Chapter 1: The Chains of the bat
It was the middle of the night as we hear the howling wolfs echo throughout the nearby city where we see cars driving by and people walking by in the sidewalk. We see a business man walking home after a long day of work as he look down at his watch to get the time.
Male businessman: Crap, gonna be late for dinner.
He look around and sees an alleyway that he can take so he did as he turn and walk through the alleyway. He keep on walking, hoping he can make it home on time. Soon he find it strange that there is no sound besides the cars behind him as the car noise behind him gets quieter and quieter until he can't hear them.
He soon made his mistake, realising that this might be a bad idea to walk through an alleyway in the middle of the night so he turns to leave but suddenly something crashed behind him which made him froze and slowly turn around in fear in his eyes.
He stare off into the darkness as he stood there, hoping it is just some cats knock over a trash can or something. Seconds go by and there was no noise so he let out a sigh of relief and turns to leave.
Suddenly he heard a growl behind him which froze him dead in his tracks as he quickly spin around and suddenly the creature came out and jump at him.
Male businessman: No! Let me go! Please, let me go! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
The mysterious creature starts to consume him while his phone was knocked out and a message came up from his wife, asking when he will arrive home however.....he's not going to arrive. Not anymore.
(Next day)
We see a massive school known as Kuoh academy, it used to be an all girl school but now male students are allowed to attend as students of Kuoh academy. We see both male and female students walking about and getting into their classes to study or learn with their teachers or professors as they have a normal teenage lives.
We then hear violin music echoing throughout the hallways of Kouh academy as we cut to a classroom where we see female students gathered around at the window and see a male student named Y/n L/n playing his violin alone in the class room.
(Violin play)
He moved around the classroom like he is dancing while playing his violin while he had his eyes shut, wanting to hear the music of his violin being played as he moves around calmly, acting like he was in a huge stage surrounded by hundreds or thousands of people as he wishes to have everyone listen to his music.
The female students were amazed by his beautiful music talent and his looks as they continue to watch him play his violin for sometime. After what seems like a half a minute or so he finishes off playing and then does a bow while the female students clapped behind the door.
He already knew they were watching him but didn't care. After that he put away his violin inside of a case and leaves the classroom. He walked up to his locker which was near the staircase as he puts his violin case inside.
???: I'm telling you I had a girlfriend.
He stop what he was doing and peak his head out around the corner to see the three perverts of the school talking named Issei, Matsuda and Motohama as he keep listening to their conversations.
Matuda: Can't say I remember man.
Motohama: Maybe you have a wet dream or something. Still was she hot?
Issei: I'm telling you I do have a girlfriend. Look I'll show you. (Pulls out his phone and looks thousands his contacts) What, I don't see her phone number.
Matuda: (smirk) Hey don't worry about that man because tonight we're gonna watch some sexxy ass porn after school!
Female student: (walking by) Ew, sick perverts.
Both Matuda and Motohama were exited while Issei was sure he had a girlfriend while Y/n overhears everything ans senses he's not lying but there is also something else odd about him.
When Issei walk down and head off to his class Y/n tap him on the shoulder.
Y/n: Issei.
Issei: (turn around) Oh it you. What do you want now?
Y/n: You said earlier you believe to have a girlfriend right?
Issei: Yeah why? Are you trying to steal her from me.
Y/n: Just listen. I think I know what is going on but you must promise me not to go out on your own tonight.
Issei: Huh why?
Y/n: Trust me. There is something that whoever this girl maybe, she must have done something to you. Point I'm saying, try not go out alone, okay.
Before Issei ask he turns and leaves to his class as he watch him disappear within the crowd of students. Issei find it weird so he heads off to his class.
(Sometime later)
School ended for the day as we see Y/n walking up to his motorcycle bike parked in front of the school and once there he grab his helmet and out it on.
???: Hey Y/n!
He turn to see Murayama and Katase rushing over to him as Murayama asked.
Murayama: (smile) That was a nice violin solo you did.
Katase: (smile) Yeah! It was amazing.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm very appreciate your enjoyment of my violin solo.
Murayama: (smile) Say wanna hang out at my place?
Katase: (smile) Yeah! We wanna listen to more violin solo plays.
Y/n: (smile) That sounds great but I have something else to do but maybe next day?
Murayama and Katase: (smile) Sure!
They turn to leave while Y/n smiled when a small bat landed on his shoulder and it spoke to Y/n.
Kivat: You know you could hang out with them?
Y/n: Yeah but there is something going on.
Kivat: Ah its about that brown hair pervert boy.
Y/n: Yes. Disbite being a pervert there is something that seems impossible but yet powerful.
Kivat: I sense that as well. So where to?
Y/n:(climb onto his motorcycle) His friends place. Hopefully he is there and not alone.
He then rides off all awhile we see a long red hair girl watching him riding with a interesting smile on her face.
(Sometime later)
We see Y/n riding his motorcycle bike through town, trying to get to Issei's friends house just so nothing bad will happen to him. Soon he arrived at the house and we see Kivat fly up and peak over the window to see just Matuda and Motohama watching anime porn abut not Issei.
He fly around the house but he couldn't find him. He fly back to Y/n and tells him.
Kivat: He's not inside.
Y/n: Damn it that idiot. We gonna find him, I have a bad feeling he might be in trouble. (Rides off)
Issei walked around town for sometime, having this weird abilities such as hear things a mile away or can see things through the dark. He arrived to the park amd to the water fountain where he and his suppose girlfriend were at the last time.
He look at his reflection of the water within the fountain and gets flash backs of being killed by a women with black wings. He look at his hand and thinks to himself.
