Chapter 2: The wondering person
Drips of water can be heard throughout the sewer underneath Kuoh city only to be replaced with rushing footsteps as we see a mysterious teenage boy running away and stumbling a bit as he splashes onto the floor as he lay there for a bit to catch his breath. Then he heard a growl behind him as he get up and continues on running.
He keeps on running, turning around corners while holding what seems like a bag as he keeps running and sees light up ahead. He was almost to the exit as he keeps on running and running towards the light.
Then he made it through the light and find himself out of the tunnel and ended up somewhere in the park. He look around while catching his breathing as he turn back and hear more growling getting closer to him.
He look at his bag, seeing that there is something inside as he look around and then climb up a small hill and make his escape while heavy footsteps can be heard as we see a monster like feet appear near the exit of the tunnel follow by a monster like chuckle.
Sitting on top of the hill that has a veiw on Kuoh city was Y/n's home called Castle Doren. It may look like an abandon Castle to some but it is a home to Y/n as we see him at the dining hall, having his breakfast as he eats his eggs and toast while Kivat also have some breakfast with him.
Then the door open and a blue hair human form with a butler uniform named Garulu enters the room only to give him his cup of coffee as he set it on the table next to Y/n as he takes it and have a sip of his coffee.
Y/n: (smile) Very good Garulu. Fantastic coffee as always.
Garulu: Thank you sir. I'm very please you liking my coffee.
Y/n: (smile) Always my friend. Do we have any mail today?
Garulu: To a matter of fact, we have. (Pulls out a letter) Rias have sent us a letter. (Hands it to Y/n) I believe its about last night.
He takes the letter and he opens it and read through it.
Y/n: It seems Issei is alive and now he is apart of her Peerage.
Kivat: Feel bad for any female members that have to deal with him.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I know. It also says if we are ever free we can come by and visit. Hhmm. Sounds interesting.
Garulu: I believe so as well sir.
Y/n: (smile) So, any other news today?
Garulu: Well everything seemed to be normal today so far. I believe this weekend is going to be very peaceful.
Suddenly the ceiling above them crashes and something fell and crashes into the table, breaking the table as dust was in the air and once it cleared up, they see a purple hair human with muscles and wearing gym clothes as he was dizzy and shake his head and look over to see Y/n, Kivat and Garulu looking at him.
???: Oh hi there sir and Garulu. Great morning we are having are we?
Garulu: Dogga. Why did you crash through the ceiling?
Dogga: (standing up) I was trying to get stronger by watching some gym videos. It's not my fault the floor above me didn't support my strong body.
???: Everything alright down there?
They look up to see a green hair guy wearing a green uniform and have a lollipop in his mouth as he looks at them through a hole on the ceiling.
Y/n: (smile) Everything is fine Basshaa and morning.
Basshaa: Morning. Guess Dogga's weight break the ceiling.
Dogga: (angry) Are you saying I'm fat!?
Basshaa: Depends on what kind of weight I'm talking about.
Garulu: (sigh) My apologies sir, I'll have this cleaned this up.
Y/n: (smile) Alright then. (Stands up) Come on Kivat, time to do our patrol.
Kivat: Roger that.
The two make their leave as Dogga move away as Garulu gets to work on cleaning then place up while Y/n is gone.
We see Y/nnriding his motorcycle bike through the street as he gone by a few buildings as he looks around for sights of trouble anywhere while Kivat was on his shoulder as he try to sense for any Fangire activity.
Y/n: Anything?
Kivat: Nothing yet. So you think Issei's sacred gear is that powerful?
Y/n: Yeah I believe so. Either way he must be carful when it comes to some group searching for his power.
Kivat: Yeah especially when it comes to Fangires. They may eat humans life engery but when it comes to Sacred gears including powerful once, they will do anything to get that.
Y/n: Yeah, that's why we need to make sure nothing will happen to Issei or to anyone else.
Kivat: Agree. So what do you think Issei's sacred gear does anyways?
Y/n: Knowing him, his sacred gear could be something pervert like.
Kivat: Ha! I bet that is the case!
Y/n: (little chuckle) Yeah agree.
They enter the neighbours as they ride through the road and everything seemed to be alright when suddenly a teenager appears in front of him, coming out of the alleyway as he turn and the two see each other as Y/n turns hid motorcycle bike to the left to dodge him and once that he immediately stop his motorcycle bike.
He catch his breath whike he turn to him and the two lock eyes. Y/n sees how dirty and startled he is so he calmly climb out of hid motorcycle bike and he turn to him and ask.
Y/n: Hey man. You okay? That was a close one wasn't it?
???: Y-Yeah it was. S-sorry about that. I....I didn't know where I was.
Y/n: That's alright. As long no-one is hurt. You got a name?
Ichiro: I think my name was.....Ichiro....yeah. My name is Ichiro. Nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same. Names Y/n. So how did you end up here?
Ichiro: I....I don't know. I woke up in a forest and I wonder around until I saw this monster and it chased me into the sewer. I run through the sewer tunnel and made it out and ended up in the park.
Y/n: Monster huh?
Kivat: Must be a Fangire.
Ichiro: Fangire? Wait.... (shocked)YOUR BAT CAN TALK!
