Chapter 21: Who is Saga?

We see the Daily planet as we cut info the office where we see a lot of people working very hard as they sort out paperwork, putting in stories for the news and a lot more.

We then see Clark Kent reviewing the recent newspaper about Shark Kings escape when Lois came over and kiss him on the cheek which he turn to her.

Lois: (smile) How are things in the office while I was away?

Clark: (smile) Oh you know the usual. Where have you been?

Lois: (smile) Getting the scoop. I also met up with your cousin and this so call "Batman" who isn't batman.

Clark: (surprised) Wait you mean Y/n is here? Huh.

Lois: It has something to do with that rider name Saga and they encounter him.

Clark: I see. Where are they now?

Lois: At the break room with Jimmy.

Clark: Guess my break is coming up.

Lois: (smirk) Or is it?

Clark just smiles and the two head off to meet with Kara, Jimmy and Y/n at the break room.



We see Y/n, Kara, Kivat and Jimmy at the break room with Kivat using a straw to drink the tea while Jimmy ask Y/n some questions.

Jimmy: So do you suck on blood like a vampire?

Y/n: No, that's disgusting.

Jimmy: Huh even though your form is a bat?

Y/n: I can ensure you that I don't drink blood.

Kara: (smile) Leave him be Jimmy.

Jimmy: Sorry I'm just curious on how fangires work.

Kivat: It is a long story.

Then the door opens and Clark and Lois came in. Kara came over ans hug Clark while he let's out a chuckle.

Clark: You staying out of trouble?

Kara: (smirk) perhaps.

Clark smiles while he shake his head and then looks over to Y/n as the two shake hands.

Clark: (smile) Been a long while since we last met. If I remember correctly you infiltrated the watch tower.

Y/n: Well more like an accident. But yeah, good to see you.

Clark: So this Saga person, what do you know about him?

Y/n: Not sure. He clearly is a rider but the question being is he good or evil?

Kivat: Well if he was a villain then he would have taking us down but he didn't.

Kara: Yeah but he kills criminals. Does that sounds like a hero?

Clark: He must have his own way of justice.

Jimmy: Well that's good right?

Lois: Not unless he kills criminals. The city is worried about this hero killing criminals and some say he may target innocents next.

Y/n: Wait....there is one thing he said. He ask me if I am working for Arc.

Clark: Arc?

Jimmy: Sounds like a big boss. But who can he be?

Lois: Must be a leader of something.

Kivat: Fangires?

Kara: You think there are fangires here?

Kivat: It would be possible but I have been noticing something.

Y/n: What is it?

Kivat: Have you noticed we've encounter less and less od Fangires as the weeks gone by?

Y/n: Now I think about it, yeah. We mostly fight super villains and criminals but no Fangires. It's strange. Usually they are spread out doing their own thing or in a group.

Jimmy: Where do you think they might be?

Kivat: They are possibly regrouping somewhere where this Arc person might build up an army to try to go to war against humanity.

Clark: If that's true then we need to find Saga and have him explain to us what is going on.

Y/n: He could be everywhere.

Then Kara and Clark begins to listen and then Kara tells them.

Kara: I hear something going on at the docks.

Y/n: How do you know?

Kara: (smile) Super hearing.

Y/n: Huh. Well looks like we're checking there.

Jimmy: I'll grab the camera!

(Sometime later)

They arrive at the docks and it seems there have been a fight with cargo containers have some dents, some of the warehouses destroyed and trucks snd vehicles being flipped or destroyed.

They couldn't see anything when suddenly Saga flies into veiw and land hard onto the ground. He quickly gets up and stood up while another rider with large claws comes out of tye fire and then he rushes towards him.

The two battle each other while the rest watch them battle.

Y/n: Looks like we have to step in!

Kivat: Right! Let's go!

Y/n: Henshin!

Kiva rushes over and then kicks the rider away and helps Saga up.

Saga: You know I was doubting which side your on but it seems you proof me wrong.

Kiva: Your welcome.

Jimmy: Yeah! Go Batman!

Kiva: Kiva! It's Kiva!

Jimmy: Whoops, sorry.

???: So your Kiva Huh?

They turn back to the rider who stares at them and then let's out a laugh and then tells him.

Rey: Then I suppose I will introduce myself. My name is Kamen rider Rey, Arc's most worthy warrior of his empire.

