.

Vice: Man why place down a cowardly like main character in a world of monsters with a vampire girl fall in love with him! WHO DOSE THAT?!

Y/n: That's how this world works Vice.

Vice: Yeah Yeah, whatever you say man. Jeez I'm board.

Y/n: You said that earlier while I was working around the place, which you could help.

Vice: How genius?

Y/n:......Oh right you got a point.

Vice chuckles while Y/n's phone beeped meaning he got a text so he take out his phone amd open it.

Vice: Who is it? A sexxy girl?

Y/n: No it's uncle George.

Vice: Oh man, not that crazy guy. What dose he want this time?

Y/n: He said to meet me by his lab right now, he wants him to show me something? We should head there and see what he made.

Vice: Fine Fine but if he made that is crazy for me, we're leaving.

Y/n: Everything he made is weird for you, because you think they look lame.

Vice: Lame is a hard word. I would say not that interesting that I wish it was in the trash. Better?

Y/n: Yeah let's just go.

They two make their leave as Y/n hop into his bike and rides off while we see a dark figure peaking oit of the alleyway as he smirks while watching him leave.


We over look at Fenix main building as Y/n enter the main entrance and walks over to the front desk Lady and asked to meet with George. She nod to him and after a while the desk lady tells him George will like to see him now.

He thanked her and make his way up to the second floor and enter the elevator to get to his floor a lot more faster. Soon he made it to the floor and walks over to find his lab and once there he knocks at the back and not two seconds later the door swing open as George made eye contact with Y/n as he lift his glasses a bit and smiled.

George: (smile) Y/n! My boy, I'm so glad your here!

Y/n: (smile) Hey Uncle George, I've got your text so what is it you went me to see?

George: (smile) Brilliant! Please come in!

Vice: I have a bad feeling about this. I mean he's just so weird.

George: Tell your inner demon that I'm not weird that I am a scientist.


Y/n just ignores Vice and head inside as George shut the door and Y/n looks around to see many machines that were on and see weird devices inside of glass case each have symbols of each animal.

Y/n find this very interesting as he walks over to George and beside him was a white sheet over of something as he tells Y/n.

George: (smile) For the past few years, man kind try it's best to archive the impossible. You have their inner demons and humans work together against any threat. Of course that is impossible....UNTIL TODAY! BEHOLD!

He pulls over the sheet and Y/n and Vice stare at what looks like a belt that looks very interesting to them as George picks it up and shows Y/n a bit closer.

Y/n: What is it?

George: (smile) My friend your staring at the Revice driver, the new technology that humans can unleashed their inner demons and have them work together.

Y/n: So like the inner demons can be pulled into this world like us?

George: (smile) Yes!

Vice: What?! That means I can feel and eat things as much as I want! Haha! I never doubt this crazy scientist for a second.

George: Of course I haven't test this that is because I want you to test it.

Y/n: (surprised) Me? Why me?

George: Because I know that you and your inner demon has a strong bound and this bound is stronger enough to allows you and your inner demon to transform.

Y/n was surprised by this and looks down and thinks about all of this. He never know he can be picked to be test a new technology that will changed humanity. He looks up at George and about to tell him something when suddenly there was a shake follow by en explosion as the alarms go off.

Y/n: What's going on?!

George: Oh no. They are here!

Y/n: Who is here?

George: Quick! Put this on before they-

Suddenly the wall behind them blows up, sending them flying and land hard on the ground. Y/n slowly sat up and looks up to see a army of white monsters enter George's lab with some picking up George and dragging him across the room.

Then a large monster step into the lab and looks at 5he scientist while George looks up at the monster.

Batta deadman: We know you have it. Where is it!?

George: I'll never tell you!

Batta Deadman: Huh, humans and their bravery. Your lucky Olteca and Julio aren't here otherwise they will make you wish to tell us where the driver is nicely.

Y/n over hears this as Vice appears and pointed to him ten driver as he rushes over and picks it up and yells at them.

Y/n: Let him go!

They turn to see Y/n holding the driver as he shows it to them before he slams it into his waist.

Revice driver!

Batta Deadman: Fool, no human can't handle the drivers power.

George: Y/n! That Vistamp near you! Grab it!

Y/n turns to see it and grabs it and looks at it.

Y/n: I may not know who you are. But I won't allow you yo harm one of my family! George may not be my real uncle but if he is friends with my father and mother THEN THAT MEANS HE'S APART OF OUR FAMILY!

Vice: Oh yes! This is the part that all of you viewers are waiting for! Let's henshin!

