Chapter 4: Creatures within the sewer

We can see flashes shining within the sewer as we see four teenagers walking below the sewers of Gotham city just to shoot a video of them exploring the sewer for others to see.

Teenager boy 1: Dude this stinks like fuck.

Teenager boy 2: Well it's better then what's happening up there.

They laugh while messing around but little did they know, there is something watching them from a far. The teenagers kept moving until they reach a circle like room with water is poured out of different tunnels around them as they look around.

Teenager 3: Wow, what's that?

They all look over and sees what seemed like a crops laying on the floor. They approach the crops and it looks like it has been down here for a long while. One of them grab a stick and try to poke at it which the crops fall apart, costing them to step back in surprise.

Then one of them hits something behind him and turns around to see a massive creature as it let out a roar while he and soon the others turn and scream before they were attacked as theie screams echo throughout the tunnels until it stopped.



It was Saturday in the middle of the day as we see Y/n arriving at Barbara's House and it looked nice to live there. He make his approach to the front door and then knock at the door. Seconds later the doors open and Barbara's father open the door, he look at Y/n and then ask.

Gordon: And you are?

Y/n: (smile) Hi, my name is Y/n and I'm here to see if your daughter is up. She invited me over.

Gordon: Oh you must be that boy Barbara told me about. Well nice to meet you kid, very glad she's friends with a nice person like you.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you sir and its a honour meeting you in person.

Gordon: (smile) Yep, anyway Barbara is at her room, you won't miss her room, it has her name on the door.

Y/n: Right, thank you.

He enters and make his way up the steps when we cut to Barbara laying on her bed and looking through the Internet  until there was a knock at her door.

Barbara: Come in.

The doors open and Y/n step inside, after Barbara greeted her to her room he shut the door and open hid bag to release Kivat as he fly out of his bag and landed on Barbara's table.

Kivat: I thought I was about to pass out if I have to stay there for a long time.

Y/n: Yeah sorry about that. You got a nice room Barbara.

Barbara: (smile) Thanks, I have it decorated a bit just ti make it nice.

Y/n: (smile) Nice, so any Fangire reports?

Barbara: Not much, most of which are criminals doing crime only to be stopped by you or Batman.

Y/n: Why does people think I'm Batman, we're nothing alike!

Kivat: Well we live in a huge expensive place, you have a lot of money, we go out fighting crime at night and-

Y/n: Okay I think i get the point.

Barbara: (chuckle) Man no wonder they think you're Batman.

Y/n: Well I wish they will soon find out that I'm not.

Then there was a beep from Barbara's laptop and she check it out and then open up to a news report.

Y/n: What is it?

Barbara: Huh, it looks like four teenagers disappeared.

Y/n: When?

Barbara: Last night. The report say the four teenagers snuck out from their homes and disappeared within Gotham city. The police will search for the four missing teenagers at this minute.

Kivat: This could be the work of the Fangires right?

Y/n: Hard to say. Gotham have many kidnapping happening.

Barbara: Yeah but those are like rich people or important business men like Bruce Wayne. These are just kids, why would they kidnapped them unless their parents are rich.

Kivat: Are they?

Barbara: Well according to this, I not think so.

Y/n: Still we must investigate this further. Barbara can you hack into Gotham's security cameras?

Barbara: (smirk) Yep, I've done this before and I can play back the footages from last night, hopefully it caught something.

Y/n: Right, let's hit the road Kivat.

Kivat: Right behind you!


We see Y/n riding his bike through Gotham city as they begin theie search for the four teenagers. They search around the city for hours until Y/n gets a call from Barbara which he answer.

Y/n: Talk to me.

Barbara: (phone) Okay I've play back the footages from last night and I think I know where they are. One od the footages shows four teenagers opening a sewer lid that leads to the sewer.

Y/n: Of course it had to be the sewer. Which one is it?

Barbara: (phone) I'll sent you a picture of the area, be careful Y/n, phone singal will cut out fron your underground.

Y/n: Copy, thanks Barbara.

Once he hangs up Barbara sends him the photo and he heads there. It wasn't long for him to arrive at the area, after he park his bike, he climb out and search around. He enter the alleyway and immediately sees a open lid which he walked over and peaked inside to see nothing but darkness.

Kivat lands onto his shoulder as Y/n turn to him and ask.

Y/n: Ready to go in?

Kivat: If we find anything that I can't handle, I'll wait outside.

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you say.

He leaps into the sewer and lands onto the ground as he look around to see nothing but darkness. Kivat flashes his lights through his eyes so they can see perfectly and they start to move. They move through the sewer, rats running by them, drips of water can be heard and a growling like sound echo throughout the sewer.

They were calm as they look around for the teenagers or the thing that token them.

Kivat: Disbite the smell, I feel like that something is watching us.

Y/n: We've always get watched Kivat, but not the good kind.

There was movement behind them as Y/n kept walking until he stop. He senses something coming up behind them as he stood there, pretending to be looking around whioe something within the darkness, behind Y/n sees this and rushes towards him.

Before it can pinned Y/n to thr ground, Y/n turns around and strike a kick at the creature, sending it flying and crash into the wall as Kivat shine his light on it and it was indeed a Fangire as it gets up.

Kivat: Looks like it was a Fangire.

Y/n: Yep!

The Seatar Fangire summons three tentacles and they attack Y/n which he dodges the tentacles as they slammed into the walls. Then he slide left onto the floor as he reach out his hand and Kivat bites his hand and then Y/n grabs Kivat and calls out.

