Chapter 17: The meet up
It was a nice day at Gotham and we see Y/n and Tim in a cafe having some breakfast and just enjoying their company as the two sat down and eat while they talk.
Y/n: So how are the super hero business doing?
Tim: (smile) Pretty good. I've created a lot of new gadgets for Batman or any one of us to use and made some upgrades. The patrols were something to deal with but besides that things are good.
Kivat: (lands on the table) Well it's good to have you on board.
Tim: (smile) Yeah. Say can I ask you something?
Y/n: Yeah?
Tim: Are you the only rider or is there more than one?
Y/n: No there is this other rider. I believe his name
Kivat: IXA?
Y/n: Yeah that's him! He's pretty cool.
Tim: Oh yeah I've heard rumours about a mysterious Knight around Gotham. Have you two ever met?
Y/n: No unfortunately. In fact it has been a while since we last seen him. If he's still out there maybe we can meet up.
Kivat: We're not sure who even is IXA. This is a large city.
???: Lucky for you that I came.
They turn to see Amiri as he smiled friendly and then said.
Amiri: (smile) It's been a long time Y/n or should I say....kiva.
(Short while later)
We see Amiri sat down beside Tim as his coffee came and he takes a sip. Once he had a sip he place his mug down while Y/n ask.
Y/n: So your IXA? That's a surprise.
Amiri: (smile) Indeed I am. I was chosen to be IXA to defend the innocent from evil.
Tim: Say may I see your tech?
Amiri: (smile) Of course.
He hands over the IXA knuckle to Tim and he looks at it.
Tim: Impressive. The technology is pretty advanced. This tech is more future life than Morden.
Amiri: (smile) I see your reason.
Y/n: So what have you been doing since the last time we met?
Amiri: (smile) Defend the innocents from evil. While you were helping out Batman from crime, I was defending the innocents from Fangires.
Y/n: Huh I was a bit worried they would strike more since I'm not around to stop them. But I guess not. Thanks.
Amiri: God would wanted me to hold off the forces of evil for another allie.
Y/n: Are we? I mean I'm not exactly.....human.
Amiri: (smile) Nonsense as long your fighting for good I can say we are allies. Actually I came here to ask if you and I want to team up? We both know about Fangires so how's about we team up and battle side by side.
Kivat: I don't see why not.
Y/n: Yeah sure, we can team up.
Tim: Guess your apart of the bat-family then.
Amiri: Bat-Family?
Y/n: It's just a team name.
Amiri: Oh I see. Well since we are allies I suppose I will show you my base.
Kivat: You have a base?
Amiri: Indeed. You like to see?
(Sometime later)
They arrived at the Gothams church. They enter through the double wooden doors and walk down and it was not what they suspected as they look around.
Y/n: Huh. It seems like a normal church?
Amiri: You sure?
He walks around a table and pushes a button underneath which suddenly the window closes and the chairs gets flipped over into computers and monitors as well as three large monitors showing Gotham city appeared which leave the trio surprised.
Tim: (surprised) Now this is cool!
Kivat: Now I'm starting to think our base kinda sucks.
Amiri: (light chuckle) Do not feel left down. Now we are allies this base is ours.
Y/n: So this is how you detect Fangires?
Amiri: Indeed but not just this city but others across the world. There are a lot of Fangires across the world and it is my duty to protect innocents from the Fangires.
Y/n: (smile) That's pretty cool. This is just like the bat cave except this isa cave.
Amiri: It sounded like it is a good thing?
Y/n: Trust me there is a lot of bats in the cave and I have yo be carful for not have one of them to poop on my head. Let's not forget the clean up and feeding Alfred has to deal with. I have to say he is one tough Butler.
Amiri: Well I can ensure you there is no bats here as you can see. I'm also a tech person and I do upgrades to my IXA buckle and other things.
Tim: (smirk) Guess I'm not the onle one who has a big brain.
Y/n: Still this is a impressive place to be.
Amiri: Indeed. In fact this is where I was rasied.
Y/n: You mean you were left here when you were a baby?
Amiri: Indeed. I couldn't remember my parents only I know that they were smart people. I was taking in and raised here throughout my life.
Y/n: Ever tried looking for your parents?
Amiri: Unfortunately no. My parents vanished without a trace. But disbite that I still help others and defend those who cannot defend themselves.
Kivat: Your parents would be proud.
Amiri: (smile) Thank you.
Then a alarm blurr out as they turn to the monitor to see a red dot located at a park.
Tim: Looks like a Fangire is at the park.
Y/n: Looks like it's time for Kiva and IXA.