The Rex Vistamp shot of pink electricity and the electricity  appear around Y/n and then Vice as Vice enter Y/n's body as he looks at them and press the rex Vistamp.


He then breaths on it before stamping it into the driver.

Revice driver: Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex!

Y/n: Henshin!

He then slide it and pulls it down as he start to transform including Vice into kamen riders.

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shining! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider~! Revi! Vice! Revice!

George: (smie) FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!

Vice looks at his arms, legs and body as he jumps around while he tells Revi.

Vice: Look at me! I can see my body without looking through me! Finally after so years finally can feel!!!!

Revi: Yeah no kidding. We look cool.

Batta Deadman: (shocked) What?! How is this possible?! Who cares, ge them!

The Giff Juniors charge at the two but their not afraid as they charge at them and they clash at them and battle them as Vice laughs as he punch away the Giff juniors away which he gets so excited that he can now beat things up.

Vice: Awesome! Now I can beat up anyone and anything I want! Hahahah!

Vice continues punching and kicking the Guff juniors while Revi leaps over to the other table follow by two Giff Juniors as Revi punch one before dodging the other one before he leaps up and kick it in the face which sent him flying and land on the ground.

Revi looks over to Batta deadman and rushes over and throws a punch whichmade Batta deadman to be sent flying and land hard on the ground while letting George go as Revi helps him up.

Revi: You okay?

George: Yes I'm fine but, thank you for this Y/n. Your parents would be proud.

Revi nodsto him while Batta deadman stands up and lend out a roar while Revi and Vice stand side by side while Batta deadman charge at them.

Revi: Ready for this buddy?

Vice: (chuckle) You kidding? I've always waited for this.

They done their secret high five and a fist pump at the end before the two charges Batta deadman and Batta deadman try to land a hit on Revi but he leaps over him while Vice punch him in the stomach while Revi lands behind him and backwards kick Batta deadman which set him flying across the room and land hard on the floor.

He stand up and has enough as he throws his claws at them but the two leap over the incoming blades and move towards him while dodging the blades and onceclose the two pull back their fist together qnd the  thrust it forward and land a powerful punch at Batta deadman with he was set flying and crashed through the window and fell while Revi and Vice leap down as Revi turn the vistamp twice as the two stick out their fights and finish this with a rider kick.

Revice driver: Rex! Stomping Finish!

The two rider kicked Batta deadman and they gone through him as the two land on the ground with their feet as Vice clap his hand and said.

Vice: Firs Big explosion in 3.....2.....1! Kamen rider EXPLOSION!!!!!

Batta Deadman yells out before he blows up while in the air while Vice dose a pose while Revi stood there to take a breather and see that they saved the day.

While this is happening we see George filming all of this on his phone and then once he is done he sent the footage to someone so this person will see how his device has worked

George: (smile) I know you'll do great things you two. Well done.

(Next day)

The sun rises for a new day as we see Y/n laying in bed as the sound of his alarm clock ring out so he reach over and press on the button to stop it. He sat up and yawn while Vice appears out of his body and he too yawn.

Vice: Man last night was awesome.

Y/n: Yeah sure is. Guess we're no super heroes now.

Vice Yep! Now we kick everyones butt's and it will be awesome as hell!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's pretty nice for uncle George to let us keep the driver and said he'll give us news about new forms.

Vice: Can't wait for that.

Y/n smiles as he decided to take a spar bath before he gose to school. After he grabs a towel andsomethings he needed, he walks over to his private spar bath and once there he tells Vice while he grabsthe door handle.

Y/n: (smile) I can tell Vice our lives is about the change.

He opens the door and enters but the two were shocked to see someone else there which was a naked woman as she turns to them and give them a smile.

???: (smile) Well hello there Y/n. Nice to see your awake.

Y/n drop his things while his cheeks was filled with blush as Vice asked Y/n.

Vice: What is a naked girl doing in your private spar bath?

???: (smile) Just here to see you friend. Nice you meet you as well Vice.

Y/n: (surprised) wait, you can see him?

Vice: (surprised) You can see me?!

???: (smile) Of course. I can see Vice perfectly. After all I am a devil after all.

Y/n: A devil? Wait your that long hair girl from before?! Who are you?

She then stand up and Y/n looks away because she was naked as she walks out the bath and suddenly she snap her fingers and her clothes appear on her which surprised to the two as she gose on to tell then her name.

Rias: (smile) My name is Rias Gremory and I want you and your inner demon, to be apart of my occult research club.

Y/n: and Vice:......The Occult research what now?

To be continued....................

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