Chapter 9: The team up

We find Barbara in her bedroom and trying to ring Y/n just to see how he is doing but there was no answer. She let out a sigh while she lay on her bed when a knock is heard on her door and her father enter her room with some take out food.

Gordon: (smile) Hey baby girl. Got some take out if your hungry.

Barbara: (smile) Sure. Thanks dad.

He places it at Barbara's bed and then ask her.

Gordon: So you and Y/n are a couple now.

Barbara: (smile) Yeah. He's very nice, sweet and handsome if you ask me. Why, you think he's not good for me?

Gordon: Oh nonononono no! I think it's great you have someone you love. I can tell you two will be great together.

Barbara: (smile) Thanks dad.

Gordon: So.....what do you think Y/n is doing?

Barbara: No idea. His phone is not answering for some reason.

Gordon: Well I hope he's staying out of trouble.

Barbara: (smile) Don't worry dad. I'm sure he's staying out of trouble. I'm sure he is fine.



We see Y/n at the watch tower within a cell along with Kivat as they remain there while we see Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Flash and wonder woman as they discussed on what happened and all eyes turn on the flash who letbout a nervous chuckle and then said.

Flash: (nervous) Guess I brought the fake Batman into the tower. (Nervous chuckle)

Everyone just stared at him for a moment until Flash points at Batman and said.

Flash: Oh come on you can't blame me! He should be the one who told us there was a hero who looks like him and since he is living in Gotham, he should know!

Batman: I did say but you brush it off as in I got a new side kick.

Flash: Oh.....Is he your side kick?

Batman: No.

Flash: Oh.....Well that figures.

Cyborg: So what should we do with him?

Wonder Woman: Well for one he's not much as a threat. I mean he did help us retake the tower from Lex. Plus....he's kinda handsome.

Superman: He maybe a intruder however he did save the watchtower. We own him for his help.

Batman: We still need to find out how did Lex managed to hack into the watch towers systems.

Flash: Well it's gonna be five of us sinceJordan is away on a mission with the other Green Lanterns, John is who knows where and Hawkgirl won't be back till next week.

Superman turns to Y/n and had a idea. Soon we see Y/n's cell open and Superman appeared as Kivat land on Y/n's shoulder as Superman lifted out his hand to him and Y/n shakes on it.

Superman: Apologies for the confusion but thank you for saving the watch tower. Even if you were accidentally brought here.

Y/n: Nah its fine. I mean it's kinda cool having a base in space. Plus, it is a honor to meet the man of Steel.

Superman: (smile) It's a honour to meet a new hero as well. Tell me, what is your name?

Y/n: Names Y/n aka Kiva. This is my friend Kivat.

Kivat: Greetings.

Superman: Interesting. You don't seem normal.

Y/n: I'm half humans, half Fangire but I'll explain that another time.

Superman: Alright then. Say will you help us one more time? We're gonna track Lex and throw hij to jail. We are a bit as however what I heard about you, we could use a hand. What do you say?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. One more help from the Justice league won't hurt.

Superman: (smile) I'm glad. Come on, let's meet up with everyone else.

He agree and soon after they arrived at the bridge as Y/n stood with the Justice League. He noticed Wonder Woman looking at him as she give him a smile and a wink which made him blush as Batman tells everyone.

Batman: Listen up everyone. I've traced the hack and it seems Lex Lurther is located at an island.

Flash: My guitar being he has a facility that he can easily hack into the towers systems?

Cyborg: Apparently so. Lex is using a high tech singal that is extremely strong, it can hack into even the most strongest firewalls.

Wonder woman: So what's the plan?

Superman: We teleport at the shore of the island. Me ans Flash will scout around and if we find the base, we'll strike.

Cyborg: I'll stay here and make sure the watch tower will not get hacked again.

Batman: Good idea. Y/n, I trust that you and Kivat will stick together with us.

Y/n: (smirk) Relax Bats. Me and Kivat can handle it with no problem.

Flash: (smile) Nice one.

Batman groans while Superman smiled and called out.

Superman: Justice League, let's move out!


The Justice League, Y/n and Kivat teleported onto the shores of the island as Superman and Flash begin their scouting run while Batman looks around with Kivat.

It was now Y/n and Wonder Woman as Wonder Woman turns to him and ask.

Wonder Woman: (smile) So your not really Batman's sidekick?

Y/n: No but if I was, I rather sleep in a sewer than a cave filled with Bats.

Wonder Woman: (giggle) Can't blame you. I see the bat cave and it's alright, just the Bats are annoying.

Y/n: Yeah. You know, I heard about you. A amazonian warrior who uses the lasso of truth. I gonna say, you are cool.

Wonder Woman: (giggle) Thanks. Its Diana, Diana Prince.

Y/n: That's a interesting name. Are you loyalty?

Wonder Woman: (smile) Yep. My mother is the queen of my people. It's a nice place.

Y/n: (smile) Well I wish I could have seen it.

Wonder Woman: (smirk) Maybe someday.

Y/n: Huh?

Then Flash and Superman came back along with Batman and Kivat as Kivat landed back onto Y/n's shoulder.

Superman: No sign of the base. Lex must have covered it up so my x-ray can't detect it.

Flash: Not to managed the jungle is pretty thick. It's heard to run through without getting hit by a try.

Batman: The base must be somewhere. I'm calling for Cyborg.

Y/n: Wait. Let me.

He walks up and then he kneel down, placing both of his hands onto the ground and then shut his eyes while the others were confused until Kivat explained.

