Chapter 2: More then you know
It was the middle of the night where we see one mysterious figure standing at the edges of the cliff and looking out of the city as he looks at it with disgusted as he continue to stare at it when another figure walk up behind him and tells him.
??? 2: Sir, Horse Fangire was taking out by Kiva.
??? 1: Him again.
??? 2: Kiva will just continue and he will not stop until we are out of forces. At this rate, we are losing and no one isn't going to support our cost.
??? 1: They will. They must learn that this world cannot be shared by weak and pathetic humans. Only those who have power can be allow to live.
??? 2: Yes but with Kiva stopping us, it will be impossible.
??? 1: Never impossible. There are ways to rely monsters to our cost. The race of the monsters will be victories.
??? 2: Let us hope sir.
The two of then started at the city for a bit when suddenly a police sirens can be heard as a police car drive up behind them and two human police officers step out and approaches the two.
Male police: Hello you two. Can we ask some questions?
The two of them turn the two police officers and then walk towards them and next thing later there was screams from the two police officers and then it gone silent.
(Next day)
We see Y/n and Moka at a fancy cafe as they sat somewhere private so Y/n can explain to Moka about him being Kiva which made Moka surprised.
Moka: (surprised) So your somewhat of a super hero?
Y/n: In short yes. Me and Kivat have been fighting this terrorist Cult who believe that only monsters can rule earth and all humans should be slaves or food to them. Most are Fangires however there have been some monsters that sided with them. Our job is to stop them in whatever plans they try to do.
Moka: I never know you'll be a hero. Your truly are nice.
Y/n: I only did it to strengthen the relationship between monsters and humans.
Moka: So the reason why you kept your identity a secret is because so no one will not be target because of you?
Y/n: That's right. If my enemies find out my identity they will go out with people I care for. To me Kiva is a guardian and protector to humans and monsters. Without Kiva there will be more conflicts between two race.
Moka: I understand. Are you doing this alone well besides Kivat.
Y/n: No I have the arm monsters with me.
Moka: Who?
Y/n: My butlers. They are actually a special type of monsters that can transform into weapons for me to use in battle. All I have to do is to call them with either these three fuestles and that's it.
Moka: So that's what they are? Very cool.
Y/n: (smile) Pretty cool. I didn't mean to keep this secret from you, hope you can understand.
Moka: I completely understand. I mean since I know your identity maybe I can help out.
Y/n: You sure? My job is kinda dangerous.
Moka: (smile) Don't worry I'll be fine. Plus there is my inner self you can unleash if you needed help.
Y/n: Inner self? Oh yeah your inner form. I kinda forget you have that. To be honest your inner self is kinda scary.
Moka: (smile) Well she seem to like you.
Y/n: Yeah but still kinda scary.
Moka: (giggle) Your funny. By away you never told me theie leader of this terrorist Cult.
Y/n: That's what I've been trying to do.
Moka: Huh?
Y/n: The thing is disbite battling them I've never encountered their leader or don't know his name. All I do know more Fangires are afraid of him, they say he is the most powerful monsters ever and those who challenge him were gone forever.
Moka: Scary.
Y/n: Yeah. I have some suspects but none doesn't fit him. I heard he has a second in command but I barely know about him. All I do know he has a scare on his right eye with his eye being red. That's all.
Moka: So he was in battle before?
Y/n: Seems like it. He's been responsible of countless deaths all across the world and forcing monsters to do terrible crime just so humans can hate monsters.
Moka: What will you do if you do find out who he is?
Y/n: Depends. I want to take things slow and study him before I strike at him. Never be sure what trick he has.
Moka: Agree.
Y/n finishes his drink and once that done he gets up and tells Moka.
Y/n: Hey you wanna take a walk around the city? Stretch our legs?
Moka: (blush) O-Of course. I would live that.
Y/n: (smile) Good. I know just the place to visit.
They walk through the city together and after a while they arrived at a small park in the middle of the city with a statue showing one human and one monster shaking hands as this spot was the spot where humans and monsters made peace.
Y/n: (smile) I sometimes come here and stare at this statue and be reminded the hard work we have gone through over the years. How a thousand years ago humans and monsters were at war only for the humans made peace with the monsters and thus civilian grew to what it is today.
Moka: (smile) Yeah. Imagine if peace wasn't made. We might live in a different world.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. But luckily that didn't happen.
Moka nodes but then Moka noticed a homeless male human sleeping on the park bench as Moka approaches the homeless human and drop in some money onto the cup which the homeless human woke up and after seeing this he smiled and said.
Homeless human: God bless on you.
She smiled and walk back as Moka also said.
