Chapter 2: A hidden club
Issei beings to wake up and find himself laying on a hospital bed which he slowly sat up and look around with confusion.
Issei: How did I ended up here? I was in the bathroom for moment ago. How did I end up here?
Then he heard a door open and turn to see an outline of a woman approaching him from behind the curtain which gets Issei excited.
Issei: (thought) Oh hell yeah. Gonna be treated by a sexxy nurse. Bet her boobs are massive.
Then the curtain pulls open as Issei turn to face his sexxy nurse only to be disappointed when he sees Isabella which he had a disappointed face.
Issei: Oh, just you.
Isabella: (angry) What did you mean "just you" jerk!
Issei: Yeah, Yeah whatever. Anyways what happen and how did I end up here?
Isabella: You seriously have no idea what happen to you?
Issei: Of course not that's why I'm asking you!
Isabella hits Issei on the head then once that is done she tells him.
Isabella: Okay but what I'm about to tell may shock you so don't panic or yell like a girl.
Issei: What do you take me for? Please, tell me, I can handle it.
Isabella: (sigh) If you say so.
(3 minute talk later)
Issei's jaw drop with shock on his face and she was suspect him to panic or yell but then Issei thinks about how he torn off the girls clothes which gives him a dirty expression which Isabella hits him again.
Isabella: (angry) What's with that look you perv!
A young girl by the name of Rinne stood near the biology class room waiting for someone. She begins to get inpatient then soon Lachesis came around the cornor while dragging Y/n over.
Rinne: Finally you show up. What took you so long?
Lachesis: We're here right.
Rinne: Still-!
Y/n: H-Hey sorry for the interruption but why did you take me to a Biology class room?
Rinne: Right, introducing time. My name is Rinne, I'm the club vise president.
Y/n: Nice to meet you but what club is it?
Rinne: The Alchemist Club. Come on, let us show you.
Rinne took out a key to the class then unlocks it. The two girls head in while Y/n hesitated at first but decided to see and hopefully won't be as bad.
He enters and it was just a normal Biology class room, the room is even empty. Then Rinne walks over to the teachers desk and pushes a hidden button underneath the desk which a book shelf begins to open.
Amazed by this he gets close to the door ans sees a stairway which the two girls walk pass and begin to walk down. He then follows with them as they decent down the steps that goes deeper and deeper and soon arrive at the bottom.
They walk pass a door and Y/n is amazed to see Alchemists room that is straight up from a fantasy like game.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is awesome!
He looks around ans seeing a lot of vials, test tubs, Alchemists books and so much. He reach over a book to have a closer look when suddenly a cloak figure jumped him, costing him to stumble back.
???: Don't touch that book otherwise you will die!
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Then the figure looks at the book then he said, changing his attitude completely.
???: Whoops, my bad. Touch that book will just make your hair a rainbow.
Y/n: Huh?
Rinne: (sigh) Anyways we brought him father.
Y/n: Father?
The figure step out of the light to reveal his face and then greets Y/n.
Fuga: (smile) My name is Fuga Kudo and indeed, I am Rinne's father. I am this clubs president.
Y/n: Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n-
Fuga: No need for that, I know who you are. I'm fact, we have been watching you for sometime.
Y/n: Okay? Why?
Fuga: Because you have been chosen to save this world along with others from the forces of evil.
Y/n: Are you talking about that monster from he cafeteria?
Fuga: Indeed. The monster that attack the cafeteria is call a Malgam. They are monsters created as a result of combining Chemies with human malice.
He then walks over to a table and pick up a book and flips a few pages then walks over and shows Y/n the Malgams.
Fuga: Malgams are considered abominations in Alchemists, so much so that we have a rule to never force chemies to be combined into a harem in fear of chaos ans destruction. In order for a human to become a Malgam, they have to made in contact with a chemy either directly or indirectly, if that happens then the human will gain powers and cost destruction and chaos to anyone he or she sees.
Y/n: So the one that got Issei was a chemy?
Fuga: Correct.
Y/n: Okay, I have a question......what is a chemy?
Fuga: Right, should have started off with that huh. Allow me to show you.
Lachesis came over with the suitcase as she hands him over the case which he open it and pulls out a Hopper1 card. He face it flat then a chemy came out of the card and came to life which amazed Y/n.
Hopper1: Hopper?
Y/n: (surprised) Wow!
