Chapter 3: Meet the heroes
We see Y/n hanging out at Teru's house and we can see Hopper jumping around Shrimpy while Shrimpy moves away from Hopper's leaps onto Hopper lands on top of Shrimpy and playfully hug him while Shrimpy is pinned.
Y/n walks over and picks up Hopper while he let's out a small chuckle.
Y/n: (smile) You really do like playing with Shrimpy do you.
Hopper: Hopper!
He let out a small chuckle as he pulls out hoppers card and Hopper goes back inside while Shrimpy floats up.
Shrimpy: He is pretty playfully around me.
Y/n: (smile) He just likes it when he meets small and cute things.
Teru is seen having her tea while that Y/n came over and sat down next to her.
Y/n: So what do you think we should do today?
Teru: I don't know. I don't much go out a lot.
Y/n: Huh well what about we do some patrols around the city?
Shrimpy: Everything seems to be fine so far.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but not that bad to go out anyways right?
Shrimpy: I suppose so.
Then they hear a door knocking so the trio came over and Teru opens the door and they were met by a Russian hero as she has a cute smile and says.
???: (smile) Hey Teru~!
Y/n: Whose she?
Shrimpy: That's the Russian hero Spirit aka Repesha.
Repesha: (smile) Hello its nice to meet you. Your pretty cute.
(Short while later)
We see Repesha sitting with them in the living room as she took out a flask and begins to drink it and once she was done she turns to Y/n and ask.
Repesha: (smile) So your this hero name Gotchard is that right? That's a interesting hero name.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So your the hero from Russia. That's pretty cool.
Repesha: (smile) Yep. There is a lot of snow to play with and very nice people there. Maybe one day I can take you two there to visit. But enough about me, I was told by Shrimpy that you helped Teru to return back as a hero. I very appreciate for that.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem.
Teru: S-So what brings you here?
Repesha falls silent for a moment as she thinks and then she says with a smile.
Repesha: (smile) It seems I forgot.
Teru: I-I see.
Shrimpy: She drinks a bit much as you can tell.
Y/n: Not gonna lie she does have a cute personality.
Repesha: (smile) Aawwww thank you.
She then came over and then hugged him. His head was on her breast as she basically crushes hik on the couch while she hugs him with made Teru blush.
Repesha: (smile) Your so cute. You might be the cuties hero I have ever met. I just want to hug you forever.
Y/n is drown by her breast on him and soon she stops hugging him which allows him to catch his breath as Shrimpy says.
Shrimpy: Maybe go easy on him next time.
Repesha: (giggle) Sorry but I can't help myself. He's just so cute. But anyway since you are here i wanna know those monster you and Teru fought a while back.
Y/n: You mean the Kaijin? Sure allow me to explain.
So he goes on to explain what they are and even show her the cards including Hopper that came out of the card and lands on Repesha head. She finds Hopper adorable as she hugs him. After he explain to her the Kaijim he then ask her.
Y/n: So there is this other thing. Its something about those rings along with that blonde boy.
Teru: Yeah who was he?
Repesha: Right now we're not too sure. For now we usually call him Stigma. We have the ring that you sent and we're doing our best to find out what it could be.
Y/n: Well for one thing we need to keep an eye on him including those rings.
Repesha: Indeed. Unilord has order every hero to be aware for anything that involves around Stigma.
Teru: Is there any records about him?
Repesha: None. Its kinda strong if you think about it. A boy appears out of nowhere only to disappeared after he gives a person a ring.
Y/n: Is there any reports about this?
Repesha: Now you say that there is. There have been reports about this in some parts of the country and we noticed something. These ring users are related to people's depression or their low emotions.
Y/n: That's right! Iko blamed herself for her parents death! Maybe Stigma is targing people who feels down in the dumps.
Repesha: That's what we think. Still we need to keep an eye on this no matter what. (Smile) Sounds okay~?
Y/n: Sure.
Teru: Okay.
Then Y/n phone goes off so he took it out and sees a alart of a attack.
Y/n: Looks like there is a Kaijin attack at a mall.
Repesha: Well that's not good.
Y/n: We should go there and stop it.
Teru: Y-Yeah.
Repesha: (smile) Okay~! Let's see what you can do Gotchard.
Y/n: Right.
At the mall we see people running away as a Kaijin is seen attacking and smashing everything as he looks around for anything to be destroyed.
Gorilla Kaijin stomps around and looking around anything to destroy when he grabs a vending machine and throws it far as the vending machine was about to crush a child.
Gotchardriver: Gotchanko! Steamhopper!
Gotchard leaps up and kicks the vending machine back at Gorilla Kaijin which hits him and made him stumble backwards. Gotchard lands on his feet I front of a surprise child as he turn to him.
