Chapter 23: Attack on Arc (Arc 2)
At LexCrop we see Lex Lurther at his office doing some paperwork for his company then after a bit he was finally done. Soon Mercy came over and handed him a note which Lex picks up.
Lex: Hm what's this? If it's about my delivery then finally it show up.
Mercy: No sir, it's something else.
Lex opens the note and reads through it then he slammed it onto the table then call out.
Lex: (angry) Your quitting this company?! Why?
Mercy: Sir I have been in this company for so long and helped you to take down Superman but it always fail. I believe the right choice for me is to find a new job. Or take a break.
Lex: (angry) Now you listen here! You are not leaving this company! As long it's not the end od the world, I will-
Suddenly there was a sudden earthquake follow by explosions behind them. They rush over to the window to see Fangires in the distances, coming out from the ground and attacking people.
Mercy just smiled, turn to Lex then tells him.
Mercy: (smile) Well sir, its possible the end of the world so.....bye.
She then turn and left leaving Lex be as he just sigh.
Lex: Why me.
We return to the sewers where we see both Kiva and Saga fighting Arc. Arc swings its massive fists at the two but they quickly dodges their attack.
Kiva leaps backwards and then land on his feet. He looks up at Arc as he throws a large rock at Kiva but he quickly dodges it then rushes towards Arc.
He then leaps up and throws a punch at Arc in the face. Arc wasn't phase by it as he grabs Kiva then he slammed him to the ground.
Arc slowly squeeze him, slowly crushing his when he gets wipped by Saga. Saga rushes forward then he use his wipe to grab his leg then he pulled him down.
Arc fell onto the ground, the impact cost a shake which Saga balance himself while Kiva gets up and turn towards Arc.
Kiva and Saga rushes towards Arc and leaps up only for Arc to clap his hand which cost a blast and cost the two to be pushed back.
The two slammed onto the wall and onto the ground. Arc stood up, stare at the two then look up at the hope and begins to walk towards it.
Kiva and Saga gets up and sees Arc about to climb his escape.
Saga: We can't let him get away!
Kiva: Right, let's go!
They rushes towards Arc as Saga grabs Arc's leg with his wipe and tries to pull him down. Kiva charges forward then leaps up and kicks Arc in the stomach.
Arc drops down and his landing cost a blast that makes both Kiva and Saga to push back.
Arc: You two are like annoying insects. I will crush you both!
Arc goes over and tries to stomp on them but they dodges and move out of the way. Then Arc slamming both his fist onto the ground which cost a blast that knocks the two back.
They slammed into the wall and their impact cost the ceiling to collapse and soon they get buried by rubble.
Seeing that the two are defeated chuckles then begins to climb out of the hole. When he does made it to the surface the fangires have already cost destruction within a small area of the city. Although small it was a start.
Then Arc spotted police cars driving towards him so he lifted up his foot then stomp the ground which cost a blast to sent police car flying and crashing.
Rey appear on the roof next to Arc as he tells him.
Rey: Look at this Arc. Beginning of humanities end. This will be the start of everything!
Arc: Indeed Rey. However some will rise to threating our empire.
Rey: So what, we can crush them.
Arc: Yes. But be put down for sure.
Arc then turn to the hole and then grabs a small building then throws it on top of the hole, blocking it so Kiva and Saga will not get out.
Once that is done both Arc and Rey walk away as they continue theie assault on Metropolis.
We see a pile od rubble be suddenly burst away as Kiva and Saga came out of the rubble. Alive but sorta injured as Kiva tries to contact Superman but their coms were nit working.
Kiva: No coms. Man Arc was tough.
Kivat: I didn't know riders can be gaints.
Saga: Arc is the only one who is a gaint in his rider form. Its why no one tries to overthrow him.
Kiva: Make sense.
They walk over to the hole and they see it covered.
Kiva: Crap. They block the exit. Got any alternative routes we can take?
Saga: Well there is one but I'm not sure it's still there.
Kiva: Well let's check ans see.
He follows Saga as the two dehenshin as they journey deeper and deeper to the sewer.
Lucas: Hey, you do this often?
Y/n: What?
Lucas: Going into sewers at Gotham? Heard that place is stinking as hell.
Y/n: Yeah it is. You?
