Chapter 3: Batman and.....Batman?

Within a dark cave, bats are seen upside down on the ceiling sleeping peaceful until they open theie eyes and fly off as the sound of their wings can be hard flapping as we see a huge base within the cave which is the battle bat cave as we see Bruce Wayne on the bat computer and looking through the reports of mysterious monsters along with a second batman fighting them and disappearing from the scene.

He looks through the reports when Alfred approaches him with his coffee as he set it down next to him and then asking him.

Alfred: Have you figure out who is this bat imposter yet?

Bruce: No I haven't. He may look like a bat but he's no batman to me. Judging by these pictures he doesn't even look like me.

Alfred: Still it seems he is fighting for the side of good.

Bruce: I'm not to sure Alfred. Whoever this person maybe he maybe up to something and I'm not gonna stay here and wait for it.

He leave his bat computer and head off to suit up while Alfred follows as Bruce suits up while Alfred watch him suit up while he tells him.

Alfred: It's been a year since Mister Dick has left us to pursuit his own career of crime fighting and 7 months since the death of Jason Todd by the hands of the Joker. I understand your going down to a dark path but perhaps this new Batman may guide you out of your darkness and into the light.

Soon he puts on his mask amd turns to Alfred as Batman and tells him.

Batman: I don't need help Alfred, I work alone and I'll work alone by finding out who is this batman imposter is.

He walked off to his bat car and climbed inside and then take off while Alfred stood there and hopes he will soon find that light that he has lost someday.



It was another day at Gotham high school and at the library we see Barbara sitting on the table with her laptop in front of her as she researching more reports of Fangires and she has gotten a lot of reports and was about to tell when Y/n grab her shoulders from behind which she got scared while Y/n laugh a bit.

Y/n: (smile) I scared you didn't I?

Barbara: Don't do that! You almost give me a heart attack.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right I'm sorry. So what have you got?

Barbara: Well I've been researching some reports some mysterious reports of humans turning into monsters and you wouldn't believe the reports I've found.

Y/n: What sort of reports have you managed to find?

Barbara: Well there was one report about a man who had this weird tattoo on his back but after a few years he mysteriously disappeared. Police arrived to his apartment building only to find nothing.

Y/n: Either he was a friendly Fangire that was killed by another or must have escape when other humans find out his strange tattoo.

Barbara: There's another report about a man who have been taking women to private locations and making them disappeared. Police investigated only to find no body nor the person who done it. Basically there is tones reports that I've found and it's not even here at Gotham, it's everywhere in tne world! How many Fangires were there?

Y/n: Not as many years back, they must have given birth some new ones while I was in hiding.

Barbara: Is that even possible?

Y/n: Best not to ask how's that possible. Still what is the recent report?

Barbara: 3 days ago, a man by the name of Dillon West works as a bar and it said that customers hear some strange noise behind the alleyway of his bar. Some investigated it only to disappeared.

Y/n: Then that's where we go. Sent me the address and I'll pay this Dillon guy a visit.

Barbara: (smile) Sure thing. Say after this you wanna hang out at my place and I can introduce you to my dad?

Y/n: (smile) Sure I would like that.

Barbara: (smile) Awesome. My dad is gonna like you for sure.

Y/n: (smile) I hope so.

The two smile while Barbara can't wait for Y/n to hang out at her place and hopefully she have the courage to ask him out.


It's late at night and we see Y/n parked his motorcycle bike across the bar as he stare at the bar with Kivat on his shoulder.

Kivat: You sure this is the place?

Y/n looks at the address that Barbara give him and he reply to Kivat.

Y/n: 100%.

Kivat: So how are we gonna do this? Obviously we can't just go in and start a fight.

Y/n: We wait till he gets across the back and we strike.

Kivat: How are we gonna know Barbara is right about this?

Y/n: (smirk) Are you doubting her work Kivat?

Kivat: No I'm only saying-

Then they hear a door open and they see Dillon walking out of the bar and enter the alleyway which is there chance. Y/n climbs off his bike and enters the same alleyway and they follow him and soon Dillon stop which they hide behind a dumpster and peak over to see him looking around and let's out a unhuman like groan as he changed into his fangire form as he groan while stretching his body around while he said.

Prawn Fangire: Finally, being in a humans form sucks ass. These stupid humans are soo annoying but it's good to change back to my Fangire form just a bit.

Y/n: I don't know, your human form suits you.

Prawn Fangire turns around and Y/n step out of the dumpster as looking at him.

Prawn Fangire: You! I thought you were dead?

Y/n: (smirk) Buddy, you have no idea how many times I've heard that. Still how's about you tell me what your up to and I might spare you.

Prawn Fangire: I'll make sure you will stay dead for sure!

He pulls out his spear and gets into a battle stands while Y/n just smirks and says to Kivat.

Y/n: Let's do this.

Kivat: Right! Bite.

Kivat bite his hand which summons the kivat belt and then Y/n called out.

Y/n: Henshin!

Kiva: Let's end this quick, I need to get some sleep for tomorrow morning.

Prawn Fangire charges towards Kiva while he ready himself when suddenly Prawn Fangire gets hit by something and suddenly Kiva gets kicked from behind and he was sent flying and crashed into Prawn Fangire and the two rolled onto the ground.

Kiva: What in the world was that?

He slowly gets up and looks over to see Batman whoch surprised Kiva as he stood up while Batman stare at him and then ask.

Batman: See I came here in a bad timing?

Kiva: Yeah pretty much so. Look i have this under control here.

Batman: Your gonna tell me who you are and why your impersonating me.

Kiva: Seriously? Look I'm not impersonating no one here, I'm my own hero and I'm here to stop this Fangire from harming anyone else.

Batman: And what is a Fangire?

Kiva points over to Prawn Fangire as he gets up while Batman looks at him and back to Kiva.