Moka: Although humans are not like us but they are like us. We have emotions and souls just like them. I don't understand why some wanted to get rid of humans so much.
Y/n: Who knows. But there have been humans who wanted to get rid of monsters. Although peace have been restored there will be some conflict between the two race.
Moka: (smile) And that's why your here.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. I'll make sure there will be no further conflict as long I'm around.
Moka: (smile) Yeah.
???: Well don't you just love this moment.
The two turn to see a hooded man as he is looks down at the floor and then looks up at them and says.
???: I love it how everyone can gather together and appreciate the world we have made together along aids with humanity. What a joke.
Immediately he spits out webs that immediately they dodge as the man study transform into a spider Fangire which cost everyone to run away apart of Moka and Y/n.
Spider Fangire: The humans of this world are nothing but lazy, selfish and annoying beings. Monsters should be ruling the world with the humans being our slaves. That statue is nothing but an insult to who we really are. Humans should bow down before us!
Y/n: Hate to break it to you but I'm afraid that's not gonna work. Kivat!
Kivat: Coming!
Spider Fangire walks towards him onky for Kivat to came down and bite him many times which cost him to stumble back as Kivat flies over to Y/n and bite his hand as a belt is summoned around his waist as he grabs Kivat and calls out.
Y/n: Henshin!
Spider Fangire shoots out webs but Kiva dodges it and then he rushes towards him and leaps up and kicks him in the chest. This cost Spider Fangire to stumble backwards and then Kiva punches him many times and one punch sent him flying.
He crash onto the floor as Kiva approaches spider Fangire but then he shoots out webs which he quickly dodges but Spider Fangire charges at him and tackle him. Kiva was grabbing his arm as he stopped his foot and hold him in place as he begins to lift him up and throws him across the park.
The Spider Fangire crashes into the forest as Kiva was about to walk towards the forest when suddenly webs shot out and he was hit. Kiva was stuck as he collapses while Spider Fangire came out of the forest and after seeing this he then charges towards him.
He was to land a hit at him when Kiva rolled out of the way. Moka rushes over to him and help him cut the webs off of him and once that was done he was free.
Kiva: Thanks.
Moka: He's pretty strong. Can you beat him alone?
Kiva: Maybe not. Ready for this Moka?
She node and Kiva grabs her necklace snd breaks this. This cost her to transform into her inner form with the only changes his her white hair and eyes. Inner Moka gets up and turns to Kiva.
Inner Moka: (smirk) You were hot before but now your even more hotter. Makes me wonder how strong you really are.
Kiva: Let's focus on the enemy.
Inner Moka: (smirk) Whatever you say~.
Spider Fangire:.......Um what the hell is this crap?
Inner Moka: (turn to Spider Fangire) As for you, intimate you know your place.
Spider Fangire: Ha! I bet you can even tr-
Immediately Inner Moka charges towards him and immediately kicked him, sending him flying and crashing through several trees. Spider Fangire was stunned by this as he slowly get up only for Inner Moka to appear behind him and he turn and punches her but she immediately catches his punch which cost a shock blast as Spider Fangire swallow his confidence while Inner Moka smirked and immediately throws him into the air.
Inner Moka: Your up Kiva!
Kiva: Right!
Kivat: Let's end this! Wake up!
Kiva leaps up into the air and then riders kicks Spider Fangire ad he let's out a yells while he turns into glass and then he shattered as Kiva land on his feet and slowly stood up just as a massive beast of Kiva's eat Spider Fangires spirit and flies off.
Kiva dehenshin while Inner Moka walks over to him and then pulled Y/n for a break hug.
Inner Moka: (smirk) It feels good hugging you after all these years. Not only your getting hotter but also cuiter as well.
Kivat can't help but let out some chuckles as Y/n's face was on Inner Moka's chest. Once she let go she will at Y/n before changing back to Moka and once Moka is back to her human form she look at Y/n and let out a nervous laugh.
Moka: Okay maybe my inner form is a little bit scary. But at least she is kind.
Y/n: Well guess that's the only good thing about it. Otherwise I might get what she give to Spider Fangire.
Kivat: So I can say this makes us a team.
Y/n and Moka: Hm?
Kivat: Since now Moka knows your identity, this makes us a team and together we'll use our powers to defend this world and the relationships between humans and monsters.
Moka: Huh I always wanted to help others. What do you say Y/n?
Y/n: Sure. As long you don't get yourself in trouble.
Moka: (smile) Got it.
Y/n: We should probably get out of here before the police would arrive.
Moka: Right.
The trio leave the area and while they walked Moka can't help but grabbing Y/n's hand which made the two blush but Y/n doesn't mind it as the two leave the park and then head home for the rest of the day.
To be continued..............................................
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