Amiri: Yes. Together nothing will stop us.
Tim: I'll stay here and monitor things here. In case there is another Fangire attack.
Y/n: Good idea. Let's do this!
At the park we see Rat Fangires running around and attacking anyone that they see.
Then Y/n, Kivat and Amiri arrived to see them. A few of them spotted them and rushes towards them while Y/n gets into a fighting stands but then Amiri pulled out his IXA knuckle and when they got close he throws a punch that cost a huge blast that sent them flying.
Y/n: Nice!
Amiri: (smile) Surprised?
Y/n: Well time to exterminate these rats.
Kivat: Right!
Amiri: Indeed.
Amiri pulled out his buckle and wraps I around it and then slammed his hand onto his IXA knuckle.
Amiri and Y/n: Henshin!
Kiva and IXA charge towards the Rat Fangires and begin to fight them. Kiva leaps into the air and kicks one that slammed into the rest while IXA pulled out his IXA calibur and begins cutting down the Rat Fangires.
He cuts them down while he also shoots them. He blocks all three Rat Fangires and then pushes them away. He quickly turns around and cuts a few more down while Kiva moves around fast as he dodges their attacks and blocks.
Soon the two of them met up ad the two were back to back while the rat Fangires begun to surround them.
Kiva: There is a lot of them.
IXA: Indeed.
Kiva: But that's not gonna stop us.
IXA: Yeah. God will lend us his power to defeat this evil!
Kiva: Yeah!
The two dodges a swing and then they continue to fight them. IXA fire his IXA calibur at a group of them that falls down and then turns around and fires a few more at another few.
One was about to strike at him from behind but he quickly turn and blocks it. He then kicks the rat Fangire away and then begins cutting down the rest.
Kiva: He's pretty good.
Kivat: Indeed. Look out!
He dodges a swing and then he continues to fight them as the two continue fighting and taking out the Rat Fangires. While that is happening in the forest we see a mysterious rider watching them fighting the Rat Fangires as the mystery rider watches and then makes a noise that draws the Rat Fangires attention.
They begin to run away as Kiva and IXA soon noticed as they watch the Rat Fangires running towards the forest.
Kiva: Tim you seeing this?
Tim: (radio) Yeah it looks like they are retreating.
Kivat: But why?
Kiva: Yeah they outnumbered us.
IXA: Unless someone is in charge of this.
Kiva: You think so?
IXA: Yes.
They watch as the Rat Fangires soon disappeared into the forest while the mysterious rider stares at them and then leaves.
The two riders turn to each other not sure what else to do but to return to IXA's base.
(Moments later)
They watch the news on the monitors about the attack at the Gotham Park only to be stopped by the "Holy Knight" and "Batman" which Y/n just sighs.
Y/n: I swear people never seem to see how we both are different.
Tim: Yeah I can even see the difference between you and Batman.
Y/n: Thank you.
Amiri: Still have you ever seen Fangires do something like that?
Y/n: No. Fangires usually attack until I defeat them.
Amiri: I have a feeling that the Fangires is getting more and more intelligent.
Tim: You think so?
Amiri: Maybe but we can't be sure. Most Fangires aren't dumb or animal like. Some are intelligent and know more than we do.
Tim: I see. You think someone is taking in charge?
Amiri: Perhaps. We can only theories.
Tim: True. Well besides that i think that is a job well done.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Thanks for the help.
Amiri: (smile) I should be the one to say thanks you. This shows how strong the two of us are.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Anyways it's time for us to go. See ya man.
Amiri: (smile) Of course. If you need any help contact me.
Y/n: (smile) Right.
Once that the two leave the church and while leaving Tim said.
Tim: He seems like a nice dude.
Kivat: Not to mention a excellent fighter.
Tim: Something on your mind?
Y/n: Yeah I should have told you or Amiri this but I swear i saw someone in the forest that looked like a rider.
Tim: (surprised) You sure?
Y/n: Not sure. It could've been another Fangire but I can't be sure.
Tim: You think there is a rider working along side with the Fangires?
Kivat: Not sure. There always been Kiva and IXA. That's it. It could have been a stronger Fangire.
Y/n: Yeah you might be right.
While walking away in the alleyway we see a man watching the two of them leaving and then a small kivat like bat came down and ask.
??? 2: So what do you think? Should we attack them?
??? 1: No. Arc wants us to watch Kiva and his allies.
??? 2: Very well then.
??? 1: We wait until the right moment we will strike.
The two of them turn and disappeared into the alleyway and out of site.
To be continued............................................................
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