Chapter 5: The Holy knight
We see Gotham warehouse in the middle of the night with no signs of any life what so ever. All of sudden we can hear gun fire, loud noise and lights flickering within the warehouse as something was going on inside the warehouse.
Just then a Unknown Fangire burst out of the warehouse window and land hard onto the ground. The Unknown Fangire slowly gets up and turns to see what looked like a armor figure exiting out of the warehouse and walking slowly towards the Unknown Fangire.
The Unknown Fangire slowly gets up and turns to face the Unknown armor figure as he is wielding a weapon on one hand as he aims it at the Unknown Fangire while the Fangire slowly takes a few steps back while the armor figure spoke.
???: You will be cleanse of the evil within you Fangire. Your evil will never harm the good of the people ever again.
The Unknown Fangire growled and then launches towards the armor figure whioe his weapon charges up and within seconds there was a huge explosion in the distances of the warehouse.
We then see glass of the Unknown Fangire fallen from the sky as we see the armor figure lower his weapon and we can see up close to his helmet a holy symbol on his helmet as he hears the sound of sirens so he leaves the area and disappeared from site.
(Next day)
We see Barbara and Y/n sitting Castle Doran as Y/n has gathered everyone in his family at the living room. Barbara was a both surprised and nervous to be meeting hid family, especially meeting his arm monsters as Y/n introduces Barbara to everyone.
Y/n: (smile) Everyone, this is Barbara Gordon.
Barbara: (little nervous) H-Hi. I-It's nice to meet you.
Maya: (smile) So this is your friend, she's very beautiful!
Garulu: It is strange to have humans here but we are honoured to meet you.
Basshaa: Same here.
Dogga: I would love to shake your hand but since humans body are a know.
Barbara: (nervous) Oh no that's okay I understand. Sorry of being all nervous it's just kinda freaky to seeing Y/next arm monsters here.
Garulu: Sorry if we're bothering you or anything.
Barbara: (nervous smile) Oh no that's okay! I just need to get use to this.
Maya: (smile) Well I think it's wonder to have a human being apart of us. You gonna tell me what you two do after school, I bet its something romantic isn't it?
Y/n: (blush) Mum!
Barbara: Well we mostly hang out at my place or walk around city. Actually have you gone to Gotham Mall?
Maya: No I haven't, what's in there?
Barbara: (smile) Well they have one of the most prettiest clothes that any humans wear and a lot of pretty jewelry and other things.
Maya: (surprised) Really!
Barbara: (smile) Yeah, there even good foods there that we can try out.
Maya: (surprised) That sounds wonderful! Perhaps we can go there now!
Barbara: (smile) Trust me, you won't regret it.
The two of them get all excited while Y/n and the others were watch this as Kivat lands on Y/n's shoulder.
Kivat: Seems like they're immediately best friends now.
Y/n: (sigh) Yep. Seems like it. Hopefully I won't drag into this?
(5 minutes later)
We see Y/n being dragged into this as we see the trio at the mall as Maya was amazed of the pretty as they enter inside and Maya was even more amazed of all the stores they have as Barbara tells Maya.
Barbara: (smile) Pretty awesome, right?
Maya: (surprised) It's wonderful! Let's see what we can get!
Barbara: (smile) Thought you never ask!
Y/n: (thought) Oh boy.
And so Maya and Barbara go to each store and trying out the clothes, jewelry and other things while buying some clothes while having Y/n carry the bags that they have brought as he was dragged into store to store they go to. After what seems like 3 and a half minutes, we see Y/n sitting at the bench whike Barbara and Maya were in a store.
He let out a sigh as he pulled out his phone and looks through social media when he glance up and noticed a man handing out charity papers to people walking by as Kivat peak out of his bag and look at the image on social media and tells Y/n.
Kivat: Hey look, it's the same guy from the image on Facebook.
Y/n looks down at the phone to see that Kivat was right.
Y/n: Huh, your right. His name is Amiri and he's the head priest of Gotham Church. Apparently he's very famous there.
Kivat: Huh, it seems people do like his speeches and kindness. No wonder this don't see anyone not throwing away Charity papers into bins. Guess they must have respect him.
Y/n: Pretty much so. Look how many followers he has, damn.
Amiri: Hello there.
He look up to see Amiri in front of him as he handed him a charity paper to Y/n which he takes while Amiri tells him.
Amiri: The Lords of God will be pleased if you take your part of people those that are needed.
Y/n: Um sure thing man. Your doing a good job you know.
Amiri: (smile) No problem. After all I am just doing what God wants all of us to do.
Y/n: Um....okay man.
Amiri: (smile) Say apologies for asking me this but what brings you here?
Y/n: Oh nothing I'm just here with my mum and my friend.
Amiri: (smile) Ah I see, girl time. Well it is good to see them having such a great time.
Y/n: Guess so.
Amiri: (smile) You know, your a nice young boy and I'm very glad not all teenagers ain't toxic or mean.
Y/n: (smirk) Well sometimes they need to grow up and be nice people rather being jerks to others all the time.
Amiri nodes and bedore he could talk to him more, there was a huge explosion follow by people wearing clown mask burst on in and opening firing at everyone as Barbara and Maya hear the gunfire and get down as the Joker ans Harley came out with Joker laughing.
Y/n: (thought) Looks like this day isn't gonna be boring after all.
He looked over to Amiri but see that he disappeared. He shrugged and hide behind the fountain and pulled out Kivat and tells him.
