Chapter 1: My unusual normal life

Y/n: 13 years ago a villainous army of Evil attempts to invade Earth but they were faced by a team of hero's known as Divine Dragon Rangers also known as Dragon keepers. They fought against them for sometime until they finally defeated them. Now the Dragon keepers were viewed as hero's by the world and create an arena and every Sunday they battle evil monsters to give joy to many. However there is a dark secret about the Dragon keepers and the way they do it. You know there is a difference of being a hero and being a real hero. I guess I'm this true hero. My name is Y/n L/n and I'm just your average person who owns a spar bath place. I mean I live somwhat of a normal life.....accept one thing and well....this is a I became a real hero, how I became.... a kamen rider.


(End intro)

It was a nice day at Tokyo City where we see the citizens enjoying their normal lives. The city seems to be normal however there is a massive floating fortress above Tokyo.

We then cut to a small spar bath where we see Y/n handing over the guests some towels and then tells them with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) Enjoy your bath.

They thank him and left as Y/n watch them go with a smile on his face. He then grab some cleaning supplies and begins to clean the spar bath after the last group of guests use it.

He clean the room as he scrub the floors, clean the wall and the tubs. After a long while of cleaning he was done. He looks at the room with a smile on his face and then turns to leave the room.

???: BOO!!!

Y/n: Aaaahhh!!!!

He slipped backwards and crash onto the bucket filled with water. He was completely wet while a ghostly like demon laughs while Y/n isn't scared but rather annoyed.

Vice: I got you! One point for Vice!

Y/n: Come on Vice you got me all wet.

Vice: That's what she said.

Y/n: (sigh) I thought you'll behave while I work.

Vice: But I'm so bored! Can we at least do something?! Like fight someone or scare someone? Come on!

Y/n: No.

Vice: Well your no fun.

He sigh once more as he gets up and leaves the room so he can put on some new clothes. Soon after he came out with new clothes when he hear a knock at his door.

He came over and sees to be his uncle George as he stab in with a box in hand.

George: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: Hey George, what a surprise for you to fome here and visit. What brings you here?

George: I came here to show yo something very awesome.

Y/n: If it is something that blows up then take it outside.

George: Nonononononono! Not this time! This time this one will kick those Dragon keepers off the stage show and move on with a new hero.

He places the box onto the counter while Y/n ask George.

Y/n: What is your problem with the Dragon keepers? I mean they have been protecting the planet for years and everyone seem to like them.

George: Not me! First of all: Their outfits are stupid! Diffident colours, caps and mask, they just copy the same suits five times. Second of all: Their roll call is ridiculous! I mean at first it was cool but now it's annoying. Everyone know who you are so why do a roll call?! Third of all: They only finish the villains with that large cannon, that's not cool it's overpowered! I'm surprised that cannon didn't destroy a building during the battle.

Y/n: Okay Okay I think I get it. So what did you made?

George: Behold! The Revice driver!

He then shows the driver to Y/n and Vice as Y/n takes I and looks at it.

Y/n: actually looks really cool.

Vice: I like it!

Y/n: So what does it do?

George: Glad you ask! Remember you told me about your inner demon and how you can see and talk to him?

Y/n: Yes.

Vice: And I never leave him alone.

George: Well I have study about inner demon and human bonding and I have a thought, why not create a device that allows both human and inner demon to fight side by side. And thus, the Revice driver is born!

He then pulled out what seems like a stamp with a rex symbol on it as George tells him.

George: This is the T-Rex Vistamp. This will allow the user to transform into a Kamen rider which I like to call....Revice.

Y/n: Huh that's cool. So who did you pick to test this?

George stare at Y/n for a moment until he immediately realised and tells George.

Y/n: Me?!

Vice: Oh hell yeah! Let's do it! Let's see the full power of the driver!

Y/n stare at the driver as he thinks about it and then tells George.

Y/n: I.....I don't know. I am I feel like I'm not capable to be a hero. The Dragon Keepers are better then me.