Issei: (thought) Was that all a dream? Then how come I still remember her? Come on Issei of course it wasn't a dream. Then, how come no one remembers me having one? I don't know anymore.
Suddenly he heard something within the bushes so he turn to see who or what it was. Then he was shocked and terrified when a horse like monster came out of the forest of the park and look up to see Issei.
Issei: (shocked) What the hell are you?!
Horse Fangire: *sniff, sniff* I can smell you and I must say, it smells interesting.
Issei: (shocked) What?
Then the Horse Fangire charges towards Issei but he quickly move out of the way which shocked Issei.
Issei: Wow! Where did that come from.
Horse Fangire: Just as I thought. Your not a normal human at all. You have a sacred gear within you, this is going to be a great meal!
He launches towards Issei and managed to land a huge scratch as his shoulder as he yell in pain while he fell onto the ground. He was groaning in pain as he grab his bleeding arm and then Horse Fangire stood over him and pick him up by the neck and start to chock him.
Horse Fangire: Disbite having a scared gear you haven't even awaken it. This is gonna be more easier for me. Say goodbye to you rotten life human. (Lends in to bite him)
Issei: (thought) I can't do anything! He's just too strong! Someone, anyone, HELP ME!
Suddenly a motorcycle bike hits the Horse Fangire, sending him flying and crashing hard onto thr ground while Issei fell onto thr ground and look up to see Y/n as he climb out of hid motorcycle bike and took off his helmet and tosses it away.
Issei: (thought) Y/n? Is he....saving me?
He falls unconscious while the Horse Fangire gets up to see Y/n.
Y/n: That's gonna be the last time you consume a human.
Horse Fangire: And you here to save him? He's nothing but a pervert with no life ahead of him.
Y/n: Still I'll defend those that are needed. Even if they are pervert, I must do whatever it takes to protect them and stop Fangires like you of killing them. Kivat!
Kivat: (flies besides him) Let's do this! (Y/n's reach out his hand) Bite!
He bite his hand and markings appear on the hand that Kivat bite right up to his cheeks as a belt appeared around his waist and then Y/n called out.
Y/n: Henshin!
He clicked Kivat onto the belt and snap him onto the belt upside down as Y/n transforms into Kamen arider Kiva.
(Battle theme start)
Horse Fangire growls while Kiva stars at him and then walks towards him while a full moon hits them. Soon Horse Fangire charges towards Kiva and egts up close and the two began to battle each other as they strike blows at each other. Horse Fangire swing his feet towards him but Kiva dodges it and strikes a few punches at him.
He then leaps up and strike a kick at Horse Fangire's face which cost him to stumble back. Then Kiva rushes towards him and strike quick blows at Horse Fangire until Horse Fangire catches his fist and then tosses him backwards but he land his feet onto a tree and then leaps towards Horse Fangire and lands a air kick at him.
He was sent flying back and then splashed into the fountains waters. He immediately gets up and let out a frustration roar while Kiva enters the foundations waters and the two battle within as water splashes as they move around, striking blows at each other and dodging each others strikes.
Horse Fangire swings both of his fists together over Kuva but Kiva catches both of his arm as he holds it a bit and then he pushes Horse Fangire back and strikes a punch st him.
He then strike a one leg kick which cost him to be sent flying back, flying out of the foundation and crashing onto the floor. Kiva walks out of the foundation calmly whole Horse Fangire stands up.
Kiva: Surrender. You have no chance.
Horse Fangire: NEVER!
He charges towards Kiva while Kiva pulls outhis wake up fuestle as Kivat's mouth opens and he sticks it into him closes it.
Kivat: Wake up!
Suddenly the sky turns red as Kiva bends down a bit while he crosses his arms together, forming an X as he slowly looks up at Horse Fangire rushing towards him. Then he swings his leg up in the sky as Kivat came outnand circle around his chained leg, breaking it to reveal red bat wings on his leg.
Then Kiva jumps up in the sky with one leg while Horse Fangire stopped and look up as Kiva hoes high in the sky, coving the moon and then comes down and landing a rider kick at Horse Fangire as he drags him back unripe he slammed him onto the ground as the ground cracks, forming Kiva's symbol on the floor as Kiva leaps off of Horse Fangire and then turns and walks away.
The Horse Fangire suddenly turned into glass as he let out one final yell until he was completely covered in glass and then immediately shattered into pieces of glass was scattered as Kiva walked away as the sky turns back to normal.
(Battle theme ends)
Kiva returns back to where he left Issei and once there spotted a trio of female figure appear around him so he called out.
Kiva: If your planning of robbing him no point. I can tell he's not that rich.
Then one with a red long hair turns and sees Kiva as she approaches him.
Rias: (smile) Greetings. That was impressive fighting you did earlier. My name is Rias, you may see me around before?
Kiva: Your the school presents of the Occult research club correct?
Rias: (smile) Correct.
Kiva: I can tell you three are devils.
Rias: And you a Fangire yourself?
Kiva: Half humans and Half Fangire actually.
Rias: (surprised) How interesting. Akeno?
The long black hair girl looks over to Rias and tells him.
Akeno: He'll recover.
Rias: Right. (Turns to Kiva) Thank you for protecting Issei. You have no idea what sacred gear he has.
Kiva: I can already tell. Well its nice meeting you three. I'll leave Issei to you.
He turns to leave while Rias smiled and then called out.
Rias: (smile) Come by to the Occult club and we can talk there.
Kiva: Sure thing.
He make his leave as he dehenshin and next thing we see was him in his bike and riding off back home to rest up for the night.
To be continued.............................................
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