Fuga: This is a chemy. They are artificial lifeforms created by ancient Alchemists long ago with each possession supernatural power that can easily change the order of the world.
Then Hopper1 begins bouncing around and begins trashing the place which Rinne quickly tries to get Hi but misses every time until Lachesis catches him.
Rinne: You forgot to say they cost some trouble.
Fuga: Yeah I did.
Y/n: Well that clear that up. But how come I can use them without turning into a Malgam?
Fuga: (pulls out Gotchardriver) With this. The Gotchardriver can allow you to not only use the abilities of Chemies but also combine both of them into one singal form. Like Hopper1 and Steamliner.
Y/n: (surprised) That's pretty cool. But why I'm I chosen for this?
Fuga: Because you are filled with compassion and the one that will do anything to protect those along with the Alchemists. That and you were the only one that isn't a creep or a pervert.
Rinne: Thank god for that.
Lachesis: Agree.
Y/n takes the Gotchardriver and stare at it then Hopper1 landed onto his shoulder.
Y/n: Well, I don't want anyone to be harmed. So.....yeah....I'll give it a try.
Fuga: (smile) Then welcome to the Alchemists club Y/n L/n. You'll be a great fit dating my daughter.
Rinne: (blush) Dad!?
Fuga just chuckle while Y/n simply smile as Hopper1 welcome him by nuzzle his cheek.
We see Y/n and Isabella walking home together as Y/n told Isabella which surprised her.
Isabella: A hidden club?!
Y/n: Yeah and it's really cool. Fuga told me everything and I accept it.
Isabella: You sure about this? I mean it sound kinda dangerous.
Y/n: I mean to be far Issei goes into locker rooms from the Kendo club and get beaten up by them many times.
Isabella:.....Good point.
The two find themselves at the park and once at the park the two sat by the foundation.
Isabella: Man, what a crazy day. Fighting a monster, you becoming a super hero and Issei get beaten up by you.
Y/n: Is he okay?
Isabella: Yeah he told me he's heading home and get some rest. Good thing we have no school for a week.
Y/n: (smile) Agree. So what do you want to do during the week?
Isabella: Your asking me?
Y/n: (smile) Of course. You have been stress by Issei a lot so I was wondering what you want to do?
Isabella blushes a bit but smiles and was about to say her thoughts when the sky suddenly turn red.
Isabella: Um...what was that?
Y/n: No idea.
???: You must be Isabella right?
Then a mysterious man came out of the darkness which Y/n ask Isabella.
Y/n: You know this guy?
Isabella: No.
Y/n: In that case, who are you?
???: None of your business.
Then he suddenly summons a holy spear and throws it at Issei which Y/n quickly pulls her away to avoid the incoming spear then pulls out his Gotchardriver and place it onto his waist.
Y/n: I won't allow you to harm Isabella!
Gotchardriver: Hopper1! Steamliner!
Y/n: Henshin!
Gotchardriver: Gotchanko! Steamhopper!
???: Wait? Your an Alchemists?
Gotchard: That's right. Names Kamen rider Gotchard and if you want to mess with Isabella, you'll be messing with me!
Then he charges towards the man and he goes for a strike when suddenly black wings pop out behind his back then he flies away really fast which surprised Gotchard.
Then he appear in front of Isabella which she collapse onto the ground as he summons his glowing white spear and goes to end her.
Gotchard sees this and rushes towards him then Isabella in a quick act, gets up and quickly swings for a punch. When her fist hits him there was a sudden green burst that sent him flying.
He fly pass Gotchard and slammed into a tree. Gotchard is surprised and so does Isabella as she look down her hand and sees a green glow on her knuckle
???: (gets up) You activated your sacred gear?!
Isabella: Sacred gear?
???: Your too much of a threat. I will end you.
He launches towards her while Gotchard gets in front of her and gets ready to fight him. Suddenly a red blast hits the mysterious man.
Gotchard and Isabella turn to see a female student with long crimson hair while wearing the Kouh Academy uniform.
Then two other woman came out of the forest. One with long black hair with her hand sparks with electricity and another young girl with short white hair as Gotchard then ask.
Gotchard: Who are you girls?
Then the red hair woman step forward with a smirk and introduces herself.
Rias: (smirk) My name is Rias Gremory, and we have come here for the Red dragon Empress.
To be continued.......................................................
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