Kivat: He is trying to sense human life energy.

Flash: Wow that's cool!.....what is it?

Kivat: All Fangires can detect life energy. Fangires uses that to sense any humans that are either short or far. Even though Y/n is half Fangire, he can still use this ability to sense life engery.

Superman: That's pretty interesting.

Batman: Not bad.

Flash: (smirk) Some body jealous?

Y/n: Found it. Follow me.

They follow Y/n ans soon after they find the entrance of the base as Superman use his super strength to open the doors and they walk through the hallway.

Superman: (smile) Nice work Y/n.

Y/n: Be carful though. He is here.

Soon they reach a massive room when suddenly the door behind them closes up tight. Then a light shine at the far end of the room as they turn to see Lex.

Superman: Lex Lurther.

Lex: (smirk) Ah the Justice League. We have meet again and I see you have a new friend. How interesting.

Superman: Surrender now Lex Lurther, your finish!

Lex: (smirk) I don't think so. You see, you'll at where I am.

He pushes a button and then the floor in opens and man rises up on the platform as the platform stop at the floor as they see the man.

Superman: Amazo.

Y/n: He doesn't seem that dangerous.

Flash: You have no idea.

Then Amazo launches towards them which they move out of the way as Amazo punches the door, leaving a hole as Y/n sees this and gets up.

Y/n: Okay yeah, he is dangerous. Kivat!

Kivat: Right!

He grabs Kivat as Amazo tries to punch him but he moved out of the way and then called out.

Y/n: Henshin!

Amazo goes for a kick but Kiva catches his kick but the impact made him slide back a bit. The two share q glare and then Superman flies over and tackles Amazo to the ground. He strike punches at Amazo but his chest open as a green crystal is revealed which made Superman weak as he step back.

Kiva: Whatever wrong with superman!?

Batman: He's weak to green kryptonite! Flash!

Flash: On it!

He dashes over to him but Amazo fired a cryo blast and freezes Flash in pkace. Wonder Woman sees this and pulled out her Lasso and throws it which wraps around Amazo's nexk but he pulled the Lasso which made Wonder Woman sent flying ad he grabbed her by the neck. She struggled to break free while Amazo pulls out a wrist blade and was about to stab her but Kiva kicks Amazo back ans catch Wonder Woman before she hites the ground.

Kiva: You okay?

Wonder Woman: (giggle) I am now. Thanks.

Amazo turns to them but quickly turns and catches Batman's batarangs as Batman charges towards him and launch some blows but Amazo blocks everyone singal of his attacks while Kiva puts Wonder Woman down as Wonder Woman says.

Wonder Woman: There's no use. Amazo is one of the most powerful foes that we have every faced. He is programmed to learn and predict eveyr Justice Leagues moves.

Kiva: Wait. You said its programmed to learn the Justice Leagues moves and abilities?

Wonder Woman: Yes, not to mention our weaknesses. He's a unstoppable foe.

Kiva: Yeah......but.

Then Kiva charges towards Amazo just as he tosses away Batman and turns to see Kiva rushes towards him. Lex smirked while Amazo attempt to strike at him but suddenly he pulled out Garulu fuestle ans slide it inro Kivats mouth.

Kivat: Garulu Saber!

Then Amazo froze as Kiva slashes his Garulu saber at Amazo and quickly move away of Amazo's attempting strike as Kiva continues to land some slashes at him.

Lex: (shocked) What?! What is this!?

Flash break free od his cryo prison and noticed the battle as the Justice League sees Amazo has no match against Kiva.

Flash: Huh that kid is good.

Batman: I see what he is doing. Amazo is programmed to take on the Justice League but not Kiva.

Superman: Who knew. Good thing we brought him in.

Kiva continues to strike some blows at Amazo and then kick him at the back of the room as Kivat bites the saber.

Kivat: Wake up!

He ready his Saber and then he charge towards Amazo as Amazo pulled out his wrist blade and swings at him but he slide below the blade and cut Amazo in half. He falls onto the ground and gose offline as Kiva stood up and see Amazo defeated and then turn to Lex as he approaches him and tells him.

Kiva: Care to give up now?

Lex: (angry) Blast it!

(Sometime later)

Lex was taking away to prison as the Justice League return back to the watch tower where we see Y/n stepping onto the teleporter as Superman tells Y/n with Kivat on his shoulder.

Superman: (smile) Thank you for your help Y/n. You did a great job.

Flash: (smirk) Yeah not too bad kid. Sorry about the all "identity mistake thing" by away.

Y/n: (smile) It's fine. But hey, you are pretty fast.

Flash: (smile) Thanks. If you have time you can come to my city and we can hang out.

Superman: (smile) Your always welcome with all of us Y/n. We heroes have to stick together.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Well, this is goodbye so I see you all later?

The Wonder Woman came over and hug him which made Y/n blush while she said.

Wonder Woman: (smile) Goodbye Y/n and be safe.

Then she step out as Cyborg active the machine and then Y/n is teleported back to where he was. He looks around to see no one as Kivat tells Y/n.

Kivat: That was a fun adventure. Bet Barbara will not believe us.

Y/n: Bet she won't.

Then he felt something in his pocket and pulled it up to see a small piece of paper so he opens it to reveal Wonder Womans phone number with a kiss mark at the left bottom corner which made Y/n blush even more.

Kivat: I wonder how many guys will beat you up if they see you having Wonder Womans phone number.

Y/n: My guess being over a billion.

He tugs the phone number in and then make his way home so he can relax for the rest of the day.

To be continue...........................................

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