Chapter 18: A date with two criminals?!
We see Arkam Asylum and inside of Arkam we see Harley Quinn in the cafeteria looking sad. She have her face on the table and not eating much food which Ivy came over ans sat next to her.
Ivy: Let me guess....Joker didn't get you out didn't he?
Harley: Yeah. I've been locked up in here for 17 weeks and he didn't come and break me out.
She then slammed onto the table and stood up as she announced.
Harley: That's it! I'm tired of Mr J always focus on Batman and not paying any attention towards me! Enough is enough! I decided to get a new lover, maybe someone that I can show off to him!
Ivy: Huh well that took you a long time. So anyone you see suits you?
She looks around and sees nothing but men who may do things even worse to her than the Joker.
Harley: (sigh) No.
Ivy: Well if there is no one in here we can pick then perhaps there is options out there that might do.
Harley: You mean at Gotham? I like your idea! But how do we get out of here?
Ivy: (smirk) Let me handle that.
We then cut to the outside of the Asylum when suddenly the walls blown open as vines came out and begin to attack the guards. Harley and Ivy came out while the criminals run by them as they make their escape.
Harley: So where have you been keeping that seed?
Ivy: Best you don't know. Come on let's get out of here!
Harley: Yeah! New lover here I come!
They make theie escape to Gotham while Arkham is in chaos.
(Next day)
We find Harley and Ivy hiding out in a run down apartment and we see Harley looking out of the window and watching the guys walking by and have no luck while Ivy is taking care of her plants.
Harley: Too fat. Too ugly. Too Weird.....Too....perfect?.....Nope, totally not perfect. (Sigh) There's no use. Gotham's guys is either ugly, idiots or what.
Ivy: That's ashame.
Harley: Remind me again shy we can't just date a rich person like Bruce.
Ivy: Harley you know how risky that might be. If we do that the police will be on our tail. Pick someone that no one will not care.
Harley: Fine, Fine although it would be fun.
She looks out of the window and was about to give up hope when she spotted someone that made her eyes widen.
Harley: I found him!
Ivy: Really? Who?
She walks over and she points to the person and we see Y/n standing at the sidewalk talking to someone on the phone and then walking away which made Ivy find him a bit interested.
Ivy: (smirk) Well he's cute and won't cost any problem to the police.
Harley: (smile) I know right?! He's perfect!
Ivy: Yeah. Say how about we both share him.
Harley: Huh? like him as well?
Ivy: I mean....I don't know why but something about him is different to the other guys. Plus like I said before, he's cute.
Harley: (smile) Well this will be even more fun. Okay let's meet our lover!
We cut to Y/n walking through the street and talking to Bruce on the phone as he ask him.
Y/n: You sure you don't need me?
Bruce: (phone) Don't worry this usually happens in Arkam. We'll be fine just take care your business and I'll contact you if I need you.
Y/n: Copy that. (Hungs up) Well at least I enjoy a break I'm I right Kivat?
He turn to Kivat and realised he wasn't with him.
Y/n: Oh yeah he's helping out the house with my mom. Well guess it's just me then.
He walk through the street just minding his own business when he suddenly heard a woman crying for help. He turn to the alleyway and decided to investigate it. He walk through the alleyway and being carful for a ambush ans soon he turn a corner and sees a woman lend against the floor and crying which he rushed over to her.
Y/n: Hey miss you okay? What happened?
???: Please you must protect me. I'm endanger.
Y/n: Endanger? From who?
Suddenly he felt something behind him so he quickly grab the woman and leap away as vines came down and almost crush the two. He London thr ground with the woman on his arms and turn to see Ivy.
Ivy: (smirk) Hi there. Aren't you lucky.
Y/n: Whatever plans you may have with this woman I will never let you touch her.
Ivy: (smirk) Aren't you brave? Right Harley.
Y/n: Huh?
???: (smile) Yep.
The woman remove her hat and jacket to reveal herself as Harley. Before he can react to this Harley wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the lips.
She then stop and says.
Harley: (smirk) My hero~ (giggle)
She leaps off of him while he take a few steps back as Harley and Ivy stare at him.
Y/n: What do you two want?
Ivy: (smirk) We want something for you.
Y/n: That being?
Harley: (smile) Will you date us?
Y/n:..........Wait what? I'm sorry you wanted to date me?
Ivy: (smirk) You seem surprised.
Y/n: I mean yeah. After all you two are Gothams most dangerous criminals. And also I thought Joker was your lover?
Harley: Not anymore he's not! He treat me so badly by left me in Arkam many times and never broke me out! I have to break myself out.
Ivy: With a little help.
Harley: (smile) Oh and some help. Sorry Ivy~
Y/n: So you two are not here to kidnap me or cost some crime.
Ivy: Nah we just wanted a date with someone and that someone is you.
Harley: (smile) Come on there is no schemes, no threating to kill someone or anything evil. Just a simple date! What do you say?
Y/n thinks about it for a moment and he wanted to call Bruce or Kivat but he looks at the two but he begins to think about it.
Y/n: (thought) I mean it's just a simple date right? If what they are saying is true I guess it won't be that bad to go on a simple date. It may sound stupid but if I say no people will get harm. Guess I have no choice.
Y/n: Okay we'll go on a date but here is some rules. Your not allow to steal, harm, kill, threatening, destroy or anything bad. Just a simple date and that's it. Deal?
Ivy: Sure.