Y/n: Henshin!

The Seatar Fangire launches towards Kiva but he dodges his charge and he strike a kick at him. He stumble backwards and Kiva rushes towards him and land blows and blows at Seatar Fangire. Then Seatar Fangire let's out a roar and shoots out tentacles that stuck onto both walls and then breaks a huge wall and throws them towards Kiva.

Kiva sees this and roll backwards as the two rocks clash amd exploded with dust. The Seatar Fangire managed to catch Kiva, wrapping around his tentacles around him and slamming him into walls of the sewer and then was thrown and slammed through the wall.

Kiva rolled on the floor and then gete up and once he was up he noticed slime sliding off him which he swipe it off with his hand.

Kiva: Aaawww, nasty.

Teenager boy 1: H-Hello!

He looked over to see the missing four teenagers within a cell as he called out to them.

Kiva: Stay there, I'll get you out of there.

Teenager boy 1: Thank you Batman, thank you.

Kivat: (thought) Oh come on!

Then the Seatar Fangire came through the hole and charges towards Kiva. Kiva ready himself as the leap over to dodge his attack but Seatar Fangire shoots out hid tentacles that grab his feet and then slammed him onto thr ground. Then dragging him around and then tosses him which he slammed into the wall and then he land onto the ground.

Kiva slowly gets up as he shake his head while he looks over at Octopus Fangire.

Kivat: This one is tricky to get close to.

Kiva: Yeah but I have a idea but I need some help.

He pulled out a Dogga fuestles and then place it into Kivat's mouth and then closes it.


The Seatar Fangire fires his tentacles towards Kiva when suddenly Dogga appeared and blocks the tentacles before he changed into a large hammer which Kiva takes ans both his arms and chest changed purple along with his eyes.

Kiva: Now show me what you got.

The Seatar Fangire wrapped around hid tentacles at Kiva and try to lift him but he was somehow too heavy to lift. Kiva chuckled and grabbed Seatar Fangires tentacles and then swinging him around, slamming him into wall and then he slammed him into the ground.

Kiva rushes towards Seatar Fangire just as he got up and then he lands a powerful strike, hitting his with his Dogga hammer as Seatar Fangire was sent flying and crash hard into the wall.

But then shoots out tentacles that pass Kiva and Seatar Fangire launches himself towards Kiva but Kiva ready himself and once he got close, Kiva swings his Hammer, landing a hit at Seatar Fangire and sending him flying and crashing into the wall.

Kiva: Give up now?

The Seatar Fangire immediately gets up and let's out a roar and then he charge towards him in a fit of rage.

Kiva: Didn't think so.

Kivat: Let's end this!

Kiva Right!

Kiva places the hilt of Dogga hammer into Kivat's mouth which Kivat bites on it.

Kivat: WAKE UP!

Kiva ready his hammer as the Dogga hammer starts to glow  and once the Seatar Fangire is close, he lifted the hammer up and then slammed it onto thr ground, costing Seatar Fangire to be shot up in the air from the impact and then Kiva leaps up in the air as he swing his Dogga Hammer back and then he landed a powerful hit at Seatar Fangire which he crash hard onto thr ground, immediately turned to glass while also shattering as there was a huge explosion while Kiva lands on his feet and see that Seatar Fangire has been defeated.

He turn to the still captured teenagers and he breaks them free as they escape the cell and turn to Kiva.

Kiva: Probably next time, don't sneak out in the middle of the night and going into creepy and stinky sewers.

Teenager boy 1: Yeah this was a bad idea, thank you very much Batman.

The four leave while Kiva was about to correct them but they were gone. He let out a sigh as he tells Kivat.

Kiva: How long until we're gonna be named?

Kivat: Well judging how real Batman start his career as batman, I'll say a very, very long time.

Kiva: (sigh) Great, just great.

Then there was a flash which they look over to see a figure above them but then the figure runs off which Kiva leaps onto where the figure was and looked around only to see nothing.

Kiva: That was weird. Who was that?

Kivat: A new reporter?

Kiva: Maybe....maybe.

He make his leave while we see the figure leaving the sewer as he looked at the picture he took and then he slide it into hid pocket and make his leave.


We see Y/n home and standing on the balcony floor of hid bedroom as he is talking to Barbara and thanking her for her help to which she said it was nothing. We see Maya came into veiw behind Y/n as she smiled and after they hang up, she approaches Y/n and tells him.

Maya: (smile) You and Barbara are a pretty good team.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, she's pretty nice and has a sense of humour.

Maya: (smile) I you like her?

Y/n: (little blush) What do you mean by that?

Maya: (smirk) You do you like her or like LIKE her?

Y/n was blushing while May's let's out a small giggle and tells Y/n.

Maya: (smile) That's alright to be nervous it is to get a girl. Your father was nervous when we first met.

Y/n: Bet he was.

Maya: (smile) Yeah. But still I'll leave you be, goodnight Y/n.

Y/n: Goodnight mum.

She make her leave while Y/n stare off into the city of Gotham as he thinks about somethings and then he turn and head off to bed.

We then cut to a hide out where we see a criminal henchmen approaches his boss with a news report about Batman finding four teenagers which his boss looks at the front page and then a massive smile appeared on his face.

???: (smile So there is a fake Batman out there? Well then, time to teach this copycat not to fool me, because nobody fools me.

He then let's out a massive laughter as the camera looked up to see a massive symbol of a creepy clown, smiling evil like while laughter can be heard throughout the criminals hideout.

To be continued............................................

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