Y/n: (smirk) Ready for some action buddy?
Kivat: You know it Y/n.
The Joker laughs while he fire his rifle as he called out throughout the mall.
Joker: (smile) Citizens of this mall, I am pleased to inform you that thud mall belongs to me now. Unless the Batman or fake batman will show up and stop me and I hopefully to see the fake batman so I can break his neck.
Harley: (smirk) Oh Jokee I love how you talk violent.
Joker: (chuckle) I know I do.
Kiva: Hate to break it to you but.....
Then Kiva lands in front of them which they turn to see Kiva as Kiva tells the Joker and his criminal members.
Kiva: This mall is doesn't serve clown mask criminals so I suggest you leave now.
Joker:.......Wait I'm sorry but you are you?
Harley: That's the fake batman Mister J! Look at him, copying Batman's looks and the way he acts.
Kiva: Oh for the last time! I'm not or don't look like Batman! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY?!
Harley: Yeah right and I'm Robin! No one is fooled by that fake batman.
Joker: (anger) Are you all BLIND!!! HE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE BATMAN!
Kiva: (surprised) Wait what?
Joker gang 1: You sure boss? He kinda looks like him.
Joker: (anger) NO YOU IDIOTS! He doesn't have the Cape, his outfit is not dark, his helmet looks like a pumpkin, and he has chains on his right leg! HOW DOES HE LOOK LIKE BATMAN?!
They turn to Kiva and stare at him for a moment and realised that he is right while Kiva stood there whike he thinks to himself.
Kiva: (thought) Finally! Someone can see I'm not Batman!
Kiva: Now we got that out of the way, I suggest you and your criminal friends leave the mall at once.
Joker: (smirk) Or what? What are you gonna do about it?
Kiva: Well how's about we find out.
Joker: (smirk) Glady.
Joker asks his rifle at Kiva while Kiva was ready for the incoming bullets when suddenly a blast knock the rifle out of his hand as Jokee growled in anger and called out.
Joker: Who did that!?
Harley: Mister J look!
They turn and they see a white armor rider on the second floor of the mall aiming his weapon as Kiva and Kivat was shocked to see another rider.
Kiva: (surprised) Another rider?
Kivat: (surprised) He looked like a futuristic holy Knight.
Barbara: (surprised) Wow now there are two riders! Amazing!
Maya: (thought) Strange. Have I seen this rider before?
Harley: Who the hell are you suppose to be?
IXA: My name is IXA, Kamen rider IXA. I am the knight for the gods, protector of the innocent and hope to all those who are good.
Then he leaps off the second floor and lands onto his feet and stood up straight as he lifted his weapon up to his shoulder and said.
IXA: Please, return that life to God.
Joker: (anger) I'll show you. Kill that sucker!
His henchmen open fire at IXA but their bullets bounce off of his armor as IXA stood there and then walks towards them as he puts away the helmet and gets close tow Jokees henchmen and immediately knocks them out.
They fell onto the ground as IXA walks slowly towards Joker as more of his henchmen blocks his way however IXA was calm as his helmet open to reveal two red eyes that created a shock blast, sending Jokers henchmen flying while IXA walks towards them.
Joker: Okay now this is not funny.
Harley: We need to go Mister J!
Both Joker and Harley make their escape as Kiva was about to go after them but IXA stopped him.
Kiva: They're getting away.
IXA: Let God handle this.
He was confused when he looked up to see the chandelier above Joker and Harley as it suddenly snap and fell on top of them, trapping them while Kiva was impressed.
Kiva: Huh, that was lucky.
IXA: No. It is the Lords job that he bring punishment to those who are evil.
Kiva: Right.
IXA: I can tell you are a Fangire but yet, a pure one in fact.
Kiva: Wait, you know what Fangires are?
IXA: Indeed. You may not know this but your not the only one that is protecting the world from evil.
He then turn and walked away while he says to Kiva.
IXA: Until we meet again friend.
Kiva watched him walk away while Barbara and Maya came out and watch him walk away until he disappeared from sight.
Barbara: That's one cool rider.
Kiva: Mum have you got any idea who this guy is?
Maya: Maybe but I'm not too sure. I might need to return home to find anything about IXA but for now let's leaves before the police arrived.
Kiva: Sure thing.
(Sometime later)
We see them back home as Maya was looking through the books and soon finds the book she is looking for as she takes it over and set it on the table.
Maya: I knew I've heard about them ago. They are a secret order of humans who know Fangires existence and do whatever they can to protect the world from evil groups of them.
Barbara: (surprised) Wow so they are basically like religious knights or something?
Maya: Close but sure, that would do. Years ago the Fangire King encounter them and have given them plans to create a driver that allows anyone to be a rider but only one who is pure of heart can truly become a rider.
Y/n: So they have been exiting for years?
Maya: It seems so but we haven't heard from them after the Fangire Kings death so it's Unknown what happened to them or which one is the true rider.
Y/n: Well could it be Amiri? He seem to be a pure person who seeks anyone's help so what if its him?
Garulu: That is a possibility but who knows.
Barbara: Well it's a good thing he really is on our side.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Hope we can fight together in the future.
We then cut to Amiri outside of his church and looking up at the stars at night as he look up at them and then turns and enters inside and shuts the door.
Amiri: I will protect the innocent lives and I will return them, back to God for sure.
To be continued................................................
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