George: Y/n, my grandson. You have a strong compassion and a strong will of doing what is right. When the world needs a real hero, that hero would be someone who truly cares for others. I picked you because of that.....and because you already have a inner demon.

Vice: That's true.

Y/n thinks about it more until he gets a text from someone as he sees the message and then tells George.

Y/n: I gonna go. She's waiting on me, can you keep an eye on the place while I'm away.

George: Sure I can do some experiments here and-

Y/n: No experiments.

George:.....Fine, Fine but take that driver with you and think about it.

With no choice he take a his bag nearly and puts it in and with that he heads out to meet this person.

(Somtime later)

We find Y/n arriving at the Dragoj Keeper arena and once there Y/n stood at the entrance and look around. They suddenly someone came up behind him and cover his eyes with her hand which cost him to stumble forward and turn to see Hibiki.

Hibiki: (smile) You finally came!

Y/n: Yeah I have to leave George to guard it. Hopefully he won't destroy it.

Vice: He might.

Hibiki: (smile) Well glad your here! I got three tickets to see the show! It is going to be epic!

Y/n: Three? But there is two of us?

Vice: Unless she can see me?

Hibiki: (smile) Oh right I forgot to introduce you to her. Hey  Mai come over!

Then another woman with black black hair came over to her and unlike Hibiki she isn't much jolly as Hibiki introduce her to Y/n.

Hibiki: Y/n this is Mai and Mai this is Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hi, nice to meet you.

Mai: Don't touch me.

Y/n: Um.....okay?

Vice: Well isn't she friendly.

Hibiki: (smile) So ready to see the show? This will be like a date.

Y/n: Every time we go out you think of it as a date.

Hibiki: (smile) Because it is now come on!

She rush in with Y/n and Mai going with her. Hours later they sat down along with a lot of people as the show is about to begin.

Announcer: (speakers) Welcome all to watch as the dragon keepers face off against their enemy! Are you all ready!

The crowd cheers and soon five figures appear on top of a large monitor and soon leap off and land into the arena as the crowd roar with excitement as the Dragon keepers make their announcement.

Dragon keepers: Together we are the Dragon Keepers!

There were colourful explosions behind them while the crowd cheers even more. Y/n watches while he turns over to Mai and sees that she isn't interested of the show.

He was about to talk to her when suddenly there was a large shook. The crowd stop cheering as there was another shook and soon there was a huge explosion from the other end.

Seconds later unknown monsters pour out and enter the arena and stood in front of the Dragon Keepers and they were ready to fight them.

Y/n: What are they?

Vice: Huh Well this isn't good.

Then two large monsters came up in front of the massive army of unknown monsters.

???: Attention all those who can listen!

Then they all look up to see three mysterious figures on a baloney looking at the arena as the female figure announces.

??? 1: We are the Deadman and we serve under our master, Lord Giff! This isn't a show for all of you to come and watch....this is a message! You will all know our might and your Dragon Keepers will be weak to stop us! This is the day, the Deadman will rise!

The crowd is concerned by this and we then see soke of the Dragon Keepers confused in secret but they play along as  Keeper Red says.

Keeper Red: Whoever you maybe evil will not win! The Dragon Keepers will defend humanity!

??? 1: (smirk) Cute. You still play your hero role. Let's test that. Spider, then out might.

The Spider Deadman and Mammoth Deadman then rushes towards the Dragon Keepers and begin to attack the Dragon Keepers.

While they were directed the woman then calls out.

??? 1: The rest of you.....take care of their fans.

Then the trio disappear into darkness as the skeleton like army turn to the crowd of people and begin to attack them. The crowd panics and runs for it.

Hibiki: This is part of the show...right?

Mai: No it's not.

They begin to run but then Y/n turn to see a lot of people being attacked. He gets down and pushes them away and getting everyone out.

Hibiki: (turn around) Y/n!