Harley: (smile) crystal.
Y/n: Alright then......let's start this.
The two get excited and after they put on some disguises so they won't get caught, they take Y/n out of the alleyway snd head off to begin their date.
(Sometime later)
We find the trio at a fast food restaurant where we see them having their meal. Y/n sat across of them and there was a awkward silence with only the sounds of eating in a quiet and a almost empty fast food.
After they finish eating Y/n clear his throat and begins to talk to them.
Y/n: did you two met?
Harley: (smile) Oh where to begin. Well it all started when I was still the boring psychiatrist for the Arkham Asylum. I talked to many of my patients until I met Ivy. She nearly try to kill me.
Ivy: Yeah she was a annoying at first but after a while I guess we begin to bound. We both have somewhat of a rough childhood life and we both understood the corruption of Gotham. Next thing we know we became friends.
Harley: (smile) Yep! We are BBFs.
Y/n: Huh that's actually sweet.
Ivy: Guess it is. So what about you? What do you do?
Y/n: I play the violin in my school.
Ivy: (surprised) Violin Huh? Sounds romantic. Bet the other girls fall for you.
Y/n: (little chukle) Yeah and letting just say I ended up with multiple of them.
Harley: (smile) Wow you are such a lucky person. Are you secretly a crime lord?
Y/n: What no of course not!
Harley: (smile) I just messing with you. Your just too innocent and cute to be a crime lord.
Ivy: Even though there is some?
Harley: (shrugged) Meh. Anyways what type of girls do you like? Like bad girls or attractive girls? Is so, we're perfect for you.
Y/n: I mean I like the girls the way they are. I'm not a person to judge what girls look or their personality.
Harley: (smile) So sweet. I like you.
Y/n: Thanks. Say aren't you worried that the Joker may find us here?
Harley: Relax I'm sure he won't find us in here. This is a large city after all. We'll be gone before he even walks through that door.
???: Harley~!
Then Joker and his gang came into the restaurant which shocking the guests. He walks over to their table and stood at theie table.
Joker: (smirk) Harley I have been looking for you forever, I've was so worried about you.
Harley: (smile) Really Mr-.....I mean (clear her throat) So what? It's over between us Mr J.
Joker: Your breaking up with me? But why? I've been your perfect boyfriend for years.
Harley: No you haven't! You never picked me up from prison, your focused more on Batman and never show any love towards me. Its over between us! I'm with Y/n now!
Y/n: Hi.
Joker turns to Y/n who glare at him which made Y/n a bit nervous at first but then Joker said.
Joker: (sigh) I suppose your lucky to have someone like you to love my dare Harley. Here, put it there.
He lifted his hand to Y/n which he is surprised. He looks at his hand and then he slowly goes over and shakes on it.
Joker: (smirk) However its unlucky for you that I'm here.
Suddenly he spray him with Jokers gas right in us face which cost the Joker to laugh while Harley and Ivy are in shock.
Joker: (smirk) So much for your new boyfriend Harley! Now let's go before the cops will-
Suddenly he gets kicked across the restaurant and slammed into the wall. They were in shock to see Y/n not laughing as he stood up.
Joker is enraged by this and barks out to his men.
Joker: Get him!
They begin to charge towards him but Y/n quickly leaps to dodge their strikes and quickly begins to beat them up. Harley and Ivy stood there with complete shock as Y/n beats up Jokers men with no fear in him.
Soon Jokers men were on the ground unconscious as Y/n dust off his hand and then he looks over to Joker as he quickly gets up and glare at him.
He then turn to Harley and pulls out a knife
Joker: (angry) You dare betray me like that Harley!
He throws the knife towards Harley but immediately Y/n catches the knife in mid air. Joker sees this and wants to continue but the sound of sirens is heard andso he glare at Y/n snd immediately escape.
Y/n: Through the back, now!
The trio go through the back soon the police arrive as we cut to them managed to escape as they catch their breaths. Harley then turn to Y/n and ask him.
Harley: You saved me? Why?
Y/n: I can understand why you broke up with that crazy clown. He doesn't care about you and only use you so he can fight Batman. You deserve someone that truly cares for you.
Harley is surprised and didn't suspected Y/n to actually care for him but deep down she can't help but feel flattered by this.
Harley: Thank you. No one....never really cared about me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Ivy: (smirk) So how did you learn those moves?
Harley: And how are you not affected to his gas?
Y/n: It's a long story.
Ivy: Well might tell us that the next time we meet.
Y/n: You two are leaving?
Harley: (smile) Yeah. We need to lay low for a while but we'll meet up next time and when we do, we go on more dates.
He thinks about calling Batman but he decided not to and rather doing that he tells the two.
Y/n: Look if we wanted us to go on more dates you both have to change your ways. I know it may sound like a pain but I hopping that you two can be good people or better people.
The two look at each other as they think about it for a moment and soon Ivy said.
Ivy: We'll try. See you next time Y/n. It has been fun.
She then came over ans kiss him on the cheek. It felt nice and Ivy can't help but smile a bit. Harley then came overans kiss him on the cheek and soon both girls leave as Y/n watch them go.
Then Kivat arrived as he came down and ask him.
Kivat: Sorry about that. What did I miss?
Y/n:.........Nothing. Let's go home.
Kivat is a bit confused but goes with him as the two head home as Y/n hopes that the next time he'll meet either one of them they'll change to be better people.
To be continued................................................
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