Batman: I see.

Prawn Fangire: You will pay for this human! Die!

He charges towards Batman but Batman dodges his spear and grabs him by the arm and tossed him across the alleyway and crashed hard onto the ground. This impressed Kiva as he walked up next to Batman and he ask him.

Kiva: Nice, guess your not so bad after all.


Kiva: Strong slient type huh? That's cool by me.

Kiva charge towards Prawn Fangire and strikes a kick, sending him flying back and then Kiva dashes towards him and strikes a punch, sending him even more flying back and onto the street as he crashed in the middle of the road.

Kiva walks out of the alleyway as he pulls out a Basshaa fuestle and stick it into Kivat's mouth and close it.


Basshaa hears his car and turns into travels towards Kiva location where he grabs her and changed into his Basshaa Magnum form.

Kiva aims his Basshaa Magnum at the Prawn Fangire only for Batman to rushed over and grabs his arm.

Batman: What are you doing?!

Kiva: What is it look like I'm doing?

Batman: Your gonna kill him!

Kiva: So?

Batman: If you wish to be a hero then do not kill your enemies!

Kiva: Look I've been defeating these Fangires for a while and I know what I'm doing.

Then Kiva moves Batman out of the way as Prawn Fangire fires beams from his spear at them but the two dodges and Kiva fired a few shots at Prawn Fangire which hits him.

Then Kiva fired more and then charge towards him and strikes a few kicks while he fired more at his Basshaa Magnum before kicking him back.

Prawn Fangire stumble back and before he can attack three batarang at Prawn Fangire which they exploded, making him stumble back while Kiva strikes a kick at him and fired a few more at Prawn Fangire.

Prawn Fangire blocks his shots and he charge towards him but he dodges his swings and then and leaps up in the air and strikes a kick at his chin, sending him flying while Kiva lands on the ground and have his Basshaa Magnum down to Kivat as he bites on it.

Kivat: Wake up!

Kiva slowly aims his Basshaa Magnum at Prawn Fangire as the sky turn red while Batman watched as Kiva charges up his Magnum and fired a powerful blast that hits Prawn Fangire as he yells in pain and then shattered into glass and blow up.

His spirit fly away and then castle doran arrived and eat the spirit and then fly off. Once that was done Batman apoorches Kiva and asked him.

Batman: What was that?

Kiva: That was a Fangires spirit. Don't worry they are alive but they will be reborn within any memories what so far.

Batman: I see. Listen I need to know who you are and why?

Kiva: Look I'm not impersonating no one here, I'm tracking down any Fangires that are harming humans and taking them down, that's all.

Batman: Still the news says about another Batman and-

Kiva: Oh come on! How can they mistaken me as you? I mean come on, we're nothing alike!

Kivat: Sort off.

Kiva: Not you too!

Kivat: Just saying. You both are alike.

Kiva: No we're not!

Batman: Wait, your belt can talk?

Kiva: Yeah, this is Kivat.

Kivat: Hello.

Kiva: Listen I appreciate with the help but I think I got this under control. Fangires are very much different to criminals that you've fought and you were lucky that you survived due to your cool skills but if you even faced a Fangire by yourself, well let's just say you won't last long.

Batman: I've dealt with strong enemies before.

Kiva: Maybe, but Fangires is no different to the villains you are facing every night. Anyways I gonna go now, I'll see you later Batman.

Batman: Fine just stay out of trouble you got it?

Kiva: Sure thing.

He climb onto hid motorcycle bike and then ride off while Batman watched him leave and then leave the scene before the police arrived.


We see Batman back at the bat cave and on the bat computer as he list down details about Kiva onto a file of possible threats and soon he was done.

Alfred: I see you've encountered this batman imposter.

Then Alfred apoorches him as he nodes and then tells him.

Batman: I'm not sure I can trust him or not. It's obvious he's completely different to me in every way. His attitude, the way he handle villains and his appearance. I worry he's not even on our side.

Alfred: I'm sure he is. Now I may not met him but I have a feeling he'll be a great allie in the future.

Batman: What makes you say that?

Alfred: Well the first are the Fangires. The Justice League need some information about the Fangires and maybe this mysterious hero may help them.

Batman: True but still I may fear he'll either turn on us or brainwashed. That's why I need to try to find a weakness so we can have a chance.

Alfred: So he's among of many heroes that may turn evil.

Batman: Who brainwashed, either way we can't be sure.

Alfred: Very well sir. Still I can't hurt but to try to make him as your allie and he might bring you out of your darkness.

Alfred walks away while Batman sat there and looked over to the suit case and stares at Jason Todd as he continues to stare at his case for a bit.


We see Y/n back home and seeing him laying in bed while Kivat is next to him on the counter as Y/n is looking up at the ceiling and then ask Kivat.

Y/n: Hey Kivat.

Kivat: Yes?

Y/n: How many heroes you think is our there?

Kivat: Probably a lot why?

Y/n: Just wondering because.......i was thinking if I am a hero or I'm I even worthy to be called that.

Kivat: Of course you are a hero.

Y/n: It's just.....all I've been doing is fighting Fangires and true to protect humans but deep down I wanted.....well.

Kivat: Revenge, I see what you mean and I completely understand. But let me tell you this, not all heroes aren't as pure as other people tell you otherwise. Some like Anti-heros kill criminals either for revenge or protecting lives or even both. Still what makes you as a hero is the willingness to protect the once you love for and that's something your father would've be proud of if he was here.

Y/n: (small smile) Yeah your right. Thanks Kivat, glad to have you by my side.

Kivat: Same to you Y/n. Same to you.

And so the two fall asleep while at the other side of the door we see Maya at the other side of the door as she smiled and then walks off to bed as well for a good night sleep.

To be continued....................................

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