Y/n: This is Kivat. My friend but listen, you may have been chased by a Fangire.
Ichiro: What are they?
Kivat: They are a race of vampire like monsters that are made out of stained glass-based vampires who feed off life energy.
Ichiro: Like souls?
Y/n: Yeah something like that.
Ichiro: But are you a Fangire as well?
Y/n: Half Fangire. Its a long story but did you lose the Fangire?
Ichiro: Hope so.
???: Think again.
Ichiro immediately turn around as Spider Fangire appear behind them as he approaches the trio.
Spider Fangire: You were a hard one to track but I finally found you!
He then spit out webs that trapped Ichiro in webs as he fell onto the floor and struggled to break free.
Y/n: Ichiro!
He and Kivat rushed over and kneel down to him while he look over at Spider Fangire and he gets up.
Y/n: Looks like this ain't gonna be a peaceful weekend after all.
Kivat: Indeed! Time to get to work.
Y/n: Right!
Kivat flies over and bite his hand and once that fangire markings is revealed on his hand and cheeks as well as his belt appear around his waist as he grab Kivat and called out before locking Kivat onto hid belt
Y/n: Henshin!
Spider Fangire let's out a chuckle and then shoots out webs at him which Kiva dodges the webs and then charge towards Spider Fangire and then leaps up and strikes a kick at him, sending him flying back and crashing onto the floor.
Kiva lands on his feet while Spider Fangire gets up and reveals four long sharp legs behind his back and then launches towards Kiva and grab a half of him. The Kiva move around while trying to escape as Spider Fangire strike blow to blow at Kiva's back. Then Kiva headbutt Spider Fangire a few times with the last one making Spider Fangire to stumble backwards.
Then he spot out acid at Kiva which he move out of the way. He then charge towards Spider Fangire and strike a powerful kick at him and then a punch. While they battle Ichiro is seen struggling to break free and soon managed to rip open the webs and breaks free. He gets up on one knee and looks over to see the two battle.
He sees Kiva needs some help so he reach into hid bag he has and pulled out something and then rushes over to help.
Spider Fangire: (kicks Kiva back) I will kill you either way Kiva. You may kill some Fangires but I I be the one to end-
Suddenly he gets punched from behind and being sent flying and land hard onto thr ground. Kiva looks over to see Ichiro having what looks like a knuckle but looking he tech.
Kiva: What is that?
Ichiro: No clue but it sure help right.
Kiva: True. (Gets up and turn towards Spider Fangire)
Kivat: Time to call in a little help.
Kiva: Right.
He then pulled out Garulu's fuestles as Kivat opens his mouth so Kiva sticks it into his mouth and then close it.
Kivat: Garulu saber!
Then there was a wolf howl which Garulu hears it within Castle Doran as he turned into a statue and then flies towards Kiva's location.
He then arrived to Kiva's location as he grabs Garulu and his left arm turned blue along with chest and eyes. The statue of Garulu unfolded into a sword as Kiva kneels down and growls like a wolf.
Ichiro: (surprised) Wow!
Spider Fangire gets back and then shoots webs at him but he cuts them up and then charge towards Spider Fangire while he cuts his incoming webs as he gets close and lands a a few slashes at him. He then headbutted Spider Fangire and then land a slash at him, costing Spider Fangire to stumbling backwards as he starts to breath heavily.
He then summons his legs on his back and launches towards him but Kiva opens Garulu's sabers mouth and shooting out a howling sonic blast and sending Spider Fangire flying away and into the sky.
Kiva: Time to end this.
He then spit the blade of Garulu's saber into Kivat's mouth as he bites it.
Kivat: Wake up!
Then Kiva ready his saber as he kneel down whike the sky turns dark with a blue glow as Kiva leaps up in the air and then lands a slashes at Spider Fangire once.
He let's out a yell as he turned into glass and then shattered into pieces as Kiva lands on his feet while glass falls from the sky.
Ichiro was surprised by this as the sky turns back to normal while Kiva gets up and turn to Ichiro and make his way over to him.
Kiva: You okay?
Ichiro: Yeah I'm okay. So are you a good Fangire then?
Kiva: Yep. I'm the good one.
He dehenshin to his human form as Kiva to lands near Ichiro's bag as he ask him.
Kivat: What else do you have in there?
Ichiro: Oh this knuckle along with this belt.
He then pulled out the belt and shows it to Y/n and Kivat.
Ichiro: I found this when I woke up and I no idea what it is but I have a feeling I must keep it safe.
Y/n: (kneel down) I see. You said you couldn't remember anything when you woke up?
Ichiro: That's right. I feel like I'm alone in a world that I don't know where to start. All I do know however is that I need to find our what happened to me.
Y/n: In that case, how's about you live with me for the time being. I can tell you don't have a home.
Kivat: I think that's a good idea. That way we can study more of the devices you have.
Ichiro: You sure?
Y/n: (reach out his hand) I'm sure.
Ichiro smiled and the takes his hand as the two stand up and look at each other smiles. Then they head home as Y/n have gotten a new roommate and hopefully he can help him to remember and find our what happened to him.
To be continued.................................
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