Y/n: Go now!

He kicks some away while Hibiki wants to go back but Mai stops her and the two escape. Y/n pushes some away and getting people out when he was hit and sent flying and crash onto then ground.

He slowly gets up and find himself surrounded by them. There was no where to escape but then he remembered the driver so he took it out and stare at it.

Vice: Let's do it man! Time to neat these monsters and introduces to the new hero's of this city!

Y/n look at it and knows he must use it. Finally he place it onto his waist and then pulls out the rex Vistamp. He stare at it and then he pushed it.


A large screen like phone appears behind him with text boxes appear as Y/n blows the bottom of the stamp and then he stamps it onto the stamper.

Revice driver: Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex! Come on! R-R-Rex!


He slides in the Vistamp and pulls it to the left as Vice came out with a massive Vistamp and drops it onto Y/n as the two behin to change.

Soon there was a large blast which the Dragon keepers noticed as they turn and sees two figures as they slowly reveal themselves.

Revice driver: Buddy up! Ohing! Shining! Rolling! Going! Kamen rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!

Revi: Wow! This feels different!

Vice: I know and it's awesome!

Revi: Okay....let's do this! I'm boiling up!

Vice: Yeah!

The two high fived snd begin to battle the Deadmans footsoldiers. They battle them and making sure they will not get near the civilians.

Some stay behind and watch with amazement as Revi land some punches at some while Vice body slams them and continues to beat them while he laughs.

Soon the Deadmans footsoldiers were defeated and they see the Dragon Keepers having some trouble. They rush over as Keeper Pink gets hit and fall to the ground. Spider Deadman came over to her and was about to finish her when Revi kicks Spider Deadman away.

Revi: You okay?

Keeper Pink: I am now.

Revi lend out a hand to her while Vice tackles Mammoth Deadman away from Keeper Blue and Green. But Mammoth Deadman pushed him and he stumble back snd accidentally bump into Revi which he fell on top of Keeper Pink.

Vice: Whoops sorry about tha-Holy cow!

Revi was on top of Keeper Pink and their Revi helmets lips touched Keeper Pink almost like they kissed. The crowd sees this and cheered while Revi quickly gets up and apologies.

Revi: (blush) I'm sorry I didn't mean to-

Then he was tackled by Spider Deadman while Keeper Pink sat up and touch her lips, then she let out a soft giggle with a smirk.

Revi was pushed backwards by Spider Deadman but he land some blows ans tossed him away while Vice kicks Mammoth Deadman back.

The two came together as they watch the two Deadman getting up.

Vice: Let's give this people a show!

Revi: Yeah.....I think so.

The two Deadman rushes towards them while Revi and Vice charge forward and theb each battle each two Deadman while the Dragon keepers watched.

Keeper Blue: Who are they?

Keeper Green: Well they're absolutely not like us.

Keeper Yellow: Yeah.

Keeper Pink: Well they are interesting.

Keeper Red was silent as he watch with a bit of anger. Soon both Revi and Vice kick the two Deadman back as then Revi pull down the Vistamp twice.

Revice: Rex stamp finishing!

Then the two leap up into the air and then came down and rider kick the two Deadman and the two land behind them as Vice clap his hand calls out.

Vice: 3.....2.......1!!! Show over!

The two Deadman blows up behind them and once they were blown up the crowd cheered for them. Revi just wave to everyone while Vice cheers and shake Revi a little while the Dragon Keepers watched.

Keeper Red then turn and walked away and the rest followed and when Revi turn to them they were gone. He wanted to see they were already but they were gone.


Keeper Red enter his room and walk pass a TV where the news talks about the new arrival of two new hero's. Keeper Red gets angry and destroy the TV by kicking it.

Keeper Red: (angry) How dare they ruin our show.

He place his foot down and shown to have a angry glare as he tells himself.

Keeper Red: (angry) Those two......they are going to regret it messing with me.

To be continued.............................................................

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