Lucas: All the time. No wonder homeless people decided to live here. Poor fools.
Y/n: So any way we can defeat Arc?
Lucas: Well.....guess we have to use every power we have to defeat him.
Y/n: So overwhelm him, on it.
Lucas: Don't look at me! I never see Arc defeated in my life.
Y/n: Well soon.
Lucas: True.
They kept on walking and finally they arrive at a metal door. Lucas walks over and tries to open it but it will not happen.
Lucas steps back then kicks the door open. Once the door open they walk through and keep walking through the tunnel.
Soon they found some steps so they climb up the steps and are amazed to see some machines, mechs and weapons. Lucas is impress as he look around and looks at the mech suits.
Lucas: Man look at this place. Think we can use them to fight Arc's army?
Y/n: I think they might be crushed.
Lucas: True. Still it looks pretty cool. Wonder who owns them?
???: They belong to me.
Suddenly the lights came on which nearly blinds them. They open theie eyes and sees Lex holding a cannon at the two.
Y/n: Crap, its him.
Lucas: You two have history?
Y/n: I fought him before.
Lucas: Huh.
Lex: So your the so call "batman" that defeated me the last time we met.
Y/n: Kiva by away and I thought you were in prison?
Lex: (smirk) Oh I lawyer bring up some points and let me go.
Y/n: Man I sometimes hate the law system.
Lucas: Tell me about it.
Lex: I suppose the army of those monsters are your doing?
Y/n: A rider name Arc is the one.
Lex: I see.
Then he lower his cannon then had an idea as he ask the two.
Lex: Then perhaps we should work together.
Y/n and Lucas: What?
Lex: Look these monsters are attacking the city and I can tell you needed some heavy hitters. Allow my intelligence and technology aid you on this battle. Perhaps we can save this city.
Lucas: Superman is also helping us along with Supergirl.
Kivat: Aka your enemies.
Lex: True but sometimes a villain has to work with a hero in order to save the day. Besides, I'll be ready to make things right. So, what do you say?
The two look at each other, back to Lex then the two said.
Y/n and Lucas: Not a chance.
Y/n: Lex your the most less truthful person in the whole world. Batman told me how many times you teamed up with people qnd you back stab them in the back for your glory. We'll be pretty stupid to trust you.
Lucas: Yeah and this "redemption" path is just an excuse so you can just take power and continue to ruin the hero's life. So how's about no.
The two walk pass Lex and soon left the door. Lex gets mad as he tossed his cannon away and just sigh to himself.
Lex: Screw them.
We cut to the two walking down the hallway looking for an exit but it was hard to find the exit.
Y/n: Crap, where is that damn exit?
Lucas: Should've just ask Lex....then again he would just lie and get us lost even more.
Kivat: How come this place doesn't have a map?
???: Who are you two?
They look over to see Mercy with a box of her stuff as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: You work here?
Mercy: Use to....not anymore.
Lucas: Can't blame you girl. Say you know the exit?
Mercy: Well normally I'll just sound the alarm and lock down this place......then again i don't work here anymore qo sure.
They follow her and soon got on the elevator and they go up.
Mercy ask them how they got here and they explain to her everything. After they tell her their story Mercy tells them.
Mercy: Fangires huh? That explains a lot. So qny plans to defeat them?
Lucas: I mean we'll come up with something. Right now we just hope Superman and Supergirl can handle it.
Y/n: Yeah and I think I know someone who can help. I'll call him when we get out of here.
Lucas: Anyways what about you? What will you do now?
Mercy: Well if I survive I might work for a proper work. Instead of working with a bald man who hates Super hero's.
Y/n: Yeah can't blame you.
Mercy looks at Y/n and then smirk then ask him.
Mercy: (smirk) Say wanna grab soke coffee after this is all over?
Y/n: Sure. In fact, after along night. Might need some coffee.
Lucas: Same.
Soon the elevator doors open and they walk out only seconds later the front entrance windows is smashed as four fangires land across from them and roared at them.
Y/n: You might need to find cover Mercy.
The two step forward and call out.
Y/n and Lucas: Henshin!
The two charge towards the fangire and begins to fight them while Mercy watches Kiva fight and finds something attractive towards him and she likes it.
To be continued...............................................
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