Kiva: Rey? Seriously? That's a lazy name.

Rey: Oh sure and Saga is an awesome name?

Kivat: He's got a point. Saga is also lazy as well.

Saga: I'm standing right here you know.

Rey walks towards them only a laser stops him. Then Superman and Supergirl float above Kiva and Saga.

Rey: So you call the boy scout and his cousin to win your fight? How pathetic.

Superman: This is our city and I don't appreciate villains like you messing with it.

Supergirl: (smirk) That's right.

Rey: Well thus city will not be your for long. Its only the matter of time until Arc will turn this brightness city on earth, to the beginning of Fangires rise to power. I love to stay and chat but I must go now, but I bet we will see each other again someday, goodbye Kiva.

Then Rey turns and disappeared from sight once gone Kiva turns to Saga and tells him.

Kiva: We are going to have a lot of questions.

Saga: Yeah I bet you do. So....where do you want to ask some questions?


We see the group at Castle Doran and at the living room we see the now dehenshin Saga eating the food that Garulu placed down for everyone but he eats it all up.

Everyone watched this and soon he finishes eating as he lend back of the couch and let's out a sigh.

???: (smile) Man that was good food. Thanks for that wolf man.

Garulu: It's Garulu and your welcome.

???: Whatever. (Sigh) Sorry about that, I haven't eaten anything for a long while. So, I guess you all want some answers?

Lois: Um yes. (Pulls up her notebook) Let's start by your name.

Lucas: Sure, you can call me Lucas aka Kamen rider Saga.

Kara: So do you know this Rey rider?

Lucas: Yeah I've faced him off a few times in the past. He's kinda a psychopath and loves to kill anything. Humans, Fangires, anything that has life, he kills. The reason why Arc have him around is because he's a strong rider within his rank.

Kivat: What about Arc. Who is he?

Lucas: Well Arc is this powerful rider that has gathered many Fangires in one goal in mind, taking over the world.

Jimmy: So basically like any other villains try to do.

Lucas: Yep.

Clark: So where is this Arc and his enemy?

Lucas: No clue but I have been looking for him for a long time.

Y/n: For what reason?

Lucas:....To get revenge.

Y/n: And what did he do.

Lucas:......I rather not tell you. Too personal for me but the point is he'll kill every human on the planet if he's not stopped.

Clark: Well if only we know where he might be.

Lois: Well I may have a guess to know where they might be.

Y/n: You do?

Lois: I might. Let's see.....what is the best location to gather all Fangires in one location?

Kara: That is hard since this city isn't like Gotham. Not to mention me and Clark can use our X-ray visions to see them.

Lois: Yeah but there is one possible place where they can gather and use it as their base.

Y/n:......The Subway tunnels?

Lois: (snap hee fingers) Bingo!

Clark: Okay I'm lost here.

Lois: There have been reports of creatures and these strange noises within the subway and reports of people going missing at night. There was one incident where 20 people within one subway train disappeared when the train arrive at another station. If we head down there and see it for ourselves then maybe we can find Arc and his army of Fangires and stop them before they attack.

Kivat: That make sense. The subway us the only place that people can gain access both in day time and night time. Not to mention the tunnels.

Jimmy: But they can't all be hanging out in stations or tunnels. Perhaps they have a secret entrance or secret passage ways to get to one place to another.

Lucas: Wow you humans are really smart. Well if that's the place I should be going then I better go there now, later.

Y/n: Wait let us help.

Lucas: Sorry but this is my thing, I have to do this alone.

Clark: That's nit going to happen. If there are these monsters planning to attack this city then it is our job to stop that from happening.

Kara: Yeah and besides me and Clark can handle Fangires, it will be easy.

Lucas: Alright, Alright. I suppose we should work together. So what is the plan here.

Y/n: Well we can't just go inside the subway if they have secret entrances, it will take us forever.

Lucas: So what is your idea?

Y/n thinks about it and then he gets an idea and then tells them.

Y/n: I'm gonna take the page from Batman. Garulu see if there is any clothes we can us that can cover our identity.

Garulu: Of course sir.

Kara: (smirk) And you try to tell us your not Batman?

Y/n: Yeah but that doesn't mean I can use one of his tricks to get a mission done.

Lucas: Well whatever this plan maybe, I hope it is a good one.

Y/n: (smile) Well one way to find out.

To be continued.............................................................

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