Gotchard: Hey there. Might not be a good place to be.
He node and runs off while Gotchard turns to Gorilla Kaijin as he let's out a roar and then rushes towards him.
Gotchard: Okay big guy let's do this!
He rushes over to him and then he dodges his blow and leaps up and strikes a kick at him. This made him stumble back as he turn and goes to strike at him once more but he dodges his blows and then he leaps up high only to go down and strike a kick at him only to see Gorilla Kaijin catch his foot.
Gotchard: Oh no.
He then begins slamming him onto the floor over and over again unril he throws him away only to be catch by white clouds by Spirit as she stood next to him as he lands on his feet.
Spirit: He's a tough one.
Gotchard: Yeah looks like it.
Shy came up to the trio while Gorilla Kaijin beats his chest showing his might.
Shy: Wh-What's the plan?
Gotchard: We need to lower him away and somewhere he won't do any damage.
Spirit: Good idea. We need to distraction.
Gotchard: Way ahead of you.
He then changes into a gaint grasshopper as he leaps over and lands in front of Gorilla Kaijin.
Spirit: (surprised) Amazing!
Gorilla Kaijin goes for a strike by Gotchard leaps away and starts leaping around him while Gorilla Kaijin tries to land a strike at him. Soon Gotchard begins to lower Gorilla Kaijin away which Spirit and Shy goes after.
Soon Gotchard leaps out of he mall through he skylight and change back to his base form and lands on the grass as Gorilla Kaijin burst through the walls and begins charging towards him.
Gotchard: (thought) Crap I didn't think my plan through!
He dodges Gorilla Kaijin's strikes until he managed to land a punch and it sent Gotchard crashing onto a tree and then Gorilla Kaijin grabs him by the throat and lifts him up in the air as he begins to choke him.
He was about to finish Gotchard when suddenly another rider came and kicks Gorilla Kaijin away which Gotchard falls onto the ground and looks up to see a female rider stood next to him as he gets up.
Gotchard: Thanks. Nice look, that looks very cool.
Then Gorilla Kaijin let's out a roar and goes to charge towards them but Gotchard pulls out his Gotcharge and fires several shots.
Steam! Gotcharge Buster!
He then fired a shot that cover Gorilla Kaijin in smoke while the female rider rushes over and quickly land some quick strikes and kicks at him while within he smoke.
She then kicks him back which he land on his feet and then Gotchard walks up to her and the two pull theie handles of their drivers and then close them as they leap up into the air.
Gotchardriver: Steamhopper Fever!
???: Sunnicon Nova!
The two rider kicked Gorilla Kaijin and then he blows up. The two land on their feet and Gotchard immediately pulls out a empty card and the Chemy enters the card.
Gotchard: We got it! Thanks for the help! I didn't know there was another rider. So what's your name?
Majade: You can call me Majade.
Gotchard: That's a awesome hero name. You have some amazing skills.
Spirit: (smile) Oh hey Unilord what brings you here?
Then Spirit and Shy came over and both shy and Gotchard are a bit confused when Majade dehenshin and Shy is shocked to see Unilord as a rider.
Unilord: Spirit what brings you here and you ruined the surprise.
Spirit: (smile) Whoops, sorry about that.
Shy: (surprised) Unilord is a rider?!
Gotchard: So your Unilord?
Unilord: Indeed but you can call me Yuincchi.
Gotchard: Alright still what brings you here?
Unilord: Well let's go somewhere so people won't see us.
They agree and soon we find them on a roof as Gotchard dehenshin as Unilord explain how she was given this driver by someone.
Y/n: Huh I was given this driver as well. Now I think about it yours is kinda similar to mine.
Unilord: Indeed. I believe the creator of this driver must have given these drivers that involves around those monsters.
Shy: Still i didn't know you were a rider. Spirit you didn't tell us that.
Spirit: Hm? Oh yeah i forgot about that as well. (Giggle) Silly me~
Unilord: I have heard about you Y/n and I'm impress. You have a carefree heart and a cheerful personality. We need someone like you that would deal the situation we have.
Y/n: Is it about Stigma?
Unilord: Yes but I believe we should talk about this in our base.
Then a portal opens which surprised Shy and Y/n as they all go through and once they are through Y/n now steps inside a long hallway that is from a scifi move.
Y/n: (surprised) Cool.
Unilord: If you think that is amazing just look outside.
He does so and his eyes widen in surprise as he walks over to be face with earth as he realised they are in a space station.
Y/n: (surprised) WOW! THIS IS EVEN MORE COOL!
Unilord: I think you like to have a tour.
Y/n: (excited) Of course!
Unilord: Very well then. Come, there is so much to see and heroes to meet.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome! I can't wait!
To be continued..............................................
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