Chapter 5: The evolution experiment
A door bell rang while a man quickly rushes over to the door almost in a panic then lend against his front door and then look through the peep hole.
He looks through and sees it is just Y/n which he opens the door just a bit and poke his head out.
???: Hey Y/n. What brings you here?
Y/n: Hey Nobu. Are you busy?
Nobu: You mean to uncover some conspired about the government and the world we live in?.......No. I'm watching TV.
Y/n: Well we sorta needed your brains to help us with something.
Nobu: Is someone with-
He opens the door then is stunned to see two hero's, Saitama and Genos behind Y/n.
Saitama: Yo.
Genos: Greetings.
Nobu: (shocked)..........
Y/n: Yeah I may need to explain to you on how this happen. Mind we cone in?
(Hours later)
We see Nobu at his computer with Y/n, Genos and Saitama around the computer. After Y/n tell Nobu everything as well as the recent attack, Nobu types into his computer and looks into many files.
Genos: May I ask on why your friend here holds some important information about our current enemy?
Y/n: (smile) Nobu likes to look into deep conspiracy theories. Most like aliens, government cover ups and all that. He's kinda upsets with it.
Nobu: I took showers in case all of you are wondering! I'm not like other people who go crazy looking into stuff.
Saitama: So what do you got from this organisation?
Nobu: Well as far I can found there was a scientist name Dr. Genus. He studies the evolution of humanity and how to make humanity a lot stronger. However he went insane and set his goal to make humanity perfect through artificial evolution. Turning people or animes into cyborgs.
Saitama: So like Genos?
Nobu: (shrugged) Probably but this guy is insane. So insane he disappeared somewhere in the forest close from here.
Y/n: If we track him down we can stop him from creating more of these cyborgs. Can you show us the area and we can look around.
Nobu: Sure. I think I heard a few people mention about a tall building on the side od the hill. It shouldn't be hard to go there and have a look.
Genos: Understood, you have done a good service sir.
Nobu: Thanks.
Y/n: (smile) Let's go guys. The House od Evolution is going down.
Saitama and Genos already arrive at the area and waited for Kuuga to show up. He soon came on his motorcycle bike and once he arrive to them he park his bike and runs up to the two.
Kuuga: You guys are really fast.
Genos: Apologies for leaving you behind.
Kuuga: Oh no that's alright, after all we are here.
Saitama: So we just look around?
Genos: Indeed. We should split up. I believe we can find it a lot more easier.
Kuuga: Sounds like a-
Within a second the two were gone from kuuga's sight.
Kuuga: Fine. I guess I should look around.
Kuuga behind to walk around the forest, looking for signs of anything that would lead them to the House of Evolution. Disbite on a mission, Kuuga can't help but feel the joys od nature as he find himself at a lake.
Kuuga: Man this place is so wonderful! I would love to go here to camp one day.
???: That would be fun.
Kuuga: Yeah it would.
He stood there for a moment then realised someone is with him so he quickly turn and is surprised to see Mosquito Girl which he immediately gets to his battle stand.
Kuuga: Mosquito Girl?! Your still alive? No matter, your going down!
Mosquito Girl: (smirk) Please, no need of the hostility. I came here in peace.
Kuuga: Really? Last time we met you kill most od the citizens around the city.
Mosquito Girl: (smirk) That's all in the past now. I now have my new goal.
Kuuga: And what's that?
She then flies over to Kuuga, wrap her arms around him and pulled him for a hug which his head was on her breast as she then stroke his head.
Mosquito Girl: (smirk) I want you to be my Mosquito King. Together we can control all the Mosquitos across the world.
Kuuga: (thought) Huh?!
Then he breaks free by leaping back and once he land on his feet he ask Mosquito Girl.
Kuuga: How come? From all the men in the world, why me?
Mosquito Girl: (giggle) Because your the most powerful hero I've seen. True your one punch friend did defeat me with a singal punch, but you hold your ground unlike your Cyborg friend. Plus, you are cute......Y/n.
Kuuga: (blush) How did you know my real name?
Mosquito Girl: (smirk) I spied on you.
Kuuga: (blush) HHHHHUUUUUUHHHHH???!!!! YOU SPIED ON ME?! For how long??!!
Mosquito Girl: A few days and let me just say, you look very hot without a shirt on.
Kuuga blushes more but then Genos came out and sees Kuuga but Mosquito Girl was gone which Kuuga noticed while Genos rush up to him.
Genos: There you are. I heard you talking to someone.
Kuuga: (turn to Genos) Oh Genos. Yeah I was......talking to some fishermen and ask them about the House of Evolution.
Genos: Strange. The sound of your voice suggests someone was flirting you.
Kuuga: was one od the daughter?
Genos:.......Understood. Well you don't have to search anymore cause we found it.
Kuuga: Really? Let's go!
(Short while later)
The trio stood in front of the entrance of the House of Evolution as they look at the building.
Kuuga: This is it. You two ready for this?
Saitama: Yeah I'm ready. Yo Genos what about you-
Then Genos aims his arm cannon and immediately blasted the building. Kuuga and Saitama watch as the building is disintegrated from their sight. Once Genos stop there was nothing but a large hole they left.
Genos: Mission complete. The House of Evolution is destroyed.
Kuuga: (shocked) Um Genos? Was it that necessary to destroy an entire building and a part of a mountain into ashes?!
Genos: Our mission was to destroy the House of Evolution.
Kuuga: I mean yes true but don't you think this is a bit......over kill?
Genos:.........Perhaps your right.
Saitama: Well no way that dude is going to come back. Let's go home.
The two turn to leave and Kuuga was about to do the same when he noticed something on the ground. He walks over where the House of Evolution was and sees it is a door on the ground.
Y/n: Guys! Check this out!
They came back and see what Kuuga is seeing. Kuuga opens the door to reveal staircases that goes down. They begin to decent down the steps and soon walk through a large metal hallway.
Genos: Perhaps the build that was destroyed was a decoy to fool anyone while the real house of Evolution is down here.
Saitama: This scientist is smart, I'll give him that.
Soon they come across a large door which Saitama breaks down the door with a singal punch and they walk in. They find themselves within the camera room filled with cameras.
They walk up to the monitors to see screens if different test subjects which were mostly cyborgs, some were clones and others not human at all.
Saitama: They look board in there.
Kuuga: This must be where he look at his test subjects. This is horrible.
Genos: He has turned them into monsters.
???: (speakers) Not monsters. Perfect beings.
Then all the monitors turned static and then Dr. Genus appear on the monitor with clones of himself behind him as he looks at them.
Dr. Genus: (monitors) Finally. Kuuga and Saitama, you both came. You two are the most perfect humans that i have ever discovered. Both powerful and perfect.
Kuuga: You need to stop this Dr. Genus!
Dr. Genus: (monitors) Stop what?! I am creating a new way for humanity to survive!
Kuuga: By replacing their bodies into robots against their free will and sent them out onto the world to cost death and destruction! Don't you see the lives you have killed?!
Dr. Genus: (monitors) Sacrifice has to be made in the name of mankind's future! Everyone call me insane but I'll show them, I WILL SHOW ALL OF THEM WRONG!
Saitama: This guy is kinda nuts.
Genos: Agree.
Kuuga: Dr. Genus your not well. Stop this and surrender. You don't have to do this.
Dr. Genus: (monitors) Your compassion is one of humanities weakness! But let me see how strong you are.
Suddenly the monitors gets destroyed and a large hand grabs Kuuga and throws him into a massive box like room. He lands hard onto the ground but gets up and looks over to see a massive humanoid like being across from him as Dr. Genus tells him.
Dr. Genus: (speakers) Carnage Kabuto. Deal with Kuuga at once.
Carnage Kabuto: Yes sir.
He turn to Kuuga then he dashes towards him andbqxk slaps him. He was sent flying and crash into the wall. Kuuga land on his feet while Saitama and Genos looks over through the hole and they were about to help when Kuuga tells them.
Kuuga: You two go! If Dr. Genus gets away then all of this is for nothing?!
Genos: If you stay here to face this creature then there is a chance you will not make it.
Kuuga: Someone has to hold him off. You two go, I'll be fine!
Genos is amazed how Kuuga is willing to fight a powerful enemy. Once Genos and Saitama left Kuuga pulls up his fist and charges towards Carnage Kabuto.
He then leaps up and goes for a punch but Carnage Kabuto appear behind him and slammed him onto the ground. Kuuga lay on the ground for a moment but then rolled backwards whe Carnage Kabuto stomps at him.
The impact sent Kuuga flying back a bit but he land on one knee and he gets up. He begins to look around for anything he can use as a weapon but there was nothing.
Carnage Kabuto: You have no chance against me. Your not as powerful than Dr. Genus thought to be.
Kuuga let's out a yell and rushes towards Carnage Kabuto and then he leaps up into the air and goes for a rider kick. But Carnage Kabuto grab his leg then begins to slam him onto the floor.
She kept slamming him around him and then throw him across the room and he slammed into the wall. It left a hope which Kuuga sees a pipe sticking out.
He then grabs it and pulls it out. He lands onto his feet while Carnage Kabuto approaches him.
Carnage Kabuto: Why do you keep on fighting? Why continue to fight disbite facing powerful enemies? What drives you to be a hero.
Kuuga:.......For the people I care for. I deserve to make everyone happy. Humanity may not be perfect.....but that's alright, because we can grow and be better. I'm not as powerful as Saitama or Genos.....but I'll work hard, train hard until I'm powerful protect people's smiles!
Then the Arcle begins to glow purple while Carnage Kabuto dashes towards him and goes to punch him.
Suddenly his entire hand gets sliced off and he stumble back and looks over to see Kuuga's armor is now purple and wields now a sword inside of a pipe.
Kuuga is amazed of his new form but he focus on Carnage Kabuto as he wield his sword with both hands and calls out.
Kuuga: My name is Kamen rider Kuuga, and I am the hero....who will protect peoples smiles from the likes of you! With no fear, no pain!
